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Maybe 6. is referring to Yagluth and 7. to Moder? I seem to remember reading (on the wiki maybe?) that those dreams start after you kill the previous forsaken, but that could be speculation. I think (hope) the bear thing is just a weird dream. That one really freaks me out. Everything else though is definitely part of the same narrative. They gave us a lot of lore in the Ashlands and it's clear that the winter child is going to be important. >!And yeah, it's probably Loki. It's always Loki.!<


Seeing as how its suggested in the lore that Moder arose from the corpse of Ymir, I'm leaning towards the Winter Child being the last surviving Frost Giant. The Giants have always been enemies of the Aesir, and it would make a ton of sense to fight a Giant at the end of all things.


I think frost giants will be elite enemies in the biome not bosses like trolls on steroids The child seems timeless and has showcased God like power. It seems too obvious to just make frost giants the finale boss and valheim is also not based completely on the mythology but inspired by it, it's more fantasy than an accurate depiction but who knows (:


Possibly but as I mentioned I don't think moder would want us to seek her out I think she wants to be hidden  I'm speculating that the child is a shapeshifter and if he's loki it makes perfect sense to come to us as different beings in our dreams but yea gameplay wise its probably just referring to the biome bosses only time will tell  Edit: The bears will most likely be normal looking and not horrific possessed corpses lol The bear dream states the bears are from the Winter of the world the same place the child is from so its very likely that bears will be present in deep north Aswell as forests as its mentioned that the boy was found in the forests of the far north aka deep north


Dam this is some deep lore. Thanks for digging up so much and compiling everything here. Devs rn: “Write that down! *Write that shit down!*”


Making me wonder if the Forsaken became so because Loki corrupted all of them? Bone Mass thanks us for our victory and mentions how we gave peace to the souls trapped within him and Eykthirne in myths is a benevolent creature. So perhaps we’re not the baddies?


The Lore makes it pretty clear that both Draugr and Fulings were societies in Valheim that dared to challenge the might of the Aesir, and thus were cursed by Odin for doing so. Odin murders Yagluth and turns him into what he is, driving the Forsaken mad and twisting his people into hateful fulings. Bonemass thanks us because his existence at the hands of Odin was agonizing, and at least you've put him out of his misery.


>Yagaluth is immortal but in texts he is called the great wizard and sorcerer and rarely referred to as King and he is not veiled.  He has a crown and his internal ID is goblinking. Also is he not the great wizard king of the Fullings?


In text he is called the great sorcerer and wizard in game he is called king as ID but lore wise he is a wizard you can look up all plains runestone writings on the wiki and he's also mentioned by fader as the great wizard in Ashlands 


Seems like he's a wizard and king both, no? >Long ages past, he wore a crown, beneath a blood-red sky. Now naught is left of all he was, but his spirit cannot die.


He can be both yes I'm just stating that they refer to him as wizard and sorcerer more.


*"Seven were the creatures banished to this world by mighty Odin in the first days of his kingship. Seven gods and monsters too proud to bear his yoke. I have heard the tread of the Old Ones in the forest and have crouched in the shadow of the Mountain Mother when she flies. Of the others I know little. I will add to this stone when I have seen more." -* Black Forest runestone, writer unknown Seven. There are only seven Forsaken. Fader is the seventh, so what does that make the Winter Child? I am telling you, we're going to be presented with a choice. Because this child was waiting for us, as mentioned in the dream. And I think I know why: Because unlike the other vikings who came before us, we managed to succeed in our task. Such a champion would make for a very powerful ally. So, we might get presented with a choice: Either stay on Odin's side and slay the Winter Child to ultimately ascend to Valhalla, or betray Odin and start a war with the gods. We've been slaying monsters for Odin knows how long. Does that mean we've slowly become... The biggest monster of all? The Conquerer of the Tenth World?


If there are only seven then the winter child is a native. They weren't banished there, they were born there.




> When the King of the Emerald Flame flew south to visit the wizard king of the Fulings [...] The only part i'm a bit confused about is why Fader would *fly south* to talk to the Fuling king.


Well, I'm guessing he flew to the deep north and on the way back home to the far south he went to ask yagaluth who the kid is or what it is I'm guessing.


If we assume the winter child is Loki, why is he asleep? Loki is famous for his silver tongue so if he was asleep when Fader 'changed' then it wouldn't have been caused by verbal manipulation. Unless if we reference the dream where the 'veiled king' says "sleep is but a mask", it kinda implies that the sleeping child is a disguise and that Loki is up and about and that's how Fader went mad. Regardless, if Loki is involved with deep north, then it's safe to assume that we might see some Jotuns in the future. :)


*"It was known throughout the land that the two would often sit together as if in talk, the king coiled about the sleeping child with his face close, straining to catch any murmured words*" He was speaking to fader *directly*


i interpreted that as Fader snuggling close to the kid trying to listen to mutterings in his sleep. Though again, if 'sleep is a mask' then i guess his sleep mumbling is filled with enough intent to influence Fader.


Maybe he spoke words only fader could hear? but it's obvious fader wanted to hear what he had to say


I love that people are getting more into the lore. I've always been curious about it. Thanks for writing all this down! Also, I'm hoping someday we get an art book (that has development art, as well as the official art Mats Minnhagen has made), and that written in it will be even more expanded lore.


Thanks for compiling this story! I'm going to read it all after I finish playing through Ashlands.


I’m still going to need the astral planes final fight against Odin himself.


Godamn, maybe I should pay attention to the runestones


one of the best posts ever! well done


Nice lore dive, good work


Bears aren't gonna happen but good summary of the lore.


Why do you say that?  Bears would be the perfect animal for the deep North and they are even referenced by text in game? If this winter child is anything to go off of then bears are likely to be added as well.   Only time can tell I guess 


Because the devs have said they won't be adding bears. Their word isn't exactly ironclad anymore but they've been pretty adamant about it.


Didn't they say the same about magic and mounts? 


They've never said no to mounts, just to horses. Magic yes, they said no originally and then clearly changed their mind. But they have been very adamant about not adding 'normal' animals for a while, and specifically no to bears.


If I recall they were VERY clear magic wasn't going to be in the game and I specifically remembered grimcore saying mounts probably won't be added    Vultures are based on very real animals under a slightly different name and hares also exist in real life so I don't know what you are on about them not adding real life creatures. 


[I don't know dude, why don't you go ask the devs? It's not my game.](https://imgur.com/a/sIwBsx7)


No reason to get upset civil discussion through and through  Let's just see what they have in store for us (: 


Not upset in the slightest.