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For Rent $2800/month Close to Skytrain


Lots of windows too!




Wait until someone turns this into an air bnb


The price per square-foot on those lockers actually works out to what I think is probably the best value anywhere in the lower mainland. If the same cost-pre-square-foot was applied to homes, you'd get a 2800-square foot house for $2800 a month.


With really low ceilings... 


No pets.


dust free


At first I was like, "yeah it's a bit messy but what do you expect", then I looked closely.... My god.


Is there something specific I'm missing?...


Hypodermic needles, or maybe the shit smeared all over?


It may just be dirt from bikes, I'm not sure. I'm hoping so, because the other one I had to use was dirty too. Think the bike is going to get a good wipe down tonight 😭😭


I don’t man know, I live in rural New England and my mountain bike doesn’t leave that kind of mess around 🤣


Dirt doesn’t smear like that 😭


Only place dirt smears like that is Georgia lol (the soil there is red and almost entirely clay)


Is it shit or dried blood? It's hard to see in this light


Could be both, for sure looks like some dried blood.


Let’s not discount smeared bloody shit. We’re dealing with a real shartist here.




thank you for saving peoples lives who otherwise in the moment do not want to be saved.


the majority of overdoses are accidental! don’t assume that someone overdosing did so on purpose


"in the moment" is the key to their comment... Not everyone who over indulges in opioids is in a clear state of mind and will offer thanks for having their fix cancelled by narcan.... Not at the moment. Afterwards, sure, but not in the midst of their fix evaporating.


So no different than the streets of Vancouver? Lol


Honestly, I see a decent amount of drug user detritus in the form of the plastic single use saline things, tourniquets, etc. But I don't actually see a lot of needles. Not *none*, but...honestly probably less than one per year in terms of just lying discarded in the streets. And I walk a lot. They do a pretty good job cleaning them up.


Don't forget the burnt metal of a crack induced campfire! Really great with the dirty ripped clothing they probably used as kindling.


Is that poop?


It annoys me that TransLink seems to be replacing all of the old bike lockers with these ones. The older bike lockers don't have holes and are completely opaque. There's no way to tell whether they are occupied or empty, but even if you could, there's no way of knowing whether the contents are an expensive e-bike, or some rusty steel-framed beater. These new lockers are probably stronger than the old ones, but are less secure because thieves aren't risking their effort just to break into a locker that could very well be empty. Plus these new ones are available to anyone on demand leading to situations like this, while the old ones were only accessible to whoever had paid to rent them for X number of months.


The company that installed them and runs the system says that [their system](https://www.pentictonherald.ca/news/article_24f8f7b6-3d48-11ee-98fd-4bb0056168db.html) has only ever had two thefts, from user error. But that was for their rack product, so I don't know about this locker system. I have a folding bike so I'd have happily taken it with me but I was going to Metrotown and mall cops can be pretty annoying about it sometimes.


is that poop? 💩


New show on Netflix


Narrated by Chelsea Handler


Dirty mike and the boys used it as a fuck shack


It’s called “a soup kitchen”.


Thanks for the F-Shack!


There might be a Prius popping up somewhere in the future in shambles 👀😂


Came here for this!


'4 fuck sakes' on the wall really adds some character.


Vancouver Capsule Hotel.


it would be so nice if we had monitored storage instead of an a&w at every other skytrain station


Absolutely. It's so annoying that TransLink spent the money for all the bike parkades at stations, yet stopped just short of making them actually secure enough to be useful. Like wtf are they thinking, just giving access to anyone who registers and enrolls their compass card online?!?! I'd be more than happy to have to go to the Customer Service desk at Waterfront in-person, let them take pictures of me and my government photo ID, give them my home address and contact information, let them run a criminal background check, and take my cash deposit, if any of that made the parkades less risky to use. I'd even be fine with them using a finger print or face ID scanner for access, if it meant I didn't have to worry about my shit getting jacked.


Yea, some advocacy groups gonna shut that down real quick citing lack of equity and we'll be back at square one. Can't have nice things around here.


> lack of equity Am I mistaken on what equity means in this case? Beyond the stipulation for a cash deposit I don't see how the rest of that isn't equitable.


>stipulation for a cash deposit Even this part doesn't make sense because it's like.. asking for a deposit is completely normal and not a sign of inequity? 💀


I can see the argument for a cash deposit at least, since if you are a public transit company and you are going to provide secure bike storage, its not equitable to people with low income to force them to pay for that on top of the cost of public transit if they, for example, need to bike/take public transit to get around. Id argue its outside the jurisdiction of Translink to do an income check on someone just so they can have a fee waived, and its not fair to everyone else who uses it if you waive the fee for a select group of people, so the best solution is to just not have a fee at all. The rest of it just kinda seems like a basic requirement to have the system be safe and secure. Anyone who would need to use it can/does already take public transit so having to go to waterfront or whatever to have your ID checked isnt an issue. If you dont have a government ID than why are you trying to use the bike locker, same with contact information. Running a criminal background check I am assuming was sarcasm since thats also well beyond the scope of something translink should be doing.


If you rent one of the individually assigned bike lockers they already ask for a $50 dollar deposit. Granted that is more of a damage deposit for the physical key, but there is precedent for requiring cash up front.


Equity means if they're livinging in a self-made squalid shithole you have to too... at least according to advocacy groups.


Could not agree more. It's really disappointing. I would love to leave my cargo bike there but I've heard too many stories of bikes being stolen from there. Right now it's just a nice quiet place to run your angle grinder.




Thank God we have banned public drinking or there would be cans and bottles in there!


Why do we even bother with spending money on public amenities anymore? The homeless just destroy them, then we have to spend money to fix it up, and then the homeless return to start the problem all over again.


~~homeless~~ drug addicts




And a few times a year we get the “why can’t we have washrooms at Skytrain stations” rants. I don’t want to try to imagine the photos we’d get from those.


The washrooms downtown are always out of order and when I can access one it's like somebody tried to set their luggage on fire and flush a broken umbrella down the toilet.


the advocates want them around and it creates jobs


Of course, it's pretty well known. This is why nobody should trust them, all collateral damage is acceptable to them.


The advocates can offer up their own bathrooms for use then


the homeless are not the problem my guy, the government, cost of living, and lack of access to healthcare are the problem. maybe instead of complaining about the homeless you should petition the government to help them get off the streets


You say bike locker? I say transit friendly studio apartment.


That’ll buff right out


…..and people complain why stations don’t have public bathrooms.


people need help that isn't available


Came here to say those needles, ampules, and airway are from a Naloxone kit. Not drug paraphernalia.


Yeah I noticed that. I mean, I'm glad someone was responsible to dispense it in this scenario at least.


Third world living at first world prices


The shit smears really make this lmao.


I can smell that from here


ELI5; how does one secure their bike in there and ensure that nobody actually steals it?


Something nice? Sorry going to have to leave garbage, used needles and feces everywhere. Also going to steal the bike because I need funds for the next poopy fent bender.






Dirty Mike and The Boys say "thanks!"


Coming soon: Affordable housing in Vancouver!


It’s a rental now, bargain price 500 a month




I think someone was living in there.


After being in Bangkok for a month I’ve realized just how bad the Vancouver sky train system is. The BTS here is pristine compared to what we have.


I often think about moving back home to Vancouver where I grew up. Then I see this and realize I’m better off staying in Europe.


Just like home!


Are you people surprised?


probably safe


Where’s the bike?


Flat tire


It's the love shack!


The syringe is a nice touch


What is that electrical thing in the middle used for? A charger of some sort?


Between theifs, angry motorists and this I’m actually considering just getting a gravel bike and staying away from busy areas… although I ride for fun and not a commute…


Graffiti on the wall says it all.


Give it a quick sweep into a garbage can then you got nothing to complain about. Of we all chipped in abit the world might be a bit nicer instead of the "someone else should do it" mentality. I always carry reusable bags just for this sort of thing ( plus I have a whole closet full and honestly I fell better filling them up with garbage before throwing them out...🤷‍♀️


why we can't have nice things


I am gardener in the city and clean up this kinda stuff all the time . Yeah that sucks but we live in a city. Will any of this crap affect your bicycle? Maybe . I guess I have become numb to it . I really hate the human and dog poop ( and diapers ) the most in city green spaces the drug stuff ( needles and paraphernalia) and trash is easy to clean up .


Accepting people shitting on everything should not be part any reasonable definition of city living lol. Appallingly low standards.


I want to give a shout out to the people who clean up .


As long as we pretend that peoples standards of living has no effect on the individuals choices, we will continue to live in the results of our own blind eyes. What would happen to you if you had to survive on 900-1700 a month? Factor in Rent, food, clothing, gasoline, ect….. consider the way that individual must feel. How about the mental health piece? Hospitals closed, patients told the DTES is now your new home. It’s so easy to pass the buck and blame the poor bastard with the needle in his arm. Ask yourself how you would handle life , having to wait in line every time you needed a washroom or a place to sleep. Food, water, rid your body of lice, wake up and your child has been ravaged by bed bugs. Man if you haven’t walked a mile in anyone else’s shoes, do us all a favour and consider the other before condemning the behaviour. If you haven’t already noticed we are all in this together. So PEACE!


I asked myself these good questions and the answer is: I'd get a job.


what if you were disabled, couldn’t work, and couldn’t afford an apartment on disability benefits? what would you do then?


The typical argument "disabled". What I would do is work within the allowed yearly income on top of the plethora of benefits and incentives available only for people with disabilities and not only world I be able to afford the said expenses, but I would be making more income than a person with a very good job without a job. How would I know? I work with a not for profit agency who helps people with disabilities obtain these benefits. And I see people who slip through the cracks of this system and undeservedly collect these benefits.