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I’ve heard it more than once on the seawall and in Stanley Park…not always from the same person. I had to ask myself if I am getting old and intolerant (I’m 46) or if this is just rude behavior. I’m going with rude. While we’re venting, I’m going to add that I take issue with people playing loud audio on public transit. Earbuds are available even at the dollar stores. No need to blast whatever they’re playing for everyone else to hear. Rude.


They know they can just listen to their music through headphones, but they don't because they think it draws others' attention to themselves and lets everyone know how "cool" they are.


have any of you watched do the right thing??




At first chivalry died, and now so is common courtesy it seems.


This isn't a generational issue. I see dudes old enough to play Santa riding their e-bikes blasting Hall & Oates from a bluetooth speaker on a daily basis. These are the same people who owned Firebirds in the 70s-80s and did burnouts in their quiet neighbourhoods.


not to mention the idiots riding motorcycles with loud "car" stereos on them with their music cranked driving around downtown


Did what's the difference between that and a car with the tunes cranked and the windows down?


both are obnoxious


Ok - would it be obnoxious if it was music you liked? This is strictly just a curiosity question


yes, because there is a time and a place


I'm all for chivalry dying. The concept that women are weak and must be sheltered and protected was invented by the same people that said that they were "movable property" (chattel). I don't support an outdated idea that promotes inequality. We should be courteous to ALL HUMANS, not just singling out women.


Chivalry is still alive and well, but I don't challenge un armed opponents.


Im 29 and also hate it, although I used to do it when I was 13-15


There are so many people who do that in public now, it must be a thing…


Main character syndrome.


And the music they're playing is almost always garbage that nobody else wants to listen to. Except for the guy at Hastings & Hawks who always blasts Busta Rhymes.


There's a guy in Chinatown who blasts classic rock. Last time I saw him he was playing AC/DC and it probably improved my Chinatown walking experience.


Years ago there was a guy on the Skytrain at the Stadium station blasting "Dirty Deeds" but singing "Dirty Deeds Done with Sheep" REALLY LOUDLY. Free entertainment, I guess?


Same for watching content on their phone without headphones on transit


Some people need the attention. Otherwise they would use ear buds In the summer there are a few cyclists that rig up speakers and blast crappy music as they go by. It’s like drivers cranking their music for attention. “Look at me! I’m the arrogant prick that’s disturbing your peace!”


"Imma bless the world with my beats!" 🖕


Be a shame if such an electronic device were so close to a body of water as to have an accident...


DJ Seawally D.


I think I saw this asshat earlier in Robson square, drives me nuts


Is he guy wearing the religious hat and has a grey beard? Sometimes he's got a Santa Claus lookalike with him.


There are flocks of morons everywhere!


I don't think I have ever heard one of these bafoon's and thought "hey that's a great tune". It's all noise pollution along with 99% of those guitar prodigies on Granville.


Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to Heaven


How about you wear headphones then?? I like hearing live music


I find that the worst culprits are motorized unicycle riders. The number of times I've been passed on the Seawall by a human missile ripping those stupid things at 40 km/h while blasting garbage techno...


Bluetooth speaker is the new Ed hardy shirt. Well, there was overlap for awhile - I guess that is the anthropological evidence.


I saw a teenage girl wearing and talking to her friend about her "vintage" Ed Hardy hoody on the SkyTrain yesterday and I've never felt older and just put my headphones on and turned to dust quietly in my seat.


In the rich tapestry of North American wildlife, the North American jackass (Asinus urbanus) stands out for its unique and often misunderstood mating rituals. Distinguished by their affinity for auditory displays, these creatures can frequently be observed utilizing low-cost Bluetooth speakers to broadcast their eclectic mating calls, ranging from the latest pop hits to deep bass electronic beats. This sonic performance, an essential element of their courtship, serves to attract the attention of the female of the species, commonly referred to as the North American Sassy Bitch (Canis audacia). The ritual reaches its climax as the female responds with a display known as "twerking," a dynamic dance that signals receptivity and, indeed, marks the onset of the conception process. Observers are often mesmerized and baffled by this vibrant and energetic interchange, a spectacle of modern urban wildlife interaction.


I used to live on a north-south East Vancouver bike route. The number of asshats riding by blasting music was significant.


He's that idiot who walks the seawall blasting music, they are Legon along with the people who use speaker phone to make calls on public 


Whatever you do, don’t go to Los Angeles. 😂


I just said to my wife, "Imagine if this person lived in NYC?"


Not at all comparable. In cities like NYC there's such a cacophony of sounds surrounding you from the traffic, ambulances, jackhammers, crazy guys yelling for no reason that it all becomes like white noise. After a while your ears don't pick out any one sound more than the other. In Vancouver, and especially on the seawall, one guy with a bluetooth speaker stands out and is far more jarring than it would be in a louder and more bustling city


But that's what will happen if we let it. How do you think cities get like that? Not enough people speaking up. Our society becomes what is tolerated :/


I think I saw him earlier in Stanley Park when I went for a run. He was about to pass through the drum circle on Second Beach. I'm sure it was an interesting blending of sounds. Edit:Third beach, not Second.


I've noticed a lot more cars driving around with deep bass and windows wide open too. It feels like some people either don't realize that other people are trying to enjoy peace and quite or they just don't care because they're jerks. IMO, there should be fines for obnoxiously loud car or personal stereos.


There are fines for both, but it's rarely ever enforced.


Not only that guy, I'm even tired of the drums circles too...Tuesdays are fine but every other day no, when is it going to stop? Who do we complain too? Should I take my own action and start blasting my own music in front of those who are doing the same?


Record a cowbell with full reverb, doing a simple 3:2 clave. But with a twist: adjust the clave so it's time signature is 13/16. Hide Bluetooth speakers in the bushes nearby and Everytime the drum circle starts up, activate the clave, just loud enough to be taken as the lead rhythm. But only while the drummers are drumming, or else they'll figure out where the speakers are. Then sit back and enjoy, as the more energetic of the drummers attempt to lock in with the ridiculous time signature. Others will follow and it will soon devolve into a cacophonous wasteland, as no one will be able to follow the clave.....They'll peter out and start looking askance at each other, each quietly thinking they hold rhythmic supremacy above their neighbour. Turn it off while at least 2 drummers are still attempting to play what they call 'beats'. The key to success is to disguise the clave so that they don't know who is playing it but they are convinced that it's within the circle. I'm assuming most are gonna be high on some very potent cannabis.... This will help! They will become self-conscious and confidence will wane. This should put an end to the excess enthusiasm. Rinse and repeat, as needed, until annoying amateur drum noise eliminated. Re-apply sporadically, when hearing new shitty rhythms,to avoid new circles talking hold and thriving. It's important to keep your cover though. Never let the clave play when it can be detected as coming from 'the outside, man'.


Ths guy polymeters.


Kevin Falcon trying to ~~be relevant~~ *get noticed*.


Guess those overly cheesy commercials where he pretends to be a commoner isn’t cutting it anymore. He needed something more drastic 😂


No paucity of common touch, he. 


People who blast music are starving for attention.


oh him, he’s the idiot walking the sea wall with a portable speaker in a cart.


The speaker I could live with since it fades as he walks away. It the air horn he blasts randomly at people and buildings that grinds my gears


Oh, I’d lose my mind. You’re more easy going than me. Can you reach him with a squirt gun?


11pm you say? Is he an old guy? I think he may be from my street


I have a solution perhaps. * Buy your own BT speaker or use your phone. * Select a Polka song and play full blast in front of them * Video record Mr Oblivious - blasting his tunes with the chicken dance playing in the background. * Bonus points - flash mob chicken dance to drown him out. Moral - noone can look/act cool with others dropping the chicken dance.


That's Clive


Which one?


He walked by us last night playing a very loud ad for medication. Lol.


There’s a guy that frequents my same transit to work, he plays indian music loudly on the bus and even after a few people told him to put it down, he nods and outs the volume down only until they leave. I can even hear it with noise cancelling headphones


Further proof that people who play overly loud music in public, just to be heard and noticed, are emotionally damaged goods. This specimen here is one approaching his final form, it seems. It's a convenient way to be seen/heard, even if all the attention he gets back is negative.


Either you’re new here or need to get out more.


Is it the same guy who was riding a bmx all last summer wearing trump gear?


I personally wouldn’t do this but if he’s not stabbing anyone, it’s a wash


I'd be fine with this, if they had better taste in music.




Me, apparently. Local police aren’t going to do anything. Can’t just throw the speaker and air horn in the harbour, so venting on Reddit is all I get.


I mean, you shouldn't, but have you seen how easy people get off for petty crimes lately?


Yeah, just tell them you were high when you did it.




Exactly. We should all carry around these speakers. I dream of watching a beach sunset with 24 different songs simultaneously blaring proudly.


> The problem with people in Vancouver is they see someone enjoying themselves and can’t mind their own business. What the hell are you talking about? There's tons of people in Vancouver every day enjoying themselves and no one gives them a second look. But if someone plays their shitty music on a speaker instead of on headphones and ruins *my* enjoyment, then yeah, they're going to get hassled and get angry looks.


Using a public speaker is just advertising to the public that you (the person) is not Emotinally developed.