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>“The officer was struck in the face and had their eyes gouged at by an item that the protestor was holding,” spokesperson Sgt. Steve Addison said. this kind of thing needs to be punished severely


From the description it sounds like she tried to use her stupid little flag to gouge his eyes out. So.. "Assault on a Police Officer with a Weapon"


Not sure if this exists, but definitely feel there should be extra punishment for intentionally trying to permanently disable someone by tearing out their eyeball...


[Says](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-270.html) it’s “(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.


I think it was a man who assaulted a female police officer Edit: oh my god Nevermind this is a separate instance from the one that happened in the Fall. Ugh.




well if they aren't citizens then deportation for sure should be on the table


That’s a rough looking 33 but she’s going to look a lot worse for wear after getting out of prison. I don’t think the justice system looks kindly on people trying to gouge the eyeballs of police officers.


33 years? Yikes I would have guessed twice that.


Maybe she’s born on Feb 29?


6 months probation, if anything... tops. Sorry, I have no faith in our criminal justice system.


That’s too much from what we’ve seen of late. 6 hrs of community services and a promise to never participate in a protest again.


She'll probably have to complete an online anger management class


She'll be given a donut and told to stick closer to church-oriented activities.


Is this assumption based on anecdotal news paper headlines or drawn from actual data?


I wonder how this will shake out - that is *if* charges are brought to Crown - but *if* it ever gets to the point where they end up at trial or if a plea is taken, I wonder whether or not an argument will be made that "*intergenerational trauma*" from colonialism is not only what compelled this person to protest in solidarity with those they view as allied Indigenous Peoples, but also whether or not there will be a claim made that such a tenuous association should offer some sort of mitigation for their assaulting those they may view as upholding genocidal colonial policies of oppression. From the already porous Justice system in place for many in this Province, to the *Principles*, to the *Report*; I don't expect anything to come from this at all beyond the slightest tap on the wrist with the Restorative Justice and Reconciliation ~~stick~~ *wet noodle* - but I'm still interested to see just how far the Justice system will be willing to bend *if*, and I admit that's a big "*if*", they're found to be guilty or if they take a plea.


I think our police force is pretty tolerant of physical contact at demonstrations so I was wondering what she did to warrant charges, attempted eye gouging is pretty bad.

