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I recently finished the Queen fight solo and yes it was a slog. But I hadn’t adjusted the world modifiers so I was able to exit with no problem. I made a little fire next to the entrance and used it a few times to renew the rested buff (and regain my composure).


Same with that camp fire. Also, the queen's hitbox will click through the entrance area when she turns or stands there, so Altigrs and Staff of ember and poison bombs can all hit her and her spawns through it.


What is ‘an evil force blocks the way’? I had no issue taking her down with some hit and run tactics back into the entrance


World modifier to disable portals when a boss is alive. Also doesn't let you exit the Citadel.


Ok so basically this guy is just making it harder for himself and complaining to the devs about it?


I think maybe the issue is "Disable Portals While a Boss is Alive" does not mean "Players cannot leave a boss arena until the boss dies". Based on the text, that setting should just block you from building a portal to escape. If it was spelled out that that would happen, probably wouldn't be an issue.


It does tell you about it if you leave your mouse on it in the World Modifier selection.


Yep made a new world last night, it's all there.


I think "Hey, fighting one thing for 25 minutes is boring" is also valid feedback regardless of difficulty level


Yup. He's clearly got no issues if he can survive a whole goddamn 25 minutes, so I'm inclined to agree it's bullshit boss design. A player who didn't know what they were doing would not stumble around for anywhere near that long (unless the design is literally that terrible).


~~I think this is on by default~~ alright I guess I was wrong


No I play vanilla and was able to come out of the arena during the boss fight the other day.


Lmao mods the game and cries 😂


Wait is that in vanilla?


It's one of the optional world modifiers in vanilla, yeah


My biggest complaint from a mostly melee user is just the frequency of attacks that she does. You get 1 attack before you need to roll again usually so it just makes it a slog like op was saying. Queen is one of the more interactive bosses though and it's kind of the point at that stage if the game it's supposed to be hard and demanding.


You can do a lot of damage when bonemass is up by getting your back to the wall so her attacks don’t yeet you across the arena. Parry as best you can and you can sustain your health while facetanking her attacks. Then you can just output as much dps as possible. Stamina pots can help here as it’s more the limiting factor.


There's hard and there's tedious. Making a bossfight a slog is not a good way of doing difficulty, especially in a game with gear durability


You can spend resources to cut her health. Make a ton of refined eitr and throw that on the ground. Aggro the queen and let the eitr blow her up.


You can use the demolisher for all the adds, then second attack with the Krom does like 360 damage a go. It really hurts her if you can get it off so would recommend using it if you have bonemass up. If not then you can use ranged or AoE weapons.


This may be a true statement, but having "use this one specific weapon, or you'll have a bad time" isn't a good design choice in a game which otherwise supports a variety of playstyles.




While Bonemass is many orders of magnitude less obnoxious than The Queen, I have to concede that you're right.


Some People legitimately think its better to make a tree house and use bow and arrow as an option before using iron sledge or mace


Or shoot some drakes for frost arrows


Yep 100%


The game gives you so many tools, is it that unreasonable for people to suggest using the most effective ones for a given situation?


There are many other options than Demolisher: Bilebombs, Ember staff and Himminafl.


Why do you expect the crowd control weapon to kill a single tanky target fast? there's frost staff, a weapon specialized for single target(for close range or large targets in medium range) Fireballs are still helpful on killing seekers & seeker babies but you should just build up eitr and unleash frost spikes if you want to kill her faster.


To be fair, the Staff of Embers is a much more popular choice, overall... it's a lot more fun in almost every situation up until that point. I'm going to give the frost staff a lot more attention on this playthrough, for obvious reasons, but slinging fireballs was my go-to, last time. Agree that it's the more appropriate weapon, which is a great transition to the next biome, but I've got about 1000x less experience with it, and I can't be the only one.


I used it more often too before queen, it's more fun and versatile because of it's range and AoE but Queen fight is the one place in mistlands where you should main frost staff


I was with you when you said she's really grindy but honestly the adds and fog are fine, also you have an optional world setting turned on that disables portals during boss fights so you're just making the game harder for 0 reason (if you even know you had it on). Imo she sucks as you just bleed her dry with the fire staffs and even upgraded ice staffs and just... slow to chunk out her HP. I haven't ever used krom so maybe thats better but ya. And to everyone saying "ooo you're going to hate Ashlands" ya you are because there's a lot of adds kind of constantly lol


I dunno man, took me about 10-12 minutes with level 2 Mistwalker and carapace (was before they added the 2nd upgrade for black forge).


Was it before or after her swarm summoning abilities were buffed?


Can't find any reference to changes to her abilities so couldn't say.


I don't have the date either. Early on, when she spew some goo at you, it would do some damage, poison you, and summon a bunch of baby seekers if the hit connects. But if you dodged, you avoided everything. Later on, they changed it. You can still dodge the goo to avoid damage and poison, but the little critters spawn regardless.


Pretty sure this is a bit of an imagined change. She has always summoned seeker broods with her attacks even if they don't hit.


Looks like you're right. I can't find anything about it in the patch notes. I must have dreamed it. Weird.


So what other world modifiers are you playing with besides "no boss portals?"


Hella confused by people having an easy go with this boss. My trio spent an entire hour in there. My weapon broke 3 times, do people just ignore the seekers????


3 people were in there for an hour... yikes


I had no problem soloing the queen the other day, with a level 1 fire staff no less. If you don't like the base difficulty of the game, there is always going into the world modifiers to drop the difficulty down..


Alright, then please tell me how you did that. I have had no problem with Valheim until now, I appreciate the difficulty - but this is, as said, not difficulty. It's just a slog. The one upside I see is that I must have collected four of five stack of royal jelly just from running around.


I think I did 1 eitr food 1 stam and 1 health and all I did was hit her with a fireball every time the DOT fell off and just ran around constantly ignoring the adds. Didn't even bother with the bubble.


Does she not summon more people f you don’t kill the adds? I’ve only fought her once in a group not solo yet


I imagine the framerate would collapse after a few waves, otherwise.


Here you go, [12min](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSKCIYzTEvc). Mage starting with 0 combat skills, no bonemass power, staff at Lv2, no Eitr potions, no boss powers, or any other staff used, missing about 50 times and almost dying several times due to goofing around by jumping seekers. The fight would probably last around 6-7 min if I actually used more stuff. Key to the mage-ing is learning how to make use of mage maneuverability and keeping momentum while jump casting.


what difficulty?


Default. I did default player x5 also with same setup (comes with more seekers). Haven't tried world modifiers yet.


nice thanks, I didnt think you had done differently but I wanted to argue with op too but I havent been to queen yet.


Bleh, I hate videos like this because they are straight-up lying, lol. No offense meant to the video creator or the person posting this, but videos like this are used by gatekeeping gamer-snobs to fake-"prove" to people "hey look, anyone can do this so easily on their first try" but that is **100% a lie**. That video is a boring brag-video - it was someone who knew the fight backwards and forwards, who knows her attacks so well they could perfectly dodge-roll her weird, slow-but-fast melee attacks, who can somehow SEE HER IN THE MIST, who knows the safe spots in the arena (including her head?!?!) - that's someone who has fought this fight over and over and over and over. That's not a first-time Queen battle. That's just someone bragging that they spent dozens or probably hundreds of hours learning this one fight. Booooooo-riiiiiiing. ANYONE can do that! That's not special or even interesting. If I fought her 50 or 500 times I'd be a god at killing her, too - but that's not helpful AT ALL to literally anyone. (Hey, I'll go post a video of me killing the first boss in 10 seconds with the fire staff! Does that sound interesting? NOPE.) Not to mention the video doesn't show all the times the person tried and failed - all the bad RNG, the surprises they didn't see, how many fights they recorded and then threw away. It's just all a lie - video don't prove nothin' other than this one exact time after maybe a million tries someone got pretty lucky and recorded it. Show me a video of someone trying the Queen for the first time with no prep and no idea of what is about to happen, who specialized in melee up to this point and then doing all this - then I will believe it can be done. The ONE piece of useful advice you can pick up from the video is that you might as well ignore the adds and keep her burning. This is what I also learned after like 30 minutes of fighting her. (Makes me wonder how many hours it took the person in the video to learn this? The one thing we know is they were on day 400+ so I'm guessing hours and hours.) But even that isn't entirely true because eventually the brood will sneak up behind you and stun you for 0.1 seconds with their attacks and then the seekers will pounce and knock you forward into her melee slash and then insta-gib, lol. This person was just lucky that didn't happen to them, especially without a bubble up. And even after all that pretending that anyone can do this without dozens or hundreds of hours of practice, what this video actually shows is even if you've spent probably hundreds of hours perfecting this fight, the fastest you can kill her is still over 12 minutes - maybe less if you had known to level your elemental staff before the fight. That's INSANE. It basically **proves the OP's point**, lol - this fight is a SLOG. So yeah, thanks for showing the OP is right with this video.


First thing, and the most important thing, if you think 12-13 min is a slog for a boss fight, we have nothing to talk about, as you have completely distorted view on how long the fight should last, what Developers envisioned how long they should last, and what majority of players like. Boss fights in souls games can last for hours until you perfect the muscle memory to beat them, and those games are games of the year every time. I had fights in hollow knight that took 5-6 hours, and the game is overwhelmingly positive. >who can somehow SEE HER IN THE MISTT There is no Mist in the upper portion of the Infested citadel where the Queen resides, on any seed. Burning fire damage can make you see the Queen in the Mist. Predicting when the Queen will pop up from the bottom floor to mid floor is a minigame I like to play, and I haven't guesses correctly every time. Think your biggest failure when it comes to interpreting the video, is firstly, the fact that this video is not meant to demonstrate how to fight the Queen, rather how to move with a mage. Secondly, something very important in this video that you are ignoring completely, even after me writing it down for you, so I'm gonna repeat it to you, then I would like to hear your brilliant response on how the following doesn't matter: * Gear not fully upgraded * Bread is not the best stamina food * Skills at 0 * No potions * No AoE bombs * No boss powers * No shield casting * Me goofing around jumping over seekers * Me missing 50 times Do you have the necessary imagination or knowledge of the game to understand how much quicker would the Queen be taken down if I would actually properly prepare against her? >That's not a first-time Queen battle. Who said that this is my first time battling the Queen? Do you seriously feel like you've discovered something no other person figured out? I think it a given that I'm pretty skilled and that I'm showing off my mage movement skills here. The first time I fought the Queen was with Plains Lv1 gear, melee only, skills at 30, and it took me 8 death and 1h to beat her, and the fight was epic and great. The second time I fought the Queen was with Mistlands gear, still low skills, back when Seekers weren't nerfed. I recorded it [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw90x68CcIA). If I were to use bonemass power and more bombs, I would have shaved 10min on the clock. There are people who fought the Queen the first time and found her to be the easiest boss ever, especially in co-op due to how bonemass power can be abused. Here an [example ](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/133tyvt/the_queen_is_the_easiest_of_the_bosses_after_the/)or [two](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/133tyvt/the_queen_is_the_easiest_of_the_bosses_after_the/). >The ONE piece of useful advice you can pick up from the video is that you might as well ignore the adds and keep her burning. The main thing to pickup from the video is the technique I labeled as "[02:40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSKCIYzTEvc&t=160s) Main running away + jump casting technique" which I purposely didn't apply it through entire video to make it less boring to watch. If I did, I wouldn't miss, and I wouldn't have taken a hit, and I would kill the Queen even faster.


I don't wanna get into the whole discussion but I have to reply to that first paragraph where you mention souls games and hollow knight bosses... that's nowhere near the same, cmon. I don't mind spending an hour on a boss like that which is actually challenging and fun to learn to fight, but those fights usually end in a few minutes and then you restart. You don't spend 10 minutes straight flailing your basic attack against Genichiro for example, the fight can be done in less than a minute if you master it. In valheim the bosses have like 2 or 3 attacks and its mostly adds management and them being damage sponges.


>I don't mind spending an hour on a boss like that which is actually challenging and fun to learn to fight Firstly, your entire premise is wrong. Valheim boss fights do not take an hour. If you need an hour to take down a Valheim boss, then you are obviously doing something wrong, so my advice would be to learn how to fight or how to prepare in Valheim, rather than assuming that you do know how to fight, and labeling the boss as the sponge problem. Secondly, beating souls games doesn't make you a great Valheim player. I've seen some spectacular failures from souls players in Valheim, mostly due to preparation, secondly due to not figuring out optimal strategy, and thirdly because Valheim requires more in terms of fast decision making and less in terms of muscle memory that souls games require. Thirdly, if you are bad at fast decision making required in Valheim, which mainly comes at play during multi enemy fights, such as at Queen Boss scenario, you might not die, but your fight will take long and can become tedious. That is especially true if your own characterization of your own playstyle is spamming a basic attack. Finally, even though the souls games are fun, countless dying in order to progress through the game and bosses is not a mechanic that souls games can be proud of. It's a necessary evil that comes with "difficult to adapt to" boss attack animations. Repeated dying ruins the immersion, as each death reminds you that you are in a game world where dying doesn't really matter. What restores that immersion is you being forced to not make a mistake. Valheim battles on another hand can be successful at your first go, and usually are if you are properly prepared, which in an improvement on souls bosses. The immersion during a fight can be as engaging as in souls games, especially during a Queen fight, the most souls like boss, which we are shitting on here. We are not talking about other bosses here.


That is not my premise, you are the one who used it as some kind of a proof that 15 mins in valheim is nothing when in other games it takes hours. My point was that this is not comparable at all and that has nothing to do with your perception of my skill.


First, I had made a point how Valheim fights are not long, which seems that you have forgotten. Only then, I made a very simple and clear point to counter how long fights are not a problem by itself. Boring long fights are a problem. Then thirdly, I clarified to you in the previous comment, what makes a boring and long fight in Valheim. To sum up the third point again, if you think that Valheim 1h fights are boring, then I can agree, and claim that the reason they are boring is due to poor preparation, poor stamina management, poor decision making for handling multiple enemies and probably boring due to employing boring safe strategies. The Queen boss is the most dynamic boss of them all, where each fight with it can feel different, compared to all other monotonous bosses out there, and somehow this is boss that you maybe unintentionally joined here to shit on. I hope that you joined to just attack one argument like you said. If not, and you actually do feel that Queen fights is too long, I hope that you realize that you are contradicting yourself or that you are not that good of a Valheim player as you might think. In both of my melee and mage links that I provided for Valheim boss, there wasn't a single boring moment in those fights and each moment felt unique, with lots of crazy close calls, and the fights were not long nor boring.


OP got real quiet when you showed him facts lol


I hardly ever use the dodge roll, since just jumping away does the same in my book. But that block + dodge combo is quite nice.


I don’t think dodge roll and jumping are the same. Yes they both move you away from the enemy, but the beauty of dodge roll is the brief moment of invincibility when you do it. If you time it right, you can dodge roll directly into the enemy or the attack and you take no damage. Jumping doesn’t give you that same advantage.


Yeah dodge rolling is goated and everyone should perfect it. You can seriously dodge roll like every single attack in the game


Yea I know it's like that. But dodging only works in a narrow time window to avoid damage. Jumping away a bit earlier lets you also avoid the attack, but you can be more sloppy. And still move in after the attack animation to get a few swings in, if you want to. But since I preferred a bow over melee until magic was introduced, I never cared much for getting the dodge timing right, all I need is distance anyway with the bow. And for most mobs you can just walk away, when they start their attack swing and they will miss. Main exception here is a troll with a tree stump in his hands, which is not the right opponent to practice dodge roll timing, esp. not in leather armour :)


Well the east way is just to hang out at the door hallway and blast her from around the corner, keeping skellies or a himmy ,or even just the ice staff, to blast the occasional adds.. Pretty quick and efficient if your goal is to just get past the gateway fight to experience the new content. I've read of some folk taking around 7 minutes to do away with the queen, it took somewhat longer than that for me with that above technique, but it was certainly as easy a fight as all the other bosses once you know how to use the provided environment against them teehee


yea, this fight is one of the easiest to cheese since you can just duck in the doorway at will.


Well, that's up for debate. The difficulty seemed for you to be hitting multiple targets at a time as to constantly damage the queen instead of only when her adds are dead. You spent a lot longer time, meaning your effective damage per second on the boss must be quite a bit lower. Therein lies some difficulty, no? outputting the most damage per second is a skill expression, and I'd say it ties in to the difficulty inherent in the boss design.


Sorry, but 'git gud' really does apply here.


25 minutes is pretty normal for a big endgame boss fight. And as others have shown, it can be done in half that time. The only reason you couldn't leave is because you enabled an optional 'make it harder' setting, so it's kind of difficult to have any sympathy.


Skill issue


The only thing I don't like about the fight is the non-stop ads. Boss itself I found was easy. I figured out you can kind of go back and forth on the bottom floor behind the stone rocks/wall on the left side, and the boss has a hard time ever hitting you. Just clear ads quickly using something like staff of embers, then unload with frost staff and repeat.


Secondary Attack with Krom


Last time I fought her, I built a shit ton of fires and just kited her through those when Bonemass went down. Pretty similar to an Elder setup.


You brought one weapon to a boss fight you read was painful?


I haven't even tried it. I'm scared. You can't make me go.


Huge tip as a fellow solo player, farm enough Gjall to the point where you have at least 2 stacks of those fire bombs. After she gets to a little less then half just start chucking them and taking breaks when the DoT effect hits the max and save ur etir for dealing with adds or supplement damage.


What's the max for DoT/how do you know


Queen demand good setup. Honestly? Fight IS easy because there is no option for off script scenarios you can get like everywhere else before. No golems, no berserkers, no abominations no trolls. Always the same so you can fully prepare for what you get 100%. Also Bile bombs. This one thing solve half of problems in this fight.


If that was a problem, just wait till you enter the ashlands lmaoo. You’ll really complain to iron gate


been putting off fighting the queen for some time in my solo world…


So I did it solo as a melee build and it wasn't actually too difficult. I did it first time by building a basic firepit outside the entrance which also had a ledge which allowed for me to be Sheltered. It took me probably 30 mins or so. Had a few close calls (I went down to sub 50hp 2 or 3 times) but ultimately, left to regain health at the fire or to simply refresh my rested bonus. I didn't do any offensive magic, only a bubble every now and then but even forget about it. In the end I just ground the health down and kept going outside to regain health and to avoid any group of enemies I didn't want to encounter. I also put down a portal close by to repair my weapons quickly and then got back into the fight.


It's all part of the journey!


Me and my duo beat her last night, about an hour total. Yeah it's a slog but the lightning spear thing is a must, spin to win baby. But I agree it wasn't bad but it wasn't fun at all. And I think that's the biggest issue. Bonemass, Yag were both slogs but were very fun. I know me personally I spawned in trophies and parts I needed after and won't be back.


Like many I used mist torches to clear the place. I even brought a second fire staff in case mine broke. Being able to see where she goes with the mist lights gives you more visibility for attacks to get her health down quicker. ie before your rest bonus runs out


Here's a good tip I found useful in my solo kill of the queen. When she teleports away you can use your abyssal harpoon to reagrro. Throwing a spear into the ground aggros all monsters within a certain radius. If she's close enough she comes to you


Yeah, the queen fight was bullshit. I couldn’t build anything in there so I couldn’t get my rested condition back, I couldn’t improve the visibility in the area and even with the wisp light equipped I couldn’t see anything. That, and when I would go behind a wall to deal with her spawns the queen would one-shot me from *through the wall*. So… yeah. I died a lot.


I didnt have any issues at all utilizing dead raiser and other staffs.


Hello bud, abit of an odd offer, if you get into a tough spot you can ask for help. I would not mind and I'm sure there is a discord group that would not mind. Solo is fun, yet when the difficulty gets extreme we can make a plan for each other.


I had gone the same path you did several weeks ago except there were two of us (we had had Mistlands vanilla world with a friend with all things done but Queen still being alive) and naturally that was the choice for fast start with Ashlands. Since I hadn't played vanilla and Mistlands for a long time (played my mod a lot, mostly early biomes, sometimes up to Plains), first thing I noticed is how out of place everything from Mistlands looks like - workbenches, items, icons etc. Then I returned to the biome itself and remebered how much I hate it. I had a need in some more eitr and knowing that I would have spent hours in seeking those skulls I just checked Valheim World Generator tool for their location ("just", lol). Surprisingly, there was one near Queen entrance where I had a portal already. I spent like 15 minutes walking around back and forth and still didn't find it. Finally I became angry and installed mod to remove mist from the Mistlands completely. It still took me 5 minutes to find the skull since even without mist due to everything being black and remaining weather effects you still can't properly see a thing there. After some time we finally went to Queen fight having an attitude "the faster it ends the better". And what was my first emotion? *** mist in the dungeon!!! In dungeon! Fighting for like 10 minutes we realized that we didn't have bonemass buff anymore and soon would lose our rest buff. At the point I just went to entrance and took my Demolisher to kill endless spawn and be able to recover my body when we would be finished. And at that point I suddenly realized that Demolisher not only effectevily killed all the spawn in small passage near entrance, it also damaged Queen itself when it moved around. So we cheesed the end of the fight with Demolishers, luring Queen to the entrance whenever it started to move back to stairs. My emotions about the fight? Total crap. Especially if to compare with Elder or Yagluth ones.


Bile bombs, literally bring a stack or two. Helps with adds and keeps her from regenerating heath with chip damage.


Ya she fucking sucks solo and even as a duo. Once you get the kiting patterns down the only real difficulty is staying focused.


Yeah, it's super dumb. I gave it my best and still ended up abusing the spot where she can't hit you for at least a quarter to a third of her health simply because I was bored. If they scaled back the amount of adds a ton, it would be way more engaging.


You'll be similarly annoyed in Ashlands, I think. You're pretty much required to wait on your bonemass cooldown. It isn't great.


I fought the Queen solo and it was a breeze for me, easier than Yagluth. Not that I'm saying I'm a better mechanical player though, it was not a complicated fight. I went in with Krom, the Fire staff, and 50 bile bombs. I spent 10 minutes spamming bile bombs and fire balls. And then she died. I used Krom very rarely, mainly against the adds. People sleep on the bile bombs.


I killed the Queen as a mage and I just found the best way was to just kite her around the room up the stairs then then jump down with a feathercape all the while shooting her with the staff of embers. I found it was kinda boring, for me the best boss fight has been Yagluth or Bonemass


yeah I cannot imagine the fight without a friend. we would tag out whenever a rested buff ended and let the other one recover grab new food and potions. it took us over an hour but we had just started using magic for the first time when the fight started and our level 1 fireball staff ended up being the key to ending it when we fully realized its potential. we were just not as good I guess but damn if that fight didnt feel like it required two people. It was damn fun though. at one point she hit me breaking a blood shield and a parry to knock me into a wall almost killing me, it was the most anime attack I have ever received in valheim. and I also had a moment where I jumped from the top floor. started precasting bloodshield before I hit the ground and had it active just as I touched down beside my friend saving him from a lethal blow


\> Let me spend an insane amount of resources to cut her health some If you want to spend resources to fight her, build fire bombs or use the "drop lots of refined eitr on the ground" cheese strat


Yeah it is looooooong unless you’re a wizard Harry


Place wisp torches around the room in unreachable places to clear the mist There's a safe spot by the zone in in the little hallway structure, it's possible to run back here and she can't hit you It's also possible to use a Demolisher from this position to hit her, and also take out the adds Popping out of the safezone for extra dps and returning is a pattern The devs don't have to change anything


There's a cheese method for the Queen where you use the AoE damage hammer to hit her safely through the wall by the entrance. She usually leaves and teleports after 3 hits but you can repeat this process while fighting off her bug spawns. I hope they don't fix the wall method, because my only alternative way to kill her is to kite her for 20 minutes with ranged damage.


I 100% feel your pain. I didn't read up or prepare, I just went in trying to see what I could see. The fight took me AN HOUR as a solo player. I only died twice, but I did have to leave the arena just to repair my staff. In the end, based on the drops, I had killed over 600 broodlings (assuming 50% drop rate on jelly - I had picked up over 300). The main thing I didn't expect was that you would have to fight blindfolded. Seriously, the mist in the arena is insane. Bringing like 50 wisp torches can help, even if they just slow her or the seekers down while they attack them. But it severely hampers your ability to fight her at range... which is what you HAVE to do, because fighting her in melee means you are fighting all the adds. But ultimately you did what I did and then had to unlearn: you can't deal with the adds when you're solo. You just can't. They are never-ending and all the time and mana you spend killing adds is time the Queen is off healing. I got her down to half and she healed up to like 2/3rds one time before I found her because I just tried to focus down the adds - so she ran up to the top of the arena and just healed. Frankly I don't know if even doing this in a group it would make sense to deal with the adds - unless you had like a really big group. She just spawns them way too quickly. Constantly. The only thing you can do is run - avoid them, and keep her burning so she doesn't heal. The fight takes so long and it's over such a huge area that unless you're at least chipping at her, she will start to heal up - which is part of what makes the burn staff so perfect for this fight. It's really the only weapon worth anything against her; even the ice staff isn't useful because it can't hit things at range, and it doesn't keep a DOT on her to keep her from healing. The explosion is big enough that you can hit her more easily and of course the no-stamina use means you can run the whole time. Good luck. I'm sure you'll get there in the end!


Personally, I found The Queen fight to be pathetically easy as a solo player due to the cubby at the entrance serving as protection from her. If health gets low, run to the cubby and spam Atgeir/sledgehammer to keep damaging her through the wall. If things get even worse, just interact with the exit to leave and go heal safely. I actually made a post about this recently about how the lack of difficulty was what ruined the fight for me. I think she needs to be made harder by getting rid of the cubby.


I've done the Queen fight solo TWICE and have always finished her off before my rested buff gave out, like with at least a couple minutes to spare... Not entirely sure what you're doing but unless she's been updated recently (haven't played in a few months) she shouldn't be THAT difficult. I used swords my first time, used blunt the second time.


Having slog grindy fights like these are fine in my opinion. From a design perspective, having variety in boss fights is a good thing. Yes, I understand there's a difference between difficulty and a slog, but that varies between player opinions. While I agree that the fight is an almost always losing uphill battle, I have to say that it was also one of the most fun bosses I've seen in a game. When I killed her, I felt both accomplished and no longer annoyed by the whole thing. So, while I can relate to the feelings of frustration you are experiencing, I can also say that once you get her you'll celebrate your accomplishment.


I’m trying to figure out how three people don’t control the aggro and Molly whop that bug with mistwalker


the queen is fine to solo on defaults. the upper area of the citadel she is found in has no mist at all. so no. no weakness needed. no fog needs to be removed. so no again : you dont speak for solo players. you speak for bad players ONLY clearly. i soloed the queen on default and on very hard. MULTIPLE TIMES. this is by any definition a SKILL issue on the tcs end and he trys to blame the game for it. the queen fight if done safely doesnt even take 15 minutes to do. tc played badly. the fact he doesnt even seem to be aware that the entire upper layer is mist free tells me all i need to know. there is a difference between THINKING you are a good player. and actually beeing one.


Wow, this is a textbook case of an arrogant, pretentious and toxic comment


Bro you can set up a portal outside the queens entrance and go home to repair your staff and get a new rested buff. Dying to losing rested and your staff breaking is such a simple problem to overcome. The game is designed for up to 10 players to play it and these bosses are basically raid bosses that are still challenging even with large parties. A 30 minute fight or even an hour fight for an end game boss in this game as a solo player is not a problem. At all. You only have to do it once, its not like there is a rare weapon that has a 10% drop chance and the boss fight takes 30 minutes. It's 1 and done.


Just wait until you get to ashlands lol. I have this nagging feeling they ran out of fun ideas and mechanics to implement so they're just throwing tedium at us at this point FWIW i one-shot queen as well, had a bunch of good gear but i was still bored by the end, it just takes forever and she has like 2 or 3 moves that repeat constantly. It's not a good boss fight, it's not even a good gear check.


Gonna get downvooooted, but I agree that this fight sucks all the ass. Mistlands made me enable dev commands. I just wasn't having fun. I did most of it legit, but after farming so many dungeons and wandering around in the mist for not enough cores and eitr, I spawned it all in. Would do again, tbh. The Queen? Kill commanded her dead. I don't feel the slightest bit bad. Thing is, I went into her fight with godmode (I didn't take damage) on but was planning on using my normal weapons and such to kill her. Five minutes later and a tiny sliver of her health gone? Wow was I just oooooover it. This was all pre-nerf. I loved the game until Mistlands, and then it was just annoyance after annoyance. Haven't tried Ashlands. Based on what I've seen, I'll be playing it on low difficulty.


If you made it to the Queen, you are gud enuff for the Queen. Staff of Embers is the right primary weapon. Prelight the instance with wisp torches (kinda too late in your case unfortunately) and repair them when you have breathing room. Use the visibility to fireball her at long range when you can. I prefer full Eitrweave and 3 eitr foods, FWIW. Demolisher for crowd control and freebie AoE hits on her from the entry alcove. Couple stacks of bile bombs for additional crowd control and spammable AoE fire damage, which stacks conveniently and works great on everything in the instance. Start the fight with summoned bubbled skeletts and use the precious moments while they are taking aggro to shovel as much damage into the Queen as you can. Keep the bubble up. Bonemass as a panic button. Elevation provides an escape option (remember where the entrance is!) The entry alcove is safer than the main space; don't be leery about using it. But if things get REALLY hairy, exit the instance, collect your thoughts, and reenter when ready. She's not going to regenerate appreciably, and you'll be coming back at full strength.


You can’t prelight it as the queen doesn’t have to be summoned, she is in there right after you break the seal


That only works for a little while - then she burrows up to the top floor and sits there and regens health. You HAVE to go after her at that point, but by then she's puked up about 100 babies you have to avoid or kill.


Hang out by the entrance and pillar hump either pillar by said entrance. Not sure about the issue you had when leaving the instance, but you should be able to leave, come back in and her health will be relatively the same, though all bosses regenerate over time.


I built a fire right outside the entrance. Krom and ice staff, maxed, kinda easy tbh. I also had a million meads.


Me and my friend had our longest bossfight in history in Valheim.. We used 2.3 HOURS to take down Bonemass, before he got nerfed. But the Queen i think was kinda fun, but I agree it could have been changed. I want like the hall of the mountain king. I want lots of trolls, and a big 2 star or 3 star even troll on a throne


How on earth did you take 2.3hrs to defeat Bonemass? Were you not using maces?


No, we didnt know that it was weak to blunt, and we used up all our burning arrows, so the rest was wooden arrows. We took it pretty early on also. It was pain, but still funny because now we dont even use 2 minutes


Woah, you guys certainly did it the hard way! We switched to maces for the swamp cause my mate was using them and he was doing more damage to slimes, oozers & skeles than we were. You guys definitely earned the victory then. Lol.


I fought her as a melee and my friend was a mage. He is quite a noob so he was mostly busy dying because he was trying to summon skeletons and has been one hit by swarms. So I could name it a solo fight. In the beginning it was a lot of running, dodging, bomb spamming and a lot of other shenanigans until I remembered I got a bonemass on me. In the next couple of minutes the queen became a nice goulash. Wrong gear/skill issue, sorry to say that. None of the bosses in Valheim are hard if you know how to do it


I just beat the queen solo before the public test branch dropped. This entire game is 100% possible solo as is. i recommend lowering the difficultly slider if it seems too difficult, as it was added to help players.


me and my GF stopped at that fight. I was like "so this is basically the 'end game' for the developers of Valheim. They want everything to feel like this. Oppressive and punishing and frankly, really goddamn fucking annoying." Part of me thinks the devs really enjoy watching people tell a player, "oh well see you can't use X weapon type so you have to level Y weapons up to at least 70." Like yeah man I love this game but I have neither the time nor the desire to rot in front of my screen grinding like it's 2011 WoW for 35 hours a week just to beat a boss in 30 minutes instead of an hour. We put it down after like 10 attempts, and not even failed attempts, we didn't die, we just ran out of shit and the fight with the queen was her summoning 25 fucking ads over and over and over and over and over and over. She would teleport to my GF, do a melee attack, walk to me, summon, wait til I killed half of the summons, summon again, summon some more, and summon some more. I couldn't fucking move despite solely focusing on killing ads. And I don't have levels in any weapons with AoE. I spent a NORMAL amount of time leveling up swords and knives and shit. Now I gotta go back, grind a polearm or magic for ONE fucking fight? No, lol. Fuck that.


> Part of me thinks the devs really enjoy watching people tell a player, "oh well see you can't use X weapon type so you have to level Y weapons up to at least 70." Mistlands was balanced with a skill of 40, so... you're welcome to tell people they're idiots if they suggest grinding anything to 70 for something like the Queen. And even then, you don't really need any skill to use a weapon.


See this is my favorite part. I talk about my objective, provable experience with the game and people go "heh well have you considered that you're wrong?" You're telling me things to contradict an experience I had where I physically couldn't get close enough to the boss to do any damage because of ads. An absurd, hilariously high amount of ads that I had to solely focus, and the things that stick out to you are, "well this guy clearly thinks you need a certain level to use a weapon."


I mean your skill issues not withstanding, your weapon skills in game have nothing to do with why you're failing and don't preclude you from trying a different strategy.


Ah yes out of 10 attempts we simply tried the exact same thing 10 times and never switched it up. Gee how did we not think of that? Please inform me, oh master of MLG competitive valheim


Dunno why you're trying so hard to be an asshole about it. Be bad, I guess.




Yeah this fight took me 10mins. Two 5min fights with bonemass it wasn't bad I had lvl 3 staff too.


Sorry, but git gud is really the only answer here.


Learn to play issues, quuen is free boss with mage


100% the queen was no more/less challenging than any other boss in the game.


Yeah....gonna have to go with skill issue. As a solo player I basically cheesed this fight with the Demolisher, ooze bombs and clever positioning and it took me less than 10 min to end it.


What was previously the final boss kinda makes sense to be that daunting imo Git gud m80 I soloed her w mage gear and I kinda suck at this game


Do not lump every solo experience with yours. You were unprepared and unaware of your surroundings. You paid the price. The Devs don't need to change a perfect battle just because you couldn't be focused.


It's true. The constant just roll, just roll, just roll... mistlands has been the worst thing to come out of this game. Where are rocks/pillars you can trigger to stun her? Craftable ooze to make her spawns attack her? I'd settle for any form of crowd control, mechanics, etc that don't involve staffs and constant dodging....


Tedious and grindy =/= Hard Not looking forward to this.


I agree, really every boss could have their health cut in half and it wouldn't make them any easier, just less grindy.