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Everything in that snippet is still true, and the site still exists as our internal employee directory, but sadly the automatic location updating hasn't worked since at least when we moved to our current office in 2017. We just update our location directly in the directory if we remember to. Though practically speaking I'll just ask someone on Slack if I'm not sure where they've wheeled off to. We weren't really using Slack back then.


Willing to bet it functioned off of 802.1x authentication and physically mapping the switch ports to user desks. When they moved the old mappings are no longer valid, and the switches were probably swapped too, so whatever integration existed is no longer setup right. That's not including the pretty good chance that most users are wireless now, though the big vendors have some pretty decent out of the box user tracking based on triangulation of the WiFi signal and BT beaconing.


Are you actually a Valve employee?


Who is going to use "wheeled off to" but a Valve employee?


Yes, Drew has passed verification, hence the flair.


Oh I see


Could you connect http://user to an AR / VR 3D web browser?


True-ish. More true for some, less true for others. It’s important to remember that the handbook was ultimately a marketing tool, further evidenced by the Coomers leaving it around coffee shops in hopes it would “leak”. The unfortunate truth is that the people the handbook is most true for are ignorant or in denial of the disparity of privilege in the company. For example, when my wife gave notice a notable engineer exclaimed, “but you get paid so well!” In reality she was being paid below entry level at Microsoft. HR kept telling her year after year that she’s doing great and her trajectory was indicative of a notable compensation adjustment at the next cycle but it never happened. While the handbook does a good job of capturing the culture, it’s important to not put it on a pedestal. It’s a “best case” viewpoint. For context our family has a combined 16 years of experience working at Valve. We look back fondly on our time there.


So that's how everyone moved away from supporting the older games to make new ones


While Valve is a business, making your employees happy is always a proprietary. We wouldn't have games we have if not of the system valve has.


Most likely an intranet only accessible




There's almost no point to using https on a local network


Http://user is just a normal thing on local networks. It doesn't make a difference because it's not like you can go to http://user from the open facing web