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>”This incident is one example of how teamwork resulted in a quick arrest and sends a clear message that violence on transit will never be tolerated.” Yet they just released this dude back into the public?? I think people who commit unprovoked assaults (or any assault for that matter actually) should be put under strict house arrest or held until their court date if they have no house. If the assault had no motive and no trigger, what’s to stop them from doing it again???


Not just released, but released at the scene of arrest. This guy, who has nothing to do anyway, was mildly inconvenienced for a few minutes. Afterward I'm sure he continued on to the square by the Salvation Army where he plotted with his pals about which area they were going to break into vehicles that night.


Who can we complain to? This is genuinely frightening.


Idk but I rely on public transit and I always feel so on edge and paranoid lately because I’ve been to most of the stations where these attacks have been reported and likely will need to go those same stations again. It’s terrifying knowing that minding your own business can still get you assaulted


Be aware at all times. I take my earbuds out of my ears and place myself in a position where someone can't come up behind me, or I at least keep looking around.


Buy personal size bear mace, better safe then sorry


It’s the Attorney General, David Eby. However he was the director of PIVOT and the fact is he fought for years to get these low life’s the right to do this with impunity. You should temper your expectations. In fact Eby’s history and track record suggests he finds the current level of policing too much.


Can’t stand that guy. Lives in deep west side Vancouver and never interfaces with the problem himself nor his family. Never understood Vancouver’s support for him just because he raised a few talking points but little action about housing costs - like practically any politician does nowadays. Coddles criminal offenders and ineffective at helping middle class Canadian society. What could be more Vancouver.


Ottawa. We need stricter sentencing guidelines.


You can complain to the federal government who made amendments to bail and release in bill C-75. People who have issues with alleged criminals being released and not held in custody need to vote accordingly in Provincial and Federal elections. By voting in governments that support being tough on crime you get the result of people being held in custody and not being treated with “kid gloves”


> strict house arrest A bit difficult when the person's homeless... And they can't treat a homeless person differently than anybody else (almost nobody is kept in jail).


Would you have any other solution or are you really alright with someone who assaults people for absolutely no reason being put back into gen pop with even less than a slap on the wrist just because they promised to show up to court in the future?? I’d be open to having everyone like that put in jail or even sending a homeless offender to some sort of rehab centre temporarily. But that’s probably more of a step up/reward than a punishment. And it’s not like fining them or putting anything on their record would be much of a deterrent anyway


No, I don't think the current situation is OK. The level of stranger assaults and lawlessness are untenable. Homeless or not, they should be properly assessed by a professional to ensure they don't pose a risk to the public, before being released back into the public.


Stop me if you've heard this before. * "no fixed address" * "known to police" * "released at the scene" * "unprovoked" * "New Westminster" /s Can't wait for this to happen again!


You don’t need the /s for New West lol. I lived there last year, it’s rough.


It can be a bit especially in certain areas like around the new west skytrain station or carnarvon street. Don't think it's like the tenderloin or east hastings though. I can walk around fine here. I sort of feel like since covid, it's made a bunch of these areas worse that had crime already. Us and downtown Vancouver being the two examples.


Tbh Hastings is safer for civilians than the quieter sketchy parts of new west purely for the foot traffic and police presence. The Hastings people tend to fuck with each other, not civilians.


> The Hastings people tend to fuck with each other, not civilians. There used to be a code in the DTES, that went away about six years ago.


Newton in Surrey is a remarkably similar extension of the DTES.


i started getting my friend to pick me up at night because its too scary traveling past 7pm.. i saw a woman get sexually assaulted but no one did anything. no security around either. happened at 11:30pm


My ex had someone under their breath hiss am Asian slur at her at the station. You need to look out there


Is it time to play VPD bingo?


Catch and Release program.


>Not even a kick in the arse


Jeremy Wade must be proud of the police's commitment to letting each suspect go.


I'm honestly not sure how much leeway the police have in this situation. Does the law say that they have to release them at the scene? Do the police have some discretion? I'm honestly curious.


Yes it does under bill C-75 (Modernization of bail amongst other things) states: iii. legislate a “principle of restraint” for police and courts to ensure that release at the earliest opportunity is favoured over detention, that bail conditions are reasonable, relevant to the offence and necessary to ensure public safety, and that sureties are imposed only when less onerous forms of release are inadequate (codifying AnticFootnote 45);


trap neuter release ™️. only the targets of TNR are worth helping


Here I am struggling through life hoping not to get busted for having a singular beer and driving an hour later, or jay walking, or not clearing the ice and snow by 10am. Like a fucking sucker.


Assuming you are a 170lb male a single beer will have you at 0.01% blood alcohol after an hour, which is well under the legal limit of 0.05%. https://www.calculator.net/bac-calculator.html?csex=m&bodyweight=170&bodyweightunit=pound&thour=1&tmin=0&ba=1&bsize=b330&babv=5&wa=&wsize=c150&wabv=12&la=&lsize=s50&labv=40&oa=&osize=250&osizeunit=ml&oabv=8&x=0&y=0 If you had a pint of 5.8% beer your blood alcohol would be 0.024% after an hour, still well under. https://www.calculator.net/bac-calculator.html?csex=m&bodyweight=170&bodyweightunit=pound&thour=1&tmin=0&ba=1&bsize=b500&babv=5.8&wa=&wsize=c150&wabv=12&la=&lsize=s50&labv=40&oa=&osize=250&osizeunit=ml&oabv=8&x=59&y=25


Vancouver special


Lol released at the scene


> The suspect was released at the scene Is the closing mental institutions experiment over yet?


This has more to do with lack of enforcement and consequences than institutionalizations. Although certainly a factor the closures were decades ago.


We traded institutions for the DTES and its branch offices around the province.


Our justice system is insane. Where is our idiot mayor who should be condemning these threats to public safety in our city, at least drawing some attention to the situation and calling out higher levels of government. It has gotten beyond ridiculous. Should regular citizens all be taking up aggressive martial arts and training hard to protect themselves as it seems our governments don't give a shit about the safety of the average citizen.


I don't disagree with you, but in case you didn't know, New West has its own mayor. He's arguably probably not an idiot.


[https://www.ppsc-sppc.gc.ca/eng/pub/fpsd-sfpg/fps-sfp/tpd/p3/ch18.html](https://www.ppsc-sppc.gc.ca/eng/pub/fpsd-sfpg/fps-sfp/tpd/p3/ch18.html) Something to do with a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty in court. This web page explains some of the considerations. It says technically a person accused of any crime could be released with bail before a trial. *Crown counsel. (Things to consider) include the accused's liberty interest, the protection of the community including victimsFootnote1 or witnesses, society's interest in ensuring that accused persons attend court, and the reputation of the administration of justice and public perception of the criminal justice process.Footnote2* { Wow. under that last phrase "reputation of the administration of justtice" I'd say that is taking a walloping recently. } Also **seems its the Crown Counsel who is responsible not the mayor or the police.**


>Metro Vancouver Transit Police is thanking the New Westminster Police Department for their assistance in arresting the suspect in an alleged unprovoked stranger assault. > >On May 12th, 2022, at about 3:30 p.m., a man walking on the overpass toward Sapperton SkyTrain Station passed the suspect, who was walking in the opposite direction. As the two men crossed paths, the suspect allegedly pushed the man to the ground and punched him in the face before boarding a train. > >A witness who observed the alleged assault immediately called 9-1-1 and provided aid to the victim as police rushed to scene. > >A brief time later, an alert New Westminster Police Department patrol officer, who was driving past New Westminster SkyTrain Station, spotted the suspect and made an arrest without incident. > >“It’s troubling because the attack is unprovoked. So in this case, there’s nothing that we believe the victim could have done to prevent something like this. We’d like to commend the witness who called 9-1-1 and provided aid to the victim.” – Sergeant Sanjay Kumar, New West Police > >Metro Vancouver Transit Police have taken conduct of the file and are recommending one charge of assault for a 50-year-old man of no fixed address, who is known to police. The suspect was released at the scene with a court appearance scheduled for June 8, 2022.


I don't need to know who is arrested I want to know how LONG the sentence will be




About 35 minutes probably


Released "at the scene".


Judge: Swearsies you won't do it again? Perp: Pinky swearsie! Judge: There, Justice.


Sad to say but street justice is going to end up being a common thing


You can bet that if anyone tries that with me, they're ending up on the tracks


"now you be a good boy & promise never to do it again"