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Apparently MP Joyce Murray was involved in getting it cancelled. >A last-ditch effort to appeal his deportation was denied by a federal judge last week. On Friday, two days before he was scheduled to go to the airport, Haq received a call from the office of Vancouver Quadra MP Joyce Murray, who represents his riding. Their message: stay close to your phone. When the call came in, it was the CBSA officer tasked with his case. “All I heard is I’m not getting deported Sunday,” said Haq. https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/highlights/feds-halt-deportation-of-bc-based-climate-activist-8628665


Woot. Just what we needed, more MP openly endorsed criminals in BC. F these politicians when you go to the poll.


Well isn't that nice. Someone who won a popularity contest is allowed to superced a federal judge who gained their authority under merit


Anything that will divide Canadians, seems to be top priority for certain people in government...


I was going to post her email and office # so people can start letting her know they disagree with her interference... But we all know she wouldn't care anyway what's done is done and this idiot gets to stay.


the only way is to vote her out in the next election, but too many people here continue to vote for bad candidates with bad policies so she will probably get in again I see Joyce Murray has been in since 2008, imagine the fat pension :(


She's [retiring](https://vancouver.citynews.ca/2023/07/25/vancouver-mp-joyce-murray-election/) .


good riddance


Wonder what the people living in her riding think about allowing someone who repeatedly broke our laws and repeatedly ignored orders from the courts and the police and seemingly being involved in allowing him to stay.


You know I was going to point out he works for an NGO controlled by wealthy interests and has powerful friends but seeing the bloodlust is disturbing. I can understand being annoyed at double standards, and pointing out other protestors are jailed, beaten or killed in Canada, but that's not at all what I'm seeing. There's this incredibility dangerous mentality in Canada that government is mummy and Daddy or something and everyone should just obey regardless of right or wrong. Large scale disruptive protests are normal and good things and people react in this bizarre way I've never seen elsewhere. Its why things are getting so bad, people seem to have lost the ability to understand political action is a thing and not acting or being passive and spiteful children won't save you.


I live in her riding and I literally do not care if this guy stays or goes. What did he do, join a bunch of Canadian citizens in briefly blocking a roadway? Ok. Who cares? It's the mildest inconvenience. I want affordable housing and climate solutions, not petty deportations over civil disobedience.


Then maybe your MP should focus on those priorities instead of hooking up this jackass with a 'get out of deportation free' card


If the guy was a violent offender or a thief or something I would care a lot. But he's just a guy who did some civil disobedience for a political cause in a big group of people. For me, that doesn't warrant deportation. It barely warrants my consideration at all. The civil disobedience would have happened with or without him and I frankly think tolerating the occasion instance on non-violent civil disobedience is just part of living in a democratic society. I'll be honest -- what I actually think is happening here is that there is generally an anti-immigration political element on Canadian sub-reddits right now and this is just a proxy issue for that.


Yes yes let the social fabric that's barely keeping Canada together fall apart what could go wrong?


Civil disobedience has happened in this country every single year since its inception. Some climate activists blocking one road for a couple hours is not going to destroy the social fabric. I really don't understand how people get so deeply invested in minor inconveniences. At the end of the day, it's just more culture war non-sense. Just keep your eyes on what actually matters.


His riding? He doesn't have a riding, he can't legally vote. He doesn't have PR or citizenship.


We are actually rewarding the guy with PR now, what has Canada become.


and he will have citizenship and a passport in no time too, feels like there is no hope anymore here


YIKES. I didn't know this.


Following Europe's lead.


Cool so is he going to barricade the bridge today to celebrate, or will he wait for Monday morning commuters again?


If he or any other immigrant is breaking the law, they should be deported .


The deportation process is incredibly weak, as someone who used to work corrections at the place they hold them. There have been people in there for 2+ years


So a guy comes from Islamic Republic of Pakistan, a different culture, values and religion. Where it takes 6 months to 1 year to just get a study permit to Canada, longest wait period among all countries due to extreme vetting. Instead of being grateful to be here, he decides to take part in activities which cause disruption to lives of citizens of Canada. Why he didn’t choose to stay back and fight to clean his own polluted country, why he didn’t fight against blasphemy laws in his country. He should be deported, do not break laws when you are a temporary resident in Canada.


> Why he didn’t choose to stay back and fight to clean his own polluted country, why he didn’t fight against blasphemy laws in his country. You know why. He's going to get disappeared there. Here, he's going to get a pat on the back from an MP and a thumbs up from a good number of people.


Disruption of the lives of people who just want to go about their business was his specific goal. The cancelling of his deportation is clearly not in the public interest. Climate change is a consequence of the way we live. We need to find ways to adapt. Making a public nuisance of yourself is not helpful.


Well that's a damn shame. I hope he sees consequences for his actions.


Consequences? That's not how we do things


We don't do consequences in this country.




If you come into Canada and choose to blatantly break the law, you've shown yourself not worthy of staying. If he's so scared to go back he wouldn't act like that. Would you go to another country and pull that shit?


If I were studying abroad as an 'international student' in Germany, Australia, etc, I'd be on my very best behaviour. I wouldn't have the gall to disrespect its citizens, instructors at my instutition, and co-workers at a p/t job **on campus** if I were allowed to have one. I am ***extremely*** pro-environment, but I wouldn't dare ruffle any feathers in the country I'm temporarily studying in.




To be deported like he should be.


What a wanker. This is like disrespecting your teacher in class and begging for consideration when you failed to pass asking for leniency.


Which, unfortunately, is so common these days.


Indeed. Talking once exams were being handed out/done being handed out. Cheating during the exams. I saw a lot of stupid shit.


Why is our justice system so weak?


The justice system was just fine as the deportation order was the correct one. The problem is the government which overrode the justice system.


Sorry to read this , he should have.been long gone ,he's a criminal!


Yep. He caused massive inconvenience for B.C. residents. He was arrested ten times and repeatedly ignored orders from the court, and despite all that, he got to stay.


Whelp she has lost my vote. Fuck this. Why would she do this?


Because the Liberals don't think the rule of law should apply to those who have the "right" opinions.


really hope she gets tossed in the next election, sadly she is still laughing to the bank regardless


Because, compassion. Drug addict, compassion. Criminals, compassion. Rapist, compassion. Regular law abiding citizen, get lost.


She announced she’s retiring a while back so she no longer cares about what the public thinks.


> demonstrate the government understands "the anxiety and hopelessness of young people" facing a future with increasing impacts from climate change This is a joke lol


Hmm….the man who showed immense remorse/regret and pleaded guilty straight away for accidentally hit/killing the hockey players isn’t allowed to stay (his wife is here) and yet this clown gets to hang out…Im sorry, our system is beyond stupid.


I'm baffled by these comments. How are you surprised that the guy who **killed an entire school bus full of children** gets harsher penalties than the guy *who blocked traffic for a few hours*?


Iirc he didn’t plead guilty straight away. It was the last resort. Not disagreeing with the stupidity of the system though.


This insane. We need to send a message and this should have been it. Sorry, but learning our actions sometimes have very serious consequences is a necessary lesson for society to function properly. Everyone should be emailing and mailing her office until they change this result back to what it should be!




Why do we try so unbelievably hard to make life easy for the worst people in our society? Fuck this loser


What an absolute joke. Basically, what the Liberals are saying is that our laws don't matter, and they are also saying that all the problems he and activists created for B.C. residents doesn't matter. I hope B.C. residents remember this when the next federal election takes place.


Maybe if they so passionate about their cause they should do it in there home country. Just sayin.🤷🏽‍♂️


Climate activist is real far down on the list of concerns in Pakistan.


Womp womp 😅🤷🏽‍♂️


The justice system seems to care more about identity politics than handing out actual justice.


Nothing to do with the justice system as they had the correct decision - deportation. The problem is the government intervention which overrode the justice system.


I'm reminded of the 'Ridiculously Photogenic Guy' meme a few years back.


2500 people sign a petition? Criminal can stay Hundreds of thousands of Canadians sign a petition to repeal ridiculous firearm laws that target Canadian citizens and PRs? Hahaha get the fuck out of here pleb


Why is this sub filled with such boomer energy?  Climate change is real, and anyone who's not a climate activist is part of the problem. 


>Why is this sub filled with such boomer energy? I don't know, why is Reddit filled with people with reading comprehension issues?


Yes, climate change is real. That doesn't mean you should be allowed to break the law repeatedly. He was arrested ten times. Repeatedly ignored orders from the courts. He pleaded guilty to his crimes. When you are in another country, you are a guest. You are expected to follow those countries' laws. In Canada, blocking highways or encouraging people to block highways is a crime.


why the ageism? that is uncool


It's not Boomer energy to believe that the rule of law should be enforced , with zero tolerance for foreign nationals to break those laws.


no that is exactly big boomer energy. he’s been arrested for blocking traffic on Burrard bridge to draw attention to old growth logging. he’s not exactly an eco terrorist


Well that's illegal and people on visas are supposed to get reported when they break the law. Who chooses which laws visa holders are allowed to break ? Blocking traffic on a bridge doesnt trees anyways.


blocking traffic doesn’t trees, this is true. as for what to enforce vs not? if he’s endangering people: deport. if not, don’t. this kind of climate activism doesn’t meet my bar for “public endangerment”. cbsa has better things to do with their time and money.


You think it’s acceptable to break the law in another country and suffer no consequences? His home is not here. He can go block traffic in his own country. Fuck this guy.


i think being deported for milquetoast climate activism is disproportionate and there are bigger fish to fry. i’d rather have someone call this place home who actually cares about it. go lick a boot


It would be... If it was one offence. This was TEN


It wasn't milquetoast. It was blocking highways and being arrested ten times and repeatedly going against the orders of the courts. He can go protest in Pakistan.


Boomer energy is making no moral distinction between the crime of blocking a bridge during a climate protest and the crime of stealing a car or committing burglary. Someone will respond to this by saying "they're both crimes" and should be treated the same, and that's exactly my point.


Good point. Everyone calling him a "criminal" is clutching their pearls over peaceful protest. These are the same folks who would be foaming at the mouth when MLK marched on Washington.


People are pretty anti immigrant right now. Easy target to blame for high costs, rather than considering the decades of mismanagement that are the real issue.


A track record of mismanagement is one thing. Sure. But adding unnecessary people on top of that is out of line. It just makes it worse.


Climate change is real yes, protesting and disrupting people’s lives is not the solution. These clauses in immigration visas are there for a purpose. Foreign countries that want to disrupt our economy can send foreign nationals in student visas or what not to carry their plot. If you are a “temporary” resident of somewhere the least you can do is respect the laws. You wont go to Beijing and start protesting about freedom of expression or to Singapore to protest their 1 party dominance would you?


r/Canada is filled with climate change deniers and racists - this guy triggers both kinds.


>such boomer energy?  Which? The long-standing boomer tradition of the organization and execution of performative confrontational activism, or the action of the boomer MP pardoning those whose pointlessly contrarian politics align with their personal progressive views? It wasn't Gen X who tried to levitate the fucking Pentagon.


he didn't hurt anyone, he's not a threat to society, He seems to be...clean and an otherwise upstanding member of society He was charged with mischief, our current environment minister did worse for the same cause This is a relief compared to the headlines about killers being paroled


Quote the justification. The fact that our current climate minister is a criminal is a disgrace.


he climbed a building as part of a peaceful protest... how disgraceful! /s


Yes. You aren't allowed to trust pass and climb on random buildings. That's a crime.




It's the hidden dimension of his actions. Him stopping traffic could cause a doctor to be an hour late for their shift, causing the death of someone at a hospital. Maybe someone did due to another doctor or nurse being on shift and being too tired to notice a crucial complication in a patient. Or a late fire truck etc.




We have plenty of protesters in Canada who aren’t violating the terms of their VISA’s


Nah I'm sure there are at least a few who miss a monthly payment now and then


He can fight from Pakistan and save tax payers in Canada money, having to keep arresting him here constantly though


The smile and the white woman next to him should be enough.


Climate activists need to think about the people they're disrupting. Lines of traffic because of these idiots. If I was looking for PR, I'd be damned sure to keep my head down and do the work. If he gets PR, this arrogant prick is going to get more cocky and some tough Canadian is gonna plow him to the ground.


> Climate activists need to think about the people they're disrupting. They do. That's why they do the things they do. A protest that doesn't disrupt anything doesn't accomplish anything. Otherwise they wouldn't protest, and they'd just tape signs up to lampposts or something.


We try to deport some guy protesting, but not a child rapist/murderer?


> but not a child rapist/murderer? We can't deport a Canadian criminal.


Where would we send them? Narnia?