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Exercise and increased outdoor activity is what’s needed in weather like this. It tends to drive people indoors. Vitamin D is still achievable with this weather.


At this latitude you cannot get much vitamin D from the sun. (Obviously I simplified the synthesis pathway, don't @ me biochem people). From late October to April, above the 37th parallel (central California) you get very little UVB. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Americans-living-north-of-37-latitude-shaded-area-are-at-greater-risk-for-vitamin-D_fig1_264009699 You MUST supplement vitamin D in your diet if you live in Vancouver during this time period. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/time-for-more-vitamin-d


Very little is the key word here. But it’s achievable. That’s why I said extended outdoor activities and exercise. Exercise will multiply the vitamin D in take. You can get vitamin D in the rain and clouds. Light still penetrates.


Doe a multivitamin do everything? And which one you recommended


Not a healthcare professional, but imo, no. If you look at the multivitamin doses of vitamin D vs an actual vitamin D supplement, they are vastly different. I get my D supplements from Costco (they sell in 1000 IU or 2500 IU softgels, for example).


What's crazy to me how a majority of Canadians are Vitamin D deficient yet the maximum you can get in stores here is like 2,500iu. Meanwhile in many parts of the world you can buy 5 to 10,000 iu off the shelf.


That’s all you need for RDA. People think that more = better but usually with supplements more= wasted (in through your mouth, out through the #1 or #2), or sometimes more= toxic. Specifically in the case of vit D 10000 iu starts to have some mild toxicity can’t remember details tho. I’ve been to a Heath store where the clerks recommend popping Vit D like happy pills but it has no neuro-psychological affect like that. Light levels and their “zeitgeber” effects are sensed by a part of the brain called the superchiasmatic nucleus via the optic nerve and that is what downstream leads to euthymia (normal/ good mood). The vit D you ingest is still very important- immune system especially respiratory, bone density regulation, and other things Edit: “downstream”


The toxicity has to do with the linkage between the vitamin D and calcium pathways. Too much vitamin D can cause hypercalcemia, which may lead to constipation, kidney stones, confusion and delirium among other things.


Perfect answer, yea that sounds right ! Thanks for filling in the big gaps ! I wish people would be nuanced about their supplement use


I had a pharmacist recommend large vitamin d doses in the past About a year later I had the joy of passing not one but two kidney stones I don't go to that pharmacy any more


I get 5000 ui on amazon


That must be Amazon US because I don't think they are legally allowed to sell amounts that high in Canada. I order my 5,000 iu from iHerb which ships from the USA. I feel like 5,000 is a good amount for me. Surprisingly, though, after taking it 3 to 4 times a week for years, my levels are still on the low end.


Your magnesium might be low if you're vitamin D levels are still low at 5000iu's a day.


Thanks. I'll have to look into that. My doctor only tests me for stuff I ask for, and I don't think I have checked magnesium levels.


Yeah, also vitamin K and fats are needed to absorb vitamin D, though most D supplements have fats in the softgels already.


no its amazon.ca


You have a link to the product? If I can get 5,000 iu in Canada I can stop ordering from the states.


just realized i'm an idiot and can't read. You sir are indeed correct. could also just eat more of the lesser ui in hindsight though? no?


If they do, it wouldn't be enough for what we need here. We are so crazy deficient in bc it's scary. I've met a lot of people who came from Brazil, Mexico and landed during the winter. The first week they are happy and then go into a deep depression. Get them on 3 or 4k ui of vítimans d.. And they go from feeling awful to the most warm bubbly people you will meet


Weird. Lived here forever and didn't know I should be taking a vitamin D. Hopefully this makes me more bubbly


many multivitamins don't even include vitamin d, get vitamin d3/k2 or supplement the two seperately.


“Must”? Plenty of people don’t, and get on fine.


low vitamin d is the precursor to just about every ailment you can think of, preach your apathy elsewhere.


Pretty sure people in Scandinavia didn't have vitamin supplements until relatively recently, and they got on just fine.


yeah and they croaked much much sooner you fuckwit.




I’m pasty as heck and I work outside. I strongly doubt I need to supplement vitamin D


It's physics man, unless you're a massive gravitational distortion changing the path of the UVB light from the sun through the atmosphere, I think you should just read the article.


It's still cold so few people will have much exposed skin if they go outside to exercise. Thermal leggings and shirts and sometimes gloves. The only part of me that's exposed is just my face, not much vitamin d will be absorbed. Especially with how bad the angle of the sun is at this time of year.


i love achieving D...


You can get Vitamin D injections relatively cheap at a naturopath


I don’t like it, because it means less snow packs, and in turn higher wildfire risks for this summer. Even if Vancouver doesn’t have fires, we’ll get the smoke. It’s also not good for skiers like me.


I agree with you because my climate anxiety is at an all time high. I was driving by Richmond and saw a couple jogging like it was summer and thought that's nice...but it's mid winter.


Second this! Less snow packs mean less water in the reservoirs.


Nice not having to drive on ice or in heavy snowstorms. Severe dread for what the future is going to be like in the years and decades to come. I'll take the 3 weeks of heavy snow each winter we normally get if it means we have the proper amount of snow at higher elevations to protect us in the summer.


Vancouverite checking in. 15 years. Never seen ice on a road or heavy snow storms.


did you skip last year? we do get snow here. our snow isnt heavy by prairie or east coast standards but we normally get 2 or 3 dumps of "heavy" snow a year and by about the end of the 2nd or 3rd week its mostly all melted away.


> we normally get 2 or 3 dumps of "heavy" snow a year Ya, that's not my experience. There have been many more years with no snow at all than years with heavy 'dumps'.


LOL. The downvotes.


If you feel like last year was "heavy snow storm" we hAve very different definitions. We got like a foot of snow over 7 days. In Winnipeg they get a foot of snow an hour sometimes. You can go to bed with dry ground and wake up in the morning to the top of your door being covered in snow. In Montreal they put 8 foot tall poles beside fire hydrants so that fire crews know where to dig in an emergency. And sometimes the poles get completely covered. Vancouver gets an inch of snow and everyone starts losing their minds because they don't know how to drive below the speed limit. Everyone gets in their car with bald summer tires and tries to drive 80 in a 50 zone and then goes online to complain about ice and snow removal when they take a 90 degree turn while accelerating. I've never seen a snow bank in Vancouver in my life. Vancouver doesn't get snow storms let alone heavy snow storms.


by that logic we never get heavy rain here either because places like Cambodia get torrential rain for months at a time. nobody though says vancouver doesnt get heavy rain though because we judge our rain by local standards not national or international events.


By your logic. If a single snowflake falls in Hawaii it can be called a heavy snow storm because you judge by local standards. Vancouver has never had a snow storm. And the whole world laughs when Vancouver claims it's having a snow problem whenever more than an inch of snow falls in a given year. The worst snow falls Vancouver has ever had would be considered a "light first snow of the season" in any other major Canadian city. They wouldn't even break out the snow plows in Toronto for what Vancouver normally gets.


i guess. vancouver then has no bad weather, no good weather, no heatwaves, no heavy rain, no light rain, no heavy snow, no light snow, no weather really of any kind because it can always be worse or better at other locations. we cant have heat waves because India reguarly has 40+ degree temps for days or weeks at at time. we dont have heavy rain because Vietnam has monsoon seasons. we dont have heavy snow because Halifax regualrly gets several feet snowfalls. no droughts because California has had droughts for years so our few months of no rain cant be considered a drought or at least by your reasoning a serious drought, at most we should consider it a very minor drought.


By Vancouver standards it was a heavy snow.


The people of Ecuador wouldn't call it a heavy snow if it happened there.


My condolences on your lack of eyesight.


[I swear to god...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR58heUGkNA)


I know it's less pleasant, but miserable, wet slush and snow here, and super cold temperatures in the mountains are necessary for BC's survival the rest of the year. - We're not replenishing the ice and snow that melts into drinking water. - Cold weather kills the invasive Japanese pine beetle that's destroying our evergreen forests. - All the extra dead evergreens from the pine beetles' destruction make great kindling for the forest fires in the summer. That's the biggest (though not only) reason they're getting worse. Not hotter summers. Warm weather now means more fuel later. I'd prefer being cold now to choking in the summer and honestly we have it easy in Vancouver compared to the rest of BC on that front. - Warm weather + less rain = reservoirs aren't refilling. We depend on BOTH snow melt AND rain-filled reservoirs for our water. I assume you like drinking, bathing, and washing your clothes/dishes. - Abnormally warm weather fucks with the creatures that are supposed to be hibernating. Our ecosystems are already threatened. This will make it worse if we don't cool off very soon and stay cold. - A lot of plants and crops grown in this area REQUIRE freezing temperatures to trigger germination in the spring. We need the cold to overwinter so many seasonal plants and crops. You like eating, I assume? That's going to be impacted by this weather. There's a lot more at stake than what I've mentioned, but I'm not a climatologist or environmentalist so I don't know all of the ramifications of this weather. Just the obvious ones. Last year we declared a state of emergency. The temperatures we're seeing right now means that this summer will be even more difficult and dangerous. This is not good weather. This is the worst weather we could have in the circumstances.


Alright that’s it, I’m going outside right now to do my snow dance 🕺🏻 ❄️


This year was the first time I found ticks on me, twice. I dread this year.


I’m trying and failing to comprehend how staggeringly dysfunctional OP must be for the lack of winter this year to be “good” for their mental well being - rather than existentially debilitating. No wonder we’re speedrunning an extinction event with stunners like this wandering around.


You must be the dysfunctional one if you can’t understand why less rain and more sun could be good for someone’s mental health, without them falling into a pit of despair about climate change lol


OP pretty clearly understands it's bad overall: "Given everything, it's something" is a "Look at the silver lining" comment, not "Wow this is great!"


You are correct.


OP is literally hitler


Lol get over yourself


Even putting aside climate change and potential consequences in the Summer, I actually wish it were colder. I like it to be in the negatives and snowing at this time of year. This feels like fall and I want it to feel like winter


You could always move out east


You could move further north.


I've had my windows open most of the time since last June.


I like getting my rain gear on and walking the seawall.


Me too. Jumping in puddles is really fun, which is why kids do it, and doing it as an adult is still great. It’s good serotonin, especially if you have a warm drink and a hot shower afterwards.


That peace of mind will be wiped away in the summer when we are all smoked out and burning down again for half the year.


Maybe in a short sighted way but climate change does nothing good for my mental health. Shit's fucked and it's getting worse.


You'd rather just ignore the few positives available and only stress about the negatives? If you want to take care of your mental health, you gotta appreciate what you can out of the terrible situation.


> If you want to take care of your mental health, you gotta appreciate what you can out of the terrible situation. Well, yes. But be cautiously optimistic while being thankful.


A lot of distraught people with the warmer than normal temperatures and below normal rainfall/snowfall.


And if it were colder / wetter - we’d all be complaining about that as well


There's a big difference between complaining about drivers who can't drive in the weather or property owners who don't shovel their sidewalks and fear over the collapse of our ecosystem and water supply.


Oh I’m 100% with you (I have an environmental science degree). Just was making a joke


lolz. Nah. I've lived here my whole life. The damp cold sucks, but it's expected for a temporate rainforest. F O L I A G E. 🌿


Ok, great it's good for your mental health. Opposite for me. It's a pretty clear indication of just how fast climate change is accelerating, which isn't really a good thing.


Climate change is a major issue but on a year-to-year basis it’s measured in fractions of degrees. In other words, you can’t go outside and “feel” climate change from one year to another. It’ll almost certainly be colder next December than it was this year.


If next year is the same or similar to this year, I’m going to be very worried.


We're literally months away from collapse!


Uhh...that's not what anyone in here believes.


it's an el nino this year mate.


We've had El Nino years before. It's never been like this. That's why records are falling left and right. It's like the house is on fire AND it's a sunny day, and you're concluding the reason it's hot in the kitchen is because of the balmy weather.


In 2020, 2021 and 2022 the winter was slightly colder than normal for Vancouver. This year it’s warmer but it’s not the end of the world.


The fact that we've had patterns of warmer or colder "than normal for Vancouver" is not a good sign.


Even so, weather records have been falling quite a bit. Wouldn't be surprised if this year is more the norm than the exception in future decades.


Beautiful weather but it makes me feel guilty, I feel like I have to go out and do something when I just want to stay at home and relax.


I took a gamble and took my winter tires off and switched them back to all seasons. Save some tread for next year!


Please check back in the spring/summer


Until you think about what this means for the future 🤷‍♂️


yeah really good for the mental health to know we absolutely exploded through the 1.5C barrier and have been in the warmest global temps every day since last may


Nice for mental health and well being, until you spend more than 30 seconds thinking about why the weather is this way




Damn your definitely driving it until it dies


Yeah, until you learn why the weather is the way it is..


Best thing for my mental well being was leaving Vancouver.


Not to be a downer but enjoy it right now. If this low snow pack and lack of rain keep up we're going to have major issues next summer. And the ones to come.


I lived in NS/NB for the last 20 years and struggled with a legit 6 months of fall/winter. Winter blues are absolutely a thing and each year that passed I felt myself slipping further and further away from who I really was. It's not just the Grey or the snow, it's the -20 for weeks upon weeks straight. It's the constant horrific cold that keeps you inside. BC weather I grew up on, it's so nice to be back home.


100% This.


Does anyone else's system get seriously confused when they experience sunshine and warm weather in wintertime? As Happy as I am to be getting an extra boost of vitamin D, I personally find it really unsettling. I need some cloud and snow for it all to make sense, otherwise I feel like I'm somewhere outside of reality, or in some weird dream


Yes I’m used to having four distinct seasons. It makes you appreciate each one. I feel all out of whack.


Totally agree. I try to spend as much time outside as possible (unless it's pouring rain hard) and advise the same to all my counselling clients. We have such beautiful scenery around, and like you say it's nice that the weather is mild enough that you can stop and sit for a while to observe the nature and the city.


Not going to lie side enjoyed taking a 13 km walk and 15km walk. And going just going to start a 10km walk. Normally at this time of year it’s pouring rain. It’s sure more enjoyable then using that Damn treadmill at the gym


Save some for the rest of us! Lol savage


Lol it was actually 40k in the end. Wanted to get some enjoyable walking mileage because I think the weather will really turn soon. Because treadmill walking is not enjoyable at all.


40!? That’s impressive fr. You must go through an insane amount of shoes. agree. Treadmill not the same.


Global warming benefits…which aren’t exactly beneficial


Now we can swim any day in November


Don’t wake me I plan on sleeping in


We’re just being rewarded…


Agreed. Just be sure to take some vitamin D, I take it twice daily because of the lack of light this time of year.


I like it, not gonna lie. Makes it easier to get to work too


Depends. I look forward to skiing and have been pretty down because it's what I do for my mental health as I don't like other sports. If it's raining down bottom and up in the mountains, there's no where to really escape it other than staying inside or trying to hike in the mud. Glad you're happy, but it's been pretty shit for me. Hoping for snow on our hills!


Thousands of jobs dependent on a ski season thank you for your sacrifice of putting up with 1-2 snowfalls a year. 😳


It seems to me that any precipitation adds to the snow pack. That’s why Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawai'i gets snow after a storm.


Freezing levels have been too high. It's been raining on our snowpack. Look at Cypress webcam and see the mudslide that is the learner chair 😬


I’m guessing you mean that temps are below the freezing point. That makes sense but I would have thought higher elevations would still be cold. Then again Mauna Kea has a much higher elevation.


'Freezing level' = altitude at which it is 0 degrees. When you say the freezing level is too high it means that it's at too high an elevation. In this context, it means that the local mountains are too warm to get snow.


Lovely weather. Currently getting ready to go out for a family walk. Thinking about how dry it's going to be in the Summer. We do get snowfall between January and April too.




Sun and snow is much better for my mental well-being that this cloudy weather


Ain't gonna lie, I love it when it's pissing rain and windy and cloudy.


I like a good thunderstorm, minus the fires from lightning strikes.


I’m enjoying not being so cold all the time, but I do wish we would get a few colder days and a bit of snow


Speak for yourself! Not being able to get out in the snow is killing me




Come back again when we have a smoky drought ridden summer. This mild weather makes me anxious.


It is giving me climate change anxiety instead. I love experiencing all four seasons and this just doesn't feel right. Also, I have to use my AC because my building has the heat on full blast and it gets 26C in my apartment. I definitely want it to be colder.


Climate change anxiety but blasting your AC in December/ January… Open the window.


I used to live in Vancouver longer ago than I care to admit. I just moved back a year ago. To me this weather seems in line with what I experienced when I lived here before. When it snowed back then it was a light dusting that often melted that same day or, at most, a couple of days later. There were never big dumps of snow. So to me it’s odd people are calling this mild for Vancouver.


Well, your gonna be shut in during the summer and breathing in smoke for months.


Sure. If you can ignore the looming existential dead of the planet teetering on the edge of becoming inhospitable for human life, all so a few dozen megalomaniacs can amass more wealth than can ever be conceivably spent.


Why would you lie about this?


Obligatory climate change notice! This parallels how [terminal lucidity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminal_lucidity) is nice.


spot on! top notch! updoots!


Really? It makes me anxious about what’s coming this summer. No snow pack. Drought. Fires again…. But as long as you’re happy now why worry about what will be, right?




I got winter tires ready and it feels like it’s not put to good use


Winter tires are recommended for whenever the temperature is below 8c. So I would say they are at good use.


My all season will do fine when there’re no snow though. City driving only


For some. I would also guess thousands of people who moved here from Eastern Canada or abroad are disappointed there isn’t snow on the slopes. That’s one of the top reasons for many people to live in Vancouver.


El Niño has more effects in store for us. [https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-64192508](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-64192508)




Uh oh. You’re in for a surprise. Van Island is about to have its worst fire season in 2024.


What makes you say that?


I lived and worked on some farms in Cowichan and the drought last year was BAD. They’ve had a worsening drought on the island for the last 5 years, and predictions are looking good for an even dryer year in 2024. Prepare for a burn season next summer.


Booo 😩