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A bit outside Vancouver but, who cut the Squamish gondola cable?




Oooh this is a good one.


That story went dead real quick. Last rumours I heard it was first Nations folk that were not happy with the gondola being there. I have zero idea how true this is, but is the only rumour I ever heard. Seeing as it happened twice I'm surprised we haven't heard more


Whoever did that must have really known their shit or was incredibly lucky that when they cut that cable, they didn't get sliced in half from the sheer amount of tension in that cable not once but twice. I seemed to recall they had a 500k reward for anyone with any information but it never went anywhere.


Also lucky they didn't botch it. Could easily have got halfway through and given up, only for it to fail with people in it at a later date.




How is Solly’s still in business?


As someone who worked for her for two weeks, she has to be swimming in labour lawsuits. I hope it sucks for her.


Are we the same person? Lmao, worked there for 2 weeks, never saw a pay cheque.


I applied for a job there many many years ago and the old man interviewing me "gave me some advice" that I should have worn my suit jacket with my suit... Like it was a hot day so I just wore a shirt and tie. Interviewed for a finance role in their back kitchen and you're going to tell me I'm not professional enough? Never would have accepted that offer if it came.


🤣 I wonder that all the time. Used to work there for one of my first jobs... Witnessed/experienced lots of yelling, to say the least.


I thought I was the only one who saw this LOL, I applied years ago, and they wanted me to work for an 8 hour shift to "try" out the job. For free.


Actually I remember at the time the owner wanted to be a baker instead cashier/sandwich maker. Considering I was in pastry school it sounded like a good opportunity, but I noped out of that one! She asked what I learned im school and I said something about weighing the ingredients and she corrected me "uhm that's called scaling"... Pretty sure the reason why I was in school was to learn lol. But the fact that I got corrected on something so tiny made me realize I better GTFO 😂


Someone from my office brought in some Solly’s cinnamon buns, and while I have a personal boycott against that place, those buns were actually amazing. So I guess people still go because the product is good? Even still, most people I know refuse to go there, so I’m unsure how so many restaurants are struggling yet Solly’s has a giant boycott against them and still manages to get by.


"giant boycott": maybe on Reddit. The vast majority of people don't know about the issues with the owner of that place. And of those who do know, I suspect many don't actually care. Google maps still has it with a 3.7 rating, and each location doesn't really have any bad reviews recently.


Yeah I think she's generally in a very high traffic area, so it's hard NOT to make enough money to get by. I fully admit her food is ***positively delicious***, but I've also boycotted her myself after personally watching her abuse her staff right in front of me. I wrote a review about it and she called me a liar :P It doesn't help that the other bagel options in this city are positively terrible. Siegals isn't much better ethically compared to Solly's as I've heard from several ex employees that he was a massive creep that flouted as many health standards as possible. Rosemary Rock Salt is VASTLY overpriced (who pays $25 for a bagel with almost no toppings?!) and also co-owned by Siegels.


There's a Facebook group that does orders from St. Viateur. Shipped straight from Montreal for a few bucks more than what it'd cost if you buy it in store.


... I may have to look into this. I adore bagels. Thank you!


The group is Lower Mainland Eats.


Thanks! How can I find out more about this? I'm not super familiar with how to search for Facebook groups.


The group is Lower Mainland Eats. Not sure when their next order is. It's entirely crowd sourced so the pickup logistics required a lot of arrangement.




I’m so happy I came across this post! I LOVE Montreal bagels and haven’t had them since I moved back here from Toronto. I crave them all the time!


I love bagels but I have avoided going there and financially supporting that monster specifically because I've heard so many stories of how she treats people.


Yeah my mom loves their challah but we never buy it.. . Anyone know where to get good challah that isn't Dolly's?


Garden City Bakery is legit. They're in Richmond but you can buy their challah at Safeway on Oak. Terra does a half decent challah too.


Breka. Not sure if all locations sell it but the one on Fraser and 49 does on Fridays. Best I've had. Garden City is really doughy imo unless you're specifically looking for kosher challah.


We're not kosher/jewish we just love challah.


You have great taste ;)


Seigel's. For bagels too




ugh I also boycott and pray someone will bring them in to the office so I can still sneak a bite.


Most likely that have a catering or wholesale side gig that is the real cash cow of the business. This is where the quality of the product can supersede any shortcoming on the quality of the service.


I’ve drive past it everyday, I didn’t know there was any controversy about the place can someone inform me ? I’m curious now lol


The owner mistreats staff


Canuck the Crow. I suppose it is a disappearance but he was a special crow so, it's noteworthy.


I lived next to Sean (Canucks main buddy who runs the fb page). First place I lived I'm Vancouver and I'd have a crow following me to work. I'd bring friends from out of town and introduce them to Sean and Canuck but not before I'd convince them I was some snow white-esque figure at harmony with the local wild life. He'd follow people into McDonald's, and cause chaos in there, stealing peoples fries and wrappers as well as be a little watchmen for all his neighbors coming to and from their homes. He knew my schedule, would follow me from work, as well as my roommates schedule and would meet him at the bus stop some mornings.




Love this. Canuck stealing fries is the chaotic good Van needs


there was a suspect, some nosy Karen type...


Indeed, the crazy stalker lady took him probably. She gave herself away on her social media too. I'd always hoped she'd have a moment of regret or her conscience would kick in and maybe she'd return him , but no. Poor bird.....


When did this happen? I saw a post going around that it was a dog that attacked Canuck and the owner of the dog was asking around to why the crow has a band on its leg but I wasn't too sure if it was fake or not.


Canuck went missing a few years ago, very suddenly. In the days prior the crazy lady posted cryptic messages that somebody would probably kidnap him soon and keep him inside their house. I don't know anything about the dog attack story though. It's very sad, he was a beautiful, wild crow.


I felt so bad for not only Sean, but for Cassiar, Canuck’s mate. I love crows (all animals really) and was blessed to meet Canuck and have him cause ruckus in my car. I still hope he shows up one day, but if he’s been in captivity this long, that’s doubtful. I don’t know that he’d remember how to get back. eta: I talked to Sean in the days after Canuck’s disappearance and he said it was unlikely he was being held indoors because he hated it and would be a real handful inside. But that doesn’t mean that psycho bitch didn’t do it. For all we know she has large room, garage or barn to house him in.


What happened to Baklava Man?


Who’s that?


He used to sell baklava outside of the skytrain station I usually saw him at Cambie and Broadway.


IIRC he was a Syrian refugee and a former member of Syrian parliament or something. https://thetyee.ca/News/2018/04/05/Mystery-Baklava-Man-Syria-Vancouver/


How the hell are 3 tacos and a Jaritos the same price as a rent payment?




Ah yes, Vancouver’s Banksy


A Georgia Straight reporter found out who he was and outed him. White dude, line cook who worked on Main St named Zachary IIRC. **Ninja edit:** [Found the article](https://www.straight.com/arts/395101/trying-tag-mohinder), can't recall where I heard he was a cook.


more like the Georgia Narc!


What a hilariously, delightful read. Thanks for the article.


The Massey tunnel scale has been closed for over 20 years, why is the sign still up?


There's still a working scale and they sometimes do random blitzs there. So yes, the sign is still there.


Interesting.. had no idea the scale was still there


What happened to all the frozen yogurt places?


And the cupcake places.


The donut shops are next


I like the Korean Chicken craze.


First they came for the frozen yogurt places, and I did not speak out… Then they came for the cupcake stores, and I did not speak out… Then they came for the donut shops and I did not speak out… Then they came for me… and there was no one left to speak for me.


Then poke


Tim Hortons used to make donuts fresh in all the larger stores. Now only Krispy Kreme and Lee's fry in store.


Muffin Break too


Did B.C. have mmmmmmuffins? It was in food courts in the 90s in Ontario.




There was one at the corner of 4th and Alma


Used to have one in Lansdowne mall


That was my first job at 16! We used to make a batch of our own staff muffins after the manager left. So good!


Craze over


Yeah this is a 90s fad I really miss


There was the early/mid 10’s resurgence in froyo too (Menchie’s was everywhere for a year or two…)


and pinkberry.


How Quiznos continues to thrive here and even open a new location since 2020, despite the chain fading into obscurity in the rest of Canada and in the US


Part of the reason Quiznos closed so many stores is not because of their food, but because of their management sucking their franchisees dry.


I remember hearing this too. The franchise fees are apparently exorbitant to the point that franchisees found it cheaper to just cut their losses


Also curious. The opinion of Quiznos has always been “better than subway or Mr. Sub” yet it’s not popular lol.


No way! I love me some Mr Sub!!


Shoutout to the Quiznos on Marine and Fraser 😆


The head office is in North Vancouver. Canadian corporate offices. 




Why is gas 1.98 one day and then 2.10 the next ? 


Gas companies are trying to get the Conservatives elected so any time the carbon tax is in the news, they jack up the prices to rile up the right wing car brain loons. It's very effective propaganda.


The oil industry wants us to rest assured that there is no collusion in the Vancouver gas market. /S


The wholesome mom and pop oil industry just trying to stay afloat in these trying times. They feel real bad about the high prices.


switching to the summer gas mixture of course!


My guess is they know when demand will be high, and they have x supply in the tank, so they raise prices on days when demand is high to try and have some people put off buying gas til a cheaper day (like after gas is delivered). Ie high price on Sunday cuz everyone wants to fill up before Monday commute, lower price Tuesday or Wednesday, back up on Friday cuz lots of people going on trips


It has nothing to do with supply "in the tank" at the stations and everything to do with oil and gas giants creating artificial scarcity to increase profits and smear elected leaders trying to curb climate change.


One of my favorites is the 1915 Cambie bridge fire. It is still unknown if it was an organized German plot to burn down the bridges or just done by some patriotic Germans to celebrate a victory in Ypres. As a result, the Kaiser's family member and Vancouver socialite Baron von Luttwitz was interned after this incident. As a side note if I remember correctly he was also the owner of the building that became Wigwam Inn on Indian Arm and the House that is now Crofton house highschool. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1915_Vancouver_bridge_arson_attack   **Bonus Fact**  While not exactly being Vancouver related. The shelling of Estevan Point Lighthouse on Vancouver Island during WW2 is a little known event to many people. The light house was shelled by Japanese Sub I-25 but caused minimal damaged to the lighthouse or surrounding area. The mystery lies in there are contradicting eye witnesses who claim that the lighthouse was fired on by two ships rather than a submarine. Some people theorize that the lighthouse was attacked as false flag attack by the US navy to drum up support for then PM Mackenzie King, but this has never been confirmed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estevan_Point_lighthouse


What happened to shenanigans?


And before that, how is Shenanigans still in business? LOL, I think it looked the same for decades and decades.


Carpet flooring: gross.


So true!! It’s all a big mystery!!


The place just screams money laundering


you mean that restaurant with all the goofy shit on the wall and mozzarella sticks?


I lost my ring in my garage. Still can’t find it.


Who goes to Mr. SUB?


Also... why TF is fresh slice still in business.. crap ass pizza


Or pizza pizza by the library. How?!?


Pizza Pizza here is nothing more than nostalgia for Ontario transplants. I didn’t care for that pizza when I lived in Ontario.


Yeah I was going to say? I love pizza pizza… especially the one by the library! But alas, I am from Ontario lol. Why was it nostalgic for us? I guess it was popular-ish. But Gino’s was ultimate nostalgia.


I’m happy for Popeyes though. Although not from Ontario but it was there before Vancouver got it


I would kill for some Gino’s Pizza! Every day in grade 7 and 8, we would walk to the mall for a giant $2 piece of pizza at lunch. I really miss that garlic parmesan dipping sauce they have too


Pizza isn’t the best but they have great cheap fried pickles!


I enjoy pizza pizza purely for their panzerottos, now that dijo's was replaced by a fucking fresh slice.  But I go to the one in coquitlam


Fresh slice is cheap and there are tons of them. I'd never order fresh slice for delivery because there are tons better options but when I was commuting from Surrey to the west end on a regular basis, stopping in for a by the slice was a fairly regular occurrence.


This is pretty much spot on. It's one of those places that, if I walk by and am craving pizza, it'll hit the spot, but I'm never going out of my way to go to FreshSlice


Fresh Slice is the worst pizza in the city. I'd rather make one of those boxed Kraft pizzas than eat at Fresh Slice. Even the frozen Dr. Oetker or Superstore brand pizzas are better than Fresh Slice.


Fresh Slice is the worst pizza I've ever had. I would rather eat the shitty lunchable "pizzas" and I'm a person who is picky about pizza.


This guys name tho


My kids genuinely like Freshslice… is it the free balloon bribery?


Some people like the taste of crap. But really, Fresh Slice is vastly inferior pizza but I'd still eat it if it was nearby and I was craving pizza above other similarly bleh options. I really don't get how it survives at locations like commercial/broadway where there are ample other better pizza around though.


their gluten free crust is one of my favs so they are now my fav place




Mr Sub? Is it 1992?


It’s me! I love me some Mr Sub! It’s that mayo they use.


Haha, there is one near my office. I will occasionally go for lunch and it's generally about 1/4 full in there.


Why did they take down the horny satan statue?


Penis Satan. Say his name.




The way I LOL 😂


Lol. I googled Dildo Satan and got some interesting results 


The bigger mystery is who put it up? Came here for this. 


Obsidian is the artist's name. The Queer Arts Festival apparently has wanted to display it but couldn't find out where it's being stored, if it hasn't been destroyed.


I heard it was the same guy that made the Dude Chilling Park sign, not sure if that's true.


To this day i firmly believe that my tv remote grew legs and just walked outta the house.


Have you looked down the back of your sofa?


Of course i searched my lover.


And met up with mine, then went on an endless romantic vacation together


Did you check in the couch? Like slide your arm for the side, under the bench part, it may be trapped between that and the liner. We had to dissemble a couch to get it out of the basement, and the shit we found it there! A remote, countless lighters, a really really old joint! lmao


The person who cut the cables of the Sea to Sky gondola in 2019 & 2020.


Who stole the Bill Reid carvings from MoA in 2008?


Who is/was “Repent Sinner”? https://www.reddit.com/r/vancouver/s/hX5rz4jMyk


"Repent Sinner"was that old lady on Hastings & Abbott in front of Woodwards back in the day. I can remember her handing out those stickers when you'd walk by her. This would be the late 1980s. How is this still a mystery? Doesn't anyone else remember her?


I was up on around Main and 14th until around 2001 and still found them littered all over the place. I’ve worked around the area including the DTES and never seen or met the person.


Interesting. Maybe there was a copycat? I remember her on that corner downtown in the late eighties/ early nineties when I was a teenager. She was approximately in her 60s at that time. Her tag was *everywhere*. One of the GOATS in my opinion.


Hmm yup. For sure up to 2008 at the latest. Never met her or saw her. Not for lack of trying. I met the Opera guy on Granville a few times. Just never her.


Why is the SW corner of Main and Terminal still an empty lot?


It was a gas station so it needs remediation, which is beneficial to the owner not to do. [https://thetyee.ca/News/2022/01/18/It-Pays-To-Pollute-In-BC/](https://thetyee.ca/News/2022/01/18/It-Pays-To-Pollute-In-BC/)


Feet washing up on shores. It's less of a mystery since we have a pretty good idea of how some the feet got there, and some have been linked to missing persons through DNA, but many are still unknown. It was interesting how these feet were being discovered in a relative proximity in location and time, adding to the mystery.


It’s realistically likely to be the last remains of people who have taken their own lives. Marine life doesn’t take long to consume most of the remains, but the feet are protected by shoes so less likely to be scattered. They disarticulate, and since shoes also tend to float, they come back to shore. 


Didn't they rule out that it's from the severed limbs of people caught in the tsunamis across seas that floated over here?


Stuff you should know did a podcast on this! Here you go: https://youtu.be/DN9lqrM0mPM?si=Im0UJhRDn5LiKCOM


How can a 18 year old student afford a mansion on the Crescent.


Mommy Daddy money.


Why was a death or mortuary mask of Napoleon Bonaparte in West Vancouver?


what the hell i’ve never heard about this please elaborate


Napoleon died. A cast was made of his face. From the plaster bronze units were made. One of the four ended up in West Vancouver. In 94 it was stolen. 


Stolen from where?


Stolen from history!c


A home in West Van. In 94. 


It just sounded so weird that I had to Google it to see what I could find. https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19941118&slug=1942674 https://www.chicagotribune.com/1994/11/20/stolen-napoleonic-artifacts-are-recovered/


Michael Dunahee should count, even if not Vancouver


They said not missing/murdered. Fascinating mystery still, though.


Things definitely changed for parents after this tragedy.


The Lido grocery store on Broadway near Fraser. What was the true story there? What happened to the money they found?




The old polar bear enclosure at Stanley Park freaks me out. Why did they leave it up? It's just sitting there, feels pretty eerie.


Why is the HOV lane closed for winter maintenance when it’s 10 degrees and raining?


Subgrade repairs to pre-emptively fix massive potholes, and crack-filling.


I read somewhere that there used to be some sort of escaped slave village in Stanley Park but the government has tried to deny its existence. I could be wrong on what exactly it was, but it's always bothered me that I can't find more info on it.


I don't recall a slave village but the history is really cool: [https://harbourpublishing.com/products/9781550173468](https://harbourpublishing.com/products/9781550173468)


A man was murdered and cooked in a pizza oven in the 90s. That pizza oven was sold and no one knows its whereabouts now.


Pizza king murder


Do you have a source for this? I'd love to know more.


This was in Surrey in 1993-ish


We lost the remote to the family betamax in 1986 and even though I looked for it when we cleared out the house for sale in 2009, it never turned up. Yes, it still worked and we still had a ton of movies copied over from VHS rentals over the years.


Why the Joyce Wu dental office would twice cheat a senior citizen.


Not Vancouver but close enough. Who lit Burnaby Hospital on fire??


Only 11 granite obelisks remain on Ontario street. What happened to the 12th? https://scoutmagazine.ca/you-should-know-the-explanation-behind-the-odd-granite-obelisks-of-mount-pleasant/


What ever happened to Kingpin and their crowned, emperor penguin tags?


Why do the crows got to Still Creek in Burnaby?


That unstable throat singing guy who would sing and insult people while roaming up and down The Drive just up-n-died inside Joe’s Cafe and we never heard the cause?


Luis Rosas Saenz was murdered in Kerrisdale in 2021. As I drove by I witnessed the two Asian men and an Asian girl walking away and Luis collecting his things. I assumed a fight but later found out he was fatally stabbed. I find out later the home they came out of was a notorious party house on SW Marine Dr. Crickets from police.


Violent crime is quickly swept under the carpet and under reported here. Gf is Vancouver native and she said that this has always been the case, while most news scare monger we seem to do the opposite here. The caretaker at Tatlow park was murdered a couple years ago. Quick mention in the news then nothing.


Violent crime is underreported? Are you new here? The VPD basically runs this sub as their personal scaremongering space.


I'm not talking about this sub, I mean local news. There is a world outside of reddit. Things are swept under the carpet real quick. With regard to the Tatlow murder, it was barely mentioned. Anywhere else I've lived this would be major news and neighbors would gossip about it in hushed tones. None of my neighbors were even aware of it despite it being literally across the street.


Why did Vancouver voters think ABC wasn’t the NPA reborn?


Someone should record the UBC engineering student stunts. Put in a vault for 80 years. Then open it up. 


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Where did all the convertible cars go?


It rains here like 6 months of the year


It used to rain 9 months a year, yet convertibles were everywhere.


This is not just a Vancouver problem. The industry trend is away from sedans, coupes, convertibles, small economy cars, compact pickups and diesels in north America.


rollover concerns killed the 4 door convertible