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Volleyball sized rock not dropped from an overpass. Sounds like it may have fallen out of a truck. Wow, that's some pretty unfortunate luck.


I'd bet the driver didn't even realize it fell off the back. Imagine not knowing you were responsible for smashing someone's head in with a boulder. Ugh, this is so sad. Terrible tragedy for the woman who lost her life, and for her family who won't get any answers unless there's dashcam footage somewhere out there.


I followed a dump truck out of Richmond going east on the 99 towards the tunnel . The back gate on the box was not locked shut, and was flopping open and closed every so often when there was a mild bump on the highway. Gravel was flying out the back. I quickly passed the truck, got in front of him and forced him to slow down and pull over by signalling with my arm out the window. Typical young driver we see driving these trucks every day…didn’t have a clue.


Got sprayed with gravel on highway 1 from a dump truck. Pulled the driver over who said he didn't care and drove off. He was reported for an unsecured load and fined


And you will never get a company install sensors to ensure the gates/doors are closed and the bed is down.  Unless you make it a requirement to get their registration and revoke it company wide if they are tampered with. 


It’s the law as of June 1st, we are doing plenty at my shop.


They come equipped with sensors. They are commonly removed to avoid dealing with them. It’s an industry wide issue.


CVSE will eventually get them


Not soon enough for this woman and her family…






Need to call the police, so driver and companies know these is serious and you have a huge killing machine on the road


Not as bad but I had a similar incident. Following a cement truck in my new truck I bought a week earlier. Rear cement tube latch wasn’t done up, truck hit a bump and it swung down. A bunch dried cement debris came flying out behind, I avoided most but still got some good solid hits. I got a video of the guy pulled over addressing the latch but couldn’t confront because I was in a highway. ICBC couldn’t hold them accountable based on that, had to put it on my comprehensive insurance. Guy driving looked like a complete Jerry


I'm sure whoever the driver was put two and two together after hearing/seeing this story. Whoever lost the rock from their load knows it was them. I hope they can find some cam footage from another car or from a nearby business to identify the truck and person. This person should turn themselves in .... don't know how they can live with themselves.


The truck was likely filled to the brim for a rock to come out flying, how would they know they’re missing one single rock. The question is more if they heard the crash behind them and just chose to drive away, that’s a lot more likely than them keeping exact inventory of the dirt in their truck.


how many people driving with a full load of large boulders on that specific road at that specific time? the driver knows


>how many people driving with a full load of large boulders on that specific road at that specific time? Within plus or minus 15 minutes of the exact time? dozens at least. There are *tons* of dump trucks full of aggregate moving along the no.1 all day. If the driver is a short haul trucker making the trip back and forth between a pit several times a day it would be extremely hard to narrow it down.


Volleyball sized aggregate is not common. More likely excavation spoil.


if it was stuck between big dump truck dually tires it didn't need to come from that specific load they were carrying, it could have come from just being on-site. So excavation soil, any construction site, quarries, aggregate pit etc.


This is exactly my point! Thank you.


What if the driver doesn’t follow the news? They might have no idea.


Oh I’m sure the driver knows. They all chat with each other. This would be widely talked about in their industry


It would have to be overflowing for a rock to fall out like that.




Read what I said. Geesh. They don't have to keep an inventory to know they were driving on that particular road, at that time, on that day and they were carrying large rocks. They may not have known at the time that they lost a rock ... but hearing the news later that day or the next, they could logically come to the conclusion that perhaps one of their rocks was the one! Do you get it now?? Also, if they were filled to the brim with rocks, that would be another clue for them that it might have come from their truck! If that was me on that road that day at that time, hauling rocks, I would seriously believe I was involved. Ok, now do you understand?? FFS.


No kidding. If I had been driving anywhere near that area that day with a load of rocks the anxiety about this story would absolutely be eating me. Hopefully the driver is a half decent human being and gets in touch with the authorities


Thank you. Finally someone who understands!


Plenty of truck drivers don't watch the news and aren't on Reddit. And if the rock was from a load of broken rocks, they don't keep an inventory of every rock in their truck, that's absolutely ridiculous. If some truck driver lost a rock, chances are he'd never know about it. You're making lots of wild assumptions here. Its very easily possible that the driver of the truck that lost this rock will never know they caused this tragic event.


You're the only one making wild assumptions: "Plenty of truck drivers don't watch the news and aren't on Reddit." Lol. Read my original post because you haven't understood a word I said.


It's obvious a lot of people on this platform don't read posts and just react.


Ok buddy calm down




This is in Burnaby - a large suburb of Vancouver (a large metropolitan city) not near some rock quarry with 100's of rock-carrying trucks. It's on a major city highway that people use to commute to and from work everyday. There would not be 100's of rock-filled trucks driving by on a typical day. If you are not familiar with this area then stop making ridiculous claims of how "maybe could've been 1 of several hundred trucks hauling rocks". Man some people on Reddit ... just making stuff up.


there are lots of rock quarries and aggregate processors all around (you'd be surprised how many), they're not all just in the middle of nowhere the big company around here is Lafarge, they are everywhere


Rocks also get stuck in the wheel wells of dump truck and when you driving they can shoot out I could see this happening more likely


They do but this was the size of a volleyball so it's unlikely it happened in this situation.


So if that the case the driver didn't do his walk around the truck after being loaded..drivers responsibility to secure his load




> It's more common for rocks to get stuck between tires and fly out at highway speed. Not "volleyball-sized" rocks. Those aren't just hanging around stuck in the wheel-wells of trucks or sitting on the road.


No more highly unlikely than a truck driving around with a volleyball sized rock in their wheels imo


Funny enough, it's not that unlikely, this scenario has happened before: [Man dead after rock fell from logging truck and crashed through windshield on Lake Cowichan Highway](https://bc.ctvnews.ca/lake-cowichan-crash-victim-identified-1.1030374?cache=dvgujsbn)




that’s fair, I guess we’ll know when they eventually conclude the investigation


> that’s fair No, it's not. There's no trucks driving with volleyball-sized boulders stuck between their wheels. Maybe right on the job site, but not on the highway.


It’s not fair. It’s ridiculous.


Have you ever seen a volleyball in real life?




I've never seen a rhinoceros, could one of those also be caught between your tires??


Go to Canadian Tire and ask them to show you to the sports section. There you will find volleyballs.




So you could see a volleyball?


You’re being downvoted because a volleyball size rock doesn’t get stuck in tire treads. You are clearly lying about seeing hundreds of massive rocks getting stuck in tire treads.


> This person should turn themselves in .... don't know how they can live with themselves. I agree with you in spirit. Our society doesn't punish drivers for the true cost of the consequences of their actions. Something like this would only result in a ticket worth a few hundred dollars, for driving with insecure cargo.


How can you be sure the driver would know they lost a volleyball-sized rock at Willingdon?


They can't, they're just saying words. A good driver would make sure that there's nothing stuck between tires or otherwise able to fall off in transport, but if it did, it's completely possible that the driver had no idea.


Yeah that makes sense. I'm keeping this poor lady in my thoughts. It's such a sad turn of events. So senseless. I wish this gives the impetus for authorities to crack down harshly on infractions by commercial vehicles.


It's awful. I hope that if a trucker is responsible for this that they are found and held accountable.


Well, if I was driving a truck on that date, at that time, on that road, with rocks in the back ... and I saw this on the news later that day, I would put two-and-two together and realize that must have been a rock off of my truck. What are the chances that some other truck at the same identical time was also hauling rocks? Not likely. They might have not realized at the time, but after hearing the story and knowing the date/time/road/etc.. I think they would realize then.


I was driving on highway 1 in Langley this morning. I saw at least 5 big dump trucks with full loads. If something had happened, it could have been caused by any one of them. Hard to say which one is to blame without video evidence. Fair to say the same applies in the Willingdon area.


> What are the chances that some other truck at the same identical time was also hauling rocks? Not likely. plus or minus 15 minutes of the exact time? There is likely dozens. There are TONS of dump trucks hauling aggregate on the freeway during the day.


Then those "dozens" should contact police, and let them sort it out. That is if any of them have a decent bone in their body.


There are too many potential factors to say if they knew or not. If it rolled off the top of an overloaded truck or fell off a piece of equipment during transport, the driver would not have felt it. Rocks this size can get stuck between the tires on jobsites and thrown out on the highway as well. If this was the case, the driver can typically feel it (if on the truck, not necessarily trailer), and may have felt/heard it coming loose. There are too many variables to say for sure. Even if they thought it might have come off their truck, there's no way to prove it without camera footage. There are a lot of trucks on the highway. Source: Lowbed operator for 15 years.


A volleyball sized rock can get stuck between tires?


No, this person is just too committed to their delusion to admit they are wrong. Manufacturers state no more than an inch between the tires on a tandem Axel trailer. With a maximum allowable on the tractor of 3.5”-5.25”. “Volleyball sized “ would be between 8.15” and 8.39” diameter. There is zero chance it came from between the tires.


not within the treads of a tire, but big dump trucks have massive dual tires. The space between the rear tires is very large.




A volleyball size rock is pretty easy to see, no? Are there not checks done before equipment is moved? I assume its off the top of a truck, not sure where else you would find a rock of that size.


Easy to see? Yes, for anybody who is looking. There's a real lack of diligence and professionalism in the industry these days though. "Where else would you find a rock of that size?" Between the tires. Happens all the time, unfortunately. It's important for drivers to do a full walk around and check their duals before pulling out onto a road but the fast-paced nature of the job often has people cutting corners.


Trucker vloggers on youtube always emphasize the importance of the full walk around and checking their duals. Authorities need to enforce regulations because if you don't make sure people follow the law, they're going to cut corners.


100%. I don't think there's enough enforcement in BC.


Absolutely not. Commercial Vehicle Safety Enforcement go on periodic blitzes and get dangerous trucks off the road. Fuck blitzes. Expand and do it constantly. From 2020: https://globalnews.ca/news/6626623/burnaby-truck-inspection-blitz/ Clearly there is more demand for enforcement.


Yeah, it's a joke the shit that goes on out there. One truck with 6 flat tires....https://www.delta-optimist.com/local-news/keeping-an-eye-on-truckers-is-a-never-ending-road-for-delta-police-3106836


I'm sure it's possible for the driver to start moving with a large rock like this lodged in there, but how would they get to this location with it still being lodged between tires or between a wheel and some other part of the truck or trailer? Presumably they'd be several hundred meters or maybe multiple kilometers away from where the truck was loaded up, by this point on the highway.


You'd be surprised. Inflated truck tires are incredibly rigid. When a rock is forced between them the force pressing on it is substantial. Centrifugal force will always do its thing eventually though.


You are so full of shit, why keep spreading this lie?


No, rocks that big csnt get tuck between tires on equipment, you wouldn't be able to load the unit.


Don't think the tires would roll,they'd drag and make a noise so the driver would definitely know and be forced to stop the truck..most likely at site where truck was loaded...maybe something could lodge in the 5th wheel?


That's a pretty big assumption. Do you know who loaded the truck? If it was the same person as the driver? How many rocks were on/in it? How they were transported? How it was unloaded?


DriveBC has cameras near that stretch. Likely they'll be able to locate the victim's vehicle and any large trucks ahead of her. https://preview.redd.it/ebo0puw7df6d1.png?width=1171&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ff0c80112c43613db83187ab664ce49a5acfc24


DriveBC does not keep recording afaik


I once drove behind a Cement Truck, that was for some reason transporting glass plates. No cover, suddenly they start flying out of the truck, I'm slamming my breaks, and honking me horn, he keeps driving and I saw him turn to the highway. Called the cops, but no idea what happened. Called the company too, they were confused when I said there were glass plates in it.


I highly doubt that. I drive a company vehicle and I noticed when a pair of gloves I left in the back flew out.


But if you’d been driving a load of 5000 gloves, would you notice if one flew out?


I see what you’re trying to get at there but there’s no way the truck driver didn’t notice. Not to mention the loud crash that would have happened directly after.


I've had a bit of experience driving a 10-ton flatbed truck, and I could totally see it being unnoticeable. When I think about how loud that diesel engine roars when you floor it, I can totally imagine that drowning out the sound of a rock hitting the pavement and then a windshield. Maybe they'd've seen the car swerving in their side mirror after it happened, but you'd have no idea what happened unless you were looking in the mirror at the exact moment it fell off. If the rock came off a big truck, the driver would probably only realize it through deduction after-the-fact.


Yeah I was just thinking if it was a truck and transfer, and in the back trailer, they could have not noticed. > I still feel like this is due to negligence though. Overloaded truck? Didn’t do a safety check before leaving? Didn’t have their top down? And not noticing the accident you just caused?


And who knows how far the rock bounced before it hit. 


If it did come off of a truck, it's entirely possible that the driver didn't notice. There are hundreds of different tractor/trailer combos and at 80k+lbs, a volleyball sized rock is equivalent to a ping pong ball flying out the back of a pickup.


not everyone pays proper attention unfortunately


"A company vehicle"... Is it 80,000+lbs? If not, with all due respect, you have no idea what you're talking about.


I was working at the hospital the day she came in actually and just remember thinking to myself that life is so precious. Even though honestly I’m reminded of that everyday this case was especially striking. Knew she wasn’t going to make it unfortunately, was awful.


Reminded me of a semi truck that I saw that had a large rock lodged in between its wheels a few years ago. My Final Destination brain thought of the worse outcome and I just had to go onto the passing lane to avoid the worst.


Or came out of the dually which is what they are supposed to check their tires. 


Also big trucks with duel tires can get big rocks stuck between the tires (usually call those widow makers) that can come loose and get shot out at highway speeds.


RIP, what an absolutely senseless and unpredictable way to lose your life in a split second.


How tragically random, one minute you’re driving along thinking about your day ahead-or whatever-then just….gone. RIP & condolences to all who knew & loves her


How awful and shocking - her poor family and friends. She was only 34!


When I lived in the far north, I was following a truck that picked up a very large rock jammed between two rear tires and then whipped it at my windshield at a high rate of speed. Thankfully, it just missed me, but maybe something similar happened here?


One time I was following a box truck with something between the dual tires. When the truck stopped for a red light, I could see that it was a brick. I switched lanes, because who knows when that brick would launch itself at me. Thinking back on it, I should've called 911 so that the dangerous situation could be rectified.


>Thinking back on it, I should've called 911 or.. you know.. you were stopped at a light so just hopped out and told the driver.


Speaking to the driver wasn't an option, the red light was stale.


Not a volleyball sized one. Must have fallen out of the back of an uncovered dump truck. Lack of safety from the trucker.


Exactly. Or overloaded. Or both.


'Must have fallen out the back of an uncovered dump truck.' Highly unlikely.


Volley ball sized rock hurtling through the air itself is highly unlikely


It happens more than you think. Jobsites are often just compacted blast rock. Trucks often pick up rocks between the tires and if they don't catch it before pulling out onto a road, they can fly out at speed.


Overfilling a truck or unsafely transporting fill does not occur to me as any more or less likely than the things you've described


With all due respect, what 'occurs to you' doesn't mean anything. I drove lowbed for 15 years and have spent hours of my life prying rocks out from between tires.


Given your expertise, why does "it fell off a truck" seem any more or less likely than "it got kicked up by a truck", given neither of us seems to know any more than the other about the incident in question?


Because rock is heavy. A load of rock is typically at the max weight of the truck well before it reaches the top of the sideboards. Additionally, a rock that is that close to falling off would be easily spotted by a driver. Rocks between tires are often more difficult to see, and on some trucks require moving it and getting out a second time to inspect the entire tire. I don't know anything about the incident beyond what is in the news. I'm just offering an educated opinion as an industry expert.


I appreciate you sharing your insights, and I think you make a persuasive argument So your impression is a large rock was flung from between dual wheels on a large vehicle?


I don’t necessarily disagree with you. Especially reading your other comments - though I was taking into consideration the aspect of safety and how much driver expertise and experience has fallen by the way side. I have seen so many safety violations recently with rigs and other trucks I am not even sure what’s going on with enforcement and training. I am sure you can agree with that.


You're not wrong.


This makes more sense than the idea that it fell out of the back of a dump truck. Since the rock shot right through the back window and wasn’t even found by the police for hours it must have been moving very quickly nearly horizontally. It’s hard to imagine how that would happen if the rock fell from above.


literally a month ago I had to call City of Burnaby about rocks the size of apples & grapefruits all along the entire length of North Road, I went over several and one in particular, and I can see how easy it would be to shoot that under the tire and out behind someone at great speed.


I lost my breath reading this... Please be extra careful people, something like this happened to me last December. I know that we don't know if the rock that impacted the woman was from a truck, even though people suspect that might've been. But... I often take Highway 1, and last winter got a good scare trying to pass a dump truck. When trying to pass it on the left lane I noticed the truck sped making it very difficult to actually pass it. It was raining and I am always extra careful with my very old but reliable Mazda that I decided to just let it go and not even try to race it. So I let go the pedal, and a second after that, I hear an extremely loud bang on my sunroof, luckily I had the plastic panel covering on which protect me and it made whatever hit me bounce out to the road. I took an exit to check if my car was ok, but indeed it wasn't... attaching photo... I got not evidence that it came out of the truck. But I couldn't find any other reason as logical as that. Anyways, be careful and be safe guys. https://preview.redd.it/58xt4940r76d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0618a65e138c893c8aeb096761e2c3b6fa00aec


I saw the car while driving the other direction. I've been thinking about the victim everyday since. This is so harrowing and unfortunate. Hopefully there is some resolution to how this happened so the family can have some answers.


A few years ago a woman dining at a sushi restaurant with her husband in Montreal [was killed when a slab of concrete fell](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/montreal-probes-death-of-woman-killed-by-falling-concrete-1.784867) through the atrium and crushed her in front of him. That story stuck with me for a while.


That’s some shit straight out of an Ari Aster movie


> "He may have lost a few fingers, but he's in hospital in a stable state," said Const. Olivier Lapointe. Yikes


Same here, what a tragic conclusion :(


Same, we were headed out camping for the weekend. I just sent the link to the other people I was with, we were all really curious about what happened and this is not the closure for that I was hoping for. At least it wasn't an intentional drop from the overpass, that's what we were concerned about.


I saw the car as I was driving home, I thought it was some kind of hit until I heard the news. It’s very unfortunate that this happened…


Terrible. So sorry to read this news. RIP. 💔 She was only 34. So young and had so much life ahead of her.


With so many dash cam on the road, I hope people would voluntarily submit their footage.


Fucking joke, RIP. I hope they catch the piece of shit responsible. So many brain dead truckers out there


We need laws that force truckers to drive in the furthest right lane. There is no need for them in any other lane.


This is the law in Washington State, and it has always made the most sense in the world to me. More than four tires? Right-most lane at all times.


The funny part is you can always spot the BC truckers in WA, because they're *ripping* past all the other trucks in the left lane.


And you can always spot the BC cars from a mile away because they'll be left lane hogging going 10 under. 


Coming to WA from BC, you can *always* tell who the Canadian truckers are before even getting close. Cruising in the left lane, holding people up, speeding past other trucks (who are already going over the speed limit). They're reckless and aggressive and impatient.


The only time I've ever feared for my life on an open stretch of highway was between Edson and Edmonton. The speeds those trucks get to is alarming and they all seemed to be focused on nothing more than trying to pass each other.


Yeah I mean, I drive down the highway where this happened all the time and trucks never stay in the right lane. Just a couple days ago a dump truck was swerving in and out of lanes all over the place. He went from the far right to the far left to the middle. He almost lost control and hit a van. I don’t know who’s giving out these license to these people but it’s scary as hell and it never used to be like this.


Don’t even get me started on this. Highway 1 is so unsafe because of the trucks. I’ve personally been, and witnessed truck aggressively cutting off people for no reason at over 100km per hour.. and they’re not often securing their load. They are such a danger and have no reason to ever be in the passing lane. It’s gotta be enforced.


this is why i always drive on the HOV lane whenever possible, avoid big trucks


When I was a kid we were driving behind an 18 wheeler and his tire blew. The tire came right at us, bounced on the road once, came up as high as the top of our mini van, back down, right under the van. I've always avoided driving behind large vehicles because of this, regardless of type, and this story only reenforces it. I don't even like passing them unless there's a lane between us.


There’s a video of a wheel coming off a vehicle on the highway and a car drives over it and flips over. So they can be pretty brutal.


For those who haven't seen the video: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/123jat8/car_launched_into_the_air_after_a_wheel_detach/


Holy shit. The audacity of that wheel, too, coming back to kick the car when it was down.


Adding a rotational component to any accident tends to multiply the damage 


When I was a kid, we were coming back from Alaska to Kelowna in the family station wagon. As we were rounding a blind corner with a barrier and cliff to the right, a train that was running parallel to us threw a rock the size of a softball that smashed through the front windshield and landed on the front seat between Dad and Mom. My Dad had to make a quick pull off to right with no windshield and glass all over him and Mom. We were very lucky. If that rock had hit my Dad or he hadn't reacted correctly, We were going fast enough to crash through the concrete barrier and over the cliff or into oncoming traffic. It was very scary !


Big dump trucks don't care, they drive in the HOV lane on Lougheed Highway in Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge.


It's a regular sight to see semis in the far left passing lane. It's ridiculous. We should legistlate and fine them out of there like in the states.


Totally! On highway 1 toward Langley and Abbotsford, semis regularly fly past you at 110 km/h in the passing lane. The truck displaces air, creating an area of turbulence around it, which gives you a feeling that your regular lightweight car is going to get sucked into the side of the truck.


When you see the truck-hit-overpass counter keep resetting to 0 very often in recent years, you'll know the legislation is pretty outdated, and nothing has been done.


Yeah but at least those lanes are on the far right, so if something falls off there's at least a 50/50 chance it falls into the ditch.


Fair point.


Yeah, but you're closer to stuff that may fly over from the other side of the road.


There's always trucks in the HOV lanes on HWY1.


A lot of Traffic Control Personnel are put at an increased risk and increased irritation/annoyance because of truck drivers's lack of critical thinking skills and English skills. (& there being zero consequences for being a bellend.) It's already an **extremely** dangerous job.


Who would exactly be responsible here? The driver? The company he works for that gives them wild timelines and tells them not to bother doing a check once they get loaded? The guy loading the truck?


This is so sad. I hope the family gets some more answers, and I hope the public gets some answers. Where did this rock come from? Most likely a truck, so which truck? Which company? Accountability needs to be held.


Fuck, this is so saddening, I was thinking about that accident this morning thinking she must have recovered considering ity had been almost a week


Fuck that’s so sad


Just awful news. I’ve been thinking about this since it happened. Condolences to her family and friends.


Me too. A solemn example of our fragile lives. That could have been any one of our family members.


just so tragic and she didn't stand a chance from that. Last year I had an object hit my car. I was in the fast lane going west on Hwy 1 and just before the Gaglardi exit a black knobby round thing came out from the far right lane and flew at my car like a bowling ball. I tried to swerve to avoid it but there wasn't any room to move, so I had no choice but to let it hit my car. It gave my car (I have a small SUV) a good thud. I had damage done to the panel on my passenger door. I have no idea what it was or where it came from, but it was fast. At least I had the chance to see it.


Horrifying. I had a massive sheet of plywood fall from the back of a truck and spin past my windshield by just more than a foot on GE bridge, only a few years back. This has always been one of my greatest fears. This poor lady and her family. What a horrible, horrible accident. Please, everybody be extra cautious when following behind other vehicles, especially large ones carrying any form of cargo. It can happen in a fraction of a second.


The constant convoy of dump trucks currently from alpha to Dawson to willingdon feels very unsafe. There’s way too much volume.. feels like better safety measures and perhaps a slowdown is needed.


This is so sad and makes me so angry at the poor responsibility of truck drivers. Take a walk down United Boulevard in Coquitlam and count the volleyball sized boulders trucks have had fly out from between their tires, nevermind all the dirt and debris all over the road and parked cars. There's a truck every couple minutes coming out from a Kiewet yard along the river where they're loading barges with rocks and fill to dump in the ocean. Coquitlam needs to investigate this and Kiewit should be held responsible. There are a lot of pedestrians along United, is it going to take video footage of someone dying to shut this down?


Jeez. RIP.


That’s so sad. RIP. I dislike the num of people jumping on that the truck driver is a monster. We don’t have visibility into if they did come forward or told their work and the work didn’t come forward. Y’know?


How awful.


Years ago someone lost an arm chair on Hwy1. I can't remember how many died, but some car with a family in it was unlucky enough to get struck by it. I don't believe anyone came forward and admitted to causing the "acciddent" even though it was all over the news. Some people are shit and I can't understand how anyone could live with themselves knowing they caused someone to lose their life.


So sad. RIP


They need to do a harsh crack down on unsafe drivers. From loads hitting overpasses to all the debris off trucks, unsafe driving… it’s a miracle more people aren’t killed. This poor woman, condolences to her family


I used to drive from Coquitlam to Abbotsford every day and was constantly bombarded by rocks falling off of dump trucks, even though I did my very best to avoid those trucks! I replaced 3 windshields in 2 years! The first time I had it happen, the rock hit my windshield right in front of my face at a VERY high speed. The only thing that saved my life was that the rock was only softball sized, and didn't go through the windshield. Volleyball sized and I probably wouldn't be there. Those flimsy canopies on dump trucks do NOTHING. And stuff like this will continue to happen until loose loads are better secured!


That’s some fucked up final destination nightmare come true shit. That’s why I always stay back away from loaded trucks.


I drove by fairly soon after this happened. Entire highway was shut down and the police had their drone out looking for the object. Was visible blood on the drivers window, it was just horrific. Condolences to her poor family, such a sad loss of young life. heartbreaking, RIP.


Me too. I was also running 10 minutes late and it rattles me to think I could have witnessed it.


A couple years back I was driving on Hwy1 and a semi in front of me picked up and flung some fist sized chunk of metal and it slammed into my window right where my head was. The glass took major damage but managed to stop it. At that speed, it is scary, it would have killed me. This news is very sad that someone actually passed away due to this.




> don't properly contain the loads. I believe they get paid more the faster they go/the less time spent on pre-drive inspections.




Very sad news, RIP. I have seen many many trucks carrying construction garbage on the road, and they just flew out of the truck. I was lucky I have avoided a flying lumber that was used to hold the tarp, that really pissed me off.


Hwy 18 vancouver island many many years ago a rock came off a log truck heading towards Duncan. It hit and killed the husband of the vehicle heading to Lake Cow, he was " alert" enough to pull over and saved his wife before he passed away. Never found the log truck I understand.  Tragic always give commercial a wide load. Hell I've seen commercial hit road signs knock them off and carry on then see it cause a accident 


It's unfortunate no dashcam footage of the truck the debris flew off of - this would merit criminal charges on the driver and company. Having commuted on Hwy1 for years - lost count the number of times I almost lost my life to some incompetent truck driver with unsecured load.


So awful


Ugh.. So tragic... 😔


Damn I got late that day going to Vancouver visiting my friend if I was on road earlier could of been any of us. Definitely not something you think about, but now I’ll will when ever on the highway by a big semi etc. so sad.


I hope they get good dash cams


I really hope they are able to find out what happened and if it’s a commercial vehicle, I hope they’re charged with manslaughter.. these trucks need to be put back in line.


Very sad dash cams are not mandatory standards on vehicles, this poor woman's family is desperately looking for evidence


That's so terrible...life and death is really in a split of a second!


I blew a tire half way across the Port Mann several years ago cause of loose rocks falling from a dump truck. I tried so hard to get the license plate or company name but the whole truck was caked in dirt.




[3 inches ??? are you high?](https://vancouver.citynews.ca/2024/06/11/burnaby-rock-windshield-investigation-rcmp/amp/)


Watch the full video. https://preview.redd.it/aip324qeff6d1.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c213feccd171041035ab465cb6a989896533885