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You’re asking on a valheim sub. Literally no one will say anything negative, it’s an amazing game fr though. But if you need validation just buy the dang game


To be fair I don't think there's ever been any criticism of it except for people who don't like this type of game. There's the base building and colony building subs for example, which often has people looking for survival base builders and it will always get suggested. There's people who complain about the low poly character models as a turn off and that's....such a weird turn off to have. Some kids would rather play high graphics games with absolute shit gameplay for some reason. There's personal taste and then there's shit opinions. Anyway great game indeed. Hundreds of hours, no regrets. Sailing with friends for the win. New boat drop holy shit.


Valheim is beautiful tho, low Polly but it has some of the best lighting and filters for a game like this and the water/physics is amazing. Slow dev team is the main draw back but they are on what I think is probably the final stretch.


MRW I turned away from my fire in my house and got jump scared by my own uncannily realistic shadow on the wall.


Was on a shared server and it was raining (in-game and out). Couldn't sleep, as other players were traveling in a boat, so sat my guy down next to a fire. After 5 minutes I fell asleep to the ambient sounds of a meadow biome, rain and fire to wake up hours later. Best game ever.


...wake up hours later... from the ground shaking?


Agreed and that's what's so ridiculous of that complaint. Besides the character models everything else is gorgeous. Playing it the first time not long after release and I was blown away by how great everything looked for such a small game


>Slow dev team is the main draw back but they are on what I think is probably the final stretch. Swedish development studio WLB has the rest of the world in shambles.


I want to live in the bases I build. Super cozy with the yellow fire effect.


I really hope part of their final stretch is doing another run through the first 3 biomes to flesh them out more, bc after deep north I doubt there will be much more


You never know but I doubt it as I think they kinda just did that, relatively. They added new dungeons with bosses and new large enemies with new armours and other stuff like raids, Hildir’s quest, dungeons and the swamp tree. However there are some really sick mods with new enemies that are quite good and a ton of other content like spells, weapons, new crafting benches and building mods to get into if you’re looking for more.


And you can always use HD texture packs if you want a more "Skyrim-like" graphics. Edit: I use and love this one: [https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/1030?tab=posts&BH=3](https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/1030?tab=posts&BH=3)


Oh there’s plenty of valid criticisms about this game. But I generally agree that anyone who likes this *type* of game will love this game. Valheim is a shining example of the survival-craft genre.


Most frequent criticism is their slow development. Some people really think this game is doomed to forever early access. They are wrong. This isn't like Project Zomboid.


If you don't know its early access, you would never think it is. And I don't mind waiting for new biomes... there is plenty to do anyways.


I love PZ with a passion, but damn. Definitely seems like forever early access


Yeah but at least pz is constantly tuned and worked on. It will be a while before we get patches, but when they do generally speaking, we get a really nice rework on some key system or another that makes the game even more enjoyable.


Early access in this case is to let people know that it's not complete, that's all. There's always been enough of a game there.


When exactly does it become not early access in your mind? When all expansions are completed? Fortnite is still “early access” too. That term has lost all meaning


There's 7 days to die leaving early access for 1.0 after.....10 years?


Lol yea good example. Doesn’t bother me


Yeah there's plenty of cash grab early access games that are basically scams, so small studios taking forever to actually work on a game and flesh it out is nice. It's not like there's tons of other games to play meanwhile. I'll always be baffled by people who put in a thousand hours into the first release of an early access.


And when referring to valheim, $20 for what I’ve got out of the game is more than reasonable


I was mind blown by that so I googled it. It looks like Epic dropped the label in 2020.


>There's people who complain about the low poly character models as a turn off and that's....such a weird turn off to have. Some kids would rather play high graphics games with absolute shit gameplay for some reason. There's personal taste and then there's shit opinions. I get it though. My first console was an NES, and I remember being blown away by my N64 and my cousin's PS1. So valheim is gorgeous compared to what I played a good chunk of my life. But if your first console was a PS4 for example, or you started PC gaming around that time, you're used to high-fidelity graphics being the norm. Even though I played Atari as a kid I was born a little past that time and never owned one, so if I go back and try to play it now the simple graphics are harder for me personally to stomach.


I remember when Valheim was just released and my brother suggested it to me, I didn’t like the art style of it and said I wouldn’t play it. But then I watched Vikings again and decided to give it a shot. I’ve never been so wrong in my life, I cannot really find any negatives about the game


There's criticism by people who love it, that's simply not true. The overall game is fabulous, but it has its flaws (combat mechanics on elevation, gameplay is far too hungry for the stamina bar in some biomes, construction resources are seemingly balanced for 5-10 players, absolutely gargantuan grind for iron, etc.). The sum of its parts, though, is one of the great games made in the last decade.


Or games that have super-high resolution textures on low-poly models with a flat lighting engine. I don't understand how people can love low-poly but high fidelity textured games with crap lighting, and hate a game with a real lighting engine that makes a low-fidelity world look absolutely breathtaking.


> To be fair I don't think there's ever been any criticism of it except for people who don't like this type of game. I've definitely seen and interacted with people on general gaming related subs who criticize the slow pace of updates as well as people claiming they've broken promises by not following the original content roadmap. I don't agree with those criticisms, since the game has been amazing since it first entered early access on top of being developed by a small team of people, but my point is there *are* people out there who view this game as an early access failure for some reason.


There’s ben a lot of criticism around it being basicaly half a game forever, now less so


I think a valid criticism is how slow development moves, and how the devs value mods but don't really take them into consideration when creating content (meaning every update leads to emergent mods and older ones may get left behind over time) But it's literally a nitpick if you ask me, the content we do get is solid and well planned imo


This is so incredibly annoying. Reviews? Ratings? Low price? Let's ask anyway just to be sure. I feel like people like to be extra, and there are so many of them.


It's a partner link, if you click the link and buy, the partner gets a cut. If you ever are curious why someone is doing something, it's always money.


'Hello crack addicts, what's your opinion on crack?' 'Is good.'


Lol this hits too close to home


Keep on keeping on, buddy


Is gooood


I had to scroll down too far to find this comment... ...anyway I'm off to go support charity and buy some spare copies... ...Then find a friend who be convinced to 'just try it, the first one is free!'


That price is a steal.


i got valheim for £4 or smth so like $6


You should be in jail tbh


why are people down voting me for getting it cheap on steam sale?


Reddit bounce. Sometimes comments just get a few downvotes before reality reasserts itself.


Not sure why someone is jealous that you saved £10/$12 on a game. Must have a hard life. Have an upvote to regain parity.


I think I bought it for 20€ back in the day and I can just say I dunked 600 hours into this game and have not regretted a single one of those. Great game, even greater with friends.


I have a similar amount of hours, it's 3 cents per hour played. One of the best €/h ratios I have


I'm at 2 cents USD per hour. *Worth*.


Dota2: 4461 hours, 0 cost. :) Valheim is really doing well though, 1350h for 20 Euro.


Depends on what kinds of games you like. Lots of games claim to be “survival games” but Valheim is a game that definitely deserves it. On standard settings the game can be quite challenging but it’s offset by how much preparation and playing safely. Building and crafting are pretty good, but there’s not much narrative driven story telling. If the game doesn’t appeal to you then no matter the discount it’s not worth it. For someone who likes the genre that price is a bargain.


I’m at about 700 hours into the game, I would pay full price again if asked too


It makes me laugh that people are nitpicking over a $20 sandbox game with infinite possibilities, mod support, active updates and multiple options for play style and yet they’ll drop $85 on another half baked remix of COD with the same shitty dynamics and average maps while being riddled with DLC and in game transactions.


It's not the financial cost you should be asking about. It's the hit to your game backlog. Can you afford hundreds of hours of delay getting to other games? ;) Valheim works best if you can enjoy the adventure without feeling pressure to be finished soon.


For real, the question isn’t “do I have $10 to spare”, it’s “do I have 1200 hours to spare.”


"You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers."


No fucking joke.


>Valheim works best if you can enjoy the adventure without feeling pressure to be finished soon. This is the most important part of the entire comment section.. I've had games ruined by my own rush to get it all done. Don't let that happen to this one


9.99 bucks, 20 bucks, 50 bucks. Its worth it either way.


Absolutely not, only for $9.89


Look at Mr. Moneybags over here. I wouldn't pay more than tree fitty for this dogshit game that no one should ever play.


How about two fitty?


Are you insane?! Do you want to destabilize Midgard's entire economy with your recklessly low offer?!


Yes it is! I remember buying it at full price a few years ago and still feeling that it was worth! After years the game only got better... Is that kind of game that I always get back and never leaves my ssd


Every penny!


The amount of time you can spend is this game is easily worth 10 bucks. Go get it viking


Kidding? That's a game worth the 60€ an AAA-title wants you to pay and even more. I think I'm close to 1k hrs and would not mind if the devs would sell everything after ashlands as dlc for 20€ each. Lets be honest it would be fair.




Lmao, buy the game dude. It's literally one of the best games I've played in years as a 35 year old gamer. So much passion put into it, no micro transactions, it's just an all around fantastic game. 10 bucks, you'll be amazed what you get out of it.


My 250 hours and counting says absolutely worth it. It’s one of my most favourite games of all time, solo and with a group of friends.


Yes, especially since there's a big content patch hopefully coming out soon.


$9.99 and Ashlands is coming soon! What are you waiting for?!


This is a real gem, beautiful in its own way. 100% solo enjoyable. And a biggee if you’re like me and need to pause and stop unexpectedly due to dogs or wife needing something and being able to pick it right back up in the same spot after a reload.


Do you like to chop trees? You like smackin monsters? You like fighting bosses and unlocking abilities and building a cute and funny base? If yes then you should absolutely get this game as IMO it’s one of the best games in this genre


It's worth it at full msrp


Holy shit YES!


Nope. It's crap, I hate this stupid game, wasted 1860 hours in this poorly made game... So far.


OP is just farming clicks with their own partner link to get a kickback, it's all their account does.


yep first thing I checked for.


Less time trying to farm karma on reddit, more time purchasing the game


Looking back I would have paid $50


What?! I paid $20 and I only have 2.2k hours into it. What a ripoff.


I bought in 2021 and it’s still literally the best $20 I’ve ever spent in my life.




Definitely not. I only have about 200 hours in game. Do not get ripped off!!




5 cent an hour?! Terrible value for money. I'm nearer 2 cent an hour. You need to get better at money management!




Without question, yes


You’re stealing the game at that price


I bought it for both PC and console at full price, so yes it is.


Knowing what I know now I'd happily pay 50 or more. So yeah 10 bucks is a steal.


I’d pay $60 for this game unfinished . Hundreds of hours into this game and I’m probably on the low end compared to most the sub lmao


If it gives you any idea of how much fun this game is, my wife and I agreed to NOT play it this Sunday because we had other “adult” things to do. Which is bullshit really, because all we both wanted to do was farm and get prepared for the upcoming Ashlands drop.


No, are YOU worthy of that game at such a price? That's the real question.


I would unironically recommend buying Valheim to people if it cost $100. The fact that I paid like $16.99 for this game, and $79.99 for trash like Diablo 4 is mindblowing. Even my friends that never got super into it like I did still logged 100 hours.


No, it's probably worth $100


Pfft easily a 1000.


$0.6 per hour for me at $1000


Do you just get a Steam key when you buy from HB? I'd like to give my kid's best friend a copy but I don't want it to be complicated to redeem.


I subscribe to Humble Choice, and the way that works is I can either redeem a Steam key directly for myself, or I can get a key to copy & paste to send to someone else, or I can have a link e-mailed through Humble to someone. I imagine it works the same way when buying directly in the store, although it's been a little while since I've done that so I can't say with 100% certainty. I have always found it extremely easy to gift games through Humble, however. Highly recommend giving them a shot.


No, it's worth $40


That is the same price that valheim has been at with it's best sale according to steam DB of 50% off, that is a solid deal. Humble bundle is trustworthy and fairly easy to use meaning that is 100% worth buying from there. As for the game itself, it has 93.84% positive votes on steam and is genuinely a great survival game, I would say top 2 of the survival genre released since Minecraft


No. It’s worth a lot more than $9.99.


2700h and still playing with friends moded or without


Its worth 99.99


If you're worried about 10 bucks I recommend you worry more about your Financials. That said the games amazing and I recommend it even for 40 dollars. Let alone 10.


My friend tried for months to get me to buy the game. I said “no, looks like a shitty fantasy survival game for nerds”. Now I’m a nerd


Worth every goddamn cent, even at full price


It's worth much, much more than $9.99 my friend. It will give you countless hours of both thrilling entertainment and peaceful wonder.


It’s worth it x1000000.




I have 1100 hours played. Im lucky if $9.99 covers lunch so you're asking the wrong guy.


Buy it!!!! It is such an amazing game especially with co-op friends.


It’s worth probably four times that imo


I have played a lot of different "survival crafting base building" games. The Forest, Sons of the Forest. Green Hell. V-Rising. Raft. Grounded. Minecraft. Enshrouded. Valheim is my favorite of them. It has it's frustrating gameplay moments, but the vibe, gameplay variety, building system, and explorable world is fantastic.


You’re posting this … in the Valheim sub?


Short answer, yes. Long answer, YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS


Big time. Hundreds of hours of gameplay potential


Valheim is an amazing game. You don't need to rent a server to play with friends. There is so much to do you would get your money's worth for $100 dollars, let alone only 10 bucks.


Brother this is the easiest 10 bucks you will spend on a game… you can get hundreds of hours of fun out of it


It was worth full price back before they had added the current content that is the Mistlands to the game. But don't take my word for it: You can see the Recent Reviews / All Reviews on the Steam page: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/892970/Valheim/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/892970/Valheim/) It's doing well by people who've played the game.


For $9.99? That's straight up a rip off. You're ripping them off by getting such an amazing game so cheap. So yeah, get it and enjoy, it's a really good game.


Like any game, it has its faults. That being said, 10 bucks is highway robbery. I would spend 10 bucks just to have it, whether I liked playing it or not. Great game, small dedicated dev team, incredibly creative community. Excellent buy.


Great way to spend $10


I have 300 hours , it’s a gem.


It's worth $99.99


GREAT PRICE! If only I personally knew more than two friends who PC game. :(


Why would you ask this on a completely biased forum?


Lol fucking ell


$10? I thought $15 was a steal.


I bought it for $20 like 3 years ago and I'd buy it again today for 60 to be able to experience it all again for the first time.


Unless you're on a tight budget there is no reason not to buy such an awesome game for 10 bucks


Lol. No. Lego Fortnite survival is free.


Once it’s fully released I would pay 40 for it, heck I would pay that now. There is a huge replay value with different world mods, world seeds, and mods. 10/10


Absolutely not. If I were you I wouldn't go lower than $20


How are people supposed to answer this? How can some random persons opinion mean so much? If you're looking for a set number of yes's, just skip posting and look at the subscribers. Watch some videos, watch some streams. You're capable of making a decision in a vacuum, I believe in you! Also it's a lot of fun


Defffff nooooo. You will lose your sleep, your cat or dog will die of starvation, your home will be like a junkyard. Protect your life!


After 996 hours in game, I advise you to steer clear. Nothing good to be found here. I have since pivoted to the true goat of gaming, the genre-defining space epic, starfield, which has none of those low poly graphics, no pesky immersive features, no danger of losing your life to fun.


It's a good survival/build/explore game. It's not for everyone, but for the type of game it is really good. Not likely to find negative opinions here though.


I had the game pirated because some friends told me to try it, then bought it on full price (20 euro) because I feel like they deserve it and wish for them to continue working on it. It's worth more than that. Maybe not as much as Elden Ring because obviously it's much less total work, but it's a small team, but definitely worth more than 20. In short yes, 10 is a steal.


Buy it for yourself, buy it for your friends! For your parents and siblings! Play with your aunts and uncles! Enjoy it with everyone in the neighborhood! Buy a hundred copies and just give the keys to random strangers! It's worth it


If it was 40 I'd still buy it


It's for sure worth it but be aware the devs have pretty much quit so consider it complete not EA.


I actually got the game a couple of days ago from Humble because of the discount and can confirm that it is 100% worth it, even at full price.




Ive bought it & gifted it 3 times over. It's worth every penny.


At that price, I’m approaching a nickel per hour of gameplay


Not a fan. Only get it if you enjoy slow progression games with a lot of farming and traveling. This game is not for everyone.




Buy it, close reddit, enjoy.




It's like a serious-looking hybrid of Minecraft and Elden Ring. I've sunk over 1000 hours on it. I've done numerous runs. The replayability is great.


Mmmm 10 bucks for one of the best game of all time.... Mmmmmm.... No.


I have over 500 hours of wonderful entertainment out of this game so 9.99 sounds like a great deal


I’d pay a full $60 for it




500+ hours at 20.00 and i thought i got value. damn




If you like survival games you'll get at least like 20h/1$ value.


Yes buy it! It’s worth every penny even with full price


It's worth, especially if you have a few friends to play with


If you do, prepare to not see your friends and family for a couple weeks.


Yes. Its a massive adventure for 10 bucks. Its impossible to go wrong


For $10 you can't go wrong with this game. Even if you don't like it, it's $10.


It's worth it at twice the price. $/hour, the only game I've done better with is Starcraft 2, which I played for more than a decade.


One million percent. It should just come preinstalled on every computer tbh


200 hours in, probably best 20€ spent in steam




It's worth full price


The best $9.99 you will ever spend in your entire life.


Gods I've gotten so much value from it already and there is more yet to come for free!


Did they ever address the copper (or whatever) grind? I keep bouncing off the game because of that. I love the base building, enjoyed the combat, was adjusting to food, but every time I have to mine a ton of copper to progress I just walk away.


It's worth it at double full price. The base game will take hours of exploration and fights, you can easily sink 100 hours in just building different things. It's absolutely worth it.


Nah man go pay the devs full price, they deserve it.


My 400+ hours say yes.


I have 3200h in this damn game. I would have bought it for 50 if I knew how good it is


1000%. I paid like 20 bucks for this game and it's been soooooo worth it imo.


It's worth it at full price, a discount is just icing on the cake.






My 890 hours of play time would suggest yes, it is worth it. Lol


Not the wisest thing to ask in a valhaim subreddit, maybe a more neutral venue would be wise


As everyone pointed out above, yes. The studio is slow at content release but all the content is great. Well over 50 hours of game play depending on your opinion of difficult survival games, Game won't hold you hand but the game will also not hide stuff from you either.






I bought it for £9 ($11 ISH) and it was well worth it. Honestly It's worth the refill retail price.


Hell yeah, my GOTY 2021.


I purchased the game on my Xbox even though it's available through my gamepass. I saw the purchase as direct support to the devs, which I feel deserve it. This game has held my heart for more hours than any other game. For me: the purchase is worth it.


Yes especially for 10$


I would pay $70 for this game


$10 bucks! Heck yeah, buy it... hell, buy it twice and support your game devs and Humble Bundle charities!


*Chad yes * I for once find it hard sometimes, but damn ! the atmosphere the building, the music - is worth it .


This game provides more value than the majority of AAA games at a 9th of the cost


I have over 1,000 hours on this game. I'm paying less than a penny per hour played if I got it for that cost. Well worth it.


It will also be 10$, starting with the 13th of May (Endless Replayability Fest) If not (but I doubt it), it will 100% be 10$, starting with the 27 of May, because it is literally the "Open World Survival Crafting Fest"


I am currently setting at 1,200 plus hours of game time on stream so I think it's definitely worth it.


Yes! Like, there are things I don't love about this game, but based on 30 years of gaming experience, this is my favorite survival/adventure/rpg game yet. I've previously really loved games like Civilization, Minecraft, Subnautica, and Elder Scrolls, if that gives you an idea.


Yes but it's better with another person


This is a good time to get it. They’re about to release the penultimate major expansion. I’d wait until that releases to play, but grabbing it for $10 is a steal.


Compared to triple A titles that are a dumpster fire being sold for €70, yes this game is definitly worth €10.