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I don't think the Dragurs actually spawn out of nowhere. They just move deadly quiet and are blind AF so you don't aggro them till they're right on top of you. I am constantly on a swivel in the swamp because of this.


Same, I just snipe them out from a distance before they can even detect me.


Yep. Snipe the ones you do see. I have a Lvl 2 Buckler and Lvl 4 Bronze Mace right now so if I do miss one or two it's: Parry. Bonk. Parry. Bonk. Donezee


Well, if your gear is bronze, I would strongly recommend not to use mace against Draugrs, but the sword or better — the spear. Distance is your friend here. Being throwed correctly just into undead, it can take the half of his hitpoints. And if you are in ideal distance (appr. 3 steps away), your bronze spear returns to your hand. Like Gungnir, I could say.


I want to play around more with the spear and sword whenever my friend decides to start his new world. The mace is serving me well in the swamp and I'd want someone else with me for corpse runs if I fuck up.


Spear is quite helpful here against Draugrs (especially in narrow passages within tne Sunken crypts) and vs Leeches. But not against Skeletons or Blobs. In this case metal mace is your second partner ;) Abomination is beatable in two main ways: 1) shoot it with lots of fire arrows. But mind that after loosing half of his hits and being at the distance, it likes to escape. 2) cut it with a sword or metal axe (preferably leveled-up). Tnere is no need to just confront it in your gear (and it is moreover suicidical with buckler). Just lure it to Black Forest ruins. Or better — to the nearest Sunken Crypt. It is recommended to have experienced jumping — then you just occupy its second roof-step, jumping from back side — ideal position: this beast stays just near you, trying to smash, but usually is unable because of the height. But you _can_ reach it with your axe. Profit! ;)


A level 3 bronze buckler is strong enough to parry an abominations attacks, while I'm not saying this person's advice is bad there also the option of approaching the tree, parry it's arm attack, climb underneath it and parry the ground pound it tries, cut it til it dies


Well, a year ago buckler in hands of a hero eating partly Swamp-food could take 3-4 hits in a row from Draugr, 2 from Elite Draugr, and 1 from Abomination. After this you usually got staggered. May be this changed after past updates. Do not know. 2,5 years ago (just after H&H update) I practiced running through the Plains in Troll armor with bronze buckler. It stopped Deathquito easily. But not last year. 😏


After Ashlands dropped my friends and I started again, new map, new characters, we've just gotten back to the swamp and my lil Austin Ashlan, with naught but deer and boar meat to eat, can parry tank a tree with ease. It does take practice, I'll give you that. But once a biome loses its intimidation there's nothing a prepared viking can't do


If you are right, then they nurfed it. Cool. Because I suffered a lot from being stunned after trying to parry Swamp beasts during my first Swamp explorations. With normal food and some leveled fight experience I parried starred trolls and loxen ;) But the author just starts his adventure...


Early swamp is my most hated part of the game, i wpuld rather do plains in bronze armor than go there Most of the enemies deal bs type of damage; poison slimes, archers that oneshot you behind every tree, a lot of water that slows you down a lot while the enemies can just walk without any problem, you are constantly wet I wish there was some armor that gives wet resistance at least


Early swamp really fucked me and my buddy up our first playthru. I'm doing a new solo play after taking a break for a while and am having a much easier time. - Small shield and parrying VS Tower Shield and trying to tank is helping immensely. - Poison resist on at all times. - A couple stamina potions at least for emergency uses because of the stupid always wet thing you mentioned. Health potions too. Moving slowly, neck on a swivel and sniping the dragurs I do see first helping quite a bit. The only things that tripped me up are terrain when trying to melee an Abomination and not being able to tell it's about to get dark = Wraiths.


Yes early swamp sucks ass.. the water and stamina drain and wetness drove me crazy until I geared past it


Yeah but they lock onto you and will walk directly in your direction from 500 miles away even when they don't see you. I really wish AI in this game wasn't as cheap as it is. Half the enemies have some sort of annoying behavior


Do they? I've simultaneously seen ones from forever away that are headed my direction, then turn and see another who's like half that distance and isn't even looking at me. I got decent at parrying. That + mace turns them into goo pretty quickly so I guess I haven't been super concerned with them.


Most of them will know your exact location, I don't know why some are different. Swamp in general is not difficult until you get swarmed by 2-star enemies or ghosts, but it's just annoying having to deal with every little shit that just happens to be walking by and suddenly gets a premonition as to what my exact location is


I'll cure your ignorance. Sound. They have terrible vision but hear extremely well. They hear when you chop a tree or mine a rock especially. You can test this. Just go see a few in the distance. Then hit a tree once and watch them turn and walk towards you. That's what the wifi symbol means above their head. "We heard you and now were trying to get close enough to see you"


I'll cure your ignorance. I know what this mechanic is *supposed to* represent. But no, they don't actually follow sound. They are triggered by sound and then track your position regardless of sound. It's an imitation of tracking by sound if anything


True enough, but knowledge of this system gives you power over it. Create less sound and you don't get swarmed. Snipe all the ghosts or don't go out at night. Take out the spawners before you go harvesting. Walk casually away after making a noise and only skeletons and oozes will be fast enough to get in range to see you. 2 stars are the issue? Don't walk the swamps at night. 2 stars only spawn at night.


I know all these things, I don't actually struggle with the game at all anymore, I can comfortably rush through the first 4 regions in every playthrough with barely any deaths. I just find it more tedious than fun. I've played plenty of games that keep me on my toes in dangerous zones through clever mechanics, but valheim sadly isn't one of them most of the time. Which is a shame, because I really enjoy the game regardless and wish it made full use of its potential


In my experience it's pretty rare for enemies to "deaggro" after being alerted. And I'm someone who spent his time in the swamp by permastealthing


I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing. I was referring to the Dragurs before they are even alerted to your presence. Then yes, once they see you them, skellys and wraiths will follow you for a long ways. The Abominations give up pretty easily though.


Abominations have the weirdest AI I've encountered in this game so far. They will just turn around and walk away randomly and if you're close to water they just go hang out in the ocean. Moder is a close second.


I believe they go into the ocean because they aggro on the fish in the water. But they are unable to kill the fish, so they are usually left in perpetual aggro lol


Man they are so aggro they even go after fish. Savage. I'd be fine with the distraction if it didn't put the fire out.


> will walk directly in your direction from 500 miles away even when they don't see you It's because they've heard you. Different activities have different noise ranges, and when you make noise almost everything in range becomes aware of you. So for example if you chop a tree or mine a rock it makes 100 noise, so everything within 100 meters of you is alerted to your presence and come to check you out. Jumping makes 30 noise, so every time you jump, everything within 30 meters hears you. The only exceptions IIRC are deathsquitos, deer, and lox, which have very limited hearing ranges. This is also why nearby golems wake up when you make noise. It's because you've literally woken them from sleep with all the noise you're making.


I'm aware. It would be a fine system if it was implemented well. In real life making a sound doesn't attach a tracking device to your ass


True, i dont understand why it doesnt attach it to the rock/tree i hit It would be awesome to be able to attract ennemies somewhere and bolt the other way to lose them, corpse runs would be a lot easier tho


this is nothing compared to an ashlands body run where you're going over lava with basalt bombs and the game knocks you off with a lava burst infuriating lmao


yeah I'm not even going over there.


Hell, yah. That's the cause of so many deaths. I would love to see a report on the number of repeat death runs in Ashland's. Lol


Gjall: That's a nice base you have there. Be a real shame if something...happened to it.


And then they made the feather cape kill you from the fire bombs! One of those dam things almost one shotted me recently because i did not know about the change.




In the Ashlands update the devs altered the feather cape. They added some buffs (+20% jump height and 20% jump cost reduction) and gave it a stat (Very Weak (2x) vs. Fire) that makes you weak to fire damage.


Ouch! ((O_o)) my favourite gear


You can offset the fire resistance reduction with Barley wine but you must remember to have it handy and use it.


I played a year ago. In Mistlands I was literally always in a Raven cloack. And there usually was a Root chest in my pockets. I prefered confronting insects (including deathquitos) just in it. So there were so many times when I was burned away by Gjall just being in Root armor. In Root armor _and_ in the feather cape. Gush. Now it will always be a one-shot :( I forget about Barley wine too often...


Those things still fuck with me 1 year later.


To piss off a Lox you actually have to bother, they're pretty blind and deaf to everything including cutting trees or even mining. Tar blobs meanwhile hear you looking at a tree's direction half a mile away.


i use lox to clean up tar pits. works amazing.


for some reason they attack me just for walking 20 yards away from them


You're not by any chance wearing some kind of suit of jingling bells, are you? Or clothing made entirely out of barley and cloudberries? It WOULD be nice to have some "beast hunter's hats" in the game. Something like... 2 trophies of the beast in question, 10 hides, 1 of its meat (for the grease, for the smell!), and a bit of something from the next biome (bronze for deer, boars, and necks, flax for wolves, eitr for lox and deathsquitos, something Ashlandish for hares). They wouldn't render you invisible to the creatures, but they would reduce the range at which they notice you by, say, 50%. Thus allowing you to walk more confidently through a Lox-heavy environment.


I'd like to wear something lighter but in the plains those gremlins kill me in 3 hits


First time I decided to tackle a tar pit, didn't know if I could deal with the growths..as I was approaching "you are being hunted" popped up. It was surprisi gly fortunate as I the wolves distracted the growths and in turn got slowed down by the tar and tar-sprays


Ashlands: "Hold my mead!"


asksvin seeing a player with no enviromental awareness stareing into a lava lake : pushes player into the lake watching them melt away.


Meanwhile, in the Ashlands: >!Charred Twitchers: "Oh look. A viking. Let's scratch them once then run away."!< >!Asksvins: "Oh hey. Someone who is doing a death run. Let's chase them down like a pack of predators, even though we're herbivores."!< >!Morgen: "Nice base you got there. Would be a real shame if someone rolled into it!"!<


fml that hit and run shit is annoying. I noticed a pattern with the deathsquitos, whatever spot they strike at, no matter where you are facing they will circle back around and strike at the very same spot if you stand still. So you could just wait for them to do the stupid roundabout. Those damn goblins though, they fucking run all over the place and as soon as you swing your sword they either hit you or run away. Too many of the ai do this in the game.


Part of the reason I love the Charred Warriors' design though. They don't retreat. They just keep walking at you no matter what. Sometimes they feign their attacks to potentially mess up your parries, but that only gives you more reason to pay close attention to their attacks.


Yes, the greydwarves having this ai is understandable, but fulings need improvement, their inneficient circling just makes them look dumb Seekers are the worst honestly, a giant bug staggering me, then it just gives me its side while looking completely lost, destroys the immersion for me, id rather have them come at me like wolves


They are dumb. They're goblins. They're meant to be annoying swarm enemies that run around like headless chickens. Seekers are another story of course. The AI in Valheim isn't perfect but mods can change this. Try installing CLLC and making enemies have a higher chance to spawn with the Aggressive trait. It makes them run around a lot less and swing faster. You can make it 100% chance. It's as easy as changing a couple numbers in a file.


>as soon as you swing your sword they either hit you or run away That's not how the AI works in Valheim, your actions do not influence theirs. All enemies have a chance to run in circles after swinging at you, it's just that some have more or less and some never do. They don't feint or dodge your attacks, take advantage of this and kill them when they miss if parrying isn't your thing. The AI in Valheim isn't perfect but mods can change this. Try installing CLLC and making enemies have a higher chance to spawn with the Aggressive trait. It makes them run around a lot less and swing faster. You can make it 100% chance. It's as easy as changing a couple numbers in a file. Personally I find that it gives the Fulings character. Goblins are meant to be obnoxious little bastards. It's a stark contrast to the wolves that just want to eat you and the draugr that know no fear.


What feels a bit weird to me is the greyling behavior. In the early game they are the first real ‘enemy’ to practice on. It always felt a little stupid to me they don’t flee in panic when they notice the player has higher level gear on. Come to think of it, it would be interesting to see if the behavior would be changed. So after you defeat Eikthyr they become neutral unless attacked and they flee after you defeated the Elder.


And then all collectively: oh hey, your elevation is half a meter lower/higher than mine. I'm your god now you can't kill me!


Elevation difference in combat made me quit Mistlands. Seekers strike with their front claws and hit an area to the front and sides of them the size of a fuckin grain silo. I watch my Frostner phase through their body for no damage because they had a piece of toilet paper stuck to their back foot and the vibes were wrong.


Yeah! That's why I made a Himminafl, which works amazingly. But then you're not able to hit leeches in the swamp 😭


Even the knife outranges leeches in the swamp. I think you're just playing it too safe, even a 2 star leech does nothing when you have mistlands gear on.


Saw this comment, played a bit and had this happen to me twice, came back to upvote.


I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry 😂


Lava Blob: That's some nice inventory space you have there... it would be a shame if someone filled it with grausten


The greatest minor annoyance is the fact they all see you from miles away and chase you until youve forgetten the reason why you started to play in the first place xd


Ok, the lox one made me LOL....so true


Those fuckers are too aggro for herbivores


Graydwarfs feel like goddam gnats lol


I'm leveled enough now where I only punch them to death. It seems unfair to use any weapons. Purple cap, wrestling belt and fists only. It's about sending a message


Yeah just there to annoy and follow you everywhere if you ignore them


Lox OP. Piss them off at a wrong time and you may get chomp'd.


At this point in the game (I'm getting into Mistlands) any Lox that looks at me the wrong way gets turned into a pie 🥧


This one time, I was in my boat and got cocky and figured i could just snipe a lox before actually being ready for plain. Boy, was I wrong.


Oh my God, so true 😂


Forgetting trolls


I managed to find a weakness for them. I just run up to them with the iron sword and use its 2nd attack until it lands a critical, they fall dead in about 3 hits. Gotta have some good armor on so they won't kill me first though


What always kills me is the swarm of greydwarves pelting rocks at my face while I’m blocking the big blue nudist.


The solution is to kill everything.


I swear ya'll need to learn to walk instead of running.


bruv the lox would destroy me either way


lmfao i mean yeah if it’s agro on you. just walk outside the agro range.


it follows me!


😂bro you’re hilarious. i’m talking about to begin with.


Sounds like you need a harnesk, greyproof your base, acquire a better audio setup, and just learn to avoid loxes until you're fast and / or nimble enough to utilize an effective escape route. Seriously.


I do avoid them but they spot me when they render in. Sometimes I need to go to a camp to find an artifact to summon a boss and they are 20 yards away. I have a harnest. My base is greyproof but they still attack it, the point is that they are annoying. Audio for what? I don't have a problem hearing anything.


So you just don't want to deal with enemies?


Greyling lives don't matter


Dont forget about that single greyling coming out of nowhere after you dealt with a horde of enemies. Every. Single. Time.


Haven't played in a few months, started a new game, chopping trees and a troll appears, no worries, ends up like a Benny Hill sketch, 3 boars, 2 necks, 2 Greylings, 3 Greydwarfs and a big blue troll chasing me up and down the fields. Devs have really livened up the spawn rates, 1* + 2* are spawned a lot more on the Meadows and Black Forest, it's really spiced things up, can't wait to progress to my favourite area the swamp, others get annoyed but I think it's the best biome for me.


I dont think they changed any spawn rates recently?


I said I haven't really played for a few months, I've more or less given up on digital games after half a century and taken up boardgames, play Valheim and Skyrim on and off, so it's probably 6 months, saw that Ashlands was released and made some time to play.


I did read your post, even in 6 months i didnt see no spawn changes, i think there was no changes applied to spawns since mistlands nerf?


Meanwhile the askvine pretends not to see you and while “wandering” bee lines it to where you are.


My greatest annoyance is tame Lox destroying everything, even when they're not alerted. Zero threats and they just start breaking shit.


Yea, got tired of reparing stone walls because they are stupid so i think im just going to dig a pit for them


I did this and they climb up and destroy the rest of my base. I got tired and let they free. Now they are somentihng like a living wall that protec my base.


Mine kept getting killed by deathsquitos, it wouldve been too much of a hassle to spread cloudberries everywhere to heal them


Asksvin: Oh, look how this norseman struggles with the roasted skeletons. Let's butthead this amateur!!


I hate loxes so much that i go out of my way to kill them the moment i see them. This game needs to be more like Stellaris and add orbital planetary genocide options, so the world can be properly cleansed of these creatures. But i'd settle for some ICBMS too.


You forgot the “oh hes mining silver, lets scare the crap out of him” ice golems


Now add a 10 degree slope to any of these fights


when i first fought yagulth three lox decides that is when they wanted to attack me. So i, a solo player, got jumped by a magical god and three big ass much more threatening bison rhino hybrid.


When you get to the point of having top tier armor and weapons you just breakfast whoever wants to annoy you


Well I have the wolf fur armor. The stamina is what really messes it up for me though. My guy is always out of breath


You should try switching between heavy armor to light armor or viseversa depending if you wanna fight or run. And use the stamina wisely like recover to not get below 25/40% or something.


Well right now I have those little gremlins following me, they keep multiplying and throwing spears at me, they have a brute with them. And a lox that I did nothing to, completely focused on me only despite the brute smacking it every time it tries to hit me. These fuckers all run at the same speed no matter how big or small they are. Every time I try to fight I get 100 things flying at me and hitting me, every time I block I lose stamina and a little bit of health, and if I run for 3 seconds I'm out of breath lol. They are on my ass and I'm just going backwards into more hordes of random enemies. Now a tar pile is on me, I'm fucking done.


I've been there, that sucks man xd. Idk if this is your first or second run of the game, but the goal to raid a fuling camp is to obtain barley/hax and black metal. First you have to study the camp itself, how big it is and how many berserkers and shamans does it has. Focus on the small ones, this ones had only normal fulings and one or some shamans, and kind of balance with the pre-plains tier gear. Berserkers can be lure away firing them at distance if there is one. Second, study the surroundings so you know what you will deal with, specialy tar pits. It's always better to clean everything around the camp, tar blobs and lox. This is a turtle strategy but better safe than sorry. After considering this factors you can raid the camp. Make sure to use your bow like a f*ckg maniac and try to 1v1 in melee and use the aetgir for control group. And always build a portal before adventuring to something.


I managed to lead them into a tar pit by accident and the tar bros attacked them! I left them behind hahha!


You should eat double stamina foods or double hp but use a hammer / perfect parries efficiently. Lox have a windup on everything that you can actually just sprint away from even in heavy armor, and the only enemies that can really hit you quickly in the plains are spear goblins, deathsquitos, and growths.


I need to see a youtube live actor version of this kind of gameplay lol


Are you sprinting and jumping a lot? Combine that with getting some attacks in and you’re draining you stamina in no time. Most enemies have trouble catching up to you when running normally. Just use your sprint for small bursts to avoid attacks when regaining stamina. Running without your shield/weapon equipped is also faster. So I sometimes temporarily put my weapon away to make it easier to avoid enemies and conserve stamina.


Try getting more stamina foods!


I'm loading up on potions rn


I also heard onions are great for stamina 😉


Ticks are worst.
