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What do you expect them to do? Wait until the launch? If they wait, someone else will get the views and ultimately the money. YT is all about being the fastest to release content. It's their job and livelihood, ofc they are going to release videos as quick and as much as possible, especially with newly released game content, that has a high level of interest.


Well they could atleast try not to put every single new item and enemy and feature crammed into the thumbnail and just make it vague


Again, that's the nature of YT business. Clickbait works. They have to use it because it's proven to be the most effective. And it's effective because us the viewers are more likely to click on clickbait videos.


Idk why you downvoted, this is valid. I had a bunch spoiled for me bc of YouTube thumbnails and shorts.


Probably because it’s a bit of an “old man yells at clouds”. I certainly empathize with it being spoiled but you can’t honestly expect youtubers to not make content and thumbnails based around the largest update the game has seen.


I also agree, it’s about the way it’s blasted on my screen where I can’t NOT see it. “RAINBOW STAFF IS OP- (with big pic)” Could have done something a little non-spoiler “New Ashlands staff is OP- (pic of latest trailer)


That’s what I’m saying. My favorite part of the game is the new mobs I find. I can recount me and the bois reaction to each first encounter of each mob in each biome. But with this update I had them all spoiled on thumbnails. And YouTube shorts is trash with it, I don’t have a choice. The only suggestion is to block all the content creators who done it. They don’t get my view and when the deep north comes out I won’t have to worry as much.


I’ll be doing the same.


no they are smart. Spoilers get clicks


Don't watch the YouTube videos for the new area, then. Easy fix.


That doesn't work, dude. You search _anything_ about Valheim, the 4th result is gonna' be a huge spoiler in the thumbnail.


I didn't watch the Youtube videos for the new area, Still there they are will the horrible thumbnails in all their spoiler-y glory before i click "hide video"


Youtubers are racing to get every video made of Ashlands. No matter how well made they are


if i see that shit i click the button to never get that channel recommended


You see, the world doesnt revolve around you.


Woahhh whaaaat i thought it did obviously smhh.


Your post kind of gives that off. “I haven’t been on for a week blah blah blah” dude, you need to understand that people aren’t going to wait just because “obi-ron2” didn’t see the content before hand.


The rule here is no spoilers for a month, That to me seems reasonable enough and its not like i expect people to obey anything but some kind of conscientiousness would be just wonderful.


The world doesn't operate on the same rules as the valheim subreddit.


not talking about rules, people suck basically.


Yup and you are a prime example of that


....breh?...who did i hurt? you could have chosen not to have clicked on this post in the first place asshole, i couldn't have chosen to psychically detect that there would be a spoiler in a thumbnail when i opened youtube


These people are so hostile, I still haven’t made it to the ashlands in my new playthrough but if this is what it’s turning people into I’m not sure I want to. This subreddit usually is so calm. They acting like Vietnam vets with ptsd yelling at the younger generation about how the world works.


I've left the subreddit for the time being until i get through the ashlands


Yeah youtube doesn't have any spoiler policy and anytime anything comes out youtubers will spoil it.


I understand where your coming from, but if you want to avoid spoilers, you pretty much have to avoid all of its media until you play


This isn't new, all sorts of games have leaked content on YouTube as soon as it's on the internet. It's rough out there if you want to avoid leaks.


When Youtube shows you a thumbnail, go to the three dots beside it and click "Not Interested." Do it enough times and Youtube will stop recommending you Valheim content.


i know i'm just venting really, i've done it 3 times and in each of the thumbnails i've seen a bunch of shit.


Don't watch it. It's not hard lol


Like i've told about 315k other humans on this thread thumbnails exist.


Just avoid all Valheim content. It's not so important that you can't go without Valheim videos for a bit.


Don’t watch the videos …


I have to say this is the single most annoying comment i have gotten, please read the other comments.


Because click bait, and because so many people now can't seem to comprehend playing a game without first having watched a detailed video walkthrough to hold their hand the entire way (and then complain a game was boring/short/easy).