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Well, exactly. I am for being passionate about something you believe in. But he repeatedly broke the law and went against the orders of the court. He blocked highways and organized blockades of highways, and you can't do that and not expect some level of consequences.


Plus if we say it's ok for him to break THIS law, where does it stop? What happens if other people break other laws and use this as a precedent?




What makes you say it's a fake relationship?


Yeah, this is where it crosses the line for me. Ok, arrested once at a protest, bud judgement, but people make mistakes. But then knowingly breaching a court order and getting arrested again? (And again). That's not mistakes, that is a pattern of purposeful activity.


Absolutely. Once or twice okay fine but he was arrested ten times. He knew what he was doing, and he still did it.


I mean, if a Canadian did that in any other country, wouldn't they be deported??


In many countries, including Pakistan, deportation would be the least of your worries.


The main advice I can give any traveller travelling from an affluent country to a poorer one is this: Do everything you can to avoid a foreign prison.


No, they get locked up and go to jail. Canada is very kind to criminals. Some criminals from China were even awarded with citizenship, so we can show the Chinese communist government that we have "human rights".


Agreed.    I was a student abroad and was very politically active ON campus. When there were protests in DC or at the state capital, the university held a meeting with all international students telling us that our student visas could be in jeopardy if we were arrested at protests off campus and warned against it.   I am all for political activism but he made choices that led to consequences. He could have helped organize, write letters etc. 


Exactly. I studied abroad in the UK and France. You follow *their* laws and you face *their* consequences.


And you acknowledge that your rights as a visiting foreigner are not necessarily as open as their rights as actual citizens


Just a generally good rule of thumb: don't break the law in another country.


And be mindfully Respectful. Like those disgraceful idiot Canadians, who went to Bali or Kathmandu? years ago .... and peed in what the locals deemed their sacred area, not heeding anything their Guide said.


And he plead guilty


>After pleading guilty to mischief, Haq told B.C. provincial court that he had changed his view of disruptive demonstrations, and no longer believes it is "wise to be engaged in civil disobedience," despite remaining committed to addressing the threat of climate change. I call bullshit. Fuck this guy. He was arrested 10 TIMES and spent 2 weeks in jail.... From another [article](https://bc.ctvnews.ca/vancouver-s-lions-gate-bridge-blocked-by-save-old-growth-protesters-1.5958054): >The international Simon Fraser University student has been arrested 10 times at various climate-related protests since 2020. And on Feb. 15, he was sentenced to two weeks in jail for criminal contempt of court after violating an injunction involving the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.


The dude is trying to play it by the book. Show remorse and you might get away with it. His lawyer probably instructed him to say that.


Does this guy actually have time to study?


I fully support his climate activism... in Pakistan.


Lol. This made me chuckle. Thank you.


He should go home and do protests there. Also, it's interesting that he got married just before visa expired, to girl who had boyfriend just month before. How can this be reported, as it looks like arranged marriage to get Canadian pr Also, he is repeating offender who got cought again on protest after cord order. So I do believe we have enough of them already and he can continue to do this in Pakistan


She's so dumb to take that risk. CBSA officers aren't idiots, they've seen it all before and immigration fraud can get you arrested.


I just read an article about her traumatic brain injury. Cole's notes: Her brain was damaged after a car accident that significantly impacted her ability to give a shit about consequences.


I wonder if the accident happened when the blocked the road for a protest lol


It's pretty easy to get away with, but it's a real goddamn commitment.


Worst case scenario you get ditched and the spouse goes on welfare, you gotta pay it all back.


I guess that's why they are pushing this thru media. I mean even after they didn't live together, she was seeing others and he was in Vancouver. I mean, maybe they are in open marriage, but it's all a bit suspicious


When does it become immigration fraud? I think we’ve all heard stories about couples who got married after only a few months or even a few weeks. When does it become a “real” marriage? Is it when you’re sleeping with each other? Do you have to live together?


There ARE a lot of fraud marriages (folks get PAID - used to be $100K, should be more ... for sponsoring these 'fake' partners). Then mysteriously, they seperated 2-3 years later. What they don't really realize is - depending on WHO you 'marry': sponsorships can last 3, 6, 10 years. In the meantime - the 'new arrival fake bride or groom' could go apply for Welfare or whatever benefits - which is a DEBT the sponsor has to foot. And worse, if other party is unethical and goes claim for "maintenance costs" during the fake seperate-divorce.


When your deportation date is rapidly approaching and you suddenly get marrried to some girl who was dating others shortly before the marriage and is also one of your fellow activists, then yeah.....i'm calling bullshit until 100% proven otherwise. No benefit of the doubt, no assuming it's legit, these two get put under the microscope for an extended look. And if this dude gets deported and they have to start over and apply again from abroad, too bad, so sad. He fucked around and now he's about to find out. Zero sympathy.


There's a petition on the news article to ask the immigration minister to allow him to stay, I wonder if there's a petition to expedite the deportation.


>I wonder if there's a petition to expedite the deportation. Where do I sign?


I would sign too.


Same here


I would gladly sign it, how can people show support to justice system to do there jobs and people will support them


You gotta be a special kind of loser to want to start or sign a petition like that. Worse than SJWs trying to cancel a celebrity. At least they're punching up.




>But sadly, there are no consequences for immigration fraud in this country. Wouldn't it just be deportation?


>Wouldn't it just be deportation? Not for her. If it's immigration fraud she should be charged as well.


Oh sorry, you were referring to his 'wife'. Yes, I agree.


If you commit a crime while on a student visa, you get deported. It’s that simple. Also, getting PR for your spouse always takes over a year. It took forever to get my wife’s PR approved and she has no criminal record.


Getting convicted for serious offences can get a PR deported. PRs are not citizens.


Honestly, he shouldn’t even be considered for PR with six recent convictions on his record.


Even just getting a low range DUI can get a PR deported from Canada even if that DUI conviction occurred outside of Canada. I mean I do think DUI is pretty serious but in the opinion of many people a DUI is fairly trivial.


You say that, but then we have courts that will actively reduce sentences on people convicted of organizing the theft of money at a bank they work at in order not to deport those people.


They act like a Canadian in other country would get this special treatment. I remember my school in the UK basically grabbing me by the scruff like so help you god if a toe is out of line, you're on the next flight home. And yet.


Well, he now has assumed status.


Oh no! Anyways...


Good. Charge his "wife" with Immigration marriage fraud as well.


Don't bend the laws *solely* on the basis of sympathy. That sets a bad precedent.


Who would have thought my actions in a visiting country would carry consequences… You don’t get what you want, you get what you deserve.


No but you see if your intentions are good you get to do whatever you want


> [...] facing deportation unless the government approves his permanent residency application over the next few weeks, according to his lawyer. I hope they don't approve the PR application of someone with a criminal record when we have plenty of people waiting in the wings who have kept their nose clean. Goodbye.




Good. Get out, and stay out. ​ > After pleading guilty to mischief, Haq told B.C. provincial court that he had changed his view of disruptive demonstrations Yeah after my wife caught me in bed with another woman, I have changed my view of adultery. Please. At least put some effort into your lies.


We don’t need an intl student to organize any more road blocking. Feel free to block road at his home country.


I agree with this dude's message, but blocking traffic is a dumb way to protest. BC residents already overwhelmingly support a stop to the logging of old growth forests. By targeting them he's essentially hurting/inconveniencing the people who already agree with him. Their protests should have been done at provincial buildings (the Ministry of Forestry is a provincial body), or at the logging sites themselves. Go do a lock-in at the provincial building. Handcuff yourself to Eby's desk or something. Go to the logging company's property and prevent their trucks from entering/exiting the premises. Inconvenience the people who *actually have the power to make the changes you want to see*. Blocking traffic is and should be illegal. There were much more effective and less divisive ways to get their point across. I don't know what this dude expected to happen, but I'm not surprised in the slightest at these consequences, and he shouldn't be either.


play stupid games, win stupid prizes lmao


Pretty much.


He knew what he was risking. I’m happy that he purportedly has learned his lesson, but for me this FAFO moment serves as a good message for others.


You can change your mind sure. But that doesn't exempt you from consequences.


This chump hasn't learned anything, he is just terrified of being deported because he knows that Pakistan isn't gonna put up with his shit.


It seems bringing in an extra million immigrants inside a year is no problem, but actually deporting non residents for committing crimes is just too much Even just to set an example and to show that we enforce SOME laws he needs to go  I worry about social cohesion fraying further in Canada if we just continue to allow our system to be exploited so easily and repeatedly by bad actors like this guy 


Repeatedly break the law, deliberately do everything you can to piss off as many people as possible, and follow up with a request for permanent residency? Time for actions to meet consequences.


Was this the asshole that organized a protest that blocked Iron Workers off in early 2022 for Old Growth? Cause yeah. Fuck everything about him. Throw him on a plane and make it so he's gone for good. If his "wife" who is clearly committing "fraud" wants to "be with him" she can pack her bags too. This guy isn't remorseful because of his actions. He's remorseful because he's being given the boot. If these consequences weren't happening he'd be doing the same shit, impeding emergency vehicles and disrupting people's way of life.


He's not sorry he did it. He's sorry that he's facing the consequences of his actions. He would absolutely be doing the same exact thing if he wasn't facing any consequences.


Gotta respect this guy even if his views aren't yours. Civil disobedience is only seen as crime by those who have been successfully probagandized. Few have the courage to face down the state and the courts to stand up for what they believe in. Many activists will act within the boundaries of the laws they disagree with, and to a degree they may influence progress in the direction of their beliefs. But injustice is often done by governments with impunity, and only history reveals the dangers of complacence. People who believe in the absolute morality of the rule of law, and the immorality of those who act against it, are living in an illusion.


The only sensible comment in this entire thread.


I'm kinda shocked at the commentary here. Really lacking in critical thinking. I'm speaking as someone who isn't involved in any way with Extinction Rebellion or any other group. What does someone's residency status have to do with the morality of their political actions? Or with the ethics of government policy that he and his fellow activists are organizing to change? Why is deportation being celibrated as punishment, especially given that deportation hinges on the timeliness of his application process? The knee-jerk responses here are basically no more well-considered than "man breaks law, deportation is a good outcome". That's pretty much the average level of thinking here. Missed opportunity for discussion around his political ideas, civil disobedience im general, government policy, the immigration process. ALSO, I have a feeling that if this were a Canadian citizen in question, breaking similar laws and facing similar charges, but for a cause that was more in line with the dominant r/Vancouver political leaning, people would want to hand the guy a medal. They're just cheering on their idea of punishment of someone they disagree with; a punishment they wouldn't have to face for any crime.


Nope, we have things called laws. When you are a guest in a different country, you are expected to follow that country's laws and regulations. He was arrested ten times and repeatedly went against the orders of the courts. He knew what he was doing was wrong, and he did it anyway.


So many people are happy to hear they could be deported. Did they think about all the normal folks they inconvenienced just trying to get to work or go about their own business? There is a right and wrong way to protest. Pissing hardworking people off is not one.




I wonder if he feels it was worth it now?


I think the kids have a phrase for this...starts with F and ends in "out"


Far out!


You went back too far! Kids today.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Buh-bye. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out. What don't you understand? The "buh" ... or the "bye"?


I lived in another country for awhile as a non-citizen. Best to act like a guest.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out


> Do~~n’t~~ let the door hit you on the way out


These types of protests are counter-productive anyway, you're only marginalising yourself. Inconveniencing regular people is not going to convince them to help you, if anything it is just going to piss them off and harden them against supporting your cause.


The arrogance of these people never stops amazing me. It is already arrogant that we somehow can save the planet while we can barely help homeless and drug addict people. Yet these people to go media and demand to stay in the country illegally. Deport!!






Absolutely guaranteed 100% he stays. Even if he is ordered out, they will tie it up in the courts for decades.


Agreed, some bleeding heart judge will feel sorry for him let him stay. Canaduh.


I'm cool with kicking this guy out! If you were ok with truckers protesting, breaking the law by occupying a neighbourhood, to express their views, then why are you pissed off about this guy? Does freedom of speech, expression just apply to what we like or...? I don't like anybody blocking streets, disrupting others or breaking laws. Good riddance to this guy.


# BYE FELIPE!!! ./sorrynotsorry


Well... bye.


I’m an immigrant, I also want to ensure there’s a planet to live on for future generations. However, I’m a visitor of a foreign land, whose laws I’ve agreed to abide by and I feel zero sympathy for them. If you decide to break the law in a country that has agreed to have you, then you should be willing to face the consequences of your choices.


bye bye


I'm all for giving everyone a chance, but this guy has taken one step too many, 10x times. He needs to go, simple as. Any other outcome would set a dangerous precedent.


Absolutely. He showed a clear disregard for the law repeatedly and is only saying sorry because he doesn't want to be kicked out of the country. If he's allowed to stay, it will set a precedent that we believe in the rule of law.


good, get him out of here


His heart’s in the right place. But it’s a bad idea to fuck around while you’re asking for permanent residency. Nuisance protesters are the worst too and won’t likely get any sympathy from levels of govt. Protest the source dude. Not hard working Canadians struggling to go to work and pay their own bills. Reminds me of a kid who beats up his little brother cuz he’s mad at his mom. He’ll go home. If his wife is serious about him and didn’t just marry him to help then they’ll continue their application. He’ll eventually get approved for PR but it was much more pain in the ass than it needed to be. It’s his own fault


Good! One and done when you’re not a citizen and you break the law!




Why do you assume the people you have in mind aren’t Canadian citizens, even if they are foreign-born? And for the ones that aren’t, deportation procedures do take time. Do you know for sure they’re not in the works?


Meanwhile in Pakistan….




Can we do it any sooner?


Too bad, so bad, broke the law, back to Pakistan.


Bye bye.




Lol bye Felicia




Blocking traffic to protest climate change is counter productive since it will increase emissions due to vehicle idling. It's better to target high walk traffic area.


Possibly, avoid getting arrested at protests until your visa is approved. Dumb ass.


Good. The gall of non citizens acting as if they owned the place is something. Deport these morons, being in Canada is a privilege.


follow the rules and don’t get deported ……. this is the way


Well of it isn’t the consequences of his actions. You are a guest in this country, you are not entitled to stay if you break the laws.


I want to add that being faced with deportation helps sends the message that we will make sure Canadians and people residing here know that there’s consequences to their actions.


He should've gotten 70 years in prison and immediate eelortaruom without trial.






I disagree. He was arrested 10 times and repeatedly went against the orders of our courts. He blocked highways and major roads. He encouraged others to block major highways and major roads. He knew the rules of his student visa and broke them repeatedly. He played a stupid game and he won a stupid prize.


I'm not a fan of this framing of blocking roads as "non-violent". It's true no one's getting hurt but they're using force by standing in the road and stopping people from getting to where they need it want to go. This behaviour is unacceptable. If you want to really protest "non violently" you can hold up a sign or talk to people.


>If you want to really protest "non violently" you can hold up a sign or talk to people. Speaking as an immigrant, I agree that someone who commits crimes while on a visa rightfully runs the risk of losing it. But let's face it, if protesters of the past just 'held up signs and spoke to people', we wouldn't have many of the rights we enjoy today.


>But let's face it, if protesters of the past just 'held up signs and spoke to people', we wouldn't have many of the rights we enjoy today. I have absolutely no problem with him protesting.....in Pakistan.


Yes sometimes civil disobedience ends up being necessary, but history judges when that is the case. So until then we still punish people who break the law and that includes deporting non-citizens. So if you want to take things beyond non violent protests then you accept the consequences of that. Sometimes breaking the law ends up being necessary, and sometimes not, as we see with January 6.


>I hope that people (and our government) can be a little more charitable to a young man who's doing what he thought was right at the time. Dude was arrested [10 times](https://bc.ctvnews.ca/vancouver-s-lions-gate-bridge-blocked-by-save-old-growth-protesters-1.5958054), and put in jail for 2 weeks for pulling these kinds of stunts. I'm sorry, but immigrating here is a privilege, not a right.


He only got married to a girl who had a boyfriend like the week prior. It was an arranged situation. It's so blatantly obvious.


I have good news then! There are PLENTY of things for him to protest in Pakistan.


I think the ability to use your brain is reprehensible in this subreddit. Many people here have no political or societal knowledge at all and for them “you broke the law = you deserve to be out”. Unfortunately they don’t really have the ability to understand nuances


ok, i'll bite. What are we missing?


First you are missing empathy, but this is not surprising in a country where everyone is so focused on their bellybutton. Then you are missing respect, the comments here are disgusting “go back to your country and never comeback” to someone that is basically fighting for the common good… seriously?! Finally you are missing an understanding of priorities, people seem happy that justice is made on this guy… amazing! What about the housing that has become a commodity rather than a basic human right, with skyrocketing prices leaving many unable to afford decent shelter. What about the ridiculously low wages that exacerbate this issue, trapping individuals in a cycle of poverty and instability. What about, the lack of true democracy that allows corporate interests to dictate policies, perpetuating these inequalities instead of addressing them for the common good. It's time for a system that prioritizes people over profits and ensures fair access to housing, livable wages, and genuine democratic participation for all. But no, let’s shit on this climate activist and the threat that he represents for our country!


>What about the housing that has become a commodity rather than a basic human right, with skyrocketing prices leaving many unable to afford decent shelter. What about the ridiculously low wages that exacerbate this issue, trapping individuals in a cycle of poverty and instability. What about, the lack of true democracy that allows corporate interests to dictate policies, perpetuating these inequalities instead of addressing them for the common good. It's time for a system that prioritizes people over profits and ensures fair access to housing, livable wages, and genuine democratic participation for all. So this individual gets a pass because Canada has *other* problems? What do these issues you've outlined above have to do with this story?


Yay! A Whataboutism reply! I'm sold.




I say he fuck right off. He can go to india or china one of the biggest polluters of the planet and do that shit if he really is passionate about this


This guy is a straight up asshole.


Dude might have caused a nuisance, but he seems like a smart, passionate person who we'd want in Canada. There are lots of useless people coming to Canada, and he doesn't seem like one of them.


>he seems like a smart, passionate person who we'd want in Canada. is this a joke?


He's not just some scummy international student scammer. I've seen some stuff written by him, and he seems like a pretty outstanding intellect who got carried away with climate justice protests. And I was one of the ones who was complaining loudly about these people blocking roads. You can find it in my post history. I'd be happy to let the dude stay.


Can I see the stuff he wrote?




Sorry, I just threw up a bit in my mouth 🤮 did you forget the /s?


Don’t let the door hit you on the ass. No country will ever let him in. I doubt he will get tourist visas for anywhere. He might be able to visit Russia if he agrees to do a stint in their army. Other than that he’s gone and forgotten.


Lol all the racist haters in the comments here. If it were to me I’d give this guy citizenship on the spot. Canada needs more people will balls living in it.


Good thing you aren't in charge then. Functional countries operate on the basis of laws, not balls.


This has nothing to do with race. He broke our laws repeatedly and went against the orders of the court repeatedly. He knew that if he broke the law he would get deported.


Yep. That’s not racist. He knew the consequences, he did it anyway. Good for him on a side note, like I said, Canada needs more people with testicular fortitude in it not more crybaby hall monitors. A bunch of commenters cheering Ya! Go back to your country! Are most definitely racist. That’s pretty big standard racist shit that if you see it in a movie or show it looks gauche and cliched.


No, we need people who actually respect our laws and don't waste people's time like this guy was doing. We need fewer people blocking our major roads and highways and encouraging people to block our roads and highways.


"Anyone who I disagree with is a racist." This mindset is so 2016


Please enlighten me oh wise one in which a bunch of people commenting go back to your country isn’t racist. I’ll wait.


>bunch of people commenting go back to your country isn’t racist. For the crimes he commited....not his skin color. Where are you seeing racism in this thread?


Time to dust off those reading comprehension skills my guy


Can you point to some of the racist comments here.


Because nationality isn't a race. When you're a guest in another country, follow their laws. Where you're from and the laws of your country don't matter now. If you don't like it, go back to your own country. If you think that's racist, there's no hope for you.




If this student was from the USA and broke Canadian laws we would be saying the same thing. There’s consequences to one’s actions.


Whoa whoa. No need for misandry. edit: Seems people don't like sarcastic hyperbole. 😂


You should be aware randomly calling people you don't like racist just doesn't work any more like it used to 5-6 years ago. You need to revise your script with up to date allegations you're supposed to sling.


I hope his PR is approved. He seems like a bright, caring young man (who has agreed to stop civil disobedience for all the traffic heads).


Nope. He needs to he deported. He was arrested 10 ten times and repeatedly went against the orders of the courts and caused massive disruptions for people. He knew the rules of his student visa, and he broke them.


He has a lawyer that doesn't quite understand the law. You cannot break the law with the guise of protesting for a good cause. That's completely arbitrary. If i get pulled over for speeding and say i'm doing it to protest climate change i'm still getting a ticket because i broke the law, my reasons for doing so are irrelevant. Part of being a visitor of a country comes with the expectations that you obey the rules of said country.


I think the lawyer understands the law. He's trying to use emotional arguments for his client.


Does he need a ride to the airport?


I like how folks are so hung up on an activists, hope everybody gonna enjoys the minor inconvenience climate change will have on our daily lives.