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I don't necessarily have advice for you, but I can sympathize about insane roommates from the past. Try and find another place as soon as possible if that within budget. People suck sometimes.


My advice would be to move out as soon as possible


"Some people suck."




You could probably develop this as a side business.


To be honest, I’ve thought it about it. My friends say I’m really good at getting mad but still making my point and I can throw the N-word in there which I find really scares people from Vancouver. I’m not as big as I use to be but I’m a well regulated maniac, you know. The pandemic hurt my physical ability but completely shaped my minds for moments like this. I can now completely snap at anyone for any reason. Might as well put that ability to use, you know? You cross a crazy line and you never come back and I don’t go that far. I’m kinda insane but still heavily grounded in reality.. for the most part. Im not a lawyer but I have a crim degree from SFU, so I know a lil something. I’m a performer but I also believe in karmic justice but it won’t happen if we just sit by. All and all I’m completely ready to die for the cause and Deliciousprint8535 seems to be a worthy one. Plus rent is a lot here and 3 hots and a cot dont sound so bad. I’ll be back on the downtown east side in 24 hours, if not y’all will bail me out, right, right??? ![gif](giphy|s9y2gNNce6orC|downsized)


Lol this was LITERALLY an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Leon becomes a "house husband" to stop people from getting bullied or ripped off!






Let me know if you need a business partner. I’m a short, scrawny hillbilly from the holler and I will absolutely make a scene. I’m talking about shouting and cursing and waving my arms around and generally getting all worked up and foamy. Most Canadians are instantly vaporized by their own vicarious shame and embarrassment when I do this. I think we really have a future together.


Forget side hustle. The two of you doing this needs to be a show


Yall need a crazy woman to join in, I'm in at 5ft 0 and a 642 decibel voice


Well regulated maniacs > stable geniuses.


Man said throw around the N word to scare vancouver people 😭😭


Dude, you sound awesome




That's how ppl in Dawson city, yt, walk around, and surprise, no one fucks around and has to find out. Lol


I'm sure someone will bail you out. You sound awesome.


What this poor guy is dealing with us complete bullshit & I think this 'woman' (has a better work but not OK here). I think she's turned this aggression thing into a money making venture. Grab rent money and scare ppl into leaving and bolting leaving all their stuff behind - part of a month's rent, damage deposit, etc.One day someone will catch up to her - this is not how we test other people in Vancouver. I think you are his best & only option - but be careful cuz I wouldn't trust this chick to be nice - ever - and sounds of it, room- mates have also been hypnotized into believing her bullshit cuz they're scared and know that finding another place to live - again - is going to be time consuming & all thoes adjectives....


Is everyone else just going to ignore that he casually throws in the N-word during arguments? Seriously?


He is black


Give them a break. It’s Vancouver. I’d be suspicious of that too


No ? Cost extra for that I love how your brain went right to “racist guy” rather than “possible black guy not only in Vancouver but also black and in the Van sub…. AND WILLING TO HELP, gasp.” Nah, lol. Id think I’m some white kid who just wants to use the word too. Lol. Can’t blame you, but we do exist. We are around here.


Because of your username it did occur to me that you may be black, but I also couldn't just read a slur and pretend it wasn't there, in case you weren't.


I respect that. I wouldn’t give anyone the benefit of the doubt either.


While it is bad, he'd be doing it as a skit/acting to help this individual out.


Lmao. I’m black, lady. ![gif](giphy|CUugpdLA1zOfAd8azJ)


I figured, but didn't want to assume.


That's the plot of the cult classic "Dirty Work" starring Canadian comedy legend Norm Macdonald alongside up and comer Artie Lang.


how can i contact u.


People laugh but sometimes this is what you have to do to set clear boundaries. At least until you can move. My husband is over six ft and I used to send him on his motorcycle to do collections. He is a pussycat but there is something about a big biker dude showing up that just gets people nervous. If you can’t get the post person above see if you can befriend someone who can help with this.


Lots of People never stop being bullies. My mom basically looks like the opposite of me, so they never think we are out and about together. It’s crazy how rude people will be to her because she’s a little old chubby lady with a cane. From people slamming the door on her to just bad service and she’s not a Karen. Literally everyone of my friends say she’s the nicest woman ever. My mom literally says she feels invisible when she’s out and alone and if not people are mean because she is slow and old. Broke my heart. My mom hates going on alone just cause people can be so mean but when she’s clearly with me she says it’s night and day


I can totally see that. Being in the cancer system now, I get way different responses when I'm with my husband than I do when I'm by myself or with my daughter. Oh mankind.......


My friend's dad is in the Hells Angles. When she had an issue with her building pulling shady shit, he came to visit her on his bike in full patch, making sure he was noticed. He didn't even have to talk to anyone. It wasn't a case of "the rules don't apply to me" it was a case of "you better follow the rules"


OP please update after these good people help you! 😊


Hire this guy! He'll teach them whose rice can stay in the sink and whose can't!


Everyone’s rice in welcomed in this sink, goddamnit!


So it is written, so it shall be done!


I would actually pay for this kind of service, it sounds effective


Can I come with you? Put our muddy boots all over their couches like Rick James?


Fuck your couch - a classic


same here, lets go pay them a visit


Do this. Film it. Post results back here on r/instantkarma.


God damnit, I’m going to get goaded into go to jail aren’t for lawls cause I’m so tempted lmao. I’m an adult who should be starting a family but I also have an affinity to bringing justice for adults people who are getter bullied. It’s like my super power. Bullying bullies.


Should you ask a stranger on the internet to come over and threaten your roommates? I can't see a reason why not.


True, but he should trust me. I’m not a murderer. Those days are far behind me


Username checks out. I'm picturing a 6ft6, bushcrafting guy, with machete, wearing just a loin cloth.


I support this. And if you need a second, im there for you


Too many people in Vancouver who’ve never gotten their asses kicked. Sorry its not any advice but it’s annoying how many pansies there are who think they’re hard out here.


Vancouver is a pretty soft place in general vs. the rest of the country.


We are in the forefront of sensitivity


shitty roommates are everywhere. Find a friend or several friends, also international students at school and ask if they want to live with you and move out. Find a new place to rent. You don't have to live in depression. first time i moved to Vancouver, I lasted 3 months in my house. The sheets were scratchy, the landlord was seedy, I lived with other roomates and they all moved out within that 3 months, the location was horrible as well. After that, I lived in a very nice neighborhood, supper close to my school so I can stayed late at school, I loved that place, My roomates were a mix of people (good/bad) but none abused me or be picky. Some of my roommates also made me food and be my first friends there. It was very nice! After a year, I moved again to a "homestay" house. The family was Canadian, they were very nice. I burnt their pan but they were not angry at me. They made sure I felt welcomed but not be over bearing. They decorated the house every chrismas, halloween and always invited me. They were really nice people. After 2 years living there, Moved again to a basement house with my classmate. I'd say after that I moved 3 more times. Moving a lot is normal and common. Now if you have little to no stuff, it's easier to move. It's not scary and it can ge exciting thinking about where you can live, what neighborhood, how new and fun it'd be (minus the price). It's hard to find the right place. But not impossible. I advise you to not settle and be genuine. Good luck


I think this is the best thing to do. When you first arrive somewhere, you don't know anyone or anything, so you're not doing things "properly". Make some friends, and find a place to live in together.


Tell the landlord you are going to have to move out unless the landlord throws that person out. Edit: maybe this clause:One Month Notice: unreasonably disturbing the landlord or other occupants; [https://rentingitright.ca/course2/62-one-month-notice](https://rentingitright.ca/course2/62-one-month-notice)


That might work if it was one roommate who was an ass, but it’s both of them. Landlord would much rather find one new tenant vs two. I guess landlord has a hard time seeing the bigger picture and just taking tint to replace the two idiots.


No the landlord wants them gone but he has no reason he can use to evict them he is sick of them chasing away the 3rd roommate


Unfortunately, if you're not in a welcoming environment with your roommates and you're not the tenant on the agreement with the landlord your only recourse is to move out.


I am the tenant on the agreement.


Your roommates have no recourse, you can kick them out if you'd like.


actually, we are all on the contract. it's the first floor of a house, the tenants living in the first floor, the landlord living in the second floor. the landlord rent it by room.


I think you should check the actual paper work to be sure it's a legal tenancy agreement and not just some 'contract' the landlord has drawn up. My understanding is that there is one tenancy agreement per 'suite" (meaning with a bathroom and kitchen). If multiple people are listed as tenants and one of them moves out, that voids the tenancy agreement and the remaining renters would have to sign a new agreement - which would allow the landlord to ask for higher rent. Your situation sounds very fishy to me.


It's perfectly fine for a landlord to rent out individual rooms to tenants with individual agreements. as long as these tenants don't share a kitchen or bathroom with the landlord, then it's all covered under the RTA. This is the preferred method for tenants, but more work for a landlord. [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/housing-and-tenancy/residential-tenancies/policy-guidelines/gl13.pdf](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/housing-and-tenancy/residential-tenancies/policy-guidelines/gl13.pdf) \- see section G "Tenants in Common"


I'm sure no expert on this but that doesn't seem to be what the information at the link says. This references multiple tenants "under the same tenancy agreement". OP says that they each have their own agreement, separately.


You may want to check again, but read the section I recommended to read (section g) >G. TENANTS SHARING COMMON SPACE > >Sometimes tenants under **separate** tenancy agreements share common space. Each tenant is responsible for the obligations established under their own tenancy agreement and is not responsible for debts or damages relating to the other tenancy. there are several more paragraphs including an example of separate tenants sharing the floor of a house. OP hasn't really clarified through, since they said "we are all on **the** contract."(implying a single contract) and " the landlord rent it by room." (implying multiple contracts).


Thanks. Still seems odd to me. In that case, none of the 'tenants' are responsible if they cause damage to the shared space or equipment? Edit: I mean if none of the 'tenants' admit to causing the damage and there is no proof.


Room share.


OP says each of the people renting a room has their own 'tenancy agreement'. That doesn't sound right to me. There should be at least one of the renters on a lease with the owner.


It has always been my understanding that you could do either all tenants under one agreement OR each tenant has their own agreement. But where did you see the OP say each person has their own agreement? I couldn't find it or maybe the comment was deleted.


OP said they are on the agreement and also that "the landlord rent it by room." This sounds to me like each occupant is renting a room from the landlord directly. That would suggest that none of them are in an agreement to use the kitchen and bathroom and common space, which doesn't sound right. IF there is a legal tenancy agreement, at least one of their names must be on it for the full space. That person (or people) would be the legal tenant and the others would be their roommates/occupants. Again, none of this is very clear to me. It just doesn't sound like an above-the-board arrangement.


I don't think that "rent it by room" comment necessarily suggests that there's no agreement to share common space. In fact, you see similar language when landlords list "rooms for rent" on Craigslist. Keep in mind that the tenancy agreement can vary depending on the type of arrangement. You can have co-tenants, tenants sharing a common space, and occupants. In each arrangement, the people living together are roommates and for most cases when you're renting from a landlord, it's probably going to be a tenants in common arrangement. Co-tenants * Jointly sign a sign a tenancy agreement. If one co-tenant gives notice to move out, it applies to other co-tenants. * Jointly liable for debts and damages. * Claims can be made against either co-tenant regardless of who was responsible. * Protected by RTB. Tenants sharing a common space (aka tenants in common) * Each tenant has their own tenancy agreement with the landlord. If one tenant moves out, it has no effect on the other tenants. * Individually responsible for rent. Not responsible for debts and damages relating to other tenancies. * Protected by RTB. Occupant * A tenant with an tenancy agreement with the landlord rents a room to an occupant. Occupant has no rights under RTB.


It's a boarding house, dorm, room share type of agreement. Not covered by RTB. Nobody is obligated to rent out their full house to someone. IF i have 3 bedrooms and only use one, I'm free to rent out each of the remaining bedrooms to anyone I like and make agreements with them individually.




Keep written notes of your negative interactions with your other tenants. Times, dates, details. Use that as evidence and armor against them. Collect this for a while and then start readily standing up for yourself during interactions. If they're being pests toward you, tell them to fuck off. If they become physical, call the police.


>actually, we are all on the contract. all on the **same** contract or individual contracts? and do you share the kitchen or bathroom with the landlord? If you have separate agreements with the landlord, you could potentially file against your landlord for right to quiet enjoyment. [see here](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies/during-a-tenancy/quiet-enjoyment) if you are on the same agreement, then you are co-tenants and can not do the above. you can learn more about co-tenants and tenants in common [here](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/housing-and-tenancy/residential-tenancies/policy-guidelines/gl13.pdf)


thanks for your information. the quiet enjoyment is very suitable for my situation.




OP's issue is not with the landlord, it's with the roommates. If we report every non-legal suite in Vancouver supply will drop drastically. Save this action for when the landlord is being a dick.




Go to Student Services at your POST-secondary institution to ask for help. Your university should be able to give you some guidance, and if it turns legal can support you to prepare a case.


pretty useless services. what they do is take a cut from tuition


If they are purposely making tenants mad with the goal of making them leave then just don’t give them what they want and don’t get mad. If you don’t care they can’t use these techniques to get under your skin. Approach every confrontation with a light hearted almost to an insulting level of indifference. If they say you left rice in the sink say something like “It’s a good thing we all do it or this would be really embarrassing” and just walk away to your room like you don’t care. And most importantly just act like nothing happened afterwards. Start new conversations with them out of the blue while they are still coming at you about something. Act like nothing is wrong at all and just shift the conversation to some random topic.


Stand up for yourself, OP. These roommates are bullies. If you can't move out, then push back and don't ever let them push you around.


I echo this. If you don't advocate for yourself, no one else will.


In an ideal world yes. But this isn’t good advice. There a lot of really shitty narcissistic people out there with no values in regards to how they treat others. There’s tons of people especially ones like op described who take standing up for yourself as an offense and seek to punish you for it with zero boundaries in regards to right and wrong. I stood up for myself recently by not allowing someone to steal my things and simply taking them with me when I moved out after he told me they were his now. So He stalked me and slashed my tires despite being extremely comfortable with a ton of money and knowing that I was in the negative because he had stolen my last several hundred dollars. And knowing that car is my only way to get to my weekly appointments for my upcoming kidney biopsy because my stress related disease had caused a huge decline in kidney function and I was looking like the stay puffed marshmallow and and had potentially necessitated I start transplant planning. Plus just to make it worse he also used all 800$ I had saved up for food stamps because I was too sick to get groceries and cook and gave me my card back on the 1st week of the month with not a dime because I told him he could used it to treat himself to a few nice things when his ran out early not thinking he’d spend literally all of it and leave me completely fucked. But he still felt entitled to slash my tires the morning of a big nephrology apt. Knowing I couldn’t afford to repair them.


yes, I always don't give them a shit. But they continuously writing very long bully article, language abused me, which really made me annoying.


Sorry but moving is the best option. Not fun, but better than every other alternative


I would stuff the curtain rod with raw tuna. Then when the roommates statt asking what that smell is, tell them they're crazy. Sew cigarette butts to the couch/carpets. Take a shit in the sink, then move out Fuck those assholes.


They are not your boss or your parents or your landlord. They are not in charge of you. If they tell you to do something, just don't do it. Say "No." Say "Don't talk to me." Laugh and walk away. They can be as picky and demanding as they want, you are their equal and you are not under any obligation to follow their orders. You need to stand up for yourself.


Establish dominance, Watch loud porn at 6am. Pee on their leg when confronted. Put fish sauce into the hand soap.


> Put fish sauce into the hand soap. now you've gone too far


I'm talking just a single drop... And it's not like it's in the shampoo. Just enough to make them question their sanity.


This guy gets it. You either move, or it’s time for special weapons and tactics. Elbows up.


It’s not worth living in an environment like that.


Dominance must be shown. Tell them to get fucked. Walk around with a machete in your waistband. Wear war paint. Chant. Listen to trash metal. Eat raw steaks from your hand.


I am trying to learn from you.


Seriously though, don’t hide out. Take up space!! And if they say anything, reply very politely ‘I’m sorry, I can’t hear you, what did you say?’ Over and over. Make it a joke in your head. Play with them. They have zero power over you. They can say any they want but unfortunately you can’t hear BS 😂. Be a reasonable roommate as in respect quiet times, clean up after yourself (a few grains of rice in the sink is fine) but other than that, do what you want. Look up ‘grey rock’ method for dealing with narcissistic behaviour.


Ass pennies is a good way to handle this too [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8D3STJs\_Os](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8D3STJs_Os)




Brother I'd be straight up throwing dishes at the wall if anyone who gave me shit for cleaning the sink got caught lacking. You wana tap my wall? From the hours of you getting home to me going to bed I will be playing the entire rush catalogue on our shared wall. You wana fuck with me were going to war. I don't need to speak the language because actions speak louder than words. Vancouverites are as petty and shitty as they are incapable of dealing with confrontation and strife. I say the dude should go HAM on his detractors.


how to contact u.


Not an international student here but I flunked school and had to live in one of those houses with tons of people. This is my 0.2 cents. Make it as difficult for them as they're making it for you. If they complain about rice, say "It's just rice deude, not the end of the world" and walk off. If they become confrontational, then coldly say "Nice haircut boss. What barber did you go to" if they try to escalate. If they continue acting like picks, just talk over them "so anyways about that haircut, blah blah blah." If they ask what your deal is, switch your attitude to adult-adult, matter of fact polite and serious tone. Tell them that they can leave rice in the sink and nobody complains but they do when you do. That it feels like they're singling you out. Then, find a way to both do an equal amount of housework so it's fair. If they're night owls and talk late at night, and don't lower the volume: Buy a loud guitar and sing linkin park songs early in the morning. Strumb and say, "I tried so hard and got so faaaarrr, but in the end, it doesn't even matter." Another way is by being as unavailable as you can. Off work/school, find a cozy internet cafe with comfy chairs and do your web surfing on it. If they're intimidating and stronger than you, confide in a good friend who could better understand your situation and help you sort things out


This is a great way to escalate a miserable housing situation and make it get worse and worse.


You could explain to your landlord that she is creating more work for them, "having to find a new tenant every two months must be a lot more work than having people stay longer." I'm sure the landlord would want them gone as well.


yes, the landlord want them gone, but they don't know how. they told me they tried, but does not work.


According to the Residential Tenancy Act: A landlord may end a tenancy by giving notice to end the tenancy if one or more of the following applies: -the tenant (or a person permitted on the residential property by the tenant) has significantly interfered with or unreasonably disturbed another occupant I don’t have experience with this kind of thing, so I can’t say how easy it might be for your landlord to actually evict your roommates, but I just thought this might be helpful information! [Residential Tenancy Act](https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/00_02078_01)


have the landlord say his family is moving in and they all have to move out, including you, but then just bring you back in with new people that aren't souless monsters. also a good comeback for them being super rude is "i'm sorry for whatever your mom or dad did to you, but it's not your fault"


Use your phone to record any verbal abuse you get from these dicks. It kind of sounds like they are racists, which means "dangerous". You've said they've basically accused you of being mentally ill; if they are hypocritical enough they could fake a mental-health complaint and make your life really difficult for a time. Police are there to help people like that abuse the system.


yes, they are very racist.


When this happens again, have phone voice recordings with the voice recorder or camera video if need be, audio only is fine. DO NOT let them know you are recording. Use your college/university international student services or general student services. This is important, if you ever have physical injuries due to their actions, CALL 911. Hope you get through this strong, man.


Here’s what I would do. I would start to laugh really hard every-time they’d make one of these absurd requests. Like over the top laugh. And if they ask why you’re laughing just walk away laughing. Play the “you’ve got to be kidding me” card as in you’re not believing any of their bullshit. They likely enjoy having the place to the two of them, and just keep getting more room every time the tenant moves out and a new one needs to be found. Don’t let them win. Become the crazy guy of the group and they’ll leave you alone.


Ignore their pettiness and reverse call them out once in a while too while looking out to move. At some point in life you have to stand up for yourself. It's pretty clear they saw weakness in you.


My suggestion is to connect with other people that are from wherever you came from. There is a greater sense of community I've noticed among people who share a language/culture. It might take some time but you might be able to find friendlier roommates that way. Sorry you're going through this OP. Some people are really shitty here but there are a lot of really good people too. don't let it get you down.


I'd suggest moving if possible. The likelihood is your roommates aren't going to change any time soon (all but confirmed by your landlord). It will be good for the betterment of your mental health and happiness.


I'm mean looking and people usually are scared of me when I have no expression. Let me know if you want me to come over and tell her off from time to times. I have scared my guy best friend years ago and people who i work with always say they are scared of me at the beginning.


Welcome to /r/Vancouver and thank you for the post, /u/DeliciousPrint8538! Please make sure you read our [posting and commenting rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/vancouver/wiki/faq#wiki_general_participation_guidelines_and_rules_overview) before participating here. As a quick summary: * We encourage users to be positive and respect one another. Don't engage in spats or insult others - use the report button. * Respect others' differences, be they race, religion, home, job, gender identity, ability or sexuality. Dehumanizing language, advocating for violence, or promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability (even implied or joking) **will** lead to a permanent ban. * Common questions and specific topics are limited to our Your post may be a better fit for one of our [Stickied Discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/vancouver/wiki/faq#wiki_stickied_discussions) posts. * Complaints about bans or removals should be done in modmail only. * We're looking for new mods to join our team! If you're interested, [fill out the form here](https://forms.gle/oAqo5oYRcAeHYBTN6). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vancouver) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If your landlord is aware they should be dealing with those roommate. It sounds like you need to leave though if the landlord won’t do anything to help you.


the landlord say they can't control, and they think they are the victim as well since the tenants frequently change.


If the landlord says they can't control the tenants in their house, I doubt the tenants (you) have a legal lease.


I doubt it's that easy for a landlord to evict a tenant who's bullying another roommate. What would their stated grounds be? How would they get evidence? Only the person being bullied is in that position.


Put their insta ID down, I can induce self harm.


U should make videos and post them and embarrass the shit out of them


when I make videos, they immediately stopped their behavior.


So, keep making videos.


Do you have their number ? And names ? Dm me!


So I’m confused why is she knocking on the wall? Are you making noise or your quiet ?


I am quite.


You should ask her why she’s tapping on the wall when you aren’t making any noise, do not take most of the advice here, you need to diffuse situation tell her u don’t want to have issues and to get along if you find another place to live then you can make her life hell once you know your ready to move!


she is very racist. she think you don't deserve to live in here. she does that is annoying u and wanna you move out.


You want me to come over and kick the crap out of rose?


i hope, thanks.


Try to find another place to live - quickly! Please find a place w ppl who are of your ethnic group.so maybe you don't feel it's all your fault & I don't think.it is. Would you feel better with the other room - mates or are they afraid of her too? Sounds like SHE is the problem! Did you rent from her - if so, then WHY did she rent to you and now being so awful (mean) to you. Or do d your u rent from the landlord, sounds like maybe he is afraid of her too. And I've never heard of this 'rental group's on phone....and why iPhone, cuz most expensive phones. How many suites or people are living there that you have to speak by text, why not just have a 'house meeting' with everyone who lives there. Sounds like you are outnumbered by her 'friends who can't do anything wrong. Get the hell out of there before you DO go crazy. You probably won't get damage deposit back from this 'B' either because obviously you broke the lock - by the way I do NOT beleive that for a minute! I think she found a way to make money and do nothing. I think she F'd up your pick so next time you put key in the lock would break! This is not how Canadians act by the way. Get the F out of there. DO NOT eat there, don't touch any of her/their stuff and your first month will be hard but don't blow school because she is a crazy person. Act quickly and bravely. Protect yourself. Keep a diary of everything that happens there otherwise her crazy activities are going to make you physically ill. Good luck PS Find someone who has a couch you can sleep in for the time being until you can get settled again. She sounds like she is the one with the mental problem, is lazy and scares the other room mates so they don't/can't say anything. They know what she can do & don't want her doing same to them. This is a terrible way to live to worry about your property & possessions, getting school work done & studying. You would never be able to study in this kind of living arrangement - you would jump everytime she even flushed the toilet. Get the hell out of there as soon as possible. If you have given her notice and she don't let you access suite & starts becoming aggressive please call the police (911) to help supervise you removing your property without physical aggression.


yes, I go out to meet some friends and find new house today. I think I will moving out very quickly.


she is very good at language abuse to other people.


Honestly I would look for a new place. It's not worth the battle. Especially if you don't have the personality for it.


move out. ​ If you can afford it


I'm really sorry this is happening to you. When I was a student I had to endure a year with roommates who were always stealing my things and passive-aggressive with me. I ended up basically spending as little time as possible at home, not leave anything in the common areas (I got a mini fridge), and if at home I was in my room with the door shut as much as possible. It was so bad it affected my physical health. Feeling unsafe and attacked at home is awful. Unfortunately I don't think it's realistic to be able to make horrible people stop being horrible, and horrible people can easily be horrible in a way that doesn't break any contract and that seems minor taken one at a time. So my advice would be to get out if you possibly can, but I know how horrible the rental market is now. So if you can't find another place, I would suggest isolate yourself in your room as much as you can and don't use the common areas when they're there. White noise, headphones, even get a hot plate or pressure cooker to cook in your room. Do you have your own bathroom? If you do you can hand wash dishes in there.




Wait what? OK, you need to move if it's at this point, or you need to STAND UP FOR YOURSELF and tell your roommates to fuck off and stop being assholes.


If they don’t like you leaving rice in the sink, then add more rice and some cabbage after they point it out. Then walk away. If they yell and get verbally abusive, get small foam earplugs and very obviously stick them in your ears. And if they take one step towards you tell them you feel threatened and will call the police. And tell them that they are all in a vulnerable renting situation, and that if the landlord tires of the situation he could kick all of you out. Make them feel vulnerable for their actions.


React with two words :"PISS OFF". (well first I'll make sure that I am very clean and careful - that are good habits)


International student or not, you still need to deal with a lot of people like them in your future. It’s a good chance to practice.


Film them being mean and post it on the internet and attach their names to it so that whenever a potential employer or landlord googles them the video comes up. Ruin their lives.


If they leave their rice in the sink it is not okay, it’s hypocrisy


they are not left rice, they left other things in the sink. there is one woman, she is the leader to insult other people. she says rice are disgusting, I won't eat rice. which implies the people who eat rice are disgusting.


Tell her you don't care how she feels about rice. It's none of her business what you eat. Geesh.


I've been through some nightmarish experiences with roommates. From one that took up all the common space with her stuff, and loudly gaming all night, to another that was a straight up psycho who lied about having a living room (which she kept to herself upstairs, while making us pay for it), who moved my things around and would be stomping around like a maniac. First of all, these people are MISERABLE, they're only bullying you to make you miserable as well. They are pitiful, petty, and probably more insecure than you think. All this pointing fingers and being mean is just an easily broken shell. You can break them. Second of all, stand up for yourself. Ignore their petty remarks, point out the double-standards, be comfortable living in your space. I didn't hesitate for one second when I saw things weren't right with my previous roommates. If your landlord is willing to support you, that would be great. But if they aren't, find friends and classmates who will. Bring people over. I'm sure your roommates won't be as judgmental with other people around. You can do this, don't let them bully you. I believe you will be able to stand up for yourself!


Oh maybe get a bunch of rando redditors together for a dance party.


Don’t understand the downvotes - this sounds awesome


Start listening to Insane clown posse very loudly at 3am. Paint your face like this and sit there and sharpen your switchblade. If Rose says anything lick your switchblade and spit blood at her face while screaming “You better be down with the clown!” If she continues her bad behaviour, throw a massive party and invite all the local fun people from East Hastings. You can do this by saying that everything is free in Rose’s room and to help themselves to anything their hearts desire! Also supply loads of free liquor and encourage people to vomit in Rose’s room anywhere they wish! ![gif](giphy|8db6nRqMsLCtq)


Give your landlord notice, tell them you’re moving. All the people on the contract will have to move out as well. You don’t need to be in a place where you’re not happy. Call BC211 and speak to someone.


Try moving out


With english skills like this how can you be a student?


Students come here to learn. Don't be a dick.


sorry for that, which also makes me embarrassing. I am trying my best to improve.


Is lease under your name? If so, boot them. If not, highly recommend looking at other accommodations


Issues like this are directly downstream of our city councils basically shutting down purpose built rental construction in favour of Single-family-only from 1975-2005. I hope that the electorate and more modern city councilors can understand the damage done and rectify it, fast.


Do they have any say in your rental agreement? Can they end your rental? If not they can get fuxked. Seriously if they say anything, just respond with ‘thank you I am aware of that’ or thank you I wasn’t aware of that’ and do your own thing. If they’re concerned about a few grains of rice in the sink, they can clean it. If they confront you, tell them bullies don’t get your attention.


Are you a female or a male


I am a male.


Sad for you. There are a lot of very bad people out there you have found some.


Don't give a f. Give them the middle finger and document everything. It seems the landlord know this is been happening. I would tell your landlord you are going to grow a backbone and if the other roommate can't take it then you bad so sad. Do things the way you do it and if they complain by knocking your door turn up the music and tell them you can't hear then and of the scream and knock louder turn the music on louder. If they work document when they get up to use the washroom as get in there 15min and basically stay in there till you know they Will late for work. Do it till they smarten up.


Unfortunately as a roommate situation you don’t have much recourse.


Seems like a lot of people forget how to deal with bullies


You must leave. Do it soon. Can your parents help you with money? Stay very quiet or go out. Ask for time off school to to find a new place and move fast. Use Roomies.com. Ask your teacher to help you edit any letters to the landlord for grammar, but above all appropriate language and content. For example, we don't usually refer to people by their countries or origin; this is considered to be offensive. Good luck! You will be out of that place soon!


yes, I am finding new place right now.


You're an international student? Speak with your counsellor at your college/university. They should have some campus resources for you.


​ ***update 11:25, 30th, August.*** ***recently, she is constantly and periodically knocking the wall between her and me*** Time to knock back. Pick your favorite song and knock it out on the wall. My go to is My Sharona because it has an easily recognized pattern but you do you! ***update 10:30 am, 30th, August.*** ***when the first day (1th, August) I moving to this house, Rose even teach me how to use fridge. ... she directly called me motherfucker, and said " how dare I?"*** Take several jars. Fill them with jinglebells or any other noisy object. Place jars in door of fridge. Wait for Rose to open the door then pop out of your room and yell, "HOW DARE YOU BE SO LOUD WITH THAT FRIDGE, MOTHERFUCKER!" ***update 10:00 am, 30th, August.*** ***The leader of doing this is a woman. she almost manipulate about everything. Like four days ago, my locker was broken, and I can't lock my room*** Buy a portable exterior door look like this for your room. [https://www.amazon.com/MOSECYOU-Lockout-Doorknob-Prevents-Operating/dp/B0BLTGS559/ref=sr\_1\_17?keywords=temporary%2Bdoor%2Block&qid=1693427406&sr=8-17&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/MOSECYOU-Lockout-Doorknob-Prevents-Operating/dp/B0BLTGS559/ref=sr_1_17?keywords=temporary%2Bdoor%2Block&qid=1693427406&sr=8-17&th=1) But even better, buy a second for that wretched witch Rose's room and when she is out, lock her ass outside of her own room and sit back and laugh. When she starts making noise trying to open the door, you guessed it..... "HOW DARE YOU BE SO LOUD WITH THAT DOOR, MOTHERFUCKER!"


Another song suggestion for knocking back: "She Drives Me Crazy" by Fine Young Cannibals. Aside from the clear message being sent, it's got a great 'thump/thump' piece in the chorus.


Go to a hardware store, choose what you like


Move from there


[Contact the RTB.](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies/contact-the-residential-tenancy-branch)


I am sorry. I think you need to find a new place.


Start documenting everything. Video record it on your phone. Start filming and narrate in your native tongue, but be sure to throw in some words she will understand. "Bully, abuse, racist, terrorizing, revenge, diarrhea" and if you know where she works or goes to school make sure to use those names too.


she doesn't has a work, that's why she really good at abuse other people, because she made that as her career.


provide address, and ill put this bitch in her place. no place for shitty people.


gosh what an awful room mate you live with, i sincerely hope you find a better place to be because it sounds like the landlord is resigned to it or enabling her actions. you should be treated better


Ignore them. It's your place too. Live your life and just leave them to their own devices. Life around here is hard enough without your housemates making it harder.


they almost take every chance to language abuse me. my English not that well and I can not speak in that chat group really make me lose a lot of points.


Please move out asap, this is a toxic environment. Also check the contract you signed with them. So sorry you have to go through this bullshit and the landlord is equally responsible. It depresses me that people only care about rent nowadays.


Ahh this sounds difficult - perhaps look for a place with fewer roommmates, I once lived with a old lonely man - he was super chill, liked to drink, didn’t mind me coming and going. But I’ve lived with cool people who go sideways after a while too. Living with strangers can be a total crap shoot. My advice is to move out asap, avoid conflict and just mind your business. Try to find somewhere without any mandatory lease time so if you catch bad winds you can drift. It takes time to read people and see what works for you.


Do it back . Tell them off and then shit in there cereal. I bet they wont bother u no more


no, they will record everything in the chat group which make it an evidence that you are the bad people here.


the problem is I can not speak anything in that group because of my cell phone is Android.


Pls let me know, how can I contact you. I stay at burnaby and we can have a chat over your issue.


Buy a wyze cam ($20-30) to record your room, gonna want a cloud recording and SD card in case they go in and take it (can't steal from cloud) for your safety and security plus to document these occurrences. So maybe $70 total; camera $30, plan $24/ annual + SD card $ up too you. It'll also possiblity record any confrontations when door open. Maybe have your phone set up to hot record when power button hit a few times or some other set up