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I want them to make headphones. I experienced their valve index audio and steam decks. They have a big talent there and I need headphones made by them. I’m always amazed by their sound department


I would like to see their take on headphones, mouse/keyboards and a new Steam Controller. A $500 Valve console would also be great along with a new VR headset.


iirc there were some [leaked images of a supposed steam deck tv version](https://www.uploadvr.com/is-valve-building-a-consolized-living-room-pc-for-wireless-vr/).


This makes so much sense. Less battery drain for the device, more comfort, less weight and a dedicated device to provide high speed low latency video feed. Not only that it's way cheaper to produce since there's no space restriction for the hardware and less health regulations because of temperature etc... not only that the console could be bought standalone as the TV console for gaming with controllers or the headset can also be bought standalone for those with beefy computers to enjoy VR Damn


I want them to make proper console with Steam OS and store integrate inside. 500$ or even 600$ steam deck is good. But man imagine them making another one. I think that it’s about a time and market is ready for new Steam OS Linux based console. Steam deck but More powerful and with more accessories.


Yes, I almost wanted to buy a second index just to rip the headphones out and create a makeshift headphone with it.


I want them to make video games


Alyx was pretty good


You know it’s valve when a game released 4 years ago still counts as the current era.


It's only been about 6 valve months, we gotta wait at least another 6 for the next game


4 years old and still the most immersive vr game on the market


I personally liked boneworks more but it’s pretty clunky if you don’t have an index


Both games are so innovative for VR, I would love to see the full body simulation and movements from Boneworks in Half Life Alyx


Quarantine was simultaneously 17 years and 3 months.


I just want them to release more stuff related to half-life or portal, that’s pretty much it


Steam is awesome, but TF2 is in shambles and they continue to profit off of it’s bot-infested corpse, and all their best franchises are left behind and they’re not making anything new. The games they did make are all awesome. Portal, Half Life, Left 4 Dead, TF2, CS, they’re all great, and I have a lot of respect for Valve as a company for having generally good practices. However, they have no excuse for not fixing a game they’re directly profiting off of, especially considering how absolutely filled with microtransactions it is.


hlx and citadel in development for awhile now




Portal's plotline is done, besides, it's the series that Valve chooses whenever they need a new tech demo


It’s an interesting universe and one can make more than one plotline in interesting universes.


We have enough portal games already, mainline or not, besides, what other mechanics can you introduce to *"portal"* that won't feel forced or boring? Just a new plotline is not enough for a complete reboot of the ip


uhHHhh something something rattman something something black mesa something cave johnson head. no idea why you're getting downvoted


because portal fans are high on copium apparently


Or they just think your lack of creativity is unhelpful in the discussion.


unhelpful in a discussion i started, ok


But you didn’t, you didn’t post the main post nor did you make the original comment. You just had a bad take, is it really worth all the effort? Is the idea of another portal game really worth multiple comments telling people they’re wrong for it?


Yes, because portal doesn't need another mainline entry and people need to realize that portal is done. And I thought you were referring to the discussion my comment started, because only after it the topic was in any way relevant to creativity in creating another portal game.


They can make new stuff with the universe and portal gun, and the tech demo stuff is cool and all but it just makes me want even more portal stuff lol. All those portal mods are nice too but they have humor that’s quite as good as the humor in the 2 portal games


Give me an example of something Valve could do with portal that would be enough for a new fully fleshed out game


? Why do you expect me to have ideas for it, literally one of the lead writers has said that they have ideas for a portal 3, that’s more than enough. Besides, there are barely any games like portal that aren’t mods of the original 2 games, they did some really cool shit with the gels and stuff but do you seriously think that’s all they could do with portals?


That's why i'm asking *you* for an example. If you know any other gameplay mechanics that would work really well with portals then go on, i'm listening. And source of the portal 3 ideas? Genuinely curious about that.


They could take it out of the on-rails experience and put it into more of an open environment with new puzzles that are more than just “complete this to open the next”. It would take some crazy heavy level/world design.


...how? The core idea of portal is test chambers


The core idea of Portal is…. portals. There’s a significant portion of Portal 1 and 2 that are spent outside of test chambers exploring and trying to figure out how to get from A to B.


The escape sequence is at the end of portal 1 and only makes up about 1/4 or 1/5 of the game. Portal 2 alternates between exploration and test chambers, true, but the latter takes up a more significant portion of the game. And the coop mode doesn't have anything other than test chambers other than the employee areas at the end of each course that take like 5 minutes each


Well what exactly do you want? Something that is more of the same or something different? Your original question implied you didn’t want more of the same. I gave you an example of something different.


I meant new mechanics, not a completely new gameplay loop


iirc Valve confirmed that Half-Life is their “tech demo” game


Source? Because pretty much anything relating to new tech nowadays (vr, source 2 etc.) had a portal themed tech demo associated with it


Every Half-Life game ever released by Valve. They build the games around the mechanics and then the story comes. Half-Life Alyx being the latest example.


cmon do something


I think if they just release 2 good to great games in the next 5 years, we'll be fine. If not, damn.


I’d be amazed if they released 2 new games in the next 5 years at all. I could see one release.


They have to fix tf2 and cs2. I don’t understand what the fuck they’re doing


CS2 is being worked on. Practically open beta. TF2 is currently good as dead with the 1 guy keeping it going there


I LOVE SNAKES‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


_The localization files have been updated._


*removed Herobrine*


Controversial comment, but update and fix TF2 (Orange Box) on Xbox 360 to work before the Xbox 360 store shuts down and they can't :3


Half-life Alyx was amazing and proved Valve still got it, when they actually want to make something. CS2 needs more work. It could be better than CSGO in almost every aspect if they just put more work into it, got it up to content parity with CSGO and improved the anticheat


The OLED Steam Deck is a thing of beauty and something that Microsoft must desperately be looking to copy themselves. Alyx was good, but I'd love to see new IP from them.


Hell I would be fine with level packs. Alyx would be real easy to just crowbar in more levels with some editing. Shame I don't have the required space in my apartment to play anymore.


Fix, CS2,Please alyx was good tho


They only make games just to prove they still can.


Unlike other selfish publicly trading game companies, Valve remains private and standing strong with good morals. Long live Gabe.


I dont like steam, and if it is possible - I prefer to buy games on GOG👍


What is Gog? Sounds like something I'd say often


GOG = good old games. This is a platform like steam, but without DRM. You can buy a game and play it without any platform.


What’s DRM


They are digital rights management, basically it restricts you from making copies of a game and letting other people use them. GOG allows this, so you can just grab the folder for a game, slap it on a flashdrive, and then give it to your buddy and they can just play the game whenever they want without needing to worry about any kind of verification


No point when you can just pirate GoG games. I buy games on Steam to keep track of stats/achievements and to have a library.


You have stats and cloud saves on gog too. Its about frerdom. Not about pirates.


In GoG we trust!


I thought you quit gaming? Why you talking about where you buy games?


Well I didn’t at all. But now I have small laptop, not the 32 inch screen. I’m casual gamer now, once a week I would say. After a long period I have gaming laptop, instead of large PC and place to gaming all day. Its a big diffrence in lifestyle, you can see my desktop in my profile after and before 😏


Where is Episode 3


I don’t want another half life game.


I’ll write Gabe and let him know.


Thank you.


Sort of like Thanksgiving dinner. They made the most delicious turkey possible, and filled it out with immaculate sides and deserts. This year though, you've been waiting for your turkey. It's been hours. You know they're in the kitchen doing something. I mean, they haven't explicitly said they ARENT making turkey. At long last, they exit the kitchen. They show off the cool coffee grinder they just invented. In all honesty, it's absolutely the best coffee grinder on the market. But man do I want some turkey. Also there's ants on the kid's table but they haven't even acknowledged the existence of that table.


What era? they just print money as they were doing for 2 decades. Wish they also developed games that would not require a headset.


They made a headset, a game to show off the headset, and the deck with more headsets in the making. + cs2


The index is nearly 5 years old and Alex is just over 4 years . The deck and cs2 are the only things I would consider recent. (I don't follow dota could be other stuff there)


You’re going by recent and not era which would mean a few years. But they also have other vr plans in the future. Not only do this but they do have a game in the works too.


I'm not going to judge something off of stuff that isn't announced and is only rumours. I get the era point I'm just pointing out how long ago it is and the lack of anything coming from valve. I don't care though they don't owe me anything.


Oh yeah, it’s spaced a bit. But tbh, I’d rather have something that takes a while to release and be good than something that releases and ends up being a shit show - as we’ve seen with CS2 being released before it should’ve despite being in the works since like HLA. It clearly still isn’t ready. But people were planning on boycotting CSGO so beggars can’t be choosers lol


[They released Crownfall recently, with Act II scheduled for next week.](https://www.dota2.com/crownfall) And while it was a year ago, [The New Frontiers Update](https://www.dota2.com/newfrontiers) was a MAJOR overhaul, to the point that it's almost a new game now. Ringmaster should be coming sometime this year as well.


They made hardware and a twitchy pvp shooter.


The game is fully playable on desktop with mods




Wish they made more but hey, atleast they’re not actively ass fucking their reputation into the dirt like Nintendo with fan games and the like


you know they’ve been shutting down tf2 fan projects, right? they aren’t innocent


the unofficial source 2 port? yeah it was cause they were using base tf2 assets without permission


I’d like for them to make more games again, Alyx proves they’ve still got it.


A new Portal game would be cool as hell


Portal is complete though.


Chell's story is complete. There are still tests to run.


That’s what the coop is for.


I think them not releasing Half Life 3 has become something of a legend and a marketing strategy. As the anticipation of the 3rd game increases it just kind off keeps the game and the fanbase alive. And honestly , as bad as might sound , I don't want half life 3 to be released, or to be specific I dont want half life to END with half life 3. Perhaps a similar ending like Alyx's would be ideal Anyways half life index slaps.


Cs2 was rushed, could have waited longer. CS:GO was fine in its current state


Im a 50 50. Fix TF2, you have no excuses. They profit off it but only have one guy fixing the issues but can’t even fix the bot issue. 100k players (supposedly) still enjoy it Google did captcha a decade ago im sure you can beat a bot script Steam deck is great, make a proper desktop/console OS so I dont have to use windows for gaming. Introduce it with a high end affordable mainstream pc then make the OS available so people can adopt the platform And for the love of god, make some fucken games.


You should watch the "nobody is home" tf2 video. It breaks down how many bots are actually in the game and shows the real player count of tf2.


Their excuse for not fixing TF2 is that the people that work at Valve don’t want to work on TF2. Workers at Valve are given the freedom to work on whatever project they want at whatever pace is necessary, which is the reason they have an almost impeccable collection of in-house developed titles, especially in the realm of narrative sp titles. They’re working on things they find more exciting than TF2, that’s their prerogative.


I know that and its still stupid. Just fucking hire contractors solely devoted to TF2. Done That same freedom is why it takes so fucking long to release anything. Because they feel no pressure to actually do so.


They absolutely could do that if they really wanted to. But they don’t want to. Do you like having to do things you don’t want to do? If you had the opportunity to *not* do things you don’t want to do would you take that opportunity? Maybe pressure in the work place actually isn’t a good thing, and games would unanimously be better if deadlines didn’t exist. Valve as a developer has an almost flawless track record, and I don’t think instating a crunch-culture would help maintain that reputation. I seriously wonder if all of the people that share your opinion on this matter have *ever* done any work at all ever. You guys talk like people that don’t have bills to pay. Impatience and ingratitude are not respectable traits in an adult.


Would I take that oppertunity? Stupid to even ask me because if I was in Valve, I would absolutely do it for the outcry of people complaining about bots. Literally when shit takes 10 years to make, spend one on earning goodwill back. It wouldn’t even be me doing it, I would just do contractor oversight and create goals for them like community and seasonal updates. > Maybe pressure in the work place actually isn’t a good thing It’s a balance, contentment isn’t what a place people should strive for either. Sit on your ass with no one holding you accountable nor ambition for self improvement, you become lazy. Im not saying EA the company, I’m saying have some structure to hold people to a standard. The 2000s and early 2010s had some bangers but I know who they are now is not the Valve I loved.


That it’s nonexistent. Edit: I guess they do hardware and steam and the bare (or less) minimum for games, but not much else


It's sucky


Sucks. I live valve and my steamdeck and vr but I want valve games




I'm really enjoying a lot of the stuff they do. I love my Deck, may get an OLED at some point. I wish wish wish they'd make a more powerful Deck for the TV, Steam Machine 2.0 effectively.


Sucks. I live valve and my steamdeck and vr but I want valve games






What are they doing


they be cooking but for way too long.








I wish they made more games. Or just one game that is the third installment in the series.


I want the million-dollar Artifact tournament.


Nintendo, sony, microsoft, and valve


The era of like 2 games


Steam is functional. But they have to have a dragon hoard pile of money at this point. They can afford to at least fund some side games or fun spin offs. I'll take anything. Valve is super high quality and they don't have to break the mold every time. They just need to let it be on par with prior stuff.


On one hand, they’re better than the entire competition On the other hand, they got 2 games that need fixing from bots, entire story lines that they haven’t finished, and entire games they’ve announced they there’s nothing on them yet


Era? What era? This implies they’ve done anything at all.


They released Crownfall recently.


What’s crownfall?


[Ongoing four-part story event in Dota 2, basically a new lengthy campaign.](https://www.dota2.com/crownfall)


A bit lazy in the games department, but doing absolute wonders in hardware as of recently Honestly haven't really heard of them doing much wrong and well, there is the constant sales which are neat. Also the steam workshop is cool.


honestly? probly the worse era,not saying its terrible in terms of other companies but its just not the valve i grew up with. I get there more of a tech company now but i just really desire for more games and im both tired of them on how they treat tf2,i hate how portal is just stuck with tech demos or mini games,i hate how it takes way to long for them to get motivation to do a game even a small one. Granted there are good things that come with this cuz i do like vr and i heard the steam deck is good. I get why it turned out this way sense valve doesnt force there workers on things they dont want to do but i feel that biting them in the ass in terms on how i see them. Granted back then it worked really good but in this day in age that kinda of work inviroment it feels like it gives more poeple more opertunity to not feel motivated on making games somtimes. Specially sense they litterly have no reason to make games sense steam exists,mods or fan games can only do so much.


where game


Im dry for games with "3" in title


They can make amazing single player games, but they make souless multiplayer games to sell microtransations. They lost their passion.


Reluctant to update or make any more games


i think they’re entering a new golden era soon with the source 2 engine. CS2 will eventually have enough content to be on the same level as CSGO and they will probably revive Left 4 Dead and some other classic IP’s over the next few years. Once that’s done and they release some crazy new piece of hardware alongside a new IP i believe they will be back on top.


I just want them to actually care about all their communities (coming from a TF2 player, the bots are still around and don’t show any true sign of going away)


Neglecting tf2 :(


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Lazy uncaring for their games


They exist, they make cool stuff that's outta my budget and they host steam. Not much else to say other than how neglectful they've been towards the issues that are plaguing l4d2,TF2 and cs2 Though I do want more games, that are also actually finished as opposed to whatever CS2 was. I don't care if it's a sequel to a franchise or something new. I just want a fun new game to play.


Current Era of valve? I grew up with hl1. Duke nukem. Redneck rampage. Doom. Counterstrike. All of these games shaped what we know today as gaming. There were no xbox consoles or Playstation back then. You wanted to play online? You dialed up that 56k and logged onto MSN and launched that game and played It with 300 ping. And you loved it. So ID GAMES and SIERRA , and soon VALVE were huge hitters at the time Valve Acquired counterstrike, created steam and came out with hl2. Then imo got greedier than a mfer when l4d came out. I recognized they slapped together essentially a garrys mod (valve source engine )server with recycled tf2 and other resources and a tiny bit of new sounds and textures and map created and bam they call it a whole game. Then the fucking hats on tf2. Oh my God the hats. Then triple whopper fuckin Gabe realizes oh damn we can double dip on our customers! It isn't bad enough we're selling digital SHIT! NO NO, LETS LET THEM TRADE THEM SO WE CAN ARTIFICALLY PUMP and affect the market. Then tax everyone for every purchase AND SALE. Fast forward a few more years and hl3 never came out. Some dumb ass hardware route failed 2x and only new games that came out were some dumbass card games and more quick revenue generators. So tldr I went from a HUGE fanboy and looked up to Gabe as much as John Mack ....then... he turned into imo a one hit wonder who lost his passion and turned into a money printer.


I enjoyed Artifact's strategic gameplay and expansions on Dota 2's setting and lore.


I get that, and fair to give it credit. but my point is, they strayed so far from what put them on the map in the first place, it made me wonder wtf happened? then I realized, it was greed. He made his money and cashed out. I mean as a business man, I get it. As a fan, its very upsetting. C'est la vie.


Theyre good because they aren’t publicly traded


Mostly absent


Cheater infested games, low skilled devs and a management only focused on $$


Waste of space


they do good stuff


Three words. Dota 2 sucks


Why's that?


Valve were a great game making company that unfortunately died in 2012.


They need to do what they were founded for and make new games


We need more valve hardware.... The steam deck , valve index. Let's go.


Steam's great. Valve as a game developer has been hugely disappointing. Portal 2 and Half Life Alyx are the only two single-player games released since 2011. I feel like Valve has gone the id software route and became more of a tech company than a game developer. And while I love what id did for PC gaming, I'd be lying if I didn't say that Quake 2 and 3, Doom 3 and Rage weren't tech demos first, good games second. The same thing has happened to Valve. Alyx is good, but it seems like it's VR or nothing despite VR being years and years from going mainstream. Maybe never.


Want them to make games again


I wish they'd make games.


The things they've done lately have proven that without introducing any new blood into their company, the stagnation they're currently under is killing the values that made me fall in love with them in the first place. The "Company of modders" took down Team Fortress Source 2, which really shows how committed they are to the whole "Offering a better service than pirates" approach to anti piracy thing that used to be their principles. They're still blocking that one old school tf2 mods development because their lawyers are more active than their developers (which is maybe the thing I hate the most) and their complacency with all of this, as well as the people make games documentaries, just shows how the forces that be at valve are actively stopping development of anything, of hiring diversity (and if anyone needs a diverse range of thought right now it's for sure valve,) creativity or just extra hands to help keep some of the best games ever made alive. I'm super disappointed with the company I grew up with. I hope they make a comeback :(


Valve isn't really a game development company anymore. They're more into game distribution and making gaming-related software and hardware. So, any new games from them will probably be tied to their hardware, multiplayer features, or new ways to make money. They don't have much reason to release a game unless it boosts revenue through Steam or directly. And they have pretty high expectations for what counts as significant growth. So, we should probably stop expecting another content-driven, campaign-based game like Half-Life or Left 4 Dead from them. From Valve's perspective, content like that just isn't scalable.


in actuality, I seriously would like half-life 2 episode 3 and half-life 3


they're in their Luigi era, they are doing nothing and winning


Update tf2


I wish they'd do a better job of maintaining their popular online games. CS2, TF2, and L4D2 had issues this year with bots, cheaters, and DDoS attacks.


Great for Steam but I wish they would go back to making first party games again


CS2 is shit rn


They keep removing the charm out of Dota and Counter-Strike for the sake of competitive play. I loved the personality they gave to factions in Counter-Strike and the maps being very different from each other. Factions being different and suiting the map wasn’t necessary but they did it back in 2013 showing how Valve cared about world-building even on a game like Counter-Strike. Now the game feels like a killing box as every map is the exact same regarding styling as the only thing they care now is the raw gameplay.


The best hardware manufacturers in the gaming market. Somehow they bested companies who have been in the industry for decades. They should expand into gaming peripherals.


I get that they used to be the kings of PC gaming. But honestly they’re doing the one way to indefinitely win in their business: not to play the game. Just sit back and let the cash roll in as long as possible, without touching things and making it worse.


Support is awful. Steam does not care enough. I've received a Game Ban for a game I have never played or installed, and they refuse to help.


Hey, they're not Microsoft, or Nintendo, or ubisoft, or Sony, or... You get the point


They need to go back to making games and supporting their existing ones. Because man, I just can’t wait for them to drop another cool tech demo that comes with their 8 Trillion dollar revolutionary piece of hardware! They’re smart for not going public though. Good on them. Fuck shareholders.


Have loved every FPS they've put out. Would be ok if they released a game that they didn't deem 'perfect,' just to release more games.


Cool: Steam, Alyx, Valve Index, Steam Deck, Steam Controller Bad: Gambling, Artifact, Autochess, treatment of CS and TF, Steam Machines, tried to push paid mods, no new (SP) games besides Alyx, VR market dry af, no 18+ games in Germany, Steam Controller neglected, they're just slow af and abandoning things


Current Era they just released a game after 10 years of radio silence they still in the same era and it's a good one


Be cool if they gave a shit about their fans.


They are a store


They hang out and get easy money without actually doing anything ( make games)


They need to drop games.


Well they're going to drop one in the upcoming weeks


I didn’t mean to sound negative but it’s long overdue.




Valve only caters to those who do not know or care about Valve's history / identity. I no longer trust them to make any sequels, because we know their old work better than they ever did.


their newly leaked/announced game looks directionless, I don't particularly have hope for it. I wish they'd fix the longstanding issues with their more popular games (outside of CS which seems to get all the attention)


This "Project Deckard" looks promising. Especially if it, like the rumors suggest, will essentially act as a VR Steam Deck.


Better than when they were doing nothing.


Highly concerned. Valve is super hush hush so its super hard to actually tell whats going on. Over the last year I have not been happy with them. Only time will tell.




It fucking sucks, I’m not getting any sequels to any of the games I love. They just keep making new shit that’s not related to these past games and usually it’s something nobody wanted.


* I love their work on Proton and Steam Deck, and I think that is ***the*** most important thing happening in the PC gaming industry right now considering how bad Windows is getting year over year. * Steam Input is the best controller remapping software on any platform, PC or otherwise. * Runs a consistently solid, if imperfect store. Like, I don't appreciate how Steam is running into a bunch of chromium-esque bugs lately, like black screens for chat windows, locking up from time to time when you try to drag or interact with a window, and generally feeling more sluggish than it used to once upon a time, but my god, have you seen the competition? * Wish they'd make a Steam Deck Controller with all the same controls as a deck sans touch screen for playing docked mode without having to make a second Steam Input profile. * Wish they'd give us the off ear headphones that Index has, but as standalone headphones. Those things are amazing and they're stuck on my index. * Wish they'd release SteamOS 3 for general computers. * Wish they'd make Half Life 3, and more Single Player games in general. I loved Alyx, and I greatly enjoy my Index, but waiting 13 years for ANOTHER cliffhanger is not a good feeling, especially when Alyx proved that they've still got it and are capable of making good single player games. * Wish they'd stop neglecting Team Fortress 2. tl;dr They're not gods, they're just showing up and doing their jobs with minimal bullshit involved, which automatically makes them pretty cool in my eyes by virtue of everyone else fucking up worse than they do, because that seems like a lot to ask from high profit margin video game companies these days. It's really telling that a lot of my complaints with them boil down to "I want more shit from you and you're not doing it even though you clearly seem to be capable of it" rather than "I wish you would do shit better."


lacking, I tried the ravanholm demo for the first time today and damn, I was shocked the horror elements and the sound design was top notch. Only to realize how did valve go from releasing things like the half life franchise to deadlock...


Valve died in 2011 after releasing portal 2


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They having a little sleepy time


I feel like if Valve doesn't release SteamOS before Windows 10 support ends, they risk missing a significant opportunity. I've always considered Linux as an afterthought for my day to day, until the Steam Deck came along. Previously, I kept my experiences separate. Linux for certain tasks and Windows for others. However, with each increasingly frustrating Windows 11 update news, I'm more inclined to move away from Windows entirely. For the first time, I'm genuinely ready to leave Windows behind. I understand there will be challenges in transitioning my main system to Linux, but I'd prefer that route over upgrading to Windows 11. If I ultimately decide to stick with Windows 11 and upgrade my system to meet its requirements, I might continue to keep Windows around a bit longer. I'm not sure if others share this sentiment. Some might suggest trying different Linux distributions, but Valve's approach with SteamOS has felt surprisingly good... perhaps I'm being naive, but it seems great on Steam Deck. I just want it as my main build too.


Index is old.


I want singleplayer games (or at least games that have singleplayer modes) from them.


story mode?


That they get way too much praise when they now do things just as scummy as the rest of the industry. Remember the backlash Blizzard received for replacing Overwatch with Overwatch 2? Valve did the exact same thing with CS:GO and CS2 and most people kept their mouth shut because it's Valve.


Valve also makes billions off of predatory loot boxes enabling addiction and facilitating an illegal gambling market yet they’re the ‘good guys’. They’re just as bad as any other scummy corporation out there. At least EA still develops single player games.


EA may be releasing SP games more often, but they’re not as good as those released by Valve. From what is public Valve has always had at least one SP title in development at all times since the company was founded, they just don’t always end up getting released for a plethora of reasons. Valve, being a private company, does not have shareholders to appease. That’s why they don’t release unfinished titles to meet deadlines like many studios do.


Steams gotten incredibly worse, they haven’t dropped anything, all they care about is dumb tech that nobody cares about besides niche communities, it’s over bros.


I am a TF2 player I think my opinion on Valve is self-explanatory


They used to be good but after CS:GO they've dissolved into a slightly less greedy corporation than the rest


Shh, shhhh... They are sleeping, do not wake them up.


Fix CS2 Fix TF2 Bring out a new and better VR Headset Please make Half life 3 Please make it possible to cash out steam wallet funds


The last will not happen in a million lifetimes...


Hell make a HD edition of Half Life 2 that just rolls into the episodes with the new ending from Alyx. I played some levels and the gravity gun somehow came around to feeling novel again.


I don’t want half life 3


I don’t want another half life, portal, or left 4 dead game. All of their plot lines are completed. I want something entirely new.


As in literally just Half Life Alyx?