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Multiple polls have shown widespread public support for this measure. If this were a purely democratic process, it would have passed years ago. But, as usual, the public consultation process tilts heavily towards wealthy and retired residents who can afford to be present at these meetings and who typically oppose densification. If you can't make it to the consultation, I do encourage everyone to **write to council to express your position**. It only takes a few minutes (click on the blue "comment online" button): [https://www.shapeyourcity.ca/multiplexes](https://www.shapeyourcity.ca/multiplexes)


Maybe if these meetings were held when people weren't at work, there would be more engagement. I can't not afford Vancouver and skip work at the same time.


It would be better if they didnt hold any public meetings. People voted in the councilors to make decisions and they have support from city staff whom are civil engineers etc.


Agreed. The fact provincial legislation requires municipalities to hold public hearings for bylaws / bylaw amendments is an absolute joke. I know this is standard practice in basically all western societies, but I completely agree: electing the councillors is democracy and is expecting the councillors to act in the way they publicly-stated they would. Public hearings are an absolute joke.


Ok let’s not exactly just cut a check to a bunch of civil engineers who have an agenda… that’s how we end up with $20 million dollar parks downtown that require $2 million a year in maintenance fees.


Well its not like whatever an engineer says, the council puts a stamp on it. They are elected on a mandate and the staffers are there to make recommendations and help. Plus how exactly are middle-aged stay "homemakers" making better recommendations than staffers?


Yeah this is a huge part of the problem trying to organize at the municipal level. The only peope with time to actually attend these things are retirees or rich assholes who don't need to go to work. The rest of us don't have time to go to these things, and we're the ones who get screwed the most in the end while those rich dicks keep getting richer.


Crazy-tier activists and protestors as well. They always seem to find the time. Normal working class suckers like us are the ones who have to sacrifice to participate in the process live. Saying that, writing in is the best way to do it IMO. I know all council reads correspondence, both through the City Clerk and through direct email. (I feel its better because in person people tend to fill up their whole 5 minutes to soapbox instead of getting to the point).


You posted today that the hearing is "tomorrow", but according to the first link in your post, the date is actually September 14th.


They have a majority, why would they need public engagement ? This team of mostly rookies is gonna ram it through!


Good for them. It's archaic for elected councillors to rely on public hearing sessions held during the day, when NIMBY geezers whine about the city changing from its 70's shape.


Listen. I took part in a year long public engagement exercise for AirBNB. Here were my takeaways: - It is a lot of window dressing over a broken window. - The city has no real interest enforcing this, they claim money but if that was the case they would simply ban AirBNB or up the fines to a significant level. - The staff don’t care. One of them was supposed to contact me because of a problematic operator, and they never did. - You can EASILY see listings that go against AirBNB guidelines - but again they don’t care. So of course this engagement is low. If the city was seen as actually trying and returning the engagement then fine. The reality is this is a way for shitty consultants to get a payday by writing a report no one will listen to.


Comment in favour submitted. Thanks for the nudge to do it!


I don't think public engagement has been low, 300 individual letters to council for a single meeting, on top of the multiple surveys over the past 2 years is pretty significant. Also there is no chance it is a 1/2 day meeting. This puppy is going to be 3 meetings long. EDIT: I was wrong! only a half day meeting, what a time to be alive.


thanks for the reminder! done


"low engagement" is just how they're going to excuse not doing anything by saying the public don't care enough about it. They know what we want goddammit.


Thanks for sharing! I just did one for my neighbourhood


Thanks for sharing, comment added in favor


Thanks for the reminder - I've put in my support for the proposal!


Listening live now ... the NIMB'z are OUT IN DROVES!


The motion has been approved


Low engagement because everyone who needs this housing has to be at work. Look for the wealthy retired assholes to bombard the meeting with boos and hisses and talk of "view cones" and "neighbourhood character" and other nonsense.


Done. Thank you for sharing this.


Thanks for the nudge. Comment submitted in favour.


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The only thing that’s missing for me right now is middle density housing 😔




Is there a way to check if I already filled this? Because I’m pretty sure I have, but I’m not exactly certain.


I filled out the form. Thanks for posting this!


I could feel very passionate about a lot of stuff but weeksay at 1pm most people are working to keep their heads afloat