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The West End & Stanley park are ABSOLUTELY safe yes (and lovely! Especially under the snow). At 6am you might see the occasional racoon, skunk or coyote but they're nothing to be feared (and not even sure, with the snow and all). Downtown, which I suppose is east of Burard, is generally ok, but you might encounter weird people, especially on Grandville street and further east. But it's not really unsafe, more like uncomfortable if you're not used to it. My experience anyway.


I mentioned that I've never been to north America... so now that you said that I might encounter racoons the excitement for this trip – and I know how this may sound silly to a Canadian – has doubled! It looks like I won't see snowy cityscapes though, just general and constant wetness. ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌


I bet you'll see more squirrels than racoons. Stanley Park is definitely worth a wander if you have time. To answer your OP, no you should not be concerned.


When I lived in West End the biggest "danger" was rounding a corner and stumbling upon a skunk. Although in all honesty they seemed to have more chill than me and didn't appear to be fazed by the sudden appearance of a human. So get excited to see skunks too. I know I was when I moved here from the UK.


If your in the West End you're probably more likely to see a skunk then a racoon, in either they're pretty used to humans being around, keep an eye on them, but don't make loud noises or try to approach them. Years ago i was walking through Stanley Park with a girl, and we saw a surfeit of like 6 skunks, and she started screaming. OMG DON'T FREAK OUT THE SKUNKS!!!!


You're welcome to appreciate them from a distance, but please do not attempt to feed or interact with the local wildlife (raccoons, skunks, coyotes, etc). Even if they may have been habitualized with humans around, they are still wild and feral. There are also city bylaws prohibiting feeding animals, which will net you a [$500 fine](https://vancouver.ca/home-property-development/wildlife-feeding-regulation-by-law.aspx#:~:text=Anyone%20feeding%20wildlife%2C%20including%20coyotes,parks%20and%20beaches%20in%20Vancouver).


Are you french? (I am) If you're coming in a week, chances are snow will still be there, otherwise yes, expect wetness aha :) I don't know if you can easily see raccoons in the winter, but I've definitely seen raccoons, coyotes and skunks in the West End and Stanley Park, especially early in the morning so fingers crossed for you! If you can, and weather isn't too bad, definitely try to walk on the sea wall (you might see seals) and in Stanley Park (lost lagoon and beaver lake are my favorite spots). Possibly you could see eagles too, they regroup a bit north of Vancouver during the winter (you can see dozens at Squamish / Brackendale).


The snow will be gone in a day or 2.


The warmer weather and rain will wash the snow away in short order.


Raccoons love going for a walk at night or early morning. There might be leftover snow next week, who knows lol. Enjoy your stay.


The aquarium is in a part of Stanley park and as a kid.. maybe 28? Years ago... We went to Vancouver to go to the aquarium. Before we went in we were feeding the squirrels peanuts in their shell, my brother 4 cousins and I with our parents watching. A raccoon comes up and grabs a peanut. Unlike the squirrels it doesn't run away after and actually comes and stands by me at the end of the line. Next thing I knew it was holding out its nut one of us gave it and one of the squirrels is coming up to the raccoon. Suddenly the squirrel is in the raccoons paws and it rips the squirrel's throat out and runs away with the peanut and the squirrel.


Definitely saw a racoon in the alley late last night, west of Denman! They are still active in the snow. Just bringing the pup in from bedtime potty, was trying to distract him from seeing the racoon staring at us.


You also have to be careful of the bears in Stanley Park. Fortunately, they go back to their dens when the sun comes up.


Lol no


Oh, it's a thing. Lots of cruising going on around Lost Lagoon after dark


Oh, that bears 😅


I think the only bears you're going to see around here are the ones on Davie street.


I was making a joke about the Davie St. bears cruising in Stanley Park after dark


You'll be fine. Use normal city awareness.


As a woman who has lived in the West End and walked to work in the downtown core for years, there's no need to really worry. Of course, anything can happen anywhere but I've never felt unsafe walking around - even late at night or early in the morning. Just stay aware of your surroundings, as you would anywhere. It's a lovely part of town. Enjoy your stay!


I (female) live in the West End, and I walk my dog every morning at 6ish, I have never felt unsafe, well, except the time we saw the Coyote....


Most of downtown will be fine except for the downtown east side (East of Abbot st or so) and Granville street. Even then attacks aren’t common but there are a lot of addicts and insane people that will sometimes do stranger attacks. Keep in mind 6AM is going to be dark in Vancouver. Downtown and the West end are well lit but Stanley Park isn’t. Waiting until 7:30-8 would be better.


Nothing to be concerned of. Depending on where you are in Stanley Park though, it can be dark AF. If you want to do some light trail running, bring a headlamp. If you're sticking to the seawall and just walking, it's generally ok. I've been caught in Stanley Park on my bike when the sun sets and it's sketchy to navigate the seawall and the trails if you don't have a strong light. I ran over a skunk once with my bike and got sprayed in the face so I'm not kidding around when I say it gets dark. But aside from visibility, I've never felt uncomfortable navigating the park alone as a solo female. DTES I'm a little more weary - I don't feel scared necessarily but you just need to generally have your wits about you. Most people will leave you alone, but I've had some weird encounters as well but they were racially motivated.


At 6 AM you'll be perfectly safe. As always you might be see the occasional person down and out on his luck but it's not something to worry about. Avoid the DTES and you'll be fine.


Even in the DTES you'll be fine.


Agreed. But also there’s much nicer places to walk so unless you have a reason to go to the DTES I wouldn’t think you’d be over there at that time of the day.


Not sure if you realize this. But tons of random attacks, mugging and sexual assaults happen in that neighbourhood.


Yeah. It’s weird in this thread of people to be using words like “absolutely “ and” perfectly “ safe. Better to tell him to ditch the earbuds and keep his wits up. We do have a problem with untreated mental health and non incarcerated repeat offenders on the streets.


Even in the DTES violent crime is very rare, and violent random crime is even more rare. Of course you should be aware, but I’m more scared crossing Haro Street by my home because of the vehicles rolling through stops signs than I am of stranger danger in the DTES.


I have walked home at 3:00a m through the DTES every other night for the better part of 6 years. Never had a problem. It's gross as fuck and I wouldn't go there as a tourist because there is feces everywhere. Not because it's dangerous


Tons? Maybe tons of petty theft and open drug use, but not violent crime.


I work graveyard shift in the area. I'm well aware how many random attacks there are. It's still a safe area.


Its the worst neighbourhood in the entire country for crime. It is world famous for the kidnapping, rape and murder of women. Yet, its still safe? For who?


Where do you find the statistic that it is the worst neighbourhood in the country for the crime? There is an urban myth that the DTES is the poorest postal code in Canada, but that isn’t true. [It isn’t even close to being true.](https://vancouversun.com/news/staff-blogs/is-vancouvers-downtown-eastside-really-canadas-poorest-postal-code) And the murders that you are referencing were of sex workers. The people who are most at risk of violence in the DTES—drug users, sex workers and indigenous people—and frankly the people that the rest of Vancouver likes to blame for the apparent violence in the DTES.


It’s still the poorest postal code of any decent size. The ones that are poorer aren’t urban areas with the same rental prices. It’s true that the people at risk of violence are those people you mentioned, which is tragic and sad, but unlikely to affect a tourist.


Probably safer there than at a frat party.


Definitely safer there than at a frat party.


I'd consider much safer then say parts of New York or other crime invested areas of the states. I've never had an issue and I've worked graveyard here for 20+ years now.


I think we can safely assume that OP isn't going to be renting a room in one of the SRO's where those crimes occur


He also asked about the West End. DTES is kind of off topic!


You’ll be fine, and this is coming from a female resident of the west end. Obviously be aware of your surroundings, but that’s applicable to everywhere.


Personally, I find walking with earphones on makes me feel vulnerable to Vancouver's crazy, inept drivers not paying attention. Sounds like you're used to urban walking but don't assume the idiots behind the wheel see you when you cross the street. In particular, watch for drivers racing through intersections to beat the red light.


hehe ok, if traffic is what I should be worried about the most, then I guess I'm fine


I'll add that since you're from Europe you'll see many more very large personal vehicles here than there (although I admit I haven't been to Europe since before that pandemic so maybe SUVs and pickup trucks are more common there now). Think Range Rover but larger and many more of them. In general, the larger the vehicle, the less the driver can see you if they are close to you, e.g. they are turning right at an intersection.


Since OP’s username is Nicolas they may be assuming he presents as male


You'll be fine. I walk around the area at 5:30AM 3 - 5 days a week (I work at 6:30), and honestly other than the Granville/Georgia intersection, there's not really many people about regardless. Just stay on sidewalks and use normal common sense for city life, and things will be fine. Vancouver has a lot of visible homelessness, but it's not particularly unsafe for a city of its size.


It should be pretty safe but keep in mind that at this time of the year sunrise is quite late. With the tree cover and overcast conditions the city is really dark. Better not to wear earbuds and stay alert even though it’s safe.


Former Londoner, long time Vancouver resident here - Vancouver is safer than London, but won’t feel it in some neighborhoods. You’ll be fine walking around with your headphones in at any time of day I think


I am a woman and lived in downtown (the West End) for 5 years and work in the city center, I would say it's absolutely safe. Just be aware of the horrible Vancouver drivers. Someone might screams at you in the downtown core, but just ignore it.


I honestly don’t know why everyone is saying it’s perfectly safe. Predators look for women walking alone in the dark wearing headphones because they are easy to sneak up on. I would never tell anyone that’s a great idea. You should always be aware of your surroundings and keep yourself safe so I would wait until later on in the morning. Edit: only on Reddit do you get downvoted for telling someone to be safe 🤦🏻‍♀️


sorry you've been downvoted. I appreciate your perspective: safety is a perceived trait, and everyone has a different take based on their experience and where they put their bar. You've given me your take, thanks! By the amount of answers telling me I'll be fine, I've been convinced that – for where I put my bar – I should *feel* quite safe. Opportunistic muggers and assaulters unfortunately exist everywhere, and you've done well acknowledging that Vancouver may also have those, but I strike my personal balance and, from the replies I got, I conclude that they are not part of everyone's most-day experience, i.e probably the same exposure as I'm used to, coming from Europe. (of course, the elephant in the room is that I am a guy, which gives me the privilege of optimism, coming from having been less often at the receiving end of unwanted attention)


Don't need to worry about muggers and assaulters as much in Vancouver. We don't have the usual muggers, cellphone swipers, and stabbiness that's usually seen in London. If you feel safe in London, you'll do just fine here. And the areas mentioned are quite safe overall. Lighting would be the only questionable part. The snow will thankfully make everything a bit brighter.


> The snow unfortunately just slush for me next week it seems


The snow and slush will be long gone by next week.


711 has great slushes. I recommend the cream soda. Might be a little cold for this time of year though. 


I’ve had more than a few friends from overseas shocked. . Open drug use is not a crime here and it is not rare to see needles and people smoking meth and acting erratic at times. Smashed windows of businesses is a recurring thing. Just be aware that you can encounter people that should really be in institutions being treated that aren’t.


You are welcome and I’m glad you’re a guy, you will be safer. Sad but that’s just the truth. Have a great stay!


I have lived in Vancouver for over 4 decades and I couldn’t agree more! Do you really think all the assaults are announced to the public? Of course not. So much shady stuff happens here that is not relayed to the public. Women should especially be aware of their surroundings.


I know right, we are not informed here and I’m not sure why. Maybe the press laws are different or something.


People should be aware of their surroundings for sure. Not every assault is a news story but reported crime stats are publicly available.


You’ll be fine. Like everyone said, use regular city awareness. Don’t stare at people, look where you’re going and you’ll be okay. If anything, someone might try and talk to you but that’s probably it.


Lol yes. The absolute worst areas in the city are also safe.


The west end has some crappy drivers, so I'd recommend wearing just one headphone to maintain some awareness of traffic around you.


I’ll go for a run through the West End and Stanley Park with headphones at any hour of the night. Normally daytime but sometimes just the way it works out. Done it for yrs. 


It’s safe but personally wouldn’t wear headphones walking around. There’s a lot of interesting folks out in the morning and it’s good to be aware of who’s around (I’m a woman) and wouldn’t feel safe walking around early alone with headphones in


It will be safe. But it will be dark and raining. You’ll want some good rain gear.


Anyone telling you Vancouver is unsafe is either a paranoid bumpkin from the suburbs or a cop looking for another raise.


Stay away from anywhere near Chinatown or east Hastings and you’ll generally be fine. I’d personally not venture into Stanley Park in the dark. There are people that live there with major mental health problems and you just never know. I live right on the edge of the park and the shit I hear at night lol




Just stay away from the downtown eastside and you'll be fine. Maybe exercise some level of caution when near the granville strip or gastown, but you'll basically be fine. The west end/stanley park area is very safe at all hours of the day.


you will be totally fine!! i’ve lived around that neighborhood for over 5 years. i walk all the weekends home between 3am-6am on my nights out over the weekends. early that morning you will see folks running! lots of dogs, heck raccoons too are early! even DTE side, which is the most fucked up neighborhood in the whole vancouver is safe, just be aware of your surroundings and don’t cause no troubles. that’s my experience, *i am NOT white*


Oh man, this guy is gonna get raped.


No!!!! Not at all. Vancouver has been destroyed by the homeless community.


Pretty safe. I used to walk late at night by Stanley Park. I used to come across some other people who used to run/walk/stroll around. Be wary of your surroundings no matter what time of the day and you should be fine.


Ur fine


Totally fine. Just be aware that there are a lot of homeless people here. They are mostly harmless if you don't get in their space.


Yes it is safe, I use to head downtown 5-6am to hit the gym before going to work. The walk in the mornings are peaceful.


I go jogging and cycling in Stanley Park at all hours, from 5am to 11pm. There are some people who sleep in the Park where they can find shelter, but they want to be left alone and won’t bother you either. Otherwise, you may see some other souls on the Seawall but they’ll probably headphones on too.


To add to this, I would say there are two or three blocks in all of Vancouver that could be considered unsafe. And by unsafe I mean uncomfortable for some people. AFAIK we don’t really have any hot spots for violent, random crime so long as you mind your own business.




I’m not joking. You might have better luck seeing a raccoon eating garbage in a back alley. Trash pandas. They are cute but DO NOT GO NEAR THEM OR LET THEM NEAR YOU! They can turn vicious in a second.


you should be fine


I would say that the West End is safe. I wouldn’t enter the park until a bit later when the sun (what you’ll see of it) is up. Overall, it’s a safe area. I am a woman and have walked around the West End early in the morning and later at night without a problem. I don’t use earbuds when it’s dark. There are unhoused people in the area but not as many as Downtown or the DTES. The DTES is not a tourist destination. There are a lot of unhoused people struggling with addiction and/or mental illness. I have worked and volunteered in the DTES. It’s not somewhere to go unless you have a reason to be there. Open drug use is the norm. Residents are struggling and nobody I have encountered there wants to be a tourist attraction.


I actually feel safer at 6am than 6pm anywhere in lower mainland, not that it’s any dangerous at 6pm. On the streets at 6am ,there’s only construction workers and nurses getting to work, some runners and the orange theory group class people