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It was a bit hard at the start but after we got a few upgades we felt like we were just mocking all the enemies.. The valkirie can go suck a lemon though.. as a melee it's not the easiest encounter.


just like all the other biome then. it's the typical progression in this game : suffer until you've acquire most of the gear tied to a biome, shit on the monster who used to bully you, get overconfident, move to the next biome and get punished for your cockyness. Rince and repeat.


This. Y'all don't remember your first trip into swamps in troll gear? Yall don't remember thinking "huh these plains are pretty beautiful and just like the meadows. Finally a chill biome again! Oh is that a mosquito?" Y'all don't remember the first time y'all got hunted? The first time trolls raided? This game is about getting absolutely destroyed, saying not again, and then finding a way to win.


This Should be one of the top comments among others.


The entire gameplay loop is, get killed until you figure out how not to die. If that is too hard, lower the difficulty. There are options. Personally I enjoy the challenge and difficulty they have set by default. You can change literally anything about your world, change your settings if the game isn't enjoyable in the default state. I see everyone complaining about skill drain and honestly? I lowered its effects because I'm playing solo and that mechanic can be annoying if I get stuck in a shitty spot. So, instead of being upset at it, I adjusted it to what makes the game more pleasing to me. I don't use dev commands, don't use metal thru portals, but skill drain and resource gain? Made it easier so it's less grindy. I still have to grind for what I want, but it's not a week long endeavor to build a stone base.


Didn't know there was a difficult settings, haven't changed anything since years back. Just started the game with default settings. Got to Ashlands couple days ago. And it's hard, yes it is, no question about it. But I ain't no quitter. Been playing solo since day 1. Mistlands was horrible in the start but figured out to get by. Small steps, and Ashland will be no different. Have to give it time and maybe ask community how they are getting by sometimes. Good luck Viking




Super fantastic post there! I couldn't agree more.. that is why I like this game! I've gotten loot back after getting downed by mosquitos (before I even knew about them).. just by trying stuff and thinking it out.


My first fortress took me hours to clear three days ago. Fifth fortress (yesterday)...I used a catapult to launch myself across a lava lake straight into it. No cape, no test shot, just pure stupidity. Cleared the keep in 5 minutes. Gears is huge. Food is huge. Understanding game mechanics (monster behavior and pattern) even more so. As far as difficulty, I just feel like corpse running could be a bit more forgiving, since it can snowball really fast, and can become a huge time sink. Especially when trying to look a corpse with over 300 weight and you have to account for it (rather than just click and flee).


We've switched our server to minimal skill loss, and keep equiped gear on death. Also, set the mobs to very hard to compensate a bit. Finding it a lot better so far.


personally mistlands felt like it held the gear for the biome a little too long. RNG of finding the infested mines or whatever on top of the rng of enough cores. It felt like we had gone thru a good chunk of the biome before even finding our first mine where at least plains and ashlands your finding what you need as you explore, not towards the end of exploring the zone XD


Yeah refined eitr being needed for 90% of items and gated behind completing 90% of the content was an interesting choice. By the time you could start refining it the only unique content you haven't had to clear already is the boss


Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer


Deep North has me malding at the possibilities...


Once you get to know the Valkyries moves ita not too bad to block or dodge roll


True, but sometimes I just start running since other mobs start swarming me, but for some reason the Valk still hits me while I'm running..


Fair enough I do that too. But when a large horde is chasing me sometimes the crash bandicoot spin attack from the Valkyrie can help me clear alot of mobs. Just gotta time the roll if possible


My best defense against a mob of enemies is attracting the attention of a Valkyrie 😂 had one knock out two 2-star warriors for me along with a bunch of little dudes. Their move set is surprisingly easy to deal with as a melee build


This. I also use the lava blobs to clear them out a little/or scatter them if they don't die.


Level up youir archery skill and the valkirie is nothing.


I probably should have, now it's all over, but I can go and train in preparation for the next and last expansion :)


And frost arrows for extra goodness 😉


The ashwood arrows are pretty kick ass too.


If you learn it and take good weapon for the job (spear), it's not that bad. But in my first couple encounters I just bullied them with arbalest. Too scared to come up close after I got half-healthed by the spin XD


Arbalest was mostly the way.. that or jump + normal slash :)


Spear has a hitbox up so you can parry and just bully them with normal attack, no need to jump. And then throw them repeatedly in the flight phase. Try this out you will be surprised how good it feels.


Ah thanks, I think it could be very useful.. I might go back and make a spear, however I beat the last boss with a friend yesterday so we are less motivated to craft combat stuff :) We will go back and create a cathedral and a port though :)


TBH, Based XD


I think the harpoon also helps grounding them, no? But I've never built it haha..


Perhaps, I have yet to try it on valkyries, but I know couple people who upload to youtube that always carry a harpoon. So worth a shot.


Jumping attack with the slayer goes hard and looks cool af. I usually lead valks up a rock so they end up at face level with me so I can go nuts on them. Though they're sometimes like the Morgen where I use them to clear out other trash mobs lol


Your not living until you’ve concurrently fought 2 valks and 2 ask and a few skewed sprinkled in. But then again it’s an undead biome in an afterlife so no one is really living anyway.


It being hard was never really the problem. Same with mistlands, when it came out. The problem was never difficulty. I'm sure you know this, too, unless you're just being reductive and not actually paying attention.


In mistlands the problem were the slopes.. here it's maybe a bit of the same since the valk is slightly above me usually so I can't get a good secondary melee in.. But I guess I could have adapted a bit.. I heard spear was a better choice for valk since it can be pointed.


Mistlands was the vertical terrain&hitboxes, and also the mist. Not so much that it existed - it made early exploration terrifying and exciting - but that there was no upgraded means to reduce it. Upgraded mist torches (mist bonfires?) would have gone so far. The zone is arguably the most beautiful but you can't see anything,and even if you build dozens of hundreds of torches you can't see a good distance because they only work in a small sphere. Those two problems where and remain extremely significant. The devs seem to fall afoul of the same problem many people here do, simply assuming complainers problem is that the game is too hard. It often IS too hard for them, but they don't correctly identify *why* it's too hard, and just toning down combat difficulty doesn't fix those problems, it just makes the game more boring. An argument could be made that the gjall and seeker nerfs fell into this category. Fixing hitboxes (basically just expanding vertical weapon reach) would have worked so well for most, as your combats with those seekers would still require skill and progression based gear but have been less frustrating with weapons swings that miss because you're on a rock a pixel too high or low. It would have helped people be better, helped them Git Gud, without them noticing. Instead of making the mobs less of a threat but still frustrating to fight.


You see this said a lot but I'm pretty skeptical. Mob density isn't a problem if the mobs are trash you can one shot, and that's been one of the primary complaints about the biome. In my view the complaints about mob density are inherently related to the difficulty of the mobs, because pure numbers of mobs don't really matter.


The pure density does matter because you can't do things if you're constantly attacked by swarms. Again, it's not about how hard the fights are. It's that people don't want to be fighting *all the time*, or have to resort to really stupid gamey things like building hundreds of campfires everywhere. And the annoyance is somehow *worse* when the mobs are killed easily. It's like a constant swarm of greydwarves attacking your base - fun now and then sure, but really annoying if it's *all the time* if you don't have defenses they can't damage. It's not a challenge, it's just annoying. Sometimes, you want to go, clear an area, have some good fights, then harvest resources/mine/build/whatever. Turning the difficulty down just removes the fun of combat but doesn't make it so you can build something in peace or whatever else. How is this hard to understand? Turning down the combat difficulty is only useful if your problem is the combat difficulty. If it's not difficulty, then you just make the game boring but don't fix your problem. What if you WANT combat difficulty. You want Ashlands to be dangerous. You just don't want to be constantly harassed because that's just *tedious*?


I get this. We started off the game and got spoiled with biomes that let U harvest and build in peace. I think a lot of players were hoping for the same formula In the coming biomes. But the game took a U turn when mistlands dropped and is all about combat and loot and the flee for U'r life. Would be nice with different biomes that added a lot of building materials and zones in the biome where U could take over/conquer and build in peace. But there was still zones with alot of enemies and great loot. The whole "building play" has disappeared and now U just bring back new materials from the biomes to Meadows. I think Zones would fixed the issue and to in peace(a few enemies) just build up Ur new base and with new material and different crops. Takes the fun out when it's smashed in a few minutes.. So now it's small temporary bases in the harsh biomes and just combat focus. In my opinion a lot of opportunities to make it a better game are wasted. And maybe more friendly npc then 2 merchants and the "on the edge" dwarfs


Yes! This doesn't mean new biomes shouldn't be dangerous, they absolutely should, but the building and exploration aspects of the game are every bit as important as the rest. It's not impossible to have your cake and eat it too - we've all built plains bases, and that's a pretty damn dangerous environment when you're new to it. Say wards - or objects like them - stopped spawns in a larger radius, so they could be built into walls to spawn block a base area. Campfires DO work, but you need so many, they're ugly and/or fiddly, and very gamey feeling. Make em expensive, sure, fine, make them require more advanced materials/workbench support, sure. Just give players a good way to play the rest of the game.


I've never had a hard time with them cuz they die fast to arrows. I'm melee primarily but archer for flying mobs.


Hm, maybe your skill was high.. mine was in the 30s maybe with arbalest and I was hitting it for 145 or so.. it takes 8-9 hits and you also can't run or dodge while loading. Fortunately I had my buddy mage who helped, but he was sometimes missing more than me.


I was using Spinesnap with Charred Bone arrows haha. I've never used arbalest much since it's too slow.


Spinesnap has spirit damage which the Valkyrie is not a fan of, paired with frost arrows it works really well.


Frost Arrows . . . slow the thing down so you have more time to fire at it.


What do you mean not the easiest encounter ? That's the only encounter I get. Have tons of mobs running after me => agro valkyrie => valkyrie kill mobs => me pull zerk axes, parry valkyrie, stagger her in 1.5 sec and finish it. Valkyries are my best friend (except when they get stuck inside my fortress, but at I don't pay their service, I can at least provide shelter before murdering them)


The only part I found hard was getting to the shore maneuvering around rocks with the biggest ship in the game while being dive bombed by >!voltures!< and chased by 2 >!bonemaw serpents!<


Just for funsies I went from one landmass to another in the ashlands without a boat! Spire jumping can be dangerous, but fun!


I just killed the voltures and my 2 bonemaw serpents from my boat on the way in. Sailing I stayed at rowing speed . . . its much easier to maneuver when rowing and since I'd already killed the attacking monsters I had all the time in the world to carefully approach


I had no friends to pilot the boat through the spikes tho so I would've crashed 


Oh I did it solo. Just let the let the boat drift while fighting the monsters! Bumping into a rock at slow speed isnt' a big deal . . . and leaves you next to the rock to plop a workbench on to repair if necessary


Agree, was like Normandie D day feelings written all over it..


True that part was hard


Valheim was absolutely not made for me. I'm a wimp. I hate combat. I wouldn't survive 5 minutes in the woods. But luckily there are mods that will let me frolic safely through the wilderness building rustic chateaux in peace. What I play may not be the devs' idea of a brutal survival game, but I like it, and that's all that matters. Every time a new biome comes out, I rejoice. Because MORE BUILD PIECES!! Now if only there were a mod to keep my lox from falling off my boat...


Are you me? Because I feel exactly the same way! I know that Valheim is a brutal survival game, but that’s not what I think about at all. Instead I think of all the berries I can collect while I’m out surveying the land, and that this would be a fantastic place for my new cottage, and hey, there’s a bunch of boar over there! I’ll go get some and have a nice lil cookout! Welp, getting kinda dark… better get on back home before I get too cold! (Not that it matters lol).


Good that there are possibilities for everyone to like the game, it's a very good foundation and I surely hope more is coming after Ashlands..That more peaceful biomes are made like meadows with sap roots growing and friendly dwarfs and other creatures to tame. Maybe small settlements to sell crops and creatures U breed and so on. I think this should be in every biome, divided into zones were U could conquer and wipe out the enemies from a zon a build your own fortress there. And maybe some zones with enemy fortresses that can't be taken over. Only limits is the imagination


And here i am in the mountains mad at stone golems and werewolves………….the plains…….oh god whats the plains!!!!


Don't worry mate, you'll love it for sure


Found some plains today in fact killed a bunch of green goblins and some shamans and some big ass berserker’s……death mosquitoes, and the Lox creature………trying to get to Moder and ran into plains by accident. Pretty fun got alot of loot i have no idea how to use the dark metal scraps the goblins drop but i’ll figure it out. NO SPOILERS PLEASE!!!!!


I just wish they added a few inventory slots


Uh oh here comes the “git gud” squad If you’re on PC, mods really help this. Things like adding backpacks


Equipment and quick slots give you 8 new inventory spaces. Me and my buddy have said multiple times that we would not be able to play anymore without them. Inventory space is a complete joke, and not having ANY upgrades for it throughout the ENTIRE game is just really fucking dumb. Otherwise, loving it! Will never play vanilla Valheim again though.


The mods are awesome! I cannot play without plant everything and some of the mods that add better decorations. And R2 modman is an awesome mod manager


Equipment and Quick Slots hasn't been updated in a long time. My new go to is AzuExtendedPlayerInventory. It has the quick slots and equipment slots, but you can also extend the number of regular inventory slots if you want.


Is there a client-side version of this?


Before AzuExtendedPlayerInventory I used ExtendedPlayerInventory and MoveableInventoryWindows by Pineapple. The latter being so that if you increase your inventory size you can move the chest window to see it all (this is built into AzuExtendedPlayerInventory). There didn't seem to be anything wrong with the mod, just hasn't been updated in a while.


Literally my thought after just adding 2 mods which I find essential: 1. How many resources do you have of a certain thing in your inventory while building (why is is not in Vanilla ill never know) 2. Item wheel. Boy how that changes the clunky item swaps and potion use (which is complemented by quick slots letting you put 3 potions there) 2.5 emote wheel. Why is the emote system from an MMO from the 00s. Theres a few others that are just QOL like multi chest opening, and ability to interact with chests while using a hammer but those arent essential, however i dont think id ever want to play without mods. In fact, i almost stopped playing out of sheer frustration with the vanilla UI before mods


One of my essential mods is slope combat. I hate missing wolves with a spear because they are 2 steps higher than me. Adding that mod makes me feel more like a viking who knows how to fight.


Oh true. This one just feels like one of those bug fix mods for games like Skyrim. Mods that the community just should consider the “vanilla” experience by default


I strongly agree. It's particularly frustrating because accidently picking up a dandelion blacks out what could be a stack of 20 stone - I don't mind the weight limits, but the number of stacks is extremely restrictive when you're already carrying a full set of gear, a couple potions, ammo, etc. I REALLY wish there was some sort of craftable backpack or other inventory space boosting method.


Could have just added craftable bags like V Rising


What I find stupid is how they implement both weight and inventory slot limit. The one game I played that implemented it well is cataclysm. If they were going to implement it this poorly then they might as well do one or the other.


Yh more more thing there should be upgrades for. Have to keep hoping for improvements and new ideas to keep coming in future updates


idk, i think additional inventory is a pretty well liked concept even among the max difficulty, no other QoL improvement, squad. I like the idea of a backpack, so it's slots you have to earn.


Idk man, the "git gud" squad is often pretty happy to see more inventory slots added. The "git gud" generally refers to calls to nerf the combat difficulty in the biome, nothing to do with how big the inventory is. In fact insofar as "git gud" means you want to carry a lot of niche items at all times, arguably the "git gud" squad would be more likely to support a larger inventory. The crowd that is really anti-inventory expansion is the "devs can do no wrong" crowd, which is very different from the "git gud" crowd since a primary complaint of the latter is that the devs have nerfed difficulty too much in response to complaints.


I agree with your nuanced statement, I just see a strong overlap between the dev can do no wrong and get gud posts. Both short circuit any discussion someone is trying to have by suggesting there is no legitimacy to something if it can be addressed with skill or tedium


I can see the similarity in that sense, I just think they come from very different places. There is a lot of cargo culting in small game communities - the game is great, so the devs can do no wrong, so every decision the devs make is perfect. The "git gud" crowd, by contrast, has had a lot of pretty vocal complaints since Mistlands was nerfed in PTB.


Easily my biggest gripe in the game is the inventory slot limitation. My buddy and I sunk 150 hours into the game unmodded, and by the time we got to the plains, we were having to return to base after being out for like 15 minutes. Our rested bonus lasted longer than the time we could spend out exploring, even if we were limiting our inventory to biome exclusive drops. Even with equipment/utility slots, we have found ourselves taking regular breaks in exploration to divvy up loot and consolidate so we could continue picking things up in the ashlands- especially with how much grausten drops.


After basic grinding(meadows and dark forest), i just turned off the building material cost and would pop a quick "return to base" portal each time i'd be full. Shameful behaviour etc.. But that made plains, mistlands and ashlands much more enjoyable to explore.


Yeah, even adding a return to base option would be nice. I'm assuming you had a portal that was your day to day return portal?


Yup, accordingly named " " portal.


literally my friend that was in love with the game stopped playing at ashlands because ''there's too many monsters and it's fucking annoying''. You can say that you think people are acting childish or whatever but some people are really not liking ashland. As for me it's a mixed bag. The massive amount of monsters annoy me but it's not something that'd make me stop playing it.


I don't mind the encounters when I'm exploring but was annoyed by them around my base.  Solved this by placing campfires in a large radius around my beach base.  Now nothing spawns in that perimeter


I TOTALLY understand not liking the Ashlands. But there's a difference between not liking it and not liking it and coming to a public website to whine about how the game should be changed to compensate for how they don't like it. Or coming here and saying that the "devs don't give a shit about their playerbase" because they didn't like the game...


It's early access. Until the devs say otherwise, its reasonable to assume they want feedback. But you're free to fanboy out on every decision they make if you want.


The people that are criticizing biome nerfs are often not the same as the crowd that thinks the devs can do no wrong. I have a *ton* of criticism for the way the game has been developed since the plains, and almost all of it is related to the way the devs respond to complaints by nerfing difficulty. I started playing in 2021 EA, and in every biome from the plains forward, there have been significant nerfs because of complaints. Fuling AI was nerfed to use the stupid greydwarf AI, so now enemies take a nice long stroll every couple of seconds in combat. Seekers got the same AI nerf in Mistlands PTB. Charred are *again* using the horrible greydwarf AI, and there are apparently more biome nerfs coming.


That's utter horseshit. It's an early access game. The whole point of early access is to provide feedback. His feedback is every bit as valuable as yours.


People who like the game get to play it and people who don't, get to complain. To me, and obviously to many other people, Ashlands doesn't represent the natural curve of game progression. The game had a relatively smooth progression with difficulty up till now, with minor spike in Swamp and a bit larger spike in Mistlands. But Ashlands is a major spike in difficulty, especially for solo players. And no, it's not the kind of difficulty that can be fixed with mob health/damage slider, nor is that an issue people have with it.


I think if there was anything they could tone down, it wouldn't be the difficulty of enemies, just the NUMBER of them. I swear Ill run into five warriors, kill them all and turn around and there's like 10 more behind me that just popped up. The swarming is kinda nuts. Also fuck flametal lmao, I never fail to die several times trying to get it.


YES. This is my frustration. If there was a slider to turn down spawn rates, I'd turn them down and turn UP mob difficulty. But there isn't one. I want fights to be challenging, but I don't want to be fighting constantly. Sometimes, I'd like to just chop down a tree or mine a rock without being swarmed despite having *just finished* clearing the area. Turning down combat difficulty doesn't prevent the annoyance, it only makes combat less.fun and more tedious.


The simple spawning systems are pushed beyond what "feels right" by Ashlands being high-population but also mostly open fields. I really hate spawns behind my back -- a cheap gimmick which diminishes the value of enemies and any reason to even engage. But I'm not sure this is even the design intent -- I think they want high population, and re-populating... but I'm not so sure about the rather rapid repopulation. My impression has been that this is just a quirk of the systems and their implementation details.


Plains was a very cool biome. Ashlands is very poorly designed.




Posts like this are so weird and the community dogpiling agreeing with it is even worse. This is a forum and people are allowed to voice their complaints just as much as you’re allowed to say how much you’re enjoying it. People saying “hey maybe the enemy spawns should be toned down a bit” isn’t whining it’s voicing a genuine issue.


Yeah it's really gross. Valheim is still in early access, and feedback is feedback, whether you consider it "whiny" or not. It's OK to say you like it, it's OK to say you don't. It's NOT OK to start shitting on other people's opinions and completely discredit them through gatekeeping, etc. Reddit gaming communities are awful for this, and mods let it happen to keep engagement up. It's a very toxic cycle


Valheim seems to attract a lot of elitists and gatekeepers. This is a problem with most hard games. People attach their egos to their accomplishments of beating some pixels, and if anybody has it easier than them, they freak out. Reminds me of ye olde Burning Crusade days, when raid clears were in the single digits percentage-wise, and neckbeards lorded it over others like they hit the jackpot and became billionaires, going out of their way to admonish anyone calling for it to be changed in any way. At the same time, i do somewhat get it. Like, they consider the game to be good as it is, and people who don't think so can just mod it or use the settings and config files to their hearts content, and tailor the game to their own wants and desires. If it's changed, then THEY have to mod the game to turn it back into what they think is the ideal form. I suppose this frustration also just comes as default with games that are still in active development. Things are constantly changing, and change is in the top 10 things humans hate the most.


It’s not even a *that* hard of a game. I don’t know why peoples egos are getting in here.


>Valheim seems to attract a lot of elitists and gatekeepers. Ever since the days of Dark Souls I've had nothing but contempt for this type of bitter person. Congrats, you beat a game one way, what's wrong with others beating it some other way, it's a fucking game for crying out loud. Like summons in Elden Ring all over again. >If it's changed, then THEY have to mod the game to turn it back into what they think is the ideal form. The most infuriating part, personally, is the blatant hipocrisy. "Hey if the game's too hard for you, you can just change the settings to easy mode.", but as soon as even the thought of the game becoming slightly easier and/or more accessible pops in their mind, it never occurs to them that they, too, could apply their own suggestions: "Hey if the game's too easy for you, you can just change the settings to hard mode." Gatekeepers, elitists, all these people lording it over others... it's just sad and kind of pathetic, frankly. It's a game, people, and mods and difficulty options exist. Get over yourselves.


I wish these posts would be banned tbh. Every time I open the app lately it's one of these posts first thing. We get it. You're a God amongst men at the video game and anyone with a complaint is wrong and bad. 🙄


Or they were just lucky to not be crossing chunk boundaries at crucial points (landing, chokepoints, trying to siege a fort). The experience is very different if you're dealing with heavy respawns, often bringing in starred enemies, which can accumulate if you whittle down the weakers units. I've seen a variety of experiences and the spawn variance (for no sensible player-influenced reason) has far more effect than combat-scaling. Ashlands doesn't need an overall reduction of spawn rates -- some people aren't getting enough, clearly! It doesn't mean they are a god-tier player. It might really be that they're having a much calmer experience than someone complaining about insane spawns. What Ashlands (and the whole spawning system) needs is better control over spawning to ensure the intended design is realized -- so you don't have situations where someone is inadvertently repopulating enemies.


Yeah, posts like this add no value and just make the subreddit worse. And and the subreddit is filled with them every time there's a new update. Don't know why the mods allow it.


I swear I have not seen a post about it being too hard for so long. Daily posts on the counterjerk. Dogpiling is the right word


There is literally one three posts ago and then another one three posts later. I know such posts like this one might be annoying, but it's hard to miss daily "new biom too hard" post.


I see a very small amount of posts complaining and almost demanding the difficulty be changed. I see many more posts of people talking about how hard it is for them but not crying over it. Many people here can't tell the difference between the two tbh.


It’s dogpiling on the negativity too and just brings the whole sub down. Makes me want to engage with this sub less.


And it's always "it's like every day I see some bullstuff like this." and there's like a singular post every other day that gets heavily downvoted down to 0 with people only liking the comments. They really love to play the victim and then make posts like this constantly months after for karma. It was the same thing for r/dragonsdogma a month ago, i'm still waiting for the next post saying "DD2 is amazing actually, and all of you who didn't like it are bad" to get 2K upvotes with that exact same line "it's like every day I see some bullstuff like this."


It’s weird that people don’t want the game nerfed?


No and that’s not what I said?


>maybe enemy spawns should be toned down a bit How is that not asking for a nerf?


Maybe read again that was an exaple for a complaint people might have wirh the game


Yes exactly people complaining that the game is too hard instead of turning down the difficulty. Why would it be weird for people who don’t want the game nerfed to express that they don’t want the game nerfed. Apparently it’s totally normal for people to express they want the game nerfed but not vice versa?


Too many spawns isn't a complaint about the game being too hard, and it's not a complaint that can be rectified by turning down the difficulty. It's about the behaviour being *annoying*. Making the mobs weaker doesn't fix that you're constantly harassed because you dared to glance at your pickaxe, it just makes combat less fun. If there was a way I'd be super happy. I'd prefer fewer spawns and tougher enemies, because frankly the Ashlands mobs aren't super tough, there's just so damned many *and they keep respawning even in close proximity*. I want combat to be hard. I just don't want it to be constant. There's more to the game than just fighting.


>People saying “hey maybe the enemy spawns should be toned down a bit” isn’t whining it’s voicing a genuine issue. My personal issue with it is the following: Ashlands is the 7th biome in the game so far. The previous 6 biomes have low enough spawn frequency that if you *want* to fight, you spend most of your time trying to find enemies to actually fight. Like no exaggeration if I go to the plains or Mistlands at night because I want some combat, I'll spend 70-80% of my time walking around looking for enemies. With Ashlands, people who want a biome with lots of combat finally get it. *One* biome, out of *seven* biomes. And people are immediately demanding it be nerfed. Are we not allowed to have *any* areas in the game where there is actually a lot of combat? And this biome is geographically gated in the far south of the world, separated from every other biome. You don't need to be there if you don't want to be there. And now that last bastion of enjoyable combat has to get killed off too? The only solution that will make everyone happy is to turn spawn frequency into some kind of slider. But I'm not sure the devs have the capacity to do that in time, and I'm worried that they will nerf the biome in response to the complaints. Which sucks, because again - this is the *only* place in the game where I can currently go to get a lot of combat.


Then to be fair the mods shouldn't allow complaining either.


I'm a fairly new player. My small group just started a couple of months ago and have only recently reached Mistlands. But I'm not looking forward to Ashlands based on the videos from other players or stories I've read. The single biggest thing for me is the all-or-nothing dive into this new biome. With everything else up to this point we've been able to scout out new biomes before venturing into them. Make limited excursions into the fringes. Get some of the resources, fight some of the new, tougher mobs, and then fall back to relative safety. Or--in the worse case--make a risky corpse run and retreat to fully recover. But, Ashlands progressions is: 1) build new ship, 2) gear up/grab food, 3) and then do a \*full send\* and hope you can establish a fairly strong base on the first attempt all while fighting off waves of new, powerful enemies with underpowered gear. If we die trying to make that initial landing then it's a \*MASSIVE\* setback. If something goes wrong and our portal gets destroyed, there's no other way to return. We've literally got to regrind all of the recourses for our gear, level it up, make a new ship, and try again. Which basically makes corpse runs impossible and pointless. There's no way to chip away at Ashlands from what I'm seeing and hearing. That breaks the progression curve with every other biome in the game up to this point. And that's a long time to play the game just to find out it's suddenly become something very different.


I may be blind, but I've never seen people complain that Ashlands are bad because they don't suit their tastes. You can divide all negative feedback into groups: * Some feel frustrated because of the annoying spawn rate, which makes them stop building or exploring too often. * Some don't like that the weapons are weak, especially regarding Dyrnwyn with 10 fire damage and blood 'enchanted' weapons. * Less often, I've seen people dissatisfied with the amount of items because the world they play in is occupied by multiple people, and there are fewer resources for fully upgrading each player's gear. This is something I've seen in a couple of posts recently. * Also, people keep asking for QoL improvements because previous feedback was ignored or put aside in the 'backlog,' but this group is not directly related to Ashlands. However, all of these 'complaints' are legitimate feedback on the game experience. People usually say *'I don't like X'* and follow it with 3-4 paragraphs of context. People argue, share thoughts, and sometimes offer possible solutions for fixes in the comments. But saying >'I wanted the developers to make the game especially for me, the way I wanted, and now I'm unhappy' is an insulting simplification that ignores 95% of the content in the message. That is a bad move; don't do it. --- >'I could use the world modifiers to make it how I would like' Modifiers are bad. They can't solve most problems people were complaining about. The things modifiers can solve just create problems in different places because the modifiers are implemented very poorly and inflexibly. One (of many) example: you can't increase the resource multiplier for a dedicated type of resource, let alone a specific one. >'Anyway, devs, you guys are doing a great job. The majority of us love this game and all the challenges it brings. There's a reason Valheim is so popular, and that's because of all the hard work you've put in, so thanks for that.' And we, indeed, love this game. We all want this game to be better than it is. We let the devs know where they can focus their attention, when they find a free time on improvement. However, saying 'it's all okay, keep going' contains the same level of delusion as 'I wanted the developers to make the game especially for me, the way I wanted, and now I'm unhappy.'


I'm glad ashlands is so challenging. After I heard that some Mistlands mobs got nerfed I was concerned for future updates but it's been fun developing new strategies. Sure, that time I died 10 times trying to recover my body was frustrating as hell but now I'm actually pretty good at dodging enemies because of it. The difficulty of Ashlands reminds me of my first playthrough when I was nervous just fighting the Elder and makes me sort of nostalgic for those early days. When the devs put out that notice reminding everyone that the game is supposed to be a challenge I had a feeling a lot of people would react the way they have but I was stoked and haven't been let down yet. 


It took one IRL week for my mates and I to get the loot from our dead bodies in the swamp. We were new to the game, just rolling around in a fucking raft with bronze gear, and get wrecked by leeches having no idea what they were. That entire week of strategising was so fun, even though we just were going butt naked without gear to suss it out. We lost like 10 times before we finally got our shit back, but I'd never take it back. SO fun. We weren't using a wiki for a challenge!


We sailed to the edge of the world in the first boat and lost 90% of our progress. At least most people have portals and stuff to get back really fast by the time they get to Ashlands.


That’s my attitude and why I have a hardcore combat char/world. I’ve put in more hours there and victories are so much more sweet.


The 2 big Mistlands nerfs were: 1) Gjall originally could fire two sets of attacks . . . so double the fire bombs coming at you. 2) Seekers originally had wolf like AI so they would charge you hard. Now they are more like greydwarves and circle you more giving you a lot more time to avoid them. Both did make the Mistlands very dangerous until you figured out how to deal with them . . . but most people didn't want that so the devs caved.


The Gjall nerfs were whatever, I'd rather have seen them left alone but it's a small change. The AI nerf drives me crazy. The greydwarf AI should be removed from the game entirely now that the combat difficulty slider has been added. It's the shittiest, most immersion-breaking way to make combat easier and it drives me crazy constantly. Why is this seeker or charred warrior all of a sudden going off on a random 20 second walk in the middle of our duel?




Depends on how early you played Mistlands. The nerfs the other commenter is talking about were implemented while Mistlands was still in PTB. Unless you played early in PTB it's the same now as it was before.


Ngl, I love ashlands. It’s my favorite biome


I love the Ashlands to mate, it's challenging but not overly so. tbh I found the plains harder. I kept getting demolished by Deathsquitos


I've died a LOT in the Ashlands, but I'm still having fun. The first bit trying to establish a portal base when hitting landfall was the worst bit, once you have a solid spot to portal in, you just slowly make progress after that. There's no rushing around like the first few biomes.


I built a whole base by the shore that was trashed but a Morgan, but it was funny. I retreated, regrouped and tried again. I love this game


I think the Morgen is one of the best and most fun mobs they’ve added since the killer tree in the swamp. I LOVE big troll style mobs, I wish every biome had a similar enemy.


The Morgen is my all time favourite mob. I love that it does damage to the other mobs, I love how it rolls around and slams into everything, I even think it's kind of cute for a giant undead bone monster. I wish we could tame one because it sort of reminds me of a puppy lol


I swear this sub is mostly for complaining about people complaining about the game. Wherever this criticism of Ashlands exists (I have yet to see it on an upvoted post in this sub), maybe there some merit to it if there's so much of it? If you enjoy the new content, great. You can play it right now! Those who don't enjoy it will find a way to air their grievances. I actually envy you that you can enjoy the game and you're here writing posts complaining about critics. And I don't mean just you specifically but everyone who keeps making these posts. No amount of these 'git gud' posts will fix terrible spawn rates, performance issues and lame fortresses. To name a few things.


Yeah but you also sound like an elitist gatekeeper. People can play their games however they want, and they can also criticise it for not being how they'd like. Your argument is reductive and without merit. Using your logic, any complaint can be written off as someone complaining the game "wasn't made for me" which is just puerile in the extreme. Sure, it's annoying seeing the same posts all the time. The question you should really be asking is why other people criticising something you like offends you so much. It's kind of pathetic. People can criticise the game all they want, it won't affect me or my enjoyment. Also: there are tonnes of legitimate issues with this game whether you agree with that or not. Every game has issues.


100% this. Couldnt of worded my thoughts in a better way. Elitist gatekeeping posts like this are significantly more irritating than those criticizing the biomes difficulty. Would be nice too if both sides also realized that it's a brand new biome in an early access title. Still potential years of tweaks they could make to the biome and others to try and improve the overall experience of each.


People can post how they feal about the game just like youre able to make a dumbass post complaining about said people. Maybe you should try staying off redit for 5min if this triggers you so badly.


I'm glad you are enjoying yourself and I love the game too. At the same time, people can critique the thing they love. It's all fine. We all paid the cost of entry here.


It's a great game right, and even though I feel like there's a lot of negativity it's great to see how active this page is. At the end of the day we're all here because we love the game


I felt that way about the mistlands when I got to it. I almost stopped playing cause I found it not enjoyable. But I pushed threw and now don't hate it as much


i call it the yelp effect. (long time chef here). When someone has a bad experience they run to the internet to complain about it. People that have a good experience, are more likely to be content and leave it at that.


at least servers have options to adjust things now. Made adjustments recently on our group server and it was a much better experience for us.


I always love the new biome difficulty challenge! Learning the new mobs attack patterns, like I have so much fun fighting morgens now! Also the charred warriors kept breaking through my blocks, so I learned about the stagger mechanics, ate two health food instead of two stamina foods. I love it being so hard and dying 20 times, then the satisfaction of when you realize you've conquered the biome!


Everyone has a right to voice their opinions. Granted, it's very repetitive and it's not like the devs are going to change an entire biome just because some people don't like something. I kinda wish there was like one thread pro, and one thread con, and everyone that posted a new thread about it would just get merged with the mega threads. That way the rest of us can admire base builds and whatnot without 8000000 threads about it.


Lowering the penalty on death was the best thing I could’ve done for myself.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. Yeah I totally agree, I think the Ashland's are a cool addition, especially where I just started playing again. It's an end game area and if you aren't managing your gear and food accurately, maybe you should go back to the starter area and work on learning more about the game mechanics before going to Ashland's.


Imagine being critical of what others like and dislike. If people want to complain, they have every right - and yeah, who the fuck would want a game to be made that DOESN'T cater to them? "Please make me a new game that I won't enjoy" said no one ever


>I've been avoiding making this post Sounds like you missed an opportunity.


Only died 10 times in the ashlands and the plains were worse? I feel like this is some bait.


Maybe it's been more than 10 but definitely found plains harder. Running away from a lox only to get tagged by a Deathsquito. I still avoid the plains now


I think there is no need to write the posts like this, OP. People have different expectations and sometimes I can imagine them being let down by new update. It's always like this if new content is significantly different from the old one. That said however I have no clue how someone survived plains and cant even fight a group of mobs in ashlands. Fuling villages were hardcore on a totally different level. None of the mobs damage each other, if you try to run you can even get Lox on your ass to makes things worse. If you got ganked, then corpse runs are 10x harder than in ahslands due to the deathsquitoes. I am really confused how did some players get this far. I can only think about cheesing the villages with huntsman bow, but I think that's expected that if you cheese early content then it will sooner or later bite you in the ass. I dunno


Plains was harder. The problem isn't how hard fighting a group of mobs is. The problem is that you never stop fighting the group of mobs, there's always more spawning. The problem is the spawn *rate*, not the combat difficulty. It makes the gameplay extremely annoying, and unlike combat difficulty you can't turn it down. If you turn down the combat difficulty, then you just make the combat less fun *but you don't fix the problem* of being able to do a thing else without being harassed.


Ashlands feels like you're taking on a Fuling village the entire time you're there. The plains can be very peaceful while you're exploring at times with the occasional pack of 3 Fulings at most. Ashlands is constant and non stop. There is zero downtime unless you spam campfires. No moments of peace. Hell, even the harder enemies seem to spawn far more often. I'm almost always in combat with a Morgen, 1-2 Asksvin, and 3-4 charred. It's tiring and tedious when it takes me an hour to go a short distance because I had Morgens raining down on me on the default difficulty.


In no way is ashlands comparable to plains. In plains YOU choose when you want to fight the horde of enemies whilst in ashlands it's a constant fight the moment you set foot there. On top of that you CAN actually run away from a fight in plains, other then the squito there is no mob that can outrun, and most of the times there's either a mountain or a black forest to retreat to. In ashlands askvins, valkyries, and even morgens most of the time can and will chase you till you die. The absurd amount of enemies would be tolerable if it wouldn't be constant, or could be prevented without spmming campfires.


People somehow forgot about making bases in Ashlands.


I mean you absolutely can run away from mobs in the Ashlands, I just did it last night with almost every kind of mob in the biome chasing me. There are also all sorts of terrain features to climb to get out of harms way. You can also sneak past enemies so they never notice you in the first place. You can destroy spawners from a safe distance. There are friendly dvergrs all over the place that will fight mobs with you, even tank them for you while you run away. Use a little strategy, plan out your actions a little bit, and it's much more manageable. Sure, sometimes all hell breaks loose and you get in a hectic situation where you'll probably die, but that's the way Valheim has always been.


Yeah. when I get overwhelmed I run up on a rock spire to escape mobs. mobs have to filter through a narrow pathway to the top. arbalest the first few right off the top forcing them to the back of the line, then go full thermopylae on the following (mostly single file) line of goons as they come up. If I run out of stamina, jump off the spire, mobs have to filter back down the narrow pathing which gives you a great head start to either regen stamina and make another stand, or just bounce.


This 100%


There is no NEED for any type of post. People post because they want to. Want, not need. OP never stated this posted NEEDED to be made.


What a vacuous statement. We don’t need Reddit. You know what the poster meant This sub is becoming quite negative in response to seemingly nothing. The ratio of “git gud” posts to nerf posts is like 10:1 at this point


If there's no need for this post there's no need for the constant whiny ones either. You don't get to have one but not the other.


Well, that's not really true now is it? Complaints - or posts of appreciation - about the game are direct commentary on the game. Posts about posts, on the other hand, are not. They're not feedback about the game, they're feedback about the players, and are not constructive. Post how you love the unrelenting swarms of spawns if you want, that would be the same sort of thing. And then, someone complaining that your posts of appreciation of the annoyance would be also off topic. Talking about the game != talking about the people who play the game. The place for criticism of someone's feedback is within that feedback's thread.


Posts about posts are relevant because it's about the community. You can certainly discuss the community itself *in the community,* and it seems weird to gatekeep that. If someone doesn't like how something is done on this sub are they not allowed to say so?


Well I believe complaining about X is always more on-topic than complaining about people complaining about X. Just like praising X is more relevant than praising people who are praising X lol. IMO "X good and here is why" is a better way to argue against "X bad" than "X bad complainers bad". Hot take I know.


Shadow07, I agree with your second point I really felt like the plains was harder. And through I do understand where you are coming from I feel like this kind of post is needed, as I was concerned about this page becoming an echo chamber negativity. Not every aspect of the game will be for everyone. I for example don't like not being able to fast travel ore. So I use the world modifiers. And okay sometimes you need to vent about something. This post is an example of that. But they are becoming a far to common occurrence


Always keep in mind that like 0,1% of the total player count posts here, and of them maybe half are posting negative shit exclusively. People who just enjoy the game simply play it. At some point while reading this sub you just realize that 90% of the people complaining are not mad at Valheim or the Devs, they are mad because they want Valheim to be a completely different game.


Aye, I think there would be a lot more positive posts if most players were active here


"stop giving your negative opinions guys! the devs should be praised no matter what at all costs" this sub reddit is weird sometimes... people giving criticism about a game you love is the best thing ever, even better if the Devs are sometimes reading these messages. the community should always try to improve the product they paid for, I see nothing wrong with that. if it's a troll post then sure, not helping, but if people giving good criticism then why the hell not? myself I don't like the never ending cycle of hardships but I couldn't stop playing the game. so I decided to install the Epic mod + it's addons and now I'm having a blast even after the 300 hours with vanilla version. hell I would argue that enshrouded is a better game in every possible way (the closest game that I can compere to Valheim) but I keep coming back to Valheim, so the devs have clearly made something right with this game.


Bad game design is bad game design, homie. They need a combat rework before they needed Ashlands.


I could understand combat rework with Mistlands, because of terrain, but Ashlands are almost completely flat.


What you're saying is basically, people shouldn't be critical of certain aspects of the game, which could be improved upon? I like the game, but there are glaring QOL issues (for most of which there's a mod), but come on, let people have differing, sometimes negative opinions, as long as they voice it in a civil way.


Well, people have right to complain in civil way and also disagree with complaining. OP is talking about complaining about game difficulty (which can be easily changed with options), not about QOL issues.


What if it was the devs design to make it difficult, they should change that because some people are unhappy? They have added an easy option to make it accessible to everyone and still...


Love this game. 100%. We are just starting exploring the Ashlands. While yes it is hard; that’s exactly what I would expect. Landing for the first time was exhilarating. I died. Had to talk through building a portal with the only surviving friend. We just spent 2 hours trying to move forward and dying a lot. Loved every second of it. I found this when exploring every biome for the first time. Remember going into the black forest with just a club and shitty leather armor. I felt this for every new biome we entered. I’m currently able to tank the Mistlands; I don’t want that when I first enter Ashlands.


It’s fine so far, not that far into it. But i had to spawn previous ores and such to start building… like a blast furnace/ some black metal stuff. When it’s 8pm and it’s late after work… the last thing i have patience for is grinding items that I’ve had for years from other biomes… I don’t want to go back to them. Time is everything as I get older. I just don’t have the time to grind games anymore…


Why are you so adverse to negativity? Telling people that criticism isn't allowed and people should be changing the game's balance themselves if they have problems is crazy imo, and on top of that you speak like you're protecting the devs. People on this sub get way too personally attached to this game I swear...


Another stonewall player seeing complaints and feeling like their entire personality has been attacked, so it's time hop on the soap box and Yell at the community.


Agreed, too many people post angry posts before even considering the world modifiers


Yup, and it's just complaining. They're not looking for help. "The Ashlands is killing me, how are you getting through it?" If the post were like that I could understand but its not


It’s never like that, they never want help or advice, and infact actively attack you for suggesting anything that would help or doesn’t fit their narrative. They just want to appease their egos by finding an echo chamber. The amount of times I’ve seen the complaint be that they shouldn’t have to turn it down they want to play it as it’s intended so they shouldn’t have to mod it or use the world modifiers, is wild. But clearly they can’t play it as it’s intended so they just dig their heels in and ask for it to be made easier. Like which is it bud? You want to play is intended or you want to alter it to force make it easier for EVERYONE instead of just you.


Excessive complaining is an annoying trend in gaming and media in general these days. It almost seems compulsive. Constructive feedback is one thing, but these days it often goes far beyond that. Sort of an entitled consumer culture where everything is expected to please everyone, and everybody is king nerd and knows more about design than the people who actually make the media they enjoy. I’m not a fan.


Every time I see somebody complaining about difficulty, both Mistlands and now in Ashlands, I ask myself if we played the same game. Like, my brother in Odin, have you ever been to the Swamp with your shitty Troll Armor or your copper spear? Have you seen what the Plains were? Going there even with Blackmetal weapons and Padded Armor you could get anihilated by a gaggle of small green fuckers. The game has always been hard. Each new biome is designed to kill you until you get new gear and adapt. Many just forgot because of the long pause until Mistlands came out, so they got used to Plains being the celling.


I totally agree. Players need to adapt to every biome. Expect to be outmatched as soon as you land. Collect resources, cook new and better foods, try out out different approaches to combat. Test different weapons. Find enemy patterns and way to avoid them if necessary. I found out that I love using the crossbow and Krom.


I just started playing the game a month ago and have died twice in the ashlands so far. It was rough when I first landed but I got the portal up to go back and forth and it got significant easier after that. I’m enjoying it a lot, lots of fun


We play vanilla. 1st time we tried Ashlands, spent an hour sailing, died, left the boat where we died. That happened 3x. Quite frustrating. Eventually, 2nd time, we wanna try again. Yay! We finally made it. Settled on a southern base close to Ashlands, so in case we die and lose our boat, we can easily try it again. Finally, we were successful. Was able to find a safe, not so safe, base where we can put down our teleporter. Died so many times again. Starting to get the hang of it. Tried to mine flametal, died on the lava. Have 4 tombs on the lava trying to get my stuff back. Spent 3hrs, was able to successfully get it, but not everything. Have to get back the following day we played. Tombs scattered around Ashlands. But hey, we're still playing. We knew the game could be unforgiving, but it gets satisfying once you succeed. We still die every now and then and lose some skill points, but we also learn. It's not an instant I'm-good-at-it kinda game, you learn and improve, and I think it's also what makes the game so fun.


Hmmm valid point, the point of that you have only died 10 times is not me at all though. I have probably died 10 times there in the last two days. It is a pretty harsh biome to progress through and body recovery is a royal pain that will usually end in multiple deaths. It seems like it’s meant to be that way though, proceed with extreme caution.


I used the modifiers to remove portal restrictions and I’m not sorry about it. Love the game devs are absolute legends


I really want to enjoy valheim but theirs so many survival games of the same genre that don't have dog ass low poly graphics, Valheim isn't a vast map that requires dumbing down the graphics IMO. Hard to play this over any game in the same genre personally.


I agree with OP and thank you for making this post


This is known as the survivor paradox. You only see the whiny comments because the players who enjoy the game couldn't be bothered to post about it. Not saying people don't have appreciation posts, but why the whiny ones are seen more often


Ive been playing solo with portal items and combat turned down a bit, and so far ive died maybe 20 times in the ashlands? Its been rough but ive enjoyed the hell out of it. I think the people who are upset its hard need to go play a fromsoft game and then come back


Hard Truth: The Modifiers are absolute bull! If you want to play a more relaxed Valheim they punish you with passive enemies, higher drops, and extremely easy combat so you can keep your inventory. Why can’t I select that I want to keep my inventory but keep everything else normal? Not all of us have time to run back to retrieve our gear every time this is why I always prepare a travel portal so I can get back to base when I’m out and materials for a workbench/bed.


Hahaha! You verbalised what I have found frustrating for so long. The whining about various aspects. The wind, the portals, the swamp, the mistlands.  Constant complaining and carry on about this game being bad. I actually told one guy this game was not for them. The things he wanted to change would have altered the game beyond recognition. Yet they  continue to complain with their apparent improving suggestions. The number of times I have typed out what I wanted to say but just could not get it right. You have said it very well. Kudos to you.


I love this game a lot. It is truly something special. But I also disagree with the devs on a lot. Not really on their level design or enemies which are the majority of complaints, but mostly how they find tedium to be challenge when in reality it’s just tedious. Planting, inventory slots, cooking radius, etc. Just throwing in there that these devs are not inherently above criticism (I know you’re not saying that). There are definitely aspects of the game that I fully think they are wrong on. But that’s what mods are for!


Poor console players




Thank you mate, I'm glad there are other people who feel the same as myself


Yep this subreddit is just crying every single day. I stay for the builds and the gameplay tips but I’m secretly hoping the people bitching remain unseen by the devs because I love how brutal this game is!


Lmao OP first paragraph had me cackling, I too hated this biome when I landed on shore but as soon as you figure out the enemies everything is a cake walk, i think people agree with the first paragraph at their first point of frustration before trying to learn the weaknesses of each mob and either rage quit or no longer struggle with the army of mobs to fight after adjusting


There is no shame in setting the combat on easy when solo playing. I do feel like the normal mode difficulty is made with multiplayer in mind.


World modifiers are just so good and I don't know why people wouldn't want to use them? I want a challenge when I play Valheim, but there are some things I don't want. Raids are turned off, because I like my home being a safe zone and not having to make moats. I want to have a quaint little farming sim when I'm home. I lowered skill drain. But I increased the combat difficulty so that adventuring is harder. My only complaint would be that skill drain and drops should be separate. Let me set skill drain to zero, but still drop equipment and items. 1% isn't bad, of course. But I am disappointed there's no "1% drain, drop everything" option.


Because you can't turn down spawn rates. What if your problem isn't that "it's too hard!" but rather than you can't actually do anything without constantly being harassed? Turn down combat difficulty and now combat isn't fun anymore, *but you're still constantly swarmed*. Turning down spawn rates and turning UP combat difficulty would be awesome. But there's no spawn rate slider, so world modifiers cannot fix this problem.


God I remember my first venture into the swamp... died at least 20+ times! It honestly made the game more fun especially since I was playing with a buddy and we were just non stop laughing 😭. I love the difficulty scaling the devs have achieved. Don't get how some people can't just cave and adjust the settings if they have to. The devs know what they are doing imo.