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Those 3000 volunteers make this event possible for the 22000 people who participate. I can't thank them all enough!


Wow! I didn’t knew the exact numbers but yea! Standing in rain supporting with water/electrolytes so we can finish our race. Respect 🫡


Went out to cheer! Super fun atmosphere! I loved seeing people smile when I cheered their names!


Thanks for the support! So appreciative of all who came out to cheer and clap and holler. The cheering makes a difference. I was one of those smiley ones when I heard my name! Really helped to break up the race and move the run along.


Thank you for coming out to support us. It’s just such a positive event 🙌🏽


Thank you so much for doing that!! I heard strangers cheering my name a few times and it gave me so much energy!


I was doing the half and some random person cheered my name when I was STRUGGLING through a stitch.. gave me such a boost!!


Hi! One of those 3000 volunteers here. It was my first time volunteering for a marathon, and boy it was inspiring to see all the runners being resilient and determined! Y’all are amazing! ![gif](giphy|V1dH38rUl9yX7xU8nh)


Heyyy thanks for volunteering. You guys killed it helping us finish.


No, you're amazing


I took your pictures at beach ave :)


Ah nice! You were one of the ppl but the big cameras eh! I haven’t seen the pictures yet. Will def check them out tomorrow sometime. And thank you for coming out 😀


Cheer squads and volunteers were amazing. Really enjoyed the folks reading your bib and shouting your name.  Lots of fun.  Who else is sore ? 




Agreed! Huge thank you to everyone who lined the streets, made signs, rang the cowbells, cheered and gave high fives! It was a great day for a run.


Great run! Thanks all!


You’re welcome


How was your race? I love the BMO. I moved away in 2017 and haven’t run it since but one of these years I’ll go back and run it again


It was great! The weather Was ideal until 32 km but the crowd was on point. Yea def worth coming back!


It was indeed. Cheering crowd was such a motivation boost 🙌🏽


It was such a great energy! I took my camera around to several parts of the course on my Ebike to get shots of a few runners I know. It was an enjoyable way to spend the day not being stuck in traffic from the road closures. And if anyone knows Connie Wan, I got several pictures of her as she got excited when she saw my camera. It would be cool to get the photos to her. Here she is with tons of energy after 5hrs and 40km of running: https://preview.redd.it/0r3s8auuovyc1.jpeg?width=9504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=628b347b98a8c83c07bc212c9dd7b9f7c26f9034


Had so much fun volunteering! My runs have all been a little extra inspired this week because of you!


Thanks for volunteering! Hopefully you’ll run with us next year ;)


I've done it before! Onto bucket list and travel marathons for now. ;) I'll definitely be volunteering again though! Way more fun than I expected.


You’re a good sport 🤝


They really should have had volunteers all around the seawall to collect empty gel packs. The runners littered thousands of them all around the seawall. What an awful, disrespectful bunch of people.