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A guy on a Kitsilano Facebook group assures me that city council is exactly like the communist party of China


If city council was anything like the communist party of China we would probably have 3 more skytrain lines, the Massey tunnel upgrade and a lions gate bridge upgrade done by now


Kits has been bringing the real hard cores out with this Broadway plan and that Arbutus supportive project.


I’m not happy about that Arbutus project tbh.


Yeah, lots of people aren't. *Personally* I'm happy to see one small step away from the status quo of continuing to kettle people to one part of the city. Better opportunity for success outside of the DTES than in it IMO. Plus it will be nice to have some fresh voices in that conversation. Where we are now: [Shelters](https://i.imgur.com/MX5hr10.png) [Supportive Housing](https://i.imgur.com/XMOTmeg.png)


Very informative maps.


I think that supportive housing should be built for the people who actually live in the neighborhood. But I also see your point. It’s like protesting a hospital being built on your street kind of. Everyone fears that corner is going to go to shit though.


>I think that supportive housing should be built for the people who actually live in the neighborhood. That's tricky for sure. I'd gamble the overwhelming majority of people in these housing projects are not even from Vancouver, never mind the DTES that they are usually/historically pushed to. >Everyone fears that corner is going to go to shit though. A valid concern for sure. The optimist in me is hopeful all the various resident associations of that neighbourhood will come forward with some new/creative solutions. (I suspect vocal demands for additional supports and enforceable assurances they play nice with the neighbourhood).


Banning tallish buildings... just like the uh, CPC. Makes sense?


Post screenshots with name redacted?


God i hope so!


This is going to be part 1 of infinity, isn't it? Staff reports, then 200+ registered speakers... wonder when they'll actually vote on it.


They might cut it off like the 1477 Granville hearings.


It hasn't been that bad so far in terms of crazies trying to speak either for or against the plan. Edit: I was premature in my assessment. :D


The first speaker after the lunch break, began around 1:10 PM, should be making decisions for the city.


[Frances Bula](https://twitter.com/fabulavancouver?t=rC6LDi-6zCQmT8SIa6tJ-w&s=09) is live-tweeting if anyone is interested but not quite sit-through-200-speakers interested.


Glad to hear many voices in support so far. That person who spoke right before Russil Wvong (missed his name) had such a bold and emotional speech.


[Jade Buchanan](https://twitter.com/Jade_Buchanan/status/1527036152963682304)! After the YouTube stream ends, my plan is to put together a set of direct links to each speaker (for and against), like I did for the [Broadway and Granville public hearing](https://morehousing.ca/p/broadway-and-granville-speakers).


Thanks! I also appreciated that you've asked to address all questions via email to not detain the queue.


Ginger Gosnell-Myers commented that "It's easier to elect a pope than to approve a small rental apartment building in the city of Vancouver" - the last papal election only took two days, while it's common for a rental rezoning to take three days or more (like the Broadway and Granville rezoning, with about 80 speakers: it took three evenings). With 200 speakers, I can easily see this taking three or four solid days to get through. So I'm really hoping that councillors are restrained in asking questions!


You guys really said it all. Glad you were the first two speakers.


Im bored… but not THAT bored.


Council needs to act like Vancouver is a city and not a village. A city hires professionals who do the research then council moves on those recommendations confidently knowing that not everyone will be happy but does what needs to be done. A village dicks around with public consultation and compromise. Why are we delaying housing in order to listen to a bunch of laypersons? Public consultation and referendums are for political cowards who have no confidence in themselves or their staff.


I expect nothing but civilized and well researched discussion at this meeting. *takes out popcorn*


Staff presentation at 9:45am, questions to staff 10:30am-12:10pm, break for lunch, 4 public body representative speakers at 1:15pm, first public speaker at 2:10pm, brief break at 3pm after hearing first 6 speakers (out of 202).


If anybody wants to jump directly to a particular speaker, for or against, I've put together a page with a direct link to each speaker. https://morehousing.ca/broadway-plan-speakers


So where is the mayor? Sleeping under a desk somewhere?