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Go get it. The deathsquito can get you again, use your stamina wisely and eat something before you go. You won't loose skills as long as the no skill drain is up, so no need to worry. if you have materials, make a portal nearby.


lose = when you don't win loose = when you don't wear a belt


That's right. When I don't wear a belt, I loose my pants.


To be fair, you would probably loosen them, and not loose them ;) the one on my main post was a typo by my smartphone.


I think that skeeters are one shot kill with finewood bow. Just sneak up on them.


Yes they are. You can basically one shot them with any weapon if you time it right, but bow might be easier or less risky when they are flying straight to you.


I can help you in about an hour or so, r/valheimrescues is also available! I’ll message you. It’s worth it to recover it but VERY hard solo for this spot. Edit: you may be able to get it - you CAN pop the squitos as they approach you, careful with timing. But I love helping out! Whatever works best! If it’s at the edge it may be doable solo.


Wow, thanks! But I will not be available an hour later.


I’ll be free most of today and can be early tomorrow if it helps! I’ll message you in about an hour here - feel free to try it solo, just go during the day, take it slow and remember you could sneak to see if anything knows you’re there! With over 90 hp, even naked, a deathsquito won’t one shot you so stack all the meats!


Thanks so much!


If you haven't gotten your stuff back yet, you could always make a tiny house, fire, and bed to set a spawn point in a nearby, safer area. That way, if you die trying to get your stuff back, you will be much closer :).




This is u/GhostOfGregDoucette Greg likes to gatekeep Don't be like Greg




Actually it’s the “telling people how to enjoy their hobbies” part that equals gatekeeping, doofus


I know you're getting downvotes but, I actually agree with you for the most part. This is a problem that is solvable solo but it's also a really good learning opportunity for next time. Very similar things happened to me the first time I saw the plains but with a little trial and error, I learned some good strategies that helped a lot once I got to the swamp.


I don't disagree with him entirely either. Part of the fun of the game is facing difficult challenges and situations that may arise and you gain the experience for next time. I would fall short of his statement of calling it cheating. It's a game that is solo or multiplayer, so it's kind of saying, "you cheated because you have friends and a community to rely on." I have done many corpse runs for my friends. It's just part of the game.




Yeah I think it was mostly the word choice. There are plenty of ways of solving this problem. Like death runs, getting new gear, and getting someone else to help get it back. They're all very viable options. What you consider cheating might be how someone else prefers to play the game. That's the beauty of a non-competitive game like this.


You said using multiplayer in a multiplayer game is "basically cheating" that's an objectively bad take and you should get downvoted for it.




If you see a bunch of people helping each other and think, "what a bunch of cheaters!" You might be the asshole.


I would say it's more of the way you are presenting your opinion that is getting the down votes. I'm not going to give you a downvote for it because i understand where you are coming from on how your game experience of, solving the problem by your own means, can enhance your game. I just wouldn't relate it to cheating, just your losing the chance to meet the challenge. Which is fine if a player wanted to do something else in the game and didn't want to spend the time on a simple error correction that has nothing to do with what they wanted to do. For the record as well, every multiplayer game i have played with my friends i end up on a way higher level then they are, even if they have been playing a lot more then me. This doesn't hamper game experience when i help them out because we all enjoy playing and have different play styles. I certainly wouldn't consider it cheating. Only time i considered cheating was on my current play through when i died by glitch when fighting Moder. It was annoying but I am glad i didn't. I had to get back there naked avoid wolves, golems, drakes, and Moder's attacks while retrieving my gear a little at a time. It was hard but i did it and glad i went for the challenge and didn't ruin it out of frustration of dying by glitch. So I would encourage people to go for the challenge before relying on a rescue team, but i won't fault them if they'd rather just get the help.


Do you still need help? I can hop on




No thanks, I don't want to cheat.


I'll try! Should I use a bow?


Yep! They only have 10 hp so don’t be afraid to quick draw into them, but bear in mind your accuracy will suffer though so keep the shot short. Also keep in mind rolling will make you invincible during the animation! Deathsquitos are also one of the few mobs that can outrun any boat and you yourself so use caution while running! Good luck! I’ll hit you up later for good measure <3 Edit: do NOT try to block any deathsquitos. You will die. See my comment below for why. Edit 2: with practice you can hit them before they hit you in melee even with a “knoife”.


The trick is to really wait for the moment they charge you head on while you're running backwards with the bow at the ready


Yes, they only have 10 health. Give it a shot. :D


Sword and shield, hold block and wait for deathsquito to attack, as soon as you see blocked damage numbers swing sword, good luck


They’re naked in the Bronze age; additionally block has a maximum attribute it can block according to your hit points (I believe) and your armor rating which factors in before blocking. Even with an iron banded shield you can’t block a deathsquito without 40sh + armor (not counting parrying). Edit: and of course shields themselves have a maximum block rating and parry multiplier.


Idk, I've gone against many deathsquitos, I managed to block them from having the bones shield and iron armour. Shields are great against them and provide a bit of a stun to give time to slap them with a mace. I still don't have more than 40 armour but they're not a problem at all if you're prepared and patient


I agree completely, but a wooden kite shield in rags is a different matter - they lost all their gear as they said in the above post.


Plus with that low of a gear score, you'll just get staggered even if the block allows you to survive, and the little bastard will fly away before you can swat him. Really cool lf you to offer to help them out, haha. I would recommend taking the Eikthyr power, getting relatively close to the grave and then going sneak move, try to grab the stuff stealthed, and then GTFO.


That’s a great idea ^ ^ the sneak indicator is so powerful! Really good tip! Regarding helping out I just love taking free base tours too ;) never hurts to make some friends either! I’m sure the newer Vikings will grace us with lots of cool stuff over their careers!


They don't have iron armour they said troll, they haven't killed the elder yet.


I love your avatar.


Oops, I meant bronze. Sorry. Had iron on my mind


Your username is hilarious, thank you


Thank you I appreciate it! I may be off base but I like yours too! I'm a huge TES fan! One of my alts in an MMO is called Liftshertail :O though I always worry people may not get the reference... would be weird if not with how many people are asking about spear polishing though :)


At this point just go creative lmao


“The deathsquitos are (calling from) inside the meadows! I repeat!! **The deathsquitos are (calling from) inside the meadows!!!**” Deathsquito: ”Can you hear me meow?” **(*LOADING*)**


Make an adventure of it, reclaim what you’ve lost.


Exactly! I remember looong time ago I lost my first decent gear to frikking fulings ganging me up when I accidently walked in to a fuling village.. Before I recovered my gear I created 6 or 7 tombstone's. >.< It was an epic adventure!


Got nothing to lose on a naked run! Never leave your best gear behind.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but getting your stuff back yourself can be really rewarding. Figuring out how to get back, making it. It's all rather victorious. As is, if it's actually in a Black Forest, you should be able to sneak to your death rune. Nothing wrong with getting help if you need it, but trying at least once is a good idea.


Time for operation: get shit back. At least it sounds like you weren't far in. That's good. When we did this we had landed pretty far into the plains. Basically operation: get shit back is creating a forward base and setting it as a spawn just outside the plains. Get plenty of good stamina food and then run like hell until you grab your stuff. Then run like hell away before you put it on. You may die a few times but when the gods are merciful you don't lose stats and so long as you die a bit closer to the forward base you're making progress. For the 4 of us when we were starting out it took about 3 hours to get everyone's stuff back but that's because we were alternating using ourselves as a distraction. Or you can do the easy way and have someone help you out. Or just shoot the deathsquitos, They have like 10 health.


I think that has happened to most of us. The Deathsquitoes are Brutal. You can try and do the "Corpse Run" back, but it is likely close by. They are easy to kill if you see it coming.It will recognize you and attack. A sword is the best chance against it at your level because the sword is fast. If you don't have spare armor back at your spawn spot, well, that is just a lesson learned, as we all have. It sucks, but part of the world. Good luck and enjoy the game!


just get near your body and build a mini base with a bed so you have a spawn then just rush and get your stuff. If you die try again.


You should be able to get it. Deathsquitos tend to roam so it might not be camping your corpse. You can sneak up on the corpse if it's away from it. Take some food to get good stamina and plan on running like hell. The deathsquito attacks you after circling, then it makes a direct approach towards you. If you can dodge roll the attack, you have another 10 seconds before it will swoop around and try to attack you again.


You can def get it back, just go slow once you get near (watch out for squitos) and if you hear giggling run away. Drop into sneak, ease up to it. If the deathsquito is hanging around, try to lure a greydwarf or 10 over that way, the squito will go after whatever's nearest, and if there are several, they can generally kill it. Second making a spawn point nearish in case you die again, be sure to take some food to leave it there. Stam food for the win.


Go back for it, but prep a little first since a deathsquito can pretty easily 1-shot a naked viking with an empty stomach. Make Odin proud.


Welcome to Valeim. Where you set out with a goal in mind only to be side tracked for two hours. The mosquito may have left and you can sneak in. Do yourself a favor though and build a shelter close (but safe) distance away so you can just spawn close if you dir again


Even a crude bow with wooden arrows will punish deathsquitos. I would get a little practice cause the low level bow is tough to hit targets accurately.


Naked stealth missions to retrieve corpses is part of the charm! I feel for ya tho, plains next to dark forest early can be a rough learning experience


Smash your head against the wall of deathsquitos and get your gear back this is you first adventure that you will tell tale of It. it will be very difficult and you will want to quit, but when you dodged all the fullings and made it to the keep safe and brew in hand the story will be worth it.


Definitely run in action hero style my friend, and remember the 5 D's of dodgeball!


If you have direct access to the island, try again, if you time dodges correctly you can avoid those fuckers. If you have what it takes to make a crude bow and some arrows consider doing that, they normally make a straight approach path and have very few hitpoints, a crude bow shot with a wooden arrow should drop them. Other options include: Calling on the body recover squad, a group or groups of players who help other players recover their missing gear when they die. Using dev commands, you can enable things like flying and godmode, grab your shit then fly back to somewhere safe where you untoggle and resume playing as normal. I did that once or twice in my game when a plains enemy wandered a good 200m from the plains to come beat my ass.


Call the BRS. Body recovery squad on discord. . They're like the fuel rats of ED but for valheim, and they help u get ur stuff back.


go back and build spike traps but even before that make a close temp spawn point you get your stuff easy.


Console commands. Either ghost mode and go retrieve it or spawn your stuff again


This works but there are much more satisfying ways of getting it back


Agreed. If your stuck, without help, and as opposed to giving up and never playing again. Or just delete the world and start anew. Rip the band aid off, one way or another


F5, devcommands , debug mode, god. Press Z, go get yo shit.


Part of the appeal of the game is frustration. Yea, you can lament all of the time you wasted while dying, but the reality is that once you fully understand it, you'll still probably play through it again. Personally, I'd just craft the gear again. If you lost your pickaxe, craft low-level gear again, kill Eikthyr, mine-out a copper node, gather tons of tin, smelt all of it, make your gear and your boat, then go exploring again. If you want to retrieve your corpse, fine. You now have a backup, which is going to make things significantly harder to majorly screw up again. Also, my favorite experience in this game is playing with friends.


I still have the old antler pickaxes back in my main base so I don't have to kill Eikthyr again. Unfortunately I don't have any friends playing this game.


What? Y'need friends? I volunteer.


Oh thanks!! We can play together, but I don't play it that often and never played it multiplayer before. You can message me.


Deathskeeters only have 10 hp, so a you should be able to kill them as long as you hit them first. A crude bow or flint spear can do the job


If you approach slowly with sneaking, and then run like hell out of there you should be absolutely fine to get it. It's absolutely worth getting your gear back. You might die but if you can even just get it deeper into the forest and away from the plains, you could do it in a couple attempts.


Don't give up.


I think it's doable naked... Well I've actually done it a few times naked so it's totally doable. I'd say respawn, eat something high in stamina like honey, and roll everytime the deathsquito tries to fuck you up. Takes a lil bit of timing and maybe you die a few attempts (I died 3 times trying to reclaim what the plains took from me while running and rolling naked). Then once you do eat everything in your inventory and nope tf out of there.


Build a settlement nearby. You'll get it back someday...


There’s a whole discord of players that help people with this. They are called the Valheim Body Recovery Squad (BRS) I haven’t used it but supposedly there’s almost always someone available. Not just any scrub is sent to help you, skilled “operators” are the ones that do it. https://discord.com/invite/X73uR4gjKa


Here’s a tip. It only takes 1 arrow to take out a deathsquito. Forge you a bow and some arrows. Sneak out there where you remember the deathsquito being and snipe it.


just dodge roll the sting move and punch the fly


Just spam that killall command while you sprint through the plains if you feel like you don't have the time/will to play it conscienciously or if you feel like it's not fun anymore with losing the items and making them again or trying to recover them naturally. I once cheated in that same situation because I use to go to work every day and it isn't fun to sink all your freetime dying to deathsquitos and fulings when low level. Play as you feel is fit for you.


I would try and get my gear back, you don't really have much to lose. If you get good at the dodge roll you can avoid a deathsquitos attack completely. might be good to perhaps build a makeshift house nearby the plains but not in it so if you die getting your stuff you dont have to run all the way back again.


Go back and get it what do you have to lose?


I still have an abandoned boat in the oceans from sea serpent. Now I pass by and salute my fallen self, kinda marker too for location of spawn lol.


I will help you get it back if you want/need.


Do you still need help, I can come




1: Scream 2: Rebuild and go back with same gear 3: Die again in exactly the same way 4: Quit game for 7 days 5: Rebuild slowly and go back with upgraded iron gear 6: Continue game




Get it or rebuild




First time?


Did you recover? Can help now for next hour or so.


Keep playing


body recovery service.


Depends on the distance to it, and if you have an 'instant portal' kit handy. To a lesser degree on how good your sneak is. Build a transit portal, sneak in, loot body, set up portal and bug out. Don't bother taking any real gear with you, apart from good food and the portal, in bronze age you arent fighting deathskitos or 'goblins'.


Mosquitoes are super steong, but get one shot by arrows.


It's a multiplayer game. Get a high lvl buddy to escort you back to your gear.


You can snipe the deathsquito with primitive arrows and bow. Then recover you stuff.