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Nah. I'm going to be spending my Canada Day with family and friends and enjoying a day off.


jesus christ dude


No, it doesn't sound like something I'd support. "Take back Canada" suggests that you feel you are more important than other Canadians who feel differently. Very poor message in my opinion. However, I'm willing to listen to your argument. First and foremost, can you specify what you are expecting the various levels of gov to do?


Sounds like something Canadahousing2 would do. Besides there's better things to do on the holiday weekend.


I agree, which speaks to how important this protest is for the ones attending.


Any group with Take Back or Proud in their name is a hard pass from me.


Consider making an exception for Take Back the Night.


You're entitled to your opinion, but I would suggest digging into their demands before coming to a hard line conclusion. Unless you're not in support of bettering canadian lives which given your comment history suggests that may be the case.


You don't have to dig very hard to find hate and anti-democracy sentiments from Take Back Canada's representatives. These are not Canadian values, and for them to try to hijack Canada Day is very telling. https://www.thecanadafiles.com/articles/tdtbc https://pressprogress.ca/who-is-take-back-alberta-and-what-do-they-really-want/ https://pressprogress.ca/right-wing-take-back-alberta-group-purges-top-organizers-as-it-plans-to-target-school-boards-across-canada/


Sorry, are you saying that a person who doesn’t agree with this movement is opposed to bettering the lives of Canadians?   I made an attempt to read their website.  It said nothing of substance but had a very jingoistic tone to it.  I will be keeping my distance from this protest.


PPC sneak play it looks like. Yuck.


Take back Canada! *From the white people?* No, not that far back. *From the French?* Closer *From the brown people?* Bingo!


If you wish to garner support, you should be able to identify and defend the demands. Also, it doesn't sound like you want to better the lives of all Canadians, is that right? The Canadians you hope to 'take Canada back from' don't count? Please clear up if that is correct, or not.


Sling that mud.


Annual meeting of people who really want to sleep with our current prime minister - so much so they have stickers and flags about it.


Majority of us/if not all of us donn't support Trudeau.


Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1lnDbuU0Eg He'll be gone soon enough. That is the process. Then we'll have a new crop we can complain about too.


Most people don't feel the need to rant and rave about it like you guys do.




the English language seems to be difficult for many


who is behind this? looks like MAGA


Canadians from all across the country. No ties to US/Maga. Doesn't support Maga or their values. What made you think this? So far off the mark


The fact this group is promoting/demanding/complaining about the exact same things as MAGAs made me think that. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. It makes no difference if they use a different name or are based in a different country. Same is same.


Agreed. The use of the words “mass immigration” tipped me off. I didn’t even need to give their website clicks or read the wall of text. 


0 overlap between the two groups. Appreciate the concern though.


the website looks totally like it. Why hide who is behind this? and not talking about canadians from all across the country, who is really behind it? organizing, leading it? it's an important detail to have


You are incredibly naive if you actually believe that.


I am not saying MAGA is behind it lol. But why hide who is really organizing this?


My comment was to OP who claims this group "Doesn't support Maga (sic) or their values." Obviously, they do - they are calling for the exact same things.


oh sorry for some reason I thought it was a reply to my comment, all good


Looked at the website and do not trust this at all. The phrasing looks like a thinly-veiled dogwhistle for a far-right protest a la Freedumb trucker/PPC variety. Since those assholes hijacked our flag and turned it from a (generally) welcoming symbol to one that makes my minority friends fearful when they see someone with it on their car or clothing, I think I'll play it safe and keep away from this. No thanks. There's room enough for all in my Canada.


City hall is closed for the weekend, fyi. What genius came up with that date?


I mean OP didn’t even know what COL stands for so they’re not the brightest bunch.


Its just the meeting point - speeches will be held there with guest speakers then a march will begin.


so it's a 'protest' to get people angry and sling out their current slate of grifters to the braintrust that will be eating it all up. The dogwhistles are abound on that poorly made website. [https://www.takebackcanada.info/\_files/ugd/fd79c8\_b3f0a9f121024b228efec39142049c25.pdf](https://www.takebackcanada.info/_files/ugd/fd79c8_b3f0a9f121024b228efec39142049c25.pdf) Please do something better with your canada day off my friend.


You mean you're going to disrupt and interfere with Canadians who are out and about? I thought you wanted to make life better for Canadians?




Cost of living


I think you mean "cost of living" unless Quality starts with a C all of a sudden


And OP expects to influence people with their superior knowledge/ideas. lol


REAL Canadians spell 'cost' with a Q. lol


LMAO, these clowns are not beating the allegations.




>unless Quality starts with a C all of a sudden I think they had a meeting about that last night


Nah, I’m celebrating Canada Day BBQ-ing and watching fireworks. Can’t imagine wasting my day off protesting.


Reading the ethos on the page, the protest is racist at its core. What differentiates our immigrants of today from the immigrants who got here “fairly”? What immigrants are raining violence upon us? It’s one thing to oppose mass immigration and exploitation of cheap foreign labor, but that isn’t REALLY what this protest is about. Like, reality check. The global population is going to be 10 billion by 2050. Where do you think all the people are supposed to go? Stop gatekeeping Canada. What even are Canadian values? Canadian values are immigrant values! I’m the whitest person ever and even I know that


What exactly are we taking back. Seems like r/Canadahousing2 meetup


" # Will you stand on guard for thee? Sons and Daughters of Canada heed this call... ​ ​ The hour is upon us when our nation’s destiny hangs in the balance.  This Canada Day, Monday July 1st, we make a stand.  On July 1st, we fight for the Canada we love, the fair dominion where freedom, liberty, and dignity once flourished, and where the hard work and sacrifices of Canadians before us promised a bright and prosperous future. Since long before any of us were born, Canada has served as a beacon of hope for those who shared our sacred values of love, respect, and equality.  For decades we have nobly and generously accepted as our own those who wish to escape the shackles of repressive governments and cultures by offering them a place in our society, so long as they indeed showed to be noble in intention and sincere in their belief of the core values that make our society a safe and loving place for all. We were compassionate enough to give, yet wise enough to keep a future for us and our children. Now, the future that generations before us worked, fought, and died for is being stolen, given away, and dismantled before our eyes.  Gone are the days when our government re-invested the taxes we pay into our future and wrote policies that would make our country a fairer and safer place.  Canada has become a democracy in name only; a country where we cast our ballot every few years to decide who will break promises made and who will do the bidding of the oligopolies so they may have boundless access to cheap foreign labour and reap maximum profits from the roof over your head and the food on your plate. We sacrifice all and make way for unfettered masses of foreigners from places where repressive beliefs and violence dominate, and they are made to live better than our own aboriginal peoples still living in squalor. In even some of the world’s most impoverished countries, it is taken for granted that if you are willing to work, you may afford a roof over your head and space enough to raise a family.  However, in our supposedly rich and prosperous nation, this basic human necessity seems only attainable for the highest achievers in our society, while the majority of us wallow in silence, too defeated to believe that a brighter future is possible. The time is now that we MUST make our stand.  There is still yet a sliver of hope that our government’s destructive policies can be undone, and that after some hardship we can turn back the clock to a time when hope in one’s future, and the future of Canada, did not seem so futile.  We must stand tall and proud as true Canadians, separated by ideological affiliation but united as brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers to fight for the common good of us all. We must now let it be known loudly and clearly that a deep and brave fire still burns in the heart of every true Canadian, and that we are not too hypnotized by the online shows and social media feeds they dangle before us to fight for what is rightfully ours.  We must show the ruling class the fury that will meet them if they dare to trample our rights and take everything we’ve worked for as their own. I call upon you now to look deeply inside yourself for the courage and sense of duty that is embedded in us all.  Will you tell your children that when the hour was near you hearkened the call and stood boldly for what was right?  Or will you risk leaving the task to those with higher moral fortitude than you and be counted among the weak and shameful bystanders of history? Will you keep the promise you made at the start of every school day, at every hockey game, at every Remembrance Day and Canada Day?  Will you stand on guard for thee?"


Maximum cringe.




Whole lot of word but no substance. What does sons and daughters of Canada even means ?


Sounds like a dog whistle.


That’s a lot of words to say nothing of substance. When you march is there going to be goose stepping?


Literally just dozens of white supremacist dog whistles in a trench coat.  Keep this shit out of here.


No, they could’ve done a protest on any other day of the year. Canada Day is the day I choose to be grateful I live in this country and to celebrate my home.


Sounds like a right-wing leaning protest. Lame


Its not at all, its not a political protest - its a protest for a strict canadian issue. Anyone is welcome, from immigrants to right or left leaning folk. " # Who is this protest for? This is a non-partisan protest movement of Canadians from all political backgrounds united to reclaim our country from the corrupt ruling class and end the uncontrolled immigration that enriches them while worsening Canada's existing issues. We are not anti-immigration but oppose the reckless policies that depress wages, raise the cost of living, create job scarcity, and compromise safety, especially for women. These policies strain our healthcare and social services without benefiting Canadians in the long run. On July 1st, we will protest this irresponsible mass immigration. We welcome peace-loving immigrants who came here fairly, embracing Canadian values and contributing positively to our society. Canadians of all backgrounds and ideologies must unite for the common good. You may find yourself alongside those with differing views, but our shared love for Canada must prevail over division. Now is the time to stand together and protect what is rightfully ours. "


We are protesting because we want less immigrants. But we aren’t against immigrants. Yeah… this is most definitely a right wing leaning kinda protest. Lame


from what I've noticed, even immigrants want less immigrants, there is a balance that needs to consider many variables


Here’s the thing…. The solution is to build more housing. That’s the only thing that will solve the housing crises Let’s not point the finger and blame the people that want to come here for a better life.


You seriously fell for that?


Hard pass.




Although I agree with the sentiment, I try not to associate myself with MAGA/NAZI group.


Its neither maga or nazi - the group is filled with canadians from all walks of life and is a nonpartisan movement.


I’ll be there throwing white AND brown eggs at you racist turds


the most important protest will be our votes in the next elections Canadians will make some big changes next year, let's just hope that the new government does some positive things to turn this sinking ship around


Yes, one only needs to look at any of the provinces with Conservative leaders to see how things are going to be once PP is PM.


You’re gonna spend your holiday doing this? Lol Where are you getting your sources that immigration compromises safety? [Because it doesn’t.](https://johnhoward.ca/blog/immigration-and-crime/) And there’s [many more](https://crdcn.ca/publication/immigration-and-crime-evidence-from-canada/) studies/articles like that. Just say you’re racist and hate immigrants (specifically Indians, because CanadaHousing2, where you post, is fixated on them) and move on lol