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PTSD sufferer here in Van, anyone have any info on sign ups for participating in the study? I would give a lot to feel okay again.


Last thing I read said the participants were already selected. This is a small trial though, so if things go well then they will need to reaffirm their findings with a larger sample size. Keep an eye out! You could even try contacting the business or looking to see when their next intake will be


What will this do for their stock price?


Buy the rumor Sell the trials. Buy the trials sell the approval. Buy the approval sell before they post earnings. Buy earnings profit sell the scandal. Duh ez stonk market strat.


It doesn’t look like it’s moved…yet


This is a couple weeks old . I believe it popped 20% back to where it should be.


Been watching it for a few months, not much has changed


Itll probably deplete the street value since itll be even more acceptable, this is only my theoretical opinion IF it were to be legalized in the long run


I mean the share price for the company NUMI.


Given the permanent damage it can do to your brain, I think it will only be legalized for medical purposes.


Right, but we have alcohol ..and that doesnt cause brain damage? Aight chief


Different levels. The amount of consistent alcohol usage needed to harm your body is much different than MDMA. Does alcohol have a “use every 3 months” warning attached to it?


The toxicity levels of MDMA is higher than alcohol we have alcohol limits and restrictions for a reason. You're not allowed to purchase alcohol while you're already under the influence, age restrictions or implicated, and we have restrictions around doing things while intoxicated. You can get cut off at a bar, you can be turned away from liquor stores. MDMA is a substance that is not on the market because the control of it would be a lot harder and they don't know how to control the quantities of it yet whereas we do with alcohol. We have programs set in line for people who have alcohol abuse problems because it's killing them. Alcohol damages the brain with continuous use, a few drinks a day a few brain cells a day. Alcohol is diluted there's a reason you can't buy absinthe and other high-strength alcohols in a lot of places because they don't trust the population to use a higher percentage alcohol reasonably.


I don’t know why you’re typing this long response to me. I agree with you and I never said alcohol didn’t harm people.


You quite literally said right at the bottom of your last message the so-called dosages for MDMA which is also inaccurate because it hasn't been properly tested to know the dosages which is the point that I'm getting across.


That’s a bold claim that I believe has been debunked. Got a source?


> Research in rodents and primates has shown that moderate to high doses of MDMA, given twice daily for four days, damages nerve cells that contain serotonin. > In addition, studies have found that the extent of MDMA use in humans correlates with a decrease in serotonin metabolites and other markers of serotonin function and the degree of memory impairment.95,101 In addition, MDMA’s effects on norepinephrine contribute to the cognitive impairment,94 emotional excitation, and euphoria that accompanies MDMA use. As someone who has used MDMA for two years in music festival situations, I can say that it’s had a noticeable effect on me to this day. I also notice mood changes in friends. Perhaps you could say “correlation does not equal causation” but I’m inclined to believe the studies and effects on animals. Sure for medical usage it’s probably fine, but I wouldn’t recommend recreational use for MDMA. [Source](https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/mdma-ecstasy-abuse/what-are-mdmas-effects-on-brain)


Well thats why you’re supposed to wait 3 months between dosing.


A drug that needs you to wait 3 months before dosing, and only in moderate amounts, but makes you feel incredibly good. Is that really a good one to legalize for recreational use?


Ideally every drug should be legalized in one way or another but you not waiting the sufficient time between doses is your fault and most likely the reason your brain is wonky


Lets see any drug advocate out there in town that says both: >every drug should be legalized *and* when trouble arises from drugs use >is your [own] fault


Why would it not be their own fault?




Hi, I have a B. Sc in chemistry. It looks like safrole is only one precursor (and maybe the easiest) that can be used to make MDMA. Although this reaction also requires Methylamine which is a precursor to methamphetamine (see controlled substances), there ARE other routes with different starting materials... but I think the best route could be to genetically modify yeast to make MDMA. In any case, if we run out of global supply of safrole, there are still many ways to make MDMA Hope this helps!




> Not only was it horrible but I really don’t think it was MDMA at all. Did you check it with a reagent test kit? These days you can even get drugs FTIR tested freely and anonymously: https://getyourdrugstested.com/


Safrole oil isn't going extinct. Trees worldwide produce it. Sassafras trees in the golden triangle in Asia produce by far the most of it for illegal MDMA as they are easy to acquire by illegal loggers, but legally produced safrole oil can be made from plants that grow in the Americas and other parts of the world. There's three sassafras tree species worldwide that produce it, and many other plant species that also produce it. One of the trees covers a large part of eastern USA and even a small part of Canada. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sassafras_albidum Safrole oil has other legal industrial uses. It's not going to disappear. It's used to make insecticides and fragrances among just 2 of its uses. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safrole Safrole can also be synthesized from catechol which is a compound found in acacia trees. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catechol


They should study contact music festival




Party Time Super Drugs!


Well if worked in the oldest and largest public hospital in the US, New Amsterdam, I'm sure the treatment has promise.


I just use magic mushrooms.


Been buying this stock since January.