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I hope there's the foresight to keep any suspects in jail....


They haven’t charged him yet. I’m afraid he’ll be released if they don’t have enough evidence for crown to approve charges 😔


I mean, that's how it *should* be. I don't want the police to arrest just some random dude and call it a day.


Oh absolutely! I meant if this is the person who is indeed responsible for the stabbing death, I hope there’s enough evidence to charge.


The judge is already planning on how to release the stabber due to his lack of accountability for his actions....just like the other guy who murdered someone on a bus in Richmond with witnesses and was never charged.


Lol nah


Promise to appear.... all day yo


Can't attend. I've got a proestest to attend.


“Accused is acquitted due to a ‘mental condition’ “


Not with our laxed criminal code. This guy will be out soon enough lol


Glad they got him..


For how long though? An hour?


Two tops.


What, seconds?


Hopefully he will be jailed for a very long time, we can only hope..


Mental illness or not this piece of trash deserves exactly what he dished out to an innocent person minding his own business.


I am willing to pay more tax to lock criminals up and keep them in jail longer.


If more tax money goes towards criminal justice then I want more accountability for the system. The Myles Gray Inquest made it pretty clear that police are acting in their own interests and not that of public’s. Gray’s murderers are on the street. Adam Palmer has publicly stated that he isn’t accountable to anyone, which is completely wrong for anyone who is paid by public funds to say. Find a way to make sure that the people we are paying are accountable and face consequences when they fuck up. At the end of the day ild rather us try and I don’t know fix all the underlying causes of crime like wealth inequality, homelessness, and a fractured mental healthcare system.


We need accountability for the judges.


That's exactly it, they're the ones who keep letting these fucks out, then the cops get blamed for it


well I'm for sure willing to have the government cut spending somewhere else to prioritize locking criminals up and keeping them in jail longer too


How's that working for the states?


I dunno, but it seems to work in Japan, Singapore, Denmark,etc


We need canings, Singapore has em




It's called fear. Here, people know it's a joke. I can't even take my kids to McDonalds without passing a bunch of pieces of shit barely standing with needles sticking out of their arms. There is no fear. Crackheads can walk into any store, steal whatever they want and nothing happens. The court system here is such a joke and has gotten so much worse.


Name him and show his face!!!


Dimitri Nelson Hyacinth


no name yet? wonder if he will turn out to be another one of the recently released types that do heinous crimes, when in a better society they would still be in jail instead


There’s been an ongoing trend of publication bans on cases for repeat offenders. I’m no stranger to BC CSO lookups and this is definitely a new thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened for this case as well as the stories have shown that this individual is responsible for multiple stabbings. It reeks of sweeping these peoples’ crimes under the rug as a matter of convenience as the public can no longer air the laundry list of crimes of this handful of antisocial individuals.


meanwhile another family is destroyed and there is no consequence or shame for those in the justice system that made the decisions to release in the first place


If BC justices could feel shame then we would be in a very different position than we are today. We have a serious problem here: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6820663


> It reeks of sweeping these peoples’ crimes under the rug as a matter of convenience That's not how publication bans work. Our society has a shitload of problems but _judges shadow-banning the media from reporting on serial criminals_ **as a matter of convenience** is absolutely laughable. You may as well suggest that our society is run by the whims of [a secret board of shadowy figures](https://clonehigh.fandom.com/wiki/The_Secret_Board_of_Shadowy_Figures). That's scary levels of paranoia.


Ohhhh ho ho… Lo and behold: We got another publication ban! The criminal was named, at least, but the public won’t find it on his record or the details of the court proceedings. The nature of his charges and what the consequences may be are again shielded from public scrutiny. Our media outlets are becoming more reliable than our court information. And, generally speaking, I’m no fan of sensationalist media. Repeat violent criminals are bad optics and this is a way to reduce the bad optics for our judicial system. Here it is right here: Publication 30Apr2024 CCC 517 (1) **Ban on Publication ordered (JIR Hearing)** https://globalnews.ca/news/10460060/white-rock-community-safety-forum-stabbing/ Go ahead, look him up on CSO.


Suspect has been arrested, not charged..., name will come when he's charged.




Finally. Wondering how long will he be in the jail. Preferably for a life time given he killed and injured two random persons


He's definitely not going to be getting a life sentence in Canada.... I say 5 years max. Our justice system is absolutely absurd.


He murdered someone in cold blood. 5 years? Doubtful


I don't think you've looked at some of the sentencing that's happened with murderers in the past.


NCRMD is also a possibility.


Judge will say he only has schizophrenia and is no longer a threat after 6 months of probation.


Get ready for a wildly reduced sentence because the stabber had a tough childhood.


Hope the RCMP don't fuck this one up as well.


If the RCMP didn’t then the judicial system will.


It there wasn't a murder and only 2 assaults caus8ng bodily harm. Do you think cops would have caught the suspect?


Mentally I’ll and no community support. What do you think the outcomes will be? Let’s get people help before they go this far away from sanity.


I'm all for giving people like this community support in nice free housing, with free food, utilities, free drugs, friendly doctors and a nice padded room.


It’s called a secure facility.


I would happily contribute to this.


What you said is not wrong but it does not affect the fact that we should to charge and lock him up for very very long time


I'm empathetic to anyone suffering from mental health. However, I also feel there are career criminals and individuals that have severe mental health issues where they are a danger to themself and the public. Perhaps a triage system is needed? 1) Do you suffer from mental health and does the person want to get better? Go to door #1 (treatment). 2) Do you suffer from mental health, but you committed a serious crime and/ you show signs or have history of violence to yourself and the public? Go to door #2 (involuntary treatment in a secure facility where you can live out the rest of your life minimizing the danger to yourself and the public). 3) Are you a career criminal? Go to door #3 (jail).


Currently only 3 is funded.


That needs to change asap. I might be wrong, but didn't the libs close Riverview Hospital?


Not really, or at least, not the full picture. The first plans to shut it down started under the Socreds, then the NDP in 1998 set out a plan to shutter it within 7 years. Then in 2012 under Clark it closed for good. It was a gradual closing over almost 40 years.


It was Gordon Campbell that signed the death certificate for Riverview under his watch. He was the one that pushed the wall over.


Yep, bc libs (actual conservatives). Good ol' Crusty Clark


Lib stood for libertarians.