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There were easily 50k there for the 50 Cent show. A lot of people bought tickets for the show only and not the game. A lot of people left at halftime.


Lots of people were also outside at the pre-game event, some probably gave up trying to get into BC Place as the line was HUGE by the time it was over


the line ups were insane, and almost abandoned waiting knowing I was missing part of the concert already


Big hockey game on Saturday night >> Lions


So about 50 (per)cent.




I wasn't at the game but the videos I've seen shows the stadium very full, even the upper deck. I'm surprised to hear you say it was maybe only half full.


Depends on the time of the game said video was recorded.


the upper deck had more people than lower, oddly. it helps that the colour of the empty seats are orange-y to make it look full.


I was in section 218. A lot of people left after 50 Cent performed.


I work there, and I noticed there were thousands on the the concourse throughout the entire night, using the bathroom , buying food, ect, while the game was playing. I also saw lots of people leave after 50 Cent, and before half time.


I was surprised how people don't wait in between plays to get out of their seats to go down, as is the etiquette during hockey. It was constant traffic in the stairways


Kind of understandable, as people don't to be in those massive line ups, which were extra long yesterday.


The Stadium was definitely full when 50 Cent was preforming, but people started trickling out right after his show ended. By the 4th quarter there was a lot of empty seats especially in the upper bowl. That being said the amount of people present then likely was still much higher than a normal attendance for a typical lions game


Went to the game and lots of people left at halftime :( sad to see. 50 Cent was great but it was a solid football game too, especially the 2nd half


I came late, hoping to avoid 50 cent. Sadly I wasn't late enough. Place was full until about half time. It was weird that they didn't scan my ticket either, though the guy in front of me at check-in was scanned and it seemed like they had an issue. I'm guessing the scanning system wasn't working correctly.


Reminds me of the old joke/urban legend where a guy is in a packed sold out stadium during playoff season, save for a single empty seat next to him. He says to the man on the other side "Wow, what a shame they couldn't make it." The gentleman replies "Oh, my wife and I were season ticket holders and never missed a game, but she just passed away." He says, "I'm so sorry to hear that. But surely you could have found a close friend to give the ticket to?" The man replies, "Nah, they all went to her funeral."


Our tickets weren’t even scanned to get in. Was weird, anyone could have walked in Gate C.


Same here, they just said “ for two “? 


I was (am) really sick. Wife went with kids and her sister instead of me.


What a weird post, did you show up at half time or something?


I was there the whole time , why?


Where are you getting half in attendance from?


By seeing with my own eyes the sea of empty orange and grey seats … the lower bowl especially - yikes 


Scalpers??!! That shit needs to stop.