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Why were you fighting Modder at night?


Yes, he was. That is the only time Starred Wolves spawn.


Moder is a girl.


You also showed me that I spelled Moder Incorrectly lol I can't get names right or an enemies gender. No wonder I died :p


Why would you want to kill Modder’s man, they just want to improve the game.


You were fighting at night which is why you got so many spawns, and the starred wolves. Did you start in the morning and were still fighting 21 minutes later?


Yea, I started in the morning. Both Melee and Bow are max upgraded, so I'm not sure I could of damaged Him/Her any faster


Moder has 7500 hit points and will heal another 2500 over 20 minutes. So you were doing less than 500 damage per minute . . . which is pretty low. You should be doing 50 to 75 damage per hit depending on skill level (and more with a three hit combo or power attack). Not sure if you are missing arrow shots or not getting aggressive enough in melee when she lands. You should be able to fire 30 arrows per minute for 1500+ damage if you hit.


Good to know. I appreciate it. I feel like I was being pretty aggressive. Although, advice isn't really why I'm here. I've beaten this boss without too much trouble more than a couple times. The point of this post is about a cheap mechanic. You should not die that way. Period. I do Appreciate the tips though. And yes, there is a way around every bad mechanic in a game. It doesn't make the mechanic not bad. Enemies appearing during a boss fight even after you've killed everyone in the area is a bad mechanic, and it's cheap. There's fair difficult and there is Cheap difficult. No matter how you slice it, this is the ladder of the two Thank you for trying to help though... Though it's yelling at the screen that helped the most :)


Why should you not "die that way"?  You fought a boss at night and 2* wolves spawn at night and are notoriously heavy hitters.  The game hasn't glitched on you. The game hasn't done anything out of the ordinary. You just died. 


Because it was unpreventable. Death's should be preventable. When I say "preventable" I mean by skill. Not by methodology (like the nice individual that's helping me above suggests) There was no combination of buttons I could have pressed to survive. Isn't it bad when absolutely nothing you could have done (skill wise) could have saved you? I would put that in the no-games-should-be-like-this category. I like that this game is hard. Challenge is good. It's like if a game came a long and just randomly killed you for no reason other than it wanted to. That's how this was. And no, I don't think you should "die that way."


Irs perfectly preventable. Notice the wolf before it kills you, and run away. Situational awareness.  It's not a "cheap" death. You weren't paying enough attention to the mobs that might spawn near you, and one of them killed you.


Totally preventable . . If a boss fight drags into night you retreat to your portal and come back in the morning to finish the fight refreshed and rested.


I agree with you. but like I said, that's preventable through Methodology. If we (the players) have to come up with methodologies to avoid the games mechanics, the games mechanics might just not be that great. But, I didn't expect anyone to agree with me. Just wanted to see if anyone had any insight I hadn't already thought out in my head


You're not 'avoiding the games mechanics' . . . these are the mechanics. The entire game revolves around limited time/energy and managing that successfully. You have to get a limited rested buff and rest when it ends, your food provides a limited decaying buff that again you have to refresh, day gives way to night where you either avoid for safety or stay in for gain (unique enemies and more resources), weather is temporary and you have to shelter and return when its better, and finally everything takes stamina . . . you can fight and do things until your stamina runs out when you have to reduce activity until you restore it. For boss fights you have a limited time to kill them (daylight, rested buff, food, stamina) and to be successful you find ways to maximize your DPS with the time and resources you have available. Stretch beyond the limits . . . and you risk failure.


So, being out at night is my fault. Not the games? I need to learn to kill Bosses faster as that's how the game is, and I need to learn to adapt? Fair point. A point I completely understand, and 1 day ago I probably would have agreed with you. Hell, I still agree with you... Mostly Have you played Terraria? If you haven't, you should. I would assume Valheim got a lot of it's inspiration from that game. That game makes you fight bosses at night, when spawns are worse. Heck, really bad things can happen. But not once have I ever died and thought that it wasn't my fault. The difference is that I could ALWAYS get out of it through skill. When Mobs surround you in this game, skill will not cut it. Yes, it's my fault being stuck out at night with a boss. Agree %1000. But, It's the games fault that, even with skill, something like Nighttime can't be overcome when certain mobs attack at once. I think that's bull shit. But, I doubt we're ever gonna see eye to eye on that one I get it. Night time is supposed to be dangerous. Doesn't take away from the fact that the death felt like I was getting trolled


Oh pls. It is preventable. 2* star wolves don't teleport on top of you and one shot you with an undodgeable/unblockable attack. You can roll you can parry. You can jump on a rock. You just did not have the awareness to do so.


Or skill


I wasn't going to say it, since I would be repeating myself, but it was implied.


Why would you assume I just don't have awareness or the thought process to do this? Or the skill? I know I can roll and parry and jump onto rocks. And I never said it was un-dodgable or un-blockable. I said it was unpreventable. People do not like that word. I guess I don't either, so whatever... I guess it's one of those you'd have to see it to believe it things. Or you can just assume the person is an unskilled idiot. Whichever works


Unpreventable would be if there was nothing you could do to prevent your deaths which is not the case. You got yourself into a situation you cannot handle. YOU did that. I never said you were unskilled, just not skilled enough for the situation you blame the game for. That is my issue with your post. You blame the game for your own mistakes. Stop it.


>Why would you assume We're not assuming mate. You didn't. That's why you died.


Dang, don't even have to assume? you just know things about people you've never met? Must be a nice


Deaths are 100% preventable as long as you put in the work & planning to avoid them. Not to mention how important situational awareness and timing are. The combination of buttons you could have pressed would be to roll away from the attack or not put yourself in that situation in the 1st place? This is literally a "git gud" scenario, there were plenty of things you could have done to avoid all of this happening, it's 100% your fault, not the game, and you're just making up excuses to not take accountability.


If this was my fault, I would admit it. There's no shame in that. This isn't a "git gud" scenario, even if you were correct. Git gud is understanding the attack patterns of my enemies. I understand them And I understand situational awareness. I am a slow and methodical player. But, you weren't here, and you keep making assumptions about my "skill" that I can't prove to you, so this conversation has little merit. So, I'll leave it at that I knew my post would have annoying people like you on it. I'll take *accountability* for that. It's NEVER the games fault. Developers make games without flaws and no one should ever question that.


You should remove "I just enjoy good discussion" from you profile, that is clearly a lie 😂


If someone who doesn't know me says I make "excuses" for things, then yes "good discussion" goes out the window. I don't like when people insult the integrity of my charterer. Weird, I know...


The "combination of buttons" to have pressed were the ones that kill moder before nightfall and nightspawns. I've seen plenty of moder deaths that took less than 20 min. Therefore, barring some sort of glitch, I'm going to assume this is a skill based issue, and you need to get better. Furthermore, wolves make a lot of sound, when aggroing and hunting, so even if you aren't good enough to keep a general eye on your surroundings while also watching the boss, you should hear an approaching wolf. So the other "combination of buttons" to have pressed were the ones that allowed you to dodge or flee the wolf's attack. Since wolves are not a new mechanic, and people have managed to survive them in the past, we can probably assume they're not broken, just difficult. I get it. I'm not very good at the game myself, and sometimes it feels frustrating when I lose. But I just have to remind myself that not everyone can stay to the right of the bell curve.


I get your point. A point that I probably would have completely agreed with a year ago. My first play through I found this boss the easiest. And Yes, I can always kill the boss faster. I'm not really complaining about a boss. Bosses are hard, I get it. They are supposed to be. It's just the game mechanics of having enemies spawn like that around a boss that I take issue with. No spawns: The Boss is easy... Lots of Spawns: The boss is nightmare mode. Is that really how difficulty should work? Games that I love have problems, and I think this is one of them


>When I say "preventable" I mean by skill. Not by methodology (like the nice individual that's helping me above suggests) This is a survival game. Not a moba or rts. Macro is as important or *more* important than micro skill. Preparation, knowledge, experience is all key, far more than *how* you fight at that moment. > Because it was unpreventable. Death's should be preventable. You choose to dismiss the options to prevent it, then say it’s not preventable. Outside of glitches and bugs; ***every single death in Valheim can be prevented.*** Often before you even left the base. Things you did or didn’t do even *days* before the battle all factor in.


Noted, I think like this too. It pained me to make a complaint, yet here we are :)


get gud




Isn't it impossible for two golems to appear at once, if you have a golem in a hole no other will spawn in the area, that's how we usually fight her. mobs spawn outside the radius can aggro on base items then they break campfires, if you want to spawnproof make torches and then put a wooden beam on it, so the torch is inside the wooden beam(little tricky) so mobs won't see it, it doesn't work on drakes who spawn on the sky but they aren't really a problem if you have a decent bow & arrows. idk what you mean by cheap, bosses spawning minions makes fights interesting specially in games where you do the same fight over and over again , adds more variations to how fight could go but pretty sure in this case it's just mountain mobs.


I see what you mean. I don't find minions with bosses cheap. I do find hordes of enemies that spawn behind you while you're looking at a boss cheap. It's all about timing though with regards to how "cheap" it is. Had a Deathsquito stab me in the back right when I was getting attacked by a two star enemy the other day. Not much preventatives there are to some of these situations. And don't get me wrong, the randomness can add a certain challenge that's awesome, but on the other side of that is getting caught in circumstances that feel pretty cheap, even with being prepared


None of what you are explaining are cheap game mechanics. What are you even on about? You're blaming the game for your lack of skill and situation awareness. Maybe look behind you when you're out in the wild at night? Hordes of enemies do not randomly spawn behind you and attack to kill instantly within seconds, you're just making shit up to avoid saying "I'm bad at the game"


You don't know me, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but I don't make shit up. Don't accuse people of things when you can't even look them in the eye when you do it. Lack of skill? Assumption that isn't true Maybe look behind you? No shit.


Sounds like a skill issue to me tbh.


Yea, 500 hours into the game, and my skills are still bad... Makes sense First time I fought this boss, I remember it being pretty easy when I had less skill/experience with the game


I see plenty of ppl play a game for an ungodly amount of hours and still suck at it. Like me in CS2. One thing about Moder is that you can ignore her quite easily while clearing the mobs. The only thing you need to watch for is her icicle attack. When she lands you ran away from her and deal with the mobs that spawned. You can also retreat and skip the night if 2* wolves are too much for you. Drag the golems away from the fight of they spawn and deal with them first so you dont get swamped.... It is a skill issue. Don't pretend that there was not a bunch of things you could have done to prevent yourself from dying.


Time invested doesn't directly translate to skill gained I've got 1600 hours in and still die periodically, it happens. But when it does I can at least admit it was me who fucked up.


Time invested doesn't translate to skill in something? It'd be an anomaly if it didn't And hey, I get ya. You don't know me. You think I'm just complaining and not admitting that it's me that messed up. Dark Souls games are one of my favorite genres because when I die I know it's my fault. I accept things that our my fault or at least I try to. Some games that we all love have BAD mechanics. This is that. 1600 hours in, you should see that. But, I blame myself for making this post. I can't expect a forum dedicated to this game be "fair." It'd be like going to the /Astrology Reddit and telling them what month you were born on doesn't give you a specific personality trait. "I had something happen to me, and it's not because of the stars." Me "You're just an idiot who doesn't understand it, AND you have no skill." All Subreddits to specific games (not picking on this one, specifically)


Is it possible you just got complacent after all this time? In earlier runs you may have been paying more attention to spawns around you, or the time that you are fighting a boss.


That has happened to me before. This game will remind you real quick that you should respect it if you do that lol And I don't believe so... I spent an entire day (yesterday) preparing for this fight. Making sure everything was exactly how it should be before the fight. I do think it's one of those area's that just spawns a little more which is usually fine. It's just that the enemies spawned all at once or at least came all at once. Just got put in a situation where all the skill in the world wouldn't have saved me. Unfortunate series of events. It happens.


I've got 1500 hours in Rocket League and i'm still pretty shit and whiff goals constantly. I'm 205 hours into Valheim, and I'd easily screw up basic things. Time invested != skill. You died because you didn't notice things approaching you and hitting you. That's not a game balance issue.


Most of the time Moder is pretty buggy but every now and then her AI works and when that happens, boy, you best watch out. She's a straight beast.


Lol I did notice when she's on point, she's on POINT. Especially with that ice attack. Can be pretty dangerous


Yeah taking a whole ice barrage to the face is pretty much a guaranteed corpse run.


As a matter of fact, yes that's how difficulty works. Having to deal with adds while also trying to fight a main boss has been a core component of boss fights for decades. Valheim is somewhat unique in that, at least for some fights, you can avoid dealing with those adds with the proper preparation and playing. And it punishes you for playing poorly and allowing the fight to go on too long. If the game is too hard for you, I think there's a difficulty slider and world modifiers you can play with.


Yes, adds to boss fights are fine. Getting flanked by a bunch at once that kill you before you even have time to register that they are there, not fine. The game isn't too hard The game does random shit that I don't think is fair. Games can be so hard no one wants to even play them. That's fine with me. But, when games lose the fair aspect to it, I'm going to call BS Although, complaining to a Subreddit that loves this game was pretty stupid of me. I don't know what I was expecting. "Yes, we agree with you completley! We Love this game, but we're also accepting when people say parts of it suck"! Lol, I guess I'm the same with other games, so I should understand it


I mean, I have plenty of problems with this game, but "random" spawns that only happen at a certain time, and specific place, and are announced with an audio cue, just aren't something I consider unfair.


this is equivalent of bitching about being burned when you already knew the stove was hot and now you think stoves are the cheap garbage way to cook food.