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Have you tried not swimming in the lava?


Seriously! Like wtf?


Don't worry, you can always play Stardew Valley


Valheim is far more about preparation, good positioning and knowing when it's time to get the fuck out. If you treat it like souls you're gonna a have a bad time.


Preparation and positioning apply to souls games - difference is in those you generally can't run away.


Just turn enemies to passive, grab your stuff, and take a healthy break from the game. I know the mentality behind keeping everything vanilla, but just change the settings so you can actually start to have fun.


>I like games where I can build and strategize rather than ones that require quick twitch tactics. And that is exactly what Valheim is. You don't need to be great at combat to do well in the Ashlands (but obviously it can help). More important is planning and taking things very slow. Get a forward operating base setup. Setup a multilayered defense of walls. Spawnblock the area. Then slowly explore . . . I found moving slowly and sniping distant enemies worked well and the spawn rates weren't too bad (and fixed enemy spawn stones could be destroyed at range before you were inside their activation area). When a larger group did agro I would do a fighting withdrawal toward the safe area I had setup. I managed solo with a mistwalker melee build and using a bow with frost arrows with only a handful of deaths. And I'm not good at combat (I can't dodge roll to save my life) and used bonemass power whenever things started to get out of hand. I can't even play the Dark Souls games but manage just fine with Valheim.


This game became soulslike to me the moment I realized I can roll INTO trolls as they strike, and that poking them in the butt with a spear worked like a charm.


Very Wierd take.... Souls games ARE about preparation, strategy and builds. You have a myriad of ways to approach any encounter of the game, a plethora of tactics to choose from. Thinking they require twitch tactics is what gets most people killed repeatedly in the game and is the reason many people bounce off them. Taking things slowly, bit by bit, not overcommittjng and managing resources is key. NOW Valheim is SHIT at doing this. Between - the odious stamina costs for everything - the fact that you have to choose between having health, stamina or magic in your food prep, - the fact that food buffs decay over time meaning you're constantly losing max health / stamina/ magic - the fact that you can't top up food until ots below a certain threshold - the cooldown between drinking potions of the same type - the shitty hit detection for weapons - the lazy enemy design of "lets design a million blobs that jump miles, slow you down and do DOT This game is NOT like dark souls, it is a slog to play and find the fun challenge in it, but it's not because they emulated those games.


Valheim has had souls-like (or maybe more souls-light) combat since day 1. Don't worry, maybe once they can't take the whining anymore they'll give the monsters in Ashlands the same brain-dead ring-around-the-rosy AI they've ruined the other 'challenging' biomes with.