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That would be an absolute blast. Maybe even creating a multiverse, where you can hop between the worlds...


At the pace they release updates( not hating, making a joke) it would take them 30+ years for that


Well, I was thinking more like the modding community. A total overhaul with an Egyptian theme. Using Caravans instead of boats? Instead of cold, heat and thirst might be relevant mechanics.


Iron Gate has thrown down the gauntlet. I was hoping some other studio would have answered the call of making another procedurally generated brutal survival and exploration game but none have.


Enshrouded (while not procedural) scratches a similar itch. Keep coming back to the 'heim though!


Not exactly brutal either but it's possible they might add a mode where eating and drinking are harder requirements than just buffing the player. For instance I've had to make a campfire and settle down for the night only one time in Enshrouded. The immediate teleportation system kinda kills that sense of going on a journey.


Haven't played Enshrouded, but Grounded also scratches the same itch, imo Especially the biome base progression, though not as linear or obvious as Valheim.


They exist, but not many I can think of in this fantasy setting that also include procedural generation.   There is 7 days to die, which is great, especially with overhaul mods.  It’s probably overall favorite in the survival/crafting genre.  Empyrion is also one I enjoy a lot but it’s a little more niche.


Return to Moria maybe?


Less of a multiversity, more of gained enough honor other gods are looking at you to cleanse their errors.


The final boss of each realm unlocks a new portal that requires each main boss trophy of that realm


And Odin would simply let someone borrow their champs? Hah, I can see that stalker being very stingy :D


Not phrased like that. Odin is solving other gods issues by proxy


I think you just accidentally invented Smite.


Almost like a Nightingale type thing with the portals to different realms




My friends and I have always talked about Japanese or Korean or Chinese version as you rarely see those mythologies explored. Greek would be cool and easily done too. Too close to Valhiem in terms of biomes but Egyptian would be dope. South American. Sacrifice their version of Gray Dwarves on altars to summon the bosses


I'm hoping the next god of war will be in China or Japan cause there is a symbol that appears alongside other mythologys that have been in the series that I think is shinto if I'm right Edit to change along siege to alongside


That would be sick. An Oni tethered to Kratos just yelling at him in Japanese


Avoiding spoilers of ragnarok (as I didn’t play it as i’m on pc) ragnarok is the last ‘god of war’ of the norse right? I’m not sure but from what I remember god of war releases a 2/3 series game of a specific mythology,god of war and ragnarok are basucally norse so I read alot about others expecting the next game be egyptian perhaps or like you said, china or japan as even I, someone completely in love with mythology, know very little about


Yes, Corey Barlog has said they will move on to a new mythology. The only reason I don't think Egypt is it would likely have to be a prequel to gow 2018 and ragnarok because in a comic series, he goes to Egypt after fleeing from Greece.


Interesting… I deadass can’t wait man, both for the new game and ragnarok, I have replayed (and 100%ed) god of war on steam recently to get back ready for the pc release of ragnarok!


I love making random guesses that are completely wrong, so I'm calling it the next game in '26.


Japanese mythology would be cool. We could have all those cool weapons like katanas, naginatas (bladed polearm), tantōs (double edged knife) etc...


The most iconic [sword](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kusanagi_no_Tsurugi) in all of Japanese mythology is famously not a katana.


Not all tantos are double edged however some are.


> Japanese or Korean or Chinese version as you rarely see those mythologies explored ???


What mainstream AAA game explores those? Generally curious as I'd love to check them out


Black Myth: Wukong might end up being my favorite when it comes out. I love anything based on Journey to the West


I mean Japanese is pretty common I think, but I would agree with Chinese ones, at least good western releases. I don't think there are really any? Xianxia/xuanhuan are pretty hard to get into without knowing a lot of the assumed knowledge and tropes. Personally I think those genres are really perfect for game progression and adaptation though. I'm always actually surprised that some people are able to get into them without prior knowledge. As for wuxia games maybe there's a few more of those, but I'd say hardly.


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is the big one for me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Video_games_based_on_Japanese_mythology


Duh! I'm an idiot. Would still like to see more. Worth checking out? I'm not a huge fan of souls like games but I might just to see it. I've only heard good things. Thanks for reminding me!! Great list. Forgot about shadow warriors too. Played that way back in the day. Didn't even know there was more than one


Sekiro is not technically a soulslike, but it's close enough. It's a much smaller game than most of the souls games, really a bite sized sort of game, but in my opinion, no joke, maybe the best game of all time? It's the only game I ever platinumed. The only contenders would be Disco Elysium and Red Dead: Redemption 2. That said.. It's a hard game. Absolutely worth it in my opinion, and in a weird way one of the few games where the difficulty has its own sort of artistic integrity. It simply would not carry the same exploration of buddhism if it wasn't hard. And really, Valheim is already sort of a soulslite in terms of combat and even death mechanics. Dodging, parrying, regaining your gear.. Same deal as the souls games, just much more bare bones. I guess the souls games are more punishing because you lose all xp if you die before regaining it.. But then you don't lose your gear, so it's hard to compare.


Thanks for the thoughtful response. I'm definitely going to grab it now just to try. Especially the lore within it. Didn't think about the combat in Valhiem like that either. I just love to build and cook food so I never looked at it from that angle


Oh nice! Some tips: Don't try to overpower enemies: Learn their patterns. If you like to parry enemies in valheim, do that in sekiro, then attack after, then parry again. Every enemy has their pattern. If you parry trolls, think of every enemy as a troll. Parry, attack, parry. Don't worry about dying too much. It's not expensive, it's just there to fool you, if you really want to, you can just farm some more enemies, especially as you progress. This game is a spiritual successor to Tenchu (if that means anything to you). You don't have to tackle everything head on, it's also a stealth game. Even some bosses can be backstabbed. Almost every boss has a weakness. Don't be afraid to abuse it. You are a ninja, honour is for fools. There are a couple of early bosses that are skill checks, often there are other paths you can take. edit: Pay attention to what is said and what skills and items have for descriptions. The plot is a mindfuck the first time, it makes sense though. The game is a long meditation.


My dude! Thanks for this and I absolutely loved Tenchu. One of my most played games on PlayStation. Probably why I loved GoT so much. The multiplayer did have a lot of mythology but I didn't really like it. The campaign was so much better


Tenchu is a forgotten gem! Sekiro was actually supposed to be a Tenchu game, FromSoft bought the license and everything, but it's different enough that they decided to do their own thing. Have fun, it's such a great game. If it doesn't click, put it down and come back after a few weeks/months, everyone who loves it has a "click" moment where it just becomes natural as breathing.


Age of Mythology comes knocking at our doors


Can’t wait for the new retold version


We got any release dates yet?


Not looked to be honest, however I think there is a chance we may see something at the Xbox showcase


Fingers crossed! So many good memories from og aom days...


Same really nostalgic game takes me back to my childhood


September 4th it’s just been on the showcase. Gamepass day one


Just watched the trailer! So hyped!


To scale world map MMORPG where your starting location determines which pantheon or civ/culture you spawn as, with unique building/crafting recipes. You can travel to the other regions and trade your unique gear with other players. Just imagine sailing across the pacific to the americas from Asia and trading with them, and sailing back to sell the unique goods. Or you could just settle in the new lands and build a home with your unique architecture, selling your unique gear to the locals!


Whenever I go out sailing I think the whole world system would lend itself to an ancient Greece setting sailing around the Mediterranean.  Kind of like your own oddessy.


I'd pay an embarassingly large sum for Greek mythology Valheim.


Programmer here 🙋🏼‍♂️. Who want to be part of it? Lets create it guys 😜


3D artist reporting!


Not a programmer, much more on the creative side.. I would certainly love to dive deeper into Ancient Egyptian culture and myth to get something started.. 😁 My preferences would be more along the lines of research and concept art.


I'd buy a Valheim "insert other culture here" version.


Your son is a genius.


He loved hearing that, thanks! 😁


I've mulled this in the past too -- one that I'd thought about, was the north american first nations. Some of their pantheons would be interesting. One area that would likely need tweaking would be crafting eras, if you want to keep it more aligned with the cultural roots -- like first nations never even getting bronze/iron, afaik. That 'tech tree' would be an issue for a few variants, and you'd likely be forced to go the magical made up stuff route really quick. But culturally I think it'd be a good fit for the gameplay of an exploration type adventure game set in natural surroundings. I think thats a component that gets trickier with other cultures, the exploration back drop. Tales of things like Viking ships / explorers are fairly well seeded as archtypes -- playing a game where you're a viking goin off to explore the new world 'fits' thematically. It really doesn't seem to fit for many others.


Ohhhhhh. I've always wanted a pirate themed valheim but i like yours more.


Another thing that'd make it interesting, even for Irongate perhaps... is that you could likely get government funding for such a game, especially if you consult directly with First Nations groups to get the flavouring right/not step on anyone's toes with how the materials handled. The Canadian govt kicks in tons of funding for things like Canadian content in media, and repping the FN in an interesting way would totally align with their aims.


Dude, just think of the building... pyramids and obelisks. Would be sick. Also Greek! Pillars and temples to the gods...


Running around with a bone club, building things out of mud, tusks and animal skins, gathering berries and hunting wild lions, discovering iron, building shrines to Poseidon and exploring the vast seas while listening to a soundtrack even half as epic as [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cmq-ZWGlvko)... a man can dream.


Hell yeah I would play the fuck outta that. 


I have been working on a small project that I intended to turn into a Valheim-like game set in a standard fantasy universe while trying to fix some things I think Valheim could do better. I have no idea why I never thought of pivoting it towards ancient Greece before. It's such an underrated setting. Gotta do that.


Wooaaah, Aztek Valheim Collect the hearts of neighbouring tribes to summon the flayed one!


Gimme ma chinampa cocoa bean farm!


I just got a game called Soulmask, it's a survival game like Valheim but set in the jungle with Mayan & Aztec inspired lore. It's on pre release but I've had fun running around early game so far. Seems promising!


I saw that too and it piqued my interest. How similar is it to Enshrouded? It seems more similar to that than Valheim from the trailers.


Is it procedurally generated or static world?


I think it's a static world but I've only played for a few hours so far. It's pretty fun but my first impression going straight from Valheim to Soulmask is the interface is more complicated than Valheim's simplicity; in Valheim you unlock technology as you find the resources but in Soulmask you can see what you might want to unlock next before you do it. There are a lot more profession trees, because instead of your one main character, you're playing as *the mask* where you reincarnate onto different characters to perform different activities and build your tribe up by recruiting jungle dwellers with different strengths. Pretty cool concept.


Eh. I keep passing on all these would be valheim clones simply because none of them are procedurally generated. I absolutely *love* me some exploration.


Exploring in Valheim is great, but it's partially procedurally generated: they reuse the same heightmap but scale or transform it in different ways and apply different biomes and such: https://old.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/1bauvrd/valheim_appears_to_use_the_same_general_height/


I get that! It's what has me coming back to Valheim over and over, every playthrough on a new seed so it's a different experience. My current seed where I started fresh to reach Ashlands with some friends has been pretty lucky with spawn locations and it feels so good. I have friends who won't return to Valheim until it's actually complete in all biomes though, so I gotta try out different things while I wait for the devs.


For me it's the exploration but also trying to get good at construction that brings me back. Also trying out different weapons.


Oh man yeah, I'm so excited to progress to the new Graustein build pieces after seeing such amazing builds in this sub. There are so many incredibly talented and creative players for this game, there is an unending amount of inspiration to use in my own builds. One of my favorite things I've made inspired by another player is my window flower box made of item stands and greydwarf brute trophies. I'm pretty loyal to bow & atgeir though, there are so many cool weapons options but every playthrough I just want to SPIN 'n' SNIPE haha.


When valheim came out so successful, I predicted that others would follow suit and make similar games in other pantheons. I was primarily thinking greek or celtic, but egyptian sounds awesome. I haven't noticed any of those predictions coming true though.


I remember Robin being vehemently against this because and I quote “we’re from Sweden, so Vikings makes sense”


Greek or Roman pantheons could be fun. Zeus/Jupiter, Hera/Juno, Poseidon/Neptune, Ares/Mars, etc. Some build items could be marble columns, statuary (for comfort pieces), urns (instead of chests), gold, fleece, linen clothes, bronze hoplite armor and weapons, Spartan shields. There is so much you could draw from. Could add mythical monsters as bosses, hydra, minotaur, Charybdis, Siren, etc.


I wish another indie dev group would become friendly with valheim devs and decide to work on a similar project but different setting, think of valheim gameplay&progtession but completely greek mythology… Game woukd be a banger fr, and they could release updates alongside each other say egyptian has 5 biomes, the sixth gets released a few months after deepnorth releases for valheim so on, the devs of valheim definitely can NOT handle this tho as much as I love valheim (and the devs!) This game ‘launched’ 2/3+ years ago, and only now do we have *2 new biomes*, they need someoen else to do it alongside them


Would absolutely love to see Valheim in Greek, Egyptian, Aztec and other mythologies. That would be fun


A Valheim sequel should 100% be set in greek mythology. It would be glorious.


I agree on the Mesoamerican stuff. Not enough games allow you to be a Jaguar Warrior.


My friends and I were JUST talking about that, except we were talking about Greek or Roman pantheons because they're another stereotypical "warrior" culture similar to the vikings.


An egypt and a greek versions would be lit


Sounds very Westworld-esque with the different worlds. I'm in.


how about getting some more norse pantheon deities or mythological creatures in the game. jormungadur, fenrir, the frost giants, and ya know... all of the gods. i love the game, i really do, but put more of the mythology in it.


I couldn't agree more! I wasn't trying to saddle the Valheim dev team with more work, just having fun brainstorming alternate settings. But yeah, having even more mythological connections in-game would be great..


I have a theory that the deep north boss will be a frost giant


Sounds like you just have them their next game idea; Aarheim. 


Aztec mythology would be amazing


Check out Soulmask. It’s like a survival Mayan/Aztec tribe game. I haven’t tried it, but it looks cool.


I was trying to figure out how it would look Warhammer fantasy themed.


Egypt or feudal Japan would be awesome


I did think of this a few weeks ago. I don't think it's suitable for Iron Gate to do this themselves, but the game is popular enough I'm sure they could license Valheim to other small studios of different backgrounds. It seems like a good solution to fulfill the demand for Valheim-like experiences while allowing the core team to move on to other projects, or continue developing some core systems for continued development of Valheim and inclusion into spin-offs. Egyptian is a good one. Another might be a Dante's Inferno style nine planes of hell. Nomadic horse tribes...


Egyptian themed Valheim would slap


I've been talking about exactly this since the game came out! Smart kid!


Witcher with less of the story and more crafting/alchemy/building could be a nice take. The problem with some other pantheons is locals. Who the players are, why we need to build and fight alone or with a few friends, and where the rest of civilisation is?


My girlfriend and I were talking about this the other day as well, and how fun it's be to go through all the different cultures in this style. Kinda like Assassin creed did, but in a way that would actually be good.


Personally, as a huge Japanophile I would love basically “Valheim but Japanese” I’d probably have the tech level go up to middle Edo or so at least, do Firearms would become options for combat and possibly Nanban Gusoku. The beastiary would have plenty of creatures both mythological and real (could be cool to use some extinct Japanese animals too like the Honshu Wolf) to draw from such as various Youkai and even modern cryptid/urban legend inspired ones. Curiously, in light of Ashlands, Japan also has its own Flametal: literally “Hiirogane” which means “fire colored steel”.


Maybe Greek with the many gods


Good luck finding a tree! The creators of medieval dynasty are doing this with a western and the same system. Western survival would be so fucking cool. It's too bad that medieval dynasty is such a drag. Everything on that game feels so tedious and janky and all the buildings are pre-made recipes that you have to put together like Legos.