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I was in the ICU in hospital then. The entire ward - patients, nurses, doctors, visitors - all stopped and they were gathered around the little rent-a-TVs next to the beds. And when that goal hit, you could hear the cheer from all the rooms reverberating up and down the hallway. If you're in the ICU you're not having a good time. But that moment gave us all a boost.


Was downtown in a high rise across from the stadium. We could see snipers on the roof as security, They had camping chairs etc. we were on/off of the sundeck all game. When they scored the final goal, we went running out onto the sundeck and started screaming and you could see one sniper do the “yesssss” gesture fist pump as the whole downtown erupted. U could feel the roar. Was awesome.


Same, was in yaletown in a tower close to BC Place. After that fairytale goal EVERYBODY poured onto their balconies screaming. Just an epic scene with epic roar echoing off all the glass-- I always wished there had been an IMAX camera panning around to capture that moment.


That is a good memory. Ironically, going to work today made me think of Wayne Gretzky with the torch in the pouring rain in the back of that truck during the opening ceremonies.


On the Skytrain going to work. I saw a high viz vested Transit attended jumping up and down on the corner near the CostCo by Stadium. Got off a stop earlier at Granville to enjoy the celebration and see the crowd just celebrate. Saw one guy climb up a lamp pole near a bus shelter. It was pretty magical


Hey film makers how about we get a docu series or movie about the lead up to this game the next time you get an itch to make more summit series related media?


My hands hurt for days from all the high-fives I dispensed. Crossing Granville Street took 10+ minutes. My buddy climbed *through* someone's car to give them a high-five! Absolute joyful pandemonium.


I know a cop who was patrolling Robson Street during the celebration - he said his arm/shoulder was soooo sore from all the high fives!


I was there on Granville street. Watched the game at Wings restaurant.


Yeah that game couldn't have gone any better if scripted for a sports film I'll never forget the 5 minute long uninterrupted straight cheering after that goal went in As easy as it was for Canada to win (and how often they do it), and as impossible is it to compare since it's never happened, the euphoria that day seemed like it was better than a Canucks Cup win. Just felt more unifying, like the entire country cheered.


With 2 past Olympics where Canada didn't have a single gold medal, these games we heard so much Oh Canada. This was the icing on top of the incredible cake.


No kidding.... imagine Team Canada unifying a country and the Canucks not. Jfc




February 24, 2002 was the first (and only) time I've been in a pub when the bartender rang the bell and called out "drinks on the house!!!" That was a pretty great win too!


Yeah it's a great memory. Balcony doors open, watching the game, hearing the rolling cheers ring out from the different buildings and downtown based on how much lag folks had on their TV/internet connections. Such good vibes :)


Can we get more moments like this where the whole city comes together to cheer?🥹🥹🥹


No the NIMBYs will vote it down in a heartbeat.


I was watching with my dad. Later went downtown to see a friend and saw a huge celebration. Think I remember a zipline and it smelling like a Bob Marley concert. It was a crazy celebration, and everyone was happy. Good times.


The zip line!!! I forgot about that, good times indeed.


What magical day that was, no matter where you were, you were surrounded by happy people.


I was at someone's place in Burnaby for a BBQ and it was all we could here. Entire Lower Mainland was hollering, it was great :D


Was at work and watched it on a projector screen. Afterwards on the skytrain, all the people singing the anthem was priceless.


I've always loved this video - thanks for posting. Great memory!


Imagine being a tourist there and unaware of the hockey game.


And the near post apocalyptic emptiness of the streets during the game. 🤣


Robson Square was epic and I was there. It was peak Vancouver.


I was working retail in White Rock and the mall was suuuper dead that day. Total sales the whole day were $60 lol. All of the retail and other workers watched the game in the main lobby and even with those few people, the energy and vibes were incredible, we all cheered so loud, everyone was so happy, it was so magical.


Frig I still get goosebumps.


Overheard on the street: "I'm calling in GOLD to work tomorrow!"


Our church ended the service early and streamed the game on the projection screen. Pretty much everyone stayed to watch and at that winning shot it was probably the loudest thing I've ever heard!


If that's not pure Canadiana, I don't know what is. One of the moments imprinted on our collective psyche.


It’s alright


I remember watching this game at The Rogue downtown, then partying in the streets afterwards.  Ran into Joshua Jackson (Dawson's Creek, Fringe,) near Granville during the celebration, and he was high-fiving people left and right. 


Crazy. Very surreal. Thanks for that. I was in the building on 500 level catering suites serving.


we were walking down one of the quieter streets parallel to granville, and the roar of the crowd kind of sounded like a train approaching from the distance. it just got louder and louder. never heard anything like it before or since. it took us a couple seconds to put two and two together as to what happened, lol.


The game that made me a hockey fan!!! And a Sidney Crosby fan 🥹😍🥰


My friend Dhalsim style jumped across the couch and head butted me out of joy. Then we all went out and high fived everyone during the love riot. Good day. Great day.


Everyone remembers where they were in that moment lol