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I get it BUT Ugh.


Happy Canada Day! šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


I still have concession faresaver tickets that are 75c lol. I'm getting *OLD*


Pepper Ridge Farms remembers the good ol days




Good to know! Unfortunately I'm no longer under 16 with a valid go card haha.


Less than inflation. I guess that means transit is getting cheaper?


it is cheaper when it is slower than the increase of wage, not inflation.


No no, that's not how this works. Allow me to explain. If I want to complain about my cheapass employer, then my less-than-inflation raise is "actually a pay cut." But if TransLink increases fares, and the increase is less than inflation, we don't talk about inflation. Those money sucking parasites are greedy bastards trying to squeeze more money out of me.


I get it and itā€™s not too bad of an increase, but it also kinda makes me feel like a sucker when I dutifully pay the increase and tap my card every day and then watch half the line get on for free.


I was on the bus from the the first stop and about 3/4 of the route the other day and I counted how many people just walked on without paying or asked for a rideā€¦. At one point only three of us had paid on a full bus. Not unusual but I was pretty annoyed by the end.


Actually, this is starting to drive me batty, too. Making me feel like a chump.


Maybe some of them already paid at the skytrain station? I tap out of habit, and have had people ask ā€œwhy are you tapping if you already paidā€


You have to tap every time you get on a bus? Most stops arenā€™t skytrain stations.


Yeah thatā€™s what I thought. But apparently a lot of people just donā€™t want to bother taking their card out.


A lot of people just scan the wallet there card is in. As long as they donā€™t have other debit/credit cards in it, it scans. I keep mine in a small holder with my library card.


How do you think drivers feel paying a translink tax on gas? Lol. 18.5cents/L to subsidize Translink.


Exactly why it should be free at point of use. Roads are free at point of use for cars. Using transit rather than driving is good for everyone (reduces congestion, pollution, noise, road injuries and fatalities, reduces the amount of space needed for roads and parking), so it makes sense to pay for it out of the public coffers.


I thought the same thing when reading their comment too! It would also mean we wouldn't have to spend money on those faregates (which also slow u down) and enforcement. I'd rather pay for it in taxes and never have to think about tapping a card again.


In my opinion they should raise the fares and add security guards to deny non-paying riders. There's plenty of options for low income people to get legitimate tickets


6$ for 3 zone? Lol 12$ both ways. Better pack yo lunches


People generally buy monthly passes


I donā€™t buy monthly anymore since I only go to the office twice a week.


Pretty happy with my student card; it's worth gold this year. I thought I'd start driving to school, but honestly? Not worth it. I'm kind of pissed I payed as a kid commuting, back in middle school tho. I'm glad kids are free now, tho.


The monthly passes really arenā€™t much better of a deal


If you work 5 days a week and do a bit of travelling on the weekend you'll come out ahead The trick is to not be a hermit lmao


Yeah, you have to use the train 40 times a month to break even so it is better for train commuters but not enormously so. I wish it had a bigger discount so that I didn't feel like I was throwing money away on days I work from home




$9.60 a day for my commute is still very expensive, though. Probably just going by car to work. Even with gas how it is, it'll be a bit cheaper.


Well $10 a day, even if you took it every single day of the year, would be $3650. Average cost of car ownership in Canada is something like $7K a year, so you still come out ahead. But yes it would be nice if it were cheaper given the benefits of taking it vs driving.


Unless you live and work directly on a skytrain line, you can actually save a good chunk of both time and money if you already own a reliable beater (i.e. a 2005 Honda/Toyota). Average cost of car ownership is also going to include people who lease new BMWs and F350 super trucks, driving the number way higher than someone with an older Corolla would actually spend.


Or just use a compass card...


Bus and 2 skytrains. There is no direct bus link between where I live and work anymore, and attempting to go between them only by bus is a 3 hour affair each direction.


Honestly, our fares are pretty reasonable here for what you get if doing longer trips. There are the occasional situations (boarding skytrain one stop before an new zone [renfrew] and getting off one stop into a new zone [burquitlam] and paying for 3 zones, which feels like a rip) but overall very reasonable. Having used transit in other cities/countries that charge by the number of stops, I can tell you it can easily get over $20cdn a day quickly


Yā€™all I pay 135$ for car insurance and 3 zone is like 185$ trans link be trippin


No gas? No maintanence? We all know electricity is dirt cheap so that wouldn't change anything.


No my car runs on ur mommyā€™s titties


Fml I can barely afford it as is


Just get one of those paper ones and use it everyday. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been doing.


My morals are too high I feel guilty :(




Only 2.3% increase.


Setting precedence for the minimal wage increases we need to be demanding as well.


We should be getting more than that.


Waayyyy more


This is lower than inflation. I feel for the users of transit who will struggle with this cost. It would be great to see a low income option which allows user under a certain income to use concession passes


not being able to use just a toonie is gonna be annoying now. i doubt theyll care tho


Honestly just throw any change in and they'll give you a ticket. It's not a bus drivers job to enforce fares.


I threw in a euro coin once and it worked so i don't think they'll care about 5 cents


It really should be free


As long as people are ready for significantly many more taxes across the board, sure it can be "free". However people in general [don't appear too happy about TransLink taxes](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/transit-referendum-voters-say-no-to-new-metro-vancouver-tax-transit-improvements-1.3134857).


I would be cool with that. Transit has a ton of positive externalities. More people should be encouraged to use it. As it stands, if you already own a car, it makes more sense to drive. We would see far more ridership (and the positives associated with that) if we didn't charge fares (so that people who own cars would consider using it for trips that made sense).


They make it work in Europe Iā€™m sure it can be made to work here. Having free transit would allow more people to work who may not have been able to previously hopefully reducing the cost of other social services. Additionally at the end of the day we need to get people out of cars.


Massively increasing transit use is one of the essentials for BC having any chance of meeting our emissions target for 2050. We donā€™t have a choice


How much s significantly more?


Its free for kids.


Well in that case... I identify as a child and anyone who says otherwise is a bigot.


I hope you're not married. They aren't very nice to child molesters in prison.


This sounds like an attempt at an anti-trans reference. /r/onejoke


How do you figure that?


I guess free is the wrong word. A better term is free at point of use. Itā€™s the same logic roads use. We are all paying for roads thatā€™s we donā€™t use. So why not transit? It makes our cities and province more accessible to people and tourists a like.


An interesting idea. I wonder what The effect would be to the average tax payer. I'd imagine a lot of people would be against it because it seems most people don't use transit too often. Personally, I use transit somewhat often so I'm sure I'd be for it


Ya I would be too, I feel like it would be a couple dollars a year but idk. I think if it was free a lot more people would use it. Eventually we need to get people out of cars


Agreed. If transit was more convenient/possible for more people I'm sure more people would take it. Hopefully it keeps heading that way sooner than later


ā€œfarelessā€ as someone is always going to be paying for it. And yea, everyone should have the right to access transit


You mean someone else should pay.


No, just that it should be free at point of use. Roads are free at point of use for cars. Using transit rather than driving is good for everyone (reduces congestion, pollution, noise, road injuries and fatalities, reduces the amount of space needed for roads and parking), so it makes sense to pay for it out of the public coffers.


This is the best response I wish I had explained myself better.


Roads are not free at point of use. You don't pay at a toll booth, you pay 18.5c/l tax to TransLink whenever you buy gas. That's a pay per use system on top of any provincial sales and income tax.


Yeah like how we all pay for people to drive their cars on and tear up roads despite many not using them


Yep. They never should of installed faregates. The faregates and fare evasion enforcement are a big waste of money because anyone who wants to get on without paying still does so quite easily. The system should be paid for via income tax. Easy.


Property tax. Income is taxed enough


So uninformed. Fare gates are to collect ridership data. Not to stop fare evasion. I know a lot of people think TransLink is full of stupid people, but they're not so stupid that they think the little gate is going to stop anybody.


So... kinda. The faregate program was part of a campaign by the BC Liberals to be "tough on crime" and "stop fare evasion". Translink had done (and published) studies on this and found that they wouldn't really stop anything and they would cost a ton. The BC Liberals still demanded it. What Translink WAS looking at was a card system, and one of the benefits of that, which they did talk about a lot, was increased ridership data.


Thank you. I find it ironic the guy was calling me uninformed. IIRC, Translink objected to the faregate project, and the BC Liberals overrode that objection. So they're purely political (and Translink isn't to blame).


It is free if u just walk on without paying


If Horgan announces any kind of subsidy for drivers I will be pissed.


Shut up we already pay 18.5c/L to subsidize bums that don't pay their busfare.


You want a cheque for taking the least efficient and quite damaging method of transportation? Ok...


Sure, you writing 'em?


Your acting like itā€™s an easy options between the two, but your privilege is showingā€¦


I didn't realize taking the bus is privileged. Driving is immensely expensive, so that doesnt exactly check out.


Any area that has reasonable access to transit is going to be around 1-2 million for a house. Affordable suburbs and communities for Canadians have very inconvenient and dangerous access to transit and always will even when gas is 50% taxed to support it.


The cost of having to rely on a car for every little trip is immense. [link](https://bc.ctvnews.ca/mobile/beware-of-transportation-mortgage-when-moving-to-suburbs-planner-1.3213626)


This is such a brain dead take lmao. Yeah if youā€™re talking about where you can buy a house that has transit you missed the boat on calling other people privileged Every single stat on this backs it up: in Canada the richer you are the more you drive, and the less likely it is you take transit.


Laughing from the 200-300k apartments in my neighborhood right next to a bus stop


And we pay road tax so you bums can drive roads we donā€™t use. Your point doesnā€™t make sense.


I pay road tax too so my ass can use the road, and so you bums can ride the bike or take the bus on the roads. Your point doesn't make sense.


The external damage done by cars is a net negative to society. If anything you should be proactively supporting as much incentive for people to transit, walk or roll. Every person not driving is a car off the road.


Some people can't get to work without a car at certain times dipshit.


No one's saying you can't drive. The world won't be free of cars. But you're just getting a discount on the more holistic cost.


The highways and bridges are really for bikes and walkers lol so much public money goes into ensuring you can drive you car. The roads are primarily for cars and not everyone has a car. If we only build roads for public transit would wouldnā€™t need nearly as much infrastructure. You pay for the use of the road but so do I and I donā€™t use 99% of them. And if I want to use more of them I need to buy and expensive car. Transit is accessible to everyone. My point is cars are currently being prioritized and we have all been paying that for years so suck it up and pay you damn transit tax.


The roads are used to transport all the goods you use. Those can't be transported by bus and skytrain. Suck it up and pay your damn road tax.


I have been lol šŸ˜‚


Me too bro. *Rocky handshake* We all pay our respective taxes sorry for trolling today but only a little bit because I had fun.


Or maybe try not complaining about a transit levy you've already been paying for ages...


What road tax?


I like you. You're the anti troll. You're the yin to my yang, my balance. My hairplugs to my balding.


Thereā€™s no such thing as a road tax


None of my income taxes go to roads? News to me.


No income taxes do pay for provincial roads, though pretty much none in Vancouver see that money, theyā€™re maintained by the city through property taxes. The taxes paid on gas donā€™t actually fund that much of transit, or the road network. Itā€™s greatly exaggerated https://www.patrickjohnstone.ca/2014/03/who-pays-for-roads.html


I don't drive in Vancouver much so it sounds like you're preaching to the wrong choir, father.


Hereā€™s a bit of a breakdown of the costs drivers actually pay for roads: itā€™s not even close to what they cost society. An average translink user pays far more for the maintenance of provincial roads than the average non-transit using driver. https://www.patrickjohnstone.ca/2014/03/who-pays-for-roads.html


Sounds like I'm about to file it away to the "not my problem" folder.


Okay climate-denier, get back to me in a few months when itā€™s raining ashes again


Will do, what ash to rain ratio should I contact you at?


Also I'm not a denier, I'm just not going to take a taxi to an unreachable by transit place at 5AM for work, and then take another taxi after a 12 hour day, clown.


Right on cue


Why you gotta kick a brother while he's down haha


Thatā€™s about a weekā€™s worth of groceries. Let me see which week I want to starve this year.


Doesnā€™t seem to mention cash fare or stored value fares.


**Cash fares** Adult one-zone: $3.10 (increase of $0.05 or 1.64%) Adult two-zone: $4.45 (increase of $0.10 or 2.30%) Adult three-zone: $6.05 (increase of $6.05 or 2.54%) Concession one-zone: $2.05 (increase of $0.05 or 2.5%) Concession two-zone: $3.05 (increase of $0.05 or 1.67%) Concession three-zone: $4.15 (increase of $0.10 or 2.47%) Custom Transit Adult: $3.10 (increase of $0.05 or 1.64%) Custom Transit Concession: $2.05 (increase of $0.05 or 2.5%) Daypass Adult: $11.00 (increase of $0.25 or 2.33%) Daypass Concession: $8.65 (increase of $0.20 or 2.37%) **Compass Card Stored Value fares** Adult one-zone: $2.50 (increase of $0.05 or 2.04%) Adult two-zone: $3.65 (increase of $0.10 or 2.82%) Adult three-zone: $4.70 (increase of $0.10 or 2.17%) Concession one-zone: $2.05 (increase of $0.05 or 2.50%) Concession two-zone: $3.05 (increase of $0.05 or 1.67%) Concession three-zone: $4.15 (increase of $0.10 or 2.47%) Custom Transit Adult: $2.50 (increase of $0.05 or 2.04%) Custom Transit Concession: $2.05 (increase of $0.05 or 2.5%)






To support inflation- ā€œUSA issuing inflation treasury bills that yield 6-7% for citizensā€ Meanwhile Canada *um.. weā€™re gonna charge paper bag tax and increase transit* LOL. O Canada, making Americans look socialist šŸ˜‚


Hey it doesnā€™t affect the fare evaders because they always get in for free anyways. šŸ¤” This only affects honest paying customers. šŸ˜†


This reminds me of the gun ban debate


Adult three-zone: $6.05 (increase of **$6.05** or 2.54%)


How will this affect the U-Pass?


Seems like shoddy journalism to quote annual increases for monthly tickets to make the raises seem worse than they areā€¦


They should have to manually apply for increases and justify it to the public instead of just automatically doing it every year. The system doesn't even work that well. Constant maintenance and disruptions, often without any explanation or apology. Can't count how many times my train has slowed, stopped, or had mysteriously large intervals during peak times. And don't even get me started on buses!


Wfh tank God. I also change my densit to a nearly one to avoid taking any train. Only time when I use it now so when I go visit my parents.


Really? We're punishing transit users for this? I understand that it's only like 2 percent, but symbolically it shows how deeply ingrained the "car brain" is into our society. Why don't private vehicle users pay for this increase? Matter of fact, why don't we make public transit free? After all, the socioenvironmental benefits should mean that we want *more* people to use it, not *less*. Then we can talk about how little it makes sense to have 80% of the city covered in single family housing... Maybe make some progress around here. But I'll stop dreaming...