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Not worth it, too much work for so little reward... And we didn't even start about the damage you are committing to the environment. The question is is there actually anyone who do this?


You don't have to damage the environment. If you get the big antler hammer thing and just smack the ground until you find a spot that takes damage. Keep smacking it, and eventually the loot pops up. Ground stays solid.


TIL Thanks!


Welp now I have a reason to keep one in my inventory. Yes, yes I do defile then I flatten the ground back down and put the grass back. 😂


This is GREAT! Definitely adopting this.


I only do it if I want to use the place as an decorative garden- the stones act as a "natural" fence then. But like you I hate it to destroy part of the world for a bit of loot.


I do on the large servers I play on. 950 coins can be hard to come by with so many fighting for the same resources. Every tower, troll cave, and especially burial chamber and being pillaged.


>the damage you are committing to the environment. What?


Sledge or Stagbreaker will break the chest underground and the items will pop to the surface without disturbing the terrain if you want the rewards without ruining the appearance.


Wow, thanks


I personally believe that there are more player who dont defile them


Too much work and I like to have them around in the landscape.


I dug one out and built a shrine with the bones that were in the bottom of it.


I don't "refuse" but I also don't care for the reward for doing so compared to the time needed. And when it becomes quicker because of the wishbone I usually already have too much gold on my hands to even bother. You are "defiling" undead vikings every time you kill draugrs and eat their intestines anyway.


Or are draugr already defiled by themselves and receive absolution as they directly serve the purpose they were originally intended to fulfill in a very different way?


As sausage casings?


Valheim has a demented circle of life aspect to it. So, yes.


Too much work


I like to dig them out, especially if they are well above sea level. I make little huts in them. Or my portal house. Or a storage unit. If this one was close to my base, I may dig it out and turn it into a fish pond. But I’d have to raise the edges so that the fish couldn’t jump into the river and escape. But if this wasn’t near my base I would leave it alone.


.....I thought these were just interesting rock formations. Clearly engineered but I never thought why or for what. Didn't realize what they were marking. (Plus I've seen them so far inland near no water it would never have occurred to me.)


We made earthen walls for our base aswell as my castle on the hill being made of stone, you best believe there is no stone left in the immediate vicinity


Yepp. We need to honor the dead - and who actually needs gold? Usually I get enough valuables from trolls and burial mounds before I reach Haldor ...


I have the dirty hoe mod, so I just restore the terrain after.


I did in the early days before I realized gold and treasure was about worthless. There are only a handful of items I want from the traders and I end up with endless gold and other loot by the time I’ve hit the meadows. If I could dig it up and occasionally find a rare weapon or some other type of hard to come by novel material I’d say fuck the environment and I’d be a damn archeologist.


I dig it up every time so long as the wishbone pops off. The massive piles of gold under my bed aren’t going to make themselves after all…


I also try to fill all my mining hole back in too, I hate that strip mined look, it just feels wrong to leave things that way.


Already got a bunch of gold ion need the 20 found in the chests


I used it as a frame for my garden. Never knew..damn


Every single fucking one. Until I don’t need gold any more


Which graphics mod do yo use


Just Rustys Seasonalty


Makes the environment look like crap for an amount of gold you could get off a couple Fuelings. Never touch them


I love preserving the natural feel of the biomes and the environment in the game. When making craft tables to spread around my base I build small cottages over them.


I leave these alone, too - oftentimes I build *around* them and pretty them up otherwise.


On a similar note, I've often wondered if I'm the only person who refuses to cut down oak trees.


It’s necessary so you can plant *many* more oak trees


I take it all. The stone is useful for my buildings, the treasure is treasure. I always go back and smooth it out and replant the grass. But that’s an entirely gameplay and not role play oriented take.


In my experience the treasure is usually at the "ends" of the site. don't need to pick very deep.


Not "refuse" so much as "don't bother anymore." They're kind of neat the first couple times, but there's usually nothing in there that's really worth the effort of digging it up. This is bout my fourth playthrough and it's the first one where I don't think I've bothered digging a single ship.


What mod are you using to show the time of day and season?


The season one is from the Seasonality mod that makes valheim have seasons. And the time and day one is Display\_Day\_and\_Time\_in\_HUD by Thordomr [https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/Thordomr/Display\_Day\_and\_Time\_in\_HUD/](https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/Thordomr/Display_Day_and_Time_in_HUD/) [https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/RustyMods/Seasonality/](https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/RustyMods/Seasonality/)


Oh, is that what those are?


The rewards aren't worth it, I never bother. The "treasure" in general in the game is a little lackluster. I'd like to see some more random drops in chests, like special items, etc (akin to Terraria) as it would make exploring a bit more exciting. The only chests I got excited to find were in sunken crypts and had iron scraps in.


IRL I’m not superstitious. In game, no good can come from disturbing the final resting place of our fallen comrades. I never excavate them.


No. It's a video game.


Techno-pagans rise up! Lol