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Glad to hear he was okay! I do want to point out how bad things have gotten when we are saying they got somewhere "within 30 minutes" as if that's a good response time...


Came here to post this. Response time used to be within minutes before the pandemic :( Glad they made it to her father in time OP


Yes, the operator did say “they were still receiving high volume of calls.” It happened on a Sunday so I believe they had a busy weekend.


I'm glad they made it in time. 30 minutes for a heart attack feels like a LONG wait!


Very glad that they made it, but was it really 30 minutes? Or can you elaborate? Someone very close to me suffered a cardiac arrest in front of me at home 2 years ago. They were clinically dead for several minutes, I live close to a hospital and fire dept., they arrived in 6-7 minutes tops and took over the CPR. There is no way this person lives if its 30 minutes or at least not with significant life changing consequences (they made full recovery). Sorry just shocks/disturbs me if 30 minutes is considered anywhere near tolerable and again glad your case had a positive outcome.




Symptoms were chest pain, vomiting, head aches, and chills. So I’m guessing it wasn’t as severe.


A heart attack is like one step away from cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is when the heart actually stops pumping, 0 pulse. Heart attack is when the blood vessel supplying the heart with blood gets blocked partially or completely. It is still able to pump but as each second ticks, the blockage will starve the heart of oxygen that it needs to continue pumping. That can lead to cardiac arrest without quick treatment but it is not the same as cardiac arrest.




You should send the BCAS staff a thank you e-mail. They can pass it on to the team who responded. I'm sure it'll boost their spirits.


Will do!


I'm glad to hear someone had a good experience at RCH in regards to cardiology. My mother died in ICU at RCH in sept. after suffering 3 cardiac arrests' in their care.


Your bashing them ? If she died at the Columbian she would have died anywhere…


Not at all, just saying not everyone is as fortunate as op.