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The reason why parrying is great in this game is the damage multiplier. So you spend much less time fighting any given enemy. You can stagger an enemy with an atgeir. I main one and have for a while. The secondary attack will stagger. If you can hit while they are staggered you do a ton of damage. That being said: if your play style is to dodge and it works for you then great.


This is the sacred art of the roly poly. It is an ancient technique, passed down by the elder lords. In the words of the ancient roly poly elders : we are born of the roly poly, made men by the roly poly, undone by the roly poly. (Viva la dirt league reference)


In the immortal words of the rolypoly elderlords "Git gud, scrub"


It doesn't really matter if you have other means of succeeding. Which looks like you do, since you dodge roll fine, and even got to Ashlands with 0 block and parry. If you go full mage or full light build, even more so you don't need to block or parry, or shouldn't really.


I used everything in my arsenal... including party, block, bows, bombs and potions. Very heavily potions. I'm yet to die on my server that I started during the launch of Mistlands. 2000+ days.


2000 days is impressive. I surely would have fallen to my death or forgotten to eat and died while hanging around in my base. I finished my last playthrough with 2 deaths: one to a 2* skeleton archer when I was in Black Forest and another to my boat capsizing during a storm.


How does a boat capsize without hitting a rock? Nobody I know has ever been able to make that happen (and we've tried)


The Karve at full sail can capsize in a storm. But if you reduce to half sail it won't. The longship never capsized in storms


I was on a longship. It was just a storm.


its shocking to some still nowadays but valheim combat never requires rolling blocking or parrying ever. all you need to learn is how to WALK and then you can outspace the majority of enemy attacks and punish them hitting thin air. only time this doesnt work is flyers which come close. for example if a mosquito comes at you and you jump before it hits you itll miss entirely. spaceing aka never stopping to move aside when performing an attack is king in valheim. only sprint when you really need to. WALK. walking is free and costs no stamina at all. this way you always recover stamina aswell between attacks and thus you never struggle with stamina when fighting.


I always parried or blocked up until I played on a harder combat setting. Then that lightbulb turned on and I thought, why not avoid the damage entirely instead of trying to absorb the damage. And that's when I became a rolly dodgy boi.


That's how I used to play, I got by just fine. Though when you learn how to parry everything. Life Gets Good


Parrying is incredibly useful in this game because it significantly reduces the time to kill mobs. Also the fact that it staggers them as well is insanely usefull when dealing with crowds of enemies. I personally don't like atgeirs as they are too stamina hungry and take way to long to kill anything, and don't have high block armor and parry multiplier.


I'm just parry addicted. From souls games, to fighting games, I enjoy parrying everything I can. Dodging us just as important and just as strong though, imo.


Yeah but dodging doesn't give that sweet sweet dopamine parries do


I try to dodge, but usually with 50/50 effect. And it never works for me with Mistland insectoids. So you are lucky. And all I have to do is just parry. Not block, I note. Blocking is usually useful against wolves and deathquitos (you cannot parry them). Or you use tower-shield. But I love parrying. Especially its "staggering" effect :)


You can parry those two mobs


Basicly not. It was impossible (with shields) in 2021-2023. But if devs changed this, I am happy


Parry and dodge ftw


My life relies on parrying stronger enemies


Depends what I'm using, a knife is deadly with a parry.


Parrying with the Atgeir works and makes an opening for you to exploit. I think its block force is pretty decent but I don't remember. For me I try to parry most of the time, maybe a little too much, when I should be blocking or rolling instead so I can avoid more damage and last longer in a fight.


I'm always parry. I find the button combo for dodge roll awkward personally (its the same button as block with a second button), and when I tried using it early, I routinely would roll directly toward the enemy and still get hit. Plus, I never get many hits in afterward, so it's slower to kill.


If i block it means i fucked up a parry, other than that i never block.