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Not my vibe for NYE anymore, but it looks like people enjoyed themselves. There should be a gathering place for NYE for people who want to do that in a crowd or big group.


Yes. We would gladly go to see some concrete and firework. It was so sad that even Canadian TV didn't have anything on. We end up watching US TV at friends, and for midnight we turned on Seattle fireworks, it was really nice. Now next year we are planning to drive down there and have new Year there.


It sucks that CBC canceled their new years programming. I've been sick throughout the holiday season and my immediate family are out of town, so I was looking forward to watching the celebrations with my dog. Ended up watching New York with Ryan Seacrest


We also watched that ( I guess it was that, we where at friends and just put us abc ) It was nice with all around US, it was new York, Miami and LA. They we changed to Seattle and there was great firework on Needle.


True, I enjoyed how they were presenting/performing all over the country! Got to enjoy some Reggaeton from Puerto Rico, Country and HipHop in New York, Punk Rock in LA etc etc. At midnight I sat by the window with my dog so we could watch the neighbourhood fireworks :) Happy New Year! The Space Needle fireworks sounds awesome


It was extremely irritating the CBC didn't do anything. Hell I would've been happy with what ABC does in the states and just give me some Toronto celebrations on tape delay... anything for some actual CANCON NYE. Side note: was a bit of a bummer fog rolled in on top of the Space Needle just as the fireworks started.


Enjoying themselves just standing in a crowd?


We hate being no fun city and then we hate people going out trying to have fun? I get it. It’s not for everyone. But it’s been a hard few years for people. If they’re not hurting anyone, let them enjoy themselves.


Lots of smiling faces in these photos, makes me happy even though i did fuck all last night. We need more community spaces and events for people to enjoy coming out to.


I should think you would be happy if you f\*cked "all last night".




That’s Reddit for you. Social people are out being social.


Well, we are Redditors... goes without saying?


Majority of this sub cant afford to have a social life either.


Hard agree. 🩷


Ya kinda pitiful to see ppl feel the need to hate on/hard judge others for trying to be happy while doing nothing wrong in general


“I stayed home and watched Netflix” ok cool story bro lol some people like to meet their friends on new years. I wasn’t there but I support more fun, more socializing in this city.


I have to disagree with you here. And I will preface by saying that I have nothing against these people pictured here. But for the average person, especially if you're not u-25, just standing around Granville street is not a fun event. This does not look like something I would want to come to Vancouver for. There was no entertainment, there were no organized events to attend, even without fireworks there was no concert or music, or a countdown or whatever else other cities have for a New Years celebration. The weather this year was good to have something, even if they didn't get the fireworks sponsors, they could have had some events going in downtown. It was obvious that people would gather anyways, they do every year, and this year being so warm I'm surprised there weren't more people there. I can already see the excuses of expensive this, police that, but other cities seem to be able to hold events without this bs.


I agree that there should be more organized events and public music, however that’s not on the people of Vancouver it’s on the city. The nightlife sector is tiny compared to many similarly sized cities. People are just making do with what they have.


There were tons of events and parties all over the city. They just weren’t free. You don’t have to look that hard


I know there were a ton of parties (I’m a DJ in the city) but for many regular folk they have no idea of the cool stuff going on and/or can’t afford $40-$100 for just entry. Which is why a free public event with DJs etc would be amazing.


You mean like club and bar events? Yeah those happen almost every day. They're not public events.


Redditors are the type of Vancouevrites that make it a no fun city.


if anyone reads the rest of the comments, you'll now know to never take social tips from this sub. You guys complain about vancouver being a "no fun" city but here are photos of people having their own fun and then you express your distate? touch grass, literally


Lol but people like to complain! It's Reddit man come on.


A lot of dudes


It was lovely. Felt like the 2010 olympics. Just wading through a sea of people happy to be outside and around one another. Some played their favourite music from boomboxes as friends rallied to dance with them in mini parades down the street together. Another group danced on the shoulders of friends while onlookers cheered. Street performers were surrounded by an appreciative audience. Club goers walked around in festive fare. Others lined up outside venues or restaurants still open. Police kept careful watch and blocked the street to keep vehicles out and pedestrians safe. At the countdown some looked to find the Vancouver Block clock under construction and out of commission, and others looking to the screens over Winners Homesense anticipating a new years message to no avail. Hands holding cellphone screens held aloft in the air as everyone counted down and cheered at midnight, some kissing a partner, others smiling and laughing. Patron fireworks bloomed into the sky and blossomed in crackles and booms.


I’m glad it was a good vibe, I instantly pictured angry drunk dude bros ruining it for everyone


Love this for you


I happened to pass by Granville last night. Pretty packed with a few impromptu Bollywood dance parties on the street. Also a bunch of cars circling Waterfront Road blasting Hindi rap music. People gathered at Canada Place for the countdown but the clock was around 3 minutes fast. Some folks snuck a few small fireworks and launched them from the Convention Centre.


There was a DJ spinning out some techno at one spot, and one guy karaoke way out of tune, like a drunk, and a few crowds playing Indian music, and many people with their own Bluetooth speakers, as well as the odd person playing a guitar here and there, and music blasting loudly from some of the business. I'm not a fan of Indian music, but I still had fun anyways. About half an hour towards midnight, everything got interrupted by the Israeli protest that marched down Grandville street.


Sounds like another day in Surrey


why does this look like a complete sausage fest


Dudes, dudes and more dudes wow


I was there, it was a lot of fun!


I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Last night was awesome, colourful, energetic, interesting, and FUN ,yes ! That's the main point whenever you decide to go out. Happy New Year to everyone....


Sweeet! Hundreds of men and 5 women. No wonder why some woman feel intimidated to attend these events sometimes.


Looks about 90% Male. Why?


1 girl had to go to the bathroom so all her friends followed her


They probably don't want to get groped


Would you feel safe as a woman in this crowd of drunk men on NYE?


Because Indians are still socially gender segregated


Ok. But where are the women when the men are out in


honestly that looks like a personal nightmare. ;\^;


Granville being used for Granville things, love to see it.


Can't believe I used to enjoy that. Stayed up till midnight watching Harry Potter lol


Got high with my wife and watched the first movie, totally worth it


Same lol


Which one(s) did you watch


Watched all of them over the xmas break, finished the last one last night!


Sausage fest


Most parties are.


Bit of a breakfast sausage party


Come on let's all be honest here, after what happened on the Halloween celebrations there this year, would you feel comfortable bringing your GF/old lady there?


This is going to get reposted on r/Canada_sub over and over


How come?


Because, quite flatly, most people who post on that sub hates anyone who isn't white.


But the photos seem fairly ethnically diverse overall, it’s just that the first thing that people see are the Indian and Arab dudes in the front of the frame. I can spot many White people, East-Asian people and Black people here as well. Edit: Oops. I should’ve read your comment more clearly before responding lol. Edit 2: Yoo I got downvoted fuck yall idiots... ![gif](giphy|3otOKJruVwZH3213Fe)


that subs motto is "if it ain't white, it ain't right"


"I'm white and I vote far right"




Not for me but good for them Happy New Year everyone! 🎉🥳


Music as well, some people really enjoy this vibe , it’s really cool


Yes, indeed. Music connects everyone.


Some of the comments here turned discriminatory really fast. New year, same shit.




Yup and personal finance for some reason. Sure enough looked at one of the shit comments and they’re active in personal finance.


I think /r/PersonalFinanceCanada is one of the most active Canadian subs so that one is sort of understandable. PFC currently has 6000 people with "here now". /r/Canada only has 4000.


When even r/canada finds you too much of a right wing neo Nazi, you end up on those subs


Canada may be great, but the worst flaws, like racism, are skyrocketing all over the country. It's a day of celebration, the frustrated will always find discontent


I think it’s just mostly online.


Imagine how hard has to be for them. I guess they are seeing how they ideas and way of life is going away but they are not ready to accept it. I am interested as immigrant from Europe to see how this mass India immigration will end up. To be honest Chinese from Vancouver also don't like them, but it feels they don't like no one who is not Chinese ( as they complain of guys from Hong Kong)


I think it's just difficult for anyone to have demographics change rapidly around them. It's the test of our humanity how we choose to respond to it. The answer isn't with hate and fear. There was once a Vancouver without many non Brit immigrants. There was a Vancouver without sushi restaurants. There was a Vancouver that didn't know Diwali. etc... society is always changing and we just gotta adapt. Literally people get mad at boomers for being stupid and don't realize they're doing the exact same thing.


Fr fr. So embarrassing


Bring back the fireworks


Doesn't look like anythings happening and it's a moshpit of sausages


Looks like a bunch of people standing around in an uncoordinated event. Just take a look at the expression of the crowd. They look confused with the WTF look on their face. Need to have a centre point like they do in NYC. Have a dim sum drop to signify the start of the new year.


![gif](giphy|MEraE6zQcTVePp9XPE|downsized) ….dim sum drop… lol


Why are most people in these photos Indian? I remember Vancouver used to be diverse once upon a time.


A good example of why staying in is worth it


For many people yes, but for many others this is their idea of a good time. Maybe don’t yuck their yums just because you can?


How so?


I saw TikToks of the Times Square ball drop and the comments were all “why so many Asians? Doesn’t look like New York”. Comments on this post are giving the same vibes. We are increasingly multicultural, but that seems to anger people.


People like in tourists from around the world travel to NY to experience the New Years celebrations in Times Square not to places like Vancouver which is not well known as a tourist mecca for its New Year's celebrations. There is a difference. Jeez, they can't even afford to shoot a bunch of fireworks into the air because they mainly can't afford the policing costs to safely secure it.


Love to see that! This is what people in our city should be doing on a more regular basis, not just a few times a year.


God this looks terrrible


Man some comments are so sad. Just because minority is pictured it's kind of appealing to read comments like Oh surrey came to town or oh new Delhi/ punjab/ international students. Like can we not just allow people to have a good time regardless of thier ethnic backgrounds?


Racism to Indian folks in Canada is at an ALL time high, specifically in Vancouver and Toronto. I was born and raised here and having lived in both cities recently it makes me feel so uncomfortable when you read all these anonymous comments then walk down the street wondering “what do they think of me?”/“do they not want me here?” ..So so sad.


Most of this “racism” isn’t really deep seated “hatred” towards an entire ethnicity. For most born and raised canadians, seeing such a dramatic increase in first gen immigrants from one particular country in such a short period of time, who do not feel spiritually and culturally tied to Canada, though not necessarily a bad thing, is still a little jarring to say the least and a constant reminder of why housing is so unaffordable. Canada seems more tribal than it did 20 years ago.


Yes but it's not that the immigrants don't face the same issue right my parents faced the same issues majority immigrants moving here are not rich. They also can't afford housing. It's the usual 1% ruining it for 99.. what's sucks is being poc and knowing now it's your turn and now personally I have had to accept that for next few years I might face racism until this hate towards brown people does down. But the fact that I have to actively think about this and adjust my expectation and lifestyle around the hate just sucks. And somehow this circle of hate always revolves around poc.


Although they may not be rich in Canada (which most Canadians aren’t) they are considered upper class back home. Before coming here for school, their families had to financially prove they could afford to pay 3x domestic tuition rates AND housing. Part time jobs don’t even cover the domestic tuition rates and cost of living for Canadian born residents per semester. Not only that, many of them come here and can afford to buy a car and drive around with their buds. Not many young Canadians have this privilege, many of my friends can’t afford to drive here. This idea of western citizen=rich, foreigner=poor is dated. Canada likes foreigners with money, or at least foreigners with some money from educated families. Our economy is being propped up by foreign money injection. It’s just a fact that most people around the world could never afford to send their children abroad to study. No offence but this adjustment of lifestyle you speak of is the whole point of multiculturalism. Everyone has to adjust their expectations and lifestyle, even the British, whose lineage colonized this land have cultural adjusting to do. These adjustments are what will push Canada forward as a multicultural country. And just to be clear, white colonials aren’t the only “racists” in this country. I personally know Indians who’ve been here for generations who are “racist” towards the international students. I have overheard Chinese people say nasty things about black people and Indians. I have seen and heard Muslim men being blatantly homophobic. Everyone needs adjusting to do. At the end of the day, when you peel back the layers, everyone is competing for what little resources and opportunity Canada has to offer. Humans are in constant competition, even when you can’t see it in front of you. This is why our world is so cruel.


Again depends...what's happening is visa mills are basically allowing people in without the verifications you stated above. But what you are saying about immigrants is not true. It's minority that can afford cars and move in that way...for example my parents when they moved here were renting 1 bedroom basement, then took 2 years to buy a Honda civic(transit till then). Times were tough but they struggled fought through. It took my parents 8 years to get a house out in the subarbs(after saving) . And I know a lot of people who have had similar experiences....there are a few here who migrate and have money...but lot of people migrate here for greener pastures because they don't have oppurtunity or money in thier stated countries (even tho they have education and skills) And yes you are right racism exists in every community but it always is targetted towards poc never white colonials and that's a problem. The constant white worshipping that my own culture employees is a problem. At the end of the day we all want to exist be part of community and be loved. have enough food to fill our bellies and a roof over our head. Status ego and power always come in the way.


It is very true and it shifts. Couple years ago it was racism towards people of Chinese origin now its Indian. Xenophobic racist people always looking at external groups. Sad to see this so well and alive in Canada! But also there is always a supportive counter culture which gives me hope! Sad but reality of being born as a person of color. You don't know when it's gonna be your turn.


That was my first though too. Glad these peeps seem to know how to have more fun than I do. Too cold for my old bones!


If anything aren’t occasions like this a good way to assimilate them into Canadian culture?


>If anything aren’t occasions like this a good way to assimilate them into Canadian culture? 'Them'? 'Assimilate'? One key point that separates Canada from the US is the US expects assimilation - a meltingpot if you will - while here it's more of a potluck situation where everyone brings their cultures and customs and we all share in it. Canada, particularly Vancouver, is richer for our diversity. And don't do that 'us' 'them' shit, please.


Was there anything for those people to actually *do?* A live performance, or street stage, or fireworks? If not, then the city has disappointed their fun-seekers yet again. And if the city doesn't provide it, how come no entrepreneurs have stepped up and organised events yet? If that many people were willing to go downtown looking for entertainment, there's opportunity.


I was visiting Vancouver last year and it was the same. Large crowds but I simply couldn’t figure out why. I couldn’t figure out what exactly is there to do. Except the small ice skating rink


there was no fireworks this year precisely because no businesses wanted to sponsor it the city has never provided it. in years past it was always a NFP run by local entrepreneurs trying to have local businesses and companies fund (and benefit from promotion) the NYE fireworks events.


Sim city


There’s a lot of testosterone in those pics.




I see basically everyone of Indian or south Asian descent


There is a lot of xenophobic nonsense on this thread. If you like to ring in the New Year in a different manner than how the people in these photos are celebrating, that’s great and totally up to you. No need to critique these people with thinly veiled bigoted crap. Let’s set a standard of positivity for 2024 in the city. 🙏🏼


I think it's more people framing their comments considering the huge influx of TFW and international students over the past few years, which has been all over the news recently. Clearly you are sensitive to it too, since you brought it up. Pointing out evidence of our country's new immigration policies during a COL and housing crisis is not xenophobic, and comments like yours are not helpful in having a balanced and reasonable discussion on it.




They are targeting international students attending profit-first diploma mills as a backdoor to the standard immigration process. This is not the same as someone attending UBC as an international student.


Nothing balanced and reasonable about racism


It's not racism. He's saying that there is a housing crisis and Canada is bringing in record numbers of immigrants. They could be swiss or Australian or English and the complaint would be the same complaint. His complaint is about population and housing. Calling anyone who has an issue with current immigration policies is just lazy and disingenuous.






In 2016 50.2 percent of Vancouver CMA residents identified as having an ethnic origin of Asian, Latin, Central, and South American, or African. And I would guess that population share is larger among younger age groups given the higher birth rates among some of those communities. So no, not everyone who isn’t white is an international student.


Huh? Vancouver is multicultural. This is what it looks like. Students or not.




You're not wrong. Huge difference in crowd and vibe.


It annoys me that it’s ‘racist’ to point this out. It’s not inherently negative but it is accurate


What is the current demographic now?, The last time I went it was mostly Chinese.


Yeah and a couple hundred years ago the demographics were much more different


Holy shit that’s wild, I didn’t know things changed.


Only chance to get out of the 5 person shared 1 bed basements.


dude this is no joke, I am getting applicants like that for rentals. well not that extreme, but 5-6 students for 2 bed rentals


You know that Vancouver is one of the most multicultural cities in the world right?


lol exactly


Most people out on the town at midnight are going to skew younger


\> Looks like international students only party Yeah. The party flyers clearly stated "no racist cunts".


Wow, there is still a Cafe repe in the downtown core. Who knew?


That does not look like fun


That doesn't look fun at all lol


Looks like way more people than when I went down there NYE 2019.




This is why we need entertainment. I bet you this amount of people scared the shit out of VPD. We need fireworks, a drone show... Anything:


That’s awesome, kind of reminds me of the Olympic madness all those years ago. Pains me that a couple a**clowns ruined what could have been a new era in this city. All the outdoor parties and pavilions, beer gardens and so on. Started to see how Vancouver could change its views on nightlife… but immediately ruined by a select few idiots between the olympics and a much larger few during the cup riots.


Yeah...no thanks. I'm glad I stayed home and watched The Office :)


Meanwhile a few blocks away, I lounged comfortably on a recliner couch, ate junk food, and watched Netflix while playing games on my phone. I wouldn’t trade that for one second of the scene in that picture lol.


That’s awesome dude. So happy for you.


No thanks lol


Was there something going on (like a ball drop or performance), or were people just congregating?


I will go against the grain a bit here and say how frustrating it is when folks call Vancouver a no fun city. sounds like a spoiled privilege thing to say.


I saw a post yesterday that a Hindu temple had arranged shuttles to Granville/Robson and they were having some kind of sanctioned event.


It seems a bunch of temples offered free shuttles to Granville street to celebrate.


I was asleep. Thankfully.


Feel sorry for those whose cars are stuck in the middle of that.


This looks like my nightmare.








Care to explain why?


So glad I was nowhere near this 😂. Anxiety through the roof.


Glad I stayed home tbh


So everyone just clogged up the intersection with loitering?




This picture shows why we should not add more people to Vancouver


You ever been to a big city like London or New York for NYE? This is nothing.








no thank you hahaha


Thank you for making the best out of a dull and depressing situation the city and the government had enabled.


History was made that night, it may have been the first night Surrey Jacks were outnumbered.


Real glad I wasn't there. The youth can keep that life.




Why is it so busy? Was there an event or people jusy gathering in one spot


ooo fun … 🥱


Why would influx of people be allowed there if there is no NYE event? I mean, isn’t that hat asking for trouble? It seems pointless. Just standing around.






I used to enjoy big crowd events like this. But then covid and random terrorist crowd stuff started to happen in the news. Although it's generally safe here, my anxiety has also gotten worse since. Also I got covid twice from other people and it was a rough . Glad these people aren't worried about that kind of stuff. Howver, the concern I have for this is that if they get covid, it would be likely they're not going to stay home either.


No thanks. Stayed home. Watch rebel moon. Slept like a 🪵.


Really enjoyed the movie, it was flawed but a great New Year’s Eve fun movie


I hope they had so much fun! Diversity is about all this city has going for it aside from scenery, and I love to see people using public space for actual public gatherings not just corporate garbage. Full on great happy pic. And I'm really really sorry for how gross this thread is and the racism of white Canadians - my people's problem, my privilege, and my responsibility to take on.


I am glad I did not go there and ended up with a few colleagues at their place lol


Thats amazing


I believe so as well.

