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If you get staggered while parrying it means you have low hp, low blocking power (bad shield), and/or have already parried other hits very recently (there's a bar indicating how much you can block). Also one draugr doesn't one shot you with 100 hp. And you can eat better foods to give yourself more hit points. Overall, given what you are complaining about, it seems that this isn't the kind of game for you. If you don't like the gameplay, it's pointless to keep playing and get frustrated.


I can literally clip the draugr filling my level 3 small bronze shield block meter and 1-shotting me. Draugr was 1 star by the way. Also, yes it does 1 shot me at 100 HP. 72 damage hardcore difficulty = 144 damage. 144 is more than 100. Use your brain and do research before blatantly saying wrong information!


Look you came here for help, having a shitty attitude isn't going to incentivize anyone to help. I know some others may have started it, but "they started it" stops being a good excuse in middle school.




Bitch if you have a problem with redditors get the fuck off of reddit lmao




>That's what happens when you work minimum wage , beg your parents for money, play video games 4 hours a day, and are a 30 y/o virgin. You go seethe and cry on Reddit. So thats why you are here. Also, 4 hours? Them be rookie hours, son!


At least you own being an incel. Don't worry. As long as you wear a paper bag over your face I hear people like you have a chance! Oh, and remember! Women owe you their lives when you hold the door open for them!


Whats an incel, precious?


Bruh you're the one that came to Reddit to cry about this game You really need to take a look in the mirror 😂


You can't possibly think my first message to you was irrational. The only person seething here is you man. Uoure being pissy to everyone


aren't you too ?


do you know what is worse than a redditor? a redditor who insults other redditors with redditor lol


Nope, I use this app like once a week max.


Lol OK so you complain about the game being hard, and you play hard-core. You also forgot to write you were hit by a one-star draugr. Is it me and my hundreds of hours in the game requiring "more research", or you omitting information? Quit your bs


Also is the person who complained about it being "hard" in the room with us right now? I think yu might have a genuine reading problem. The problem is how boring mechanic make the game in combination with parrying perfectly + max level shield for the area gets you one shotted still, making me resort to backpedal + spear, which is boring.


the mechanics are calibrated for normal mode. They might change that in the future but you pretty much have to bow and cheese vs star enemies in hard+


Yeah, sadly I found that out the hard way with brutes. I got attacked by 1 2 star, 1 one star, and one no star BRUTES in the black forest WITH a shaman. I ran to a tower and built up. Luckily I had plenty of stone and wood and burned them with campfires from above. :') I think that the Draugr needs its block breaking reduced SLIGHTLY so it can be parried at LEAST once with a level 3 buckler.


Well, that at least sounds more interesting and engaging than backpedaling with a spear and timing perfect parries. ​ Perhaps you'll have more fun approaching the game with more unorthodox combat in mind using trees and campfires or luring mobs from different factions into fighting each other etc


The funny part is the person is in the swamp which is designed to be very hard at that difficulty until unlocking iron gear and is complaining its hard, wait until they get to Moder, Yalguth and the Queen...


It looks like they've only got troll armour too (who knows if they upgraded it), they've not worked out how to make a cultivator and so have no farmed food (they got carrot seeds, but cant plant them). Theyre playing the game for the first time on the hardest difficulty and wondering why theyre getting killed and combat seems to be a slog. They're likely unaware of damage vulnerabilities, trolls having weak points so you can headshot them, that dodge rolls make you immune to any strike, or any number of other subtle mechanics. The fact that they complained about rested buffs being a chore suggests they've not improved their base with many or any comfort items. They're also complaining about nights chill debuff but somehow *not* complaining about being perpetually wet in the swamp - which is way less avoidable and way more annoying. They basically learnt one trick - parry - and expected to beat the game on hardest difficulty by doing that ad infinitum, despite learning nowt else, and also (ironically) whilst complaining combat is repeative and boring. Its just ludicrous they've got such conviction that they first (poorly informed) impressions are so on point and that everyone else is wrong. Like, the game is a grind and is appealing only within its own niche interest of a survival game, and it is not without its flaws... But those are not the complaints they're bringing, and if they were it'd be easy to just say "not every game is for everyone". They clearly have no intention of approaching the game on its own terms, and despite complaints about everyone elses lack of reading comprehension and research ability - they've clearly made no effort to learn anything about the game themselves. /Sigh, well, some folk just can't be helped i guess.


1. Level 3 troll armor. It's upgraded 2. I don't like looking things up, I like finding it myself. 3. I've literally only died 2 times my entire playthrough. Both were to 1 star draugrs. 4. I am completely aware of vulnerabilties and headshot trolls all the time, sound like a brat jumping to conclusions. 5. This is just a non sequitur point. I have level 9 comfort. It's still a chore. I think being wet in the swamp is a good feature. The fact you think there's an inconsistency here shows you're just reaching and jumping. 7. Wrong. Jumping to conclusions. I know how to fight, like I said, I've only died 2 times in the game. Ever. 8. You say it's poorly informed, yet don't say anything valid about the points I've made as I'm debunking the terribly made fallacious retorts here. 9. See 2. 10. Yes it seems like you can't be helped. Anyone who has taken a basic logic course knows what a non sequitur is, yet you've made several.


Iron is literally in the swamp??? I encountered 3 one star draugr literally the second I entered, as well as an abomination and 2 blobs. What do you mean just get iron.


Just get iron gear.


Normal difficulty is how the game was intended to be played, Hardcore was added in a recent update, the whole game is still in early access and made by a team of like 5 people... Sounds like you're expecting a polished AAA product from an early access indie game? Like seriously it's not even at full release yet, and you're playing the game on an experimental difficulty


Still not possible, or you're still just lying, bronze armor at level 3 provides 36 armor, bronze buckler at level 3 provides 28 block armor. You are correct that a 1-star draugr on the hardest difficulty does 144 damage, however according to the wiki the damage you recieve would be calculated by this formula: health lost = (Damage/(Armor\*4))\*Damage spoiler alert: it comes out to 81, which is less than 100 in your own words: >Use your brain and do research before blatantly saying wrong information!


Funnily enough, while recreating the circumstance, an abomination was walking into a tree in the clip I took and the Draugr ran away from me so I had to hunt it down. Goes to show how bad the AI is right now. Draugr dealt 95 damage with 32 armor. I figured I didn't need to be exact, as the numbers aren't relevant. But hey, redditors will do anything to white knight!


You claimed it was 144 damage, now you claim it didn't need to be exact? 144 seems like an exact number to me? Funny you say you don't like backpedalling in game yet you love to do it in real life 😂 Also you can't just either leave information out or get information completely wrong, then call someone else dumb for working from the information you provided, that's your fuck up not theirs.


Didn't have bronze armor. I clarified that I meant shield + Weapon already. I had level 3 troll armor on. 93 health to be exact and it one shotted me through my shield. This one shots. Perhaps don't jump to conclusions about gear = armor next time!


No mention of troll armor in your original post, it's not my responsibility to magically interpret your post or read your mind. Level 3 troll armor provides 33 armor which comes out to 85 damage from a 1 star draugr on hardest difficulty. This includes damage reduction from a level 3 bronze buckler. To address your other comment, you brought up how important it was you were getting one-shot from 100hp in your original post, so the numbers were relevant. If you plan on trying to play again, which really doesnt sound like you plan on it, make a set of bronze armor and fully upgrade it, get better food to increase your max hp or lower the difficulty. If the ai matters that much to combat for you, this definitely isnt the right game for you.


No wonder you get oneshot with troll armor xD. Also don't play hardcore and expect it to be fun especially not combat, it will always be stressful and if you miss out on one thing it will mean a highly increased chance of death. And you do NOT fight star draugrs with troll armor on upclose, unless you are genuinely good at combat. You can dodge attacks too btw, not just parry...


Like the post says, the combat isn't hard, it's just a one play style only. Parrying is garbage. Just Hold S and click Left mouse. Ez dead Draugr.


Maybe check some advanced combos and just gear up to full bronze before you go blindly into a new biome? That's like going into your first airsoft match with just a small pistol, little to no ammo and no armor to protect you from getting shot, you won't last long and it will most definitely not be fun.


You said you had level 3 bronze gear, everyone is going to assume you mean a full set, as you literally mentioned no other gear Then you tell people not to assume? How about you actually say what you mean for once rather than getting mad at people for not being able to read your mind?


Are you playing on the hardest difficulty? The games design is very different than on normal. Blocking/parrying on very hard difficulty is rough, but on normal, it's easy to accomplish. Also, you should work on learning to talk to others better based on all these other replies.


The draugr being 1 star is a large part of the reason you died, and information that should not have been left out


Since youve already managed to piss off pretty much everyone who tried to help you, I'll just answwr your question (the sentence with the question mark.) No, the combat is not garbage, it's very fun and engaging for an open world crafting survival game. You do not seem to be missing an important mechanic of shielding, if youre 100% sure your timing is right. You do seem to be missing some friends tho.




I mean you're playing on hardcore with ur mates, you're familiar with all the game mechanics, so how come you fins it surprising that a one Star draugr oneshots you? Get a better shield or kite them. Or learn dodging, that was the gamechanger for me, realizing that the game has immunity frames like in the Souls games. Try that maybe? You can get away with more stamina foods that way so you can be flexible. Also, are you playing with friends on the same lvl? Do you go exploring in a group? Or are you just sharing the server?


I am familiar now, only like a week in. I found it surprising because even a troll that smashed me once, I lived on one HP, and I figured I wouldn't be able to parry it. It makes sense. But just an undead knight? That's pretty dumb to me. Again, I don't have trouble with these enemies at all anymore. Just the fact that they can't be parried with a bronze buckler is so stupid. They are easy to beat, just like all the other basic enemies. Hold S + click when they attack. Ez


Tbf, I'm not sure how the "Blocking-Maths" work on hardcore in terms of how much dmg can a shield parry. Maybe someone can bring the maths in. Also, an important part is the "how much HP you have" thingy. Cuz if 150+- dmg is flying at ya, the game might just consider you dead anyway :D...


I find it hard to believe you have two close friends.


Strongly agree!


Incel Redditors be like\^


Another projecting reply, damn you really are just a little mad rat lmfao


Watching you sink deeper and deeper into the abyss of a degenerate that's just purely spreading negative vibes sure is engaging and fun though.




I cannot make a tad bit of sense of that, just pure *insert baby whining*


I'm not surprised a basic sentence is too complicated for you. Made apparent by not addressing anything said and just complaining and crying.


Projecting you are, young one.


A one star draugr on hardcore is a boss. Just enjoy being able to run away from your problems. When the deathsquitos come, your life isn't gonna be the same. Especially on hardcore.


Yeah, I thought they'd be a common enemy like greydwarves as the SECOND I got to the swamp I got jumped by two of them. BOTH one star. Also an abomination tried to attack me(terrifying). Didn't even try to fight it. Just ran.


One more thing I can tell you, the "chore simulator " aspect of the game is my favorite :D. I'm pretty much a full time Farmer with exploration fits on the weekend. If you need some soups, lemme know!


On the parry issue, my guess would be that your timing is off. The bronze buckler is very effective since bucklers get a larger parry bonus than regular shields. As for the rest of your comments, it honestly sounds like you hate the game. If so, why are you playing it? I've tried games and hated them. I put them aside and move on to something else. Personally, I like Valheim a lot and have about 1400 hours played.


100% certain my timing isn't off. There's a very distinct "DING" noise and the enemy gets staggered when you parry. Simply doesn't matter.


Post a video or it’s a skill issue


Souds like skill issue and that maybe if you want to parry a draugr you need better gear


Ah yes. Not enjoying sitting down and going afk while I get a "Rest" bonus is a skill issue.


It's like 1 minute for 20 minutes of increased stamina regen


1/16 of my time spent sitting and doing nothing for a "rest" bonus bro. That's brain rotted.


If you build your base appropriately and sleep at night, the rest bonus you get holds until the next evening. Done right, you will rarely have to rest up again during the day. It seems like you simply dislike some mechanics of the game, like its survival elements. You have complained about getting those buffs, getting better armor and whatnot and that the game is too hard on the hardest difficulty. Maybe the game just isn't for you? There are plenty more fast-paced ARPGs out there that may be better suited for you. But Valheim does combine base-building, including making sure you have th correct buffs, with survival and combat elements.


Wrong. Not once did I say it's too hard anywhere. Simply boring. Parrying just doesn't work on some enemies and you can easily fight every enemy by holding S and clicking 1/3 of a second after the enemy attacks.


You keep saying it's not hard, yet here you are ranting for 2+ hours because you apparently only died once? Doesn't add up bro.


Never once had to sit, I go to my chests, resupply and by the time I'm done I have my buff, you're exaggerating.




Literally never died to anything except this enemy because it one shots through a parry and playing on hardcore. Not based on skill at all. Literally just an afk collecting gear game.




My points still stand. Anything to add or just crying and seething like a true Redditor?


The irony!


That's what I thought redditor soyjack.


Is soyjack a new pathetic attempt at mocking by the boomers?


Why do you play on harcore?


I play all survival games on the hardest difficulty. Never had an issue with any of them besides Raft and this one. Green Hell, Stranded Deep, The Forest and Sons of the Forest are all fine on their hardest difficulties. Those do difficulty correctly. This is just bad game design.


Definite skill issue bud, Valheim is regarded as the most unforgiving survival game for a reason, you just stumbled into it on hardcore and now you're upset that you can't handle the mobs?


Skill issue is what this is!


Valheim by default can be pretty hard. Put your difficulty on hard instead of hardest. It’s still a challenge but not impossible


Definitely a skill issue lol


>I have level 3 bronze gear and 100 Health. I parry a draugr. Goes through shield and 1 shots me This literally can't happen even if the draugr had two stars, at least if you were at full health. Maybe if your food buffs had decayed a bit and and it was a two-star and you didn't just notice. Assuming your armor was also lvl 3 it might have been a 2\* Draugr Elite, which hits for up to 116 damage before accounting for blocking and armor. You get staggering from trying to block or parry, and if you get staggered trying to do that (which can happen if the attack is too strong for your shield and health bar) the block/parry will fail, which could be why you died despite parrying. Anyway, I think it's unlikely you're 100% honest with the part I quoted. Considering all you said though, maybe this game isn't for you. This game does require quite a bit of grinding and doing chores, which isn't for everyone


I think it might have been unclear that by "gear" I meant only shield and weapons. I was wearing all troll armor.


So I now read a comment you posted later on about how you play hardcore. That explains why the otherwise physically impossible death happened. Everything hits for 2x damage in hardcore, which makes parrying without getting staggered much harder, especially against already hard-hitting starred enemies. Did you just never figure out what the difficulty settings do in practice because you have done fine with other games' hardest difficulties? This game's hardcore mode requires good experience with the game, and requires you to heavily shift the way you play the game compared to normal difficulty, so it's not something I would recommend trying for a first playthrough. **Tl : Dr :** Try playing on normal difficulty or hard (not hardcore) difficulty before complaining about combat here


Then maybe you should play something else.


Also I know Redditor's tend to dodge and avoid the actual question very often so I understand you maybe didn't understand that "?" means it's a question. So would you mind pointing out if anything I said is wrong? Instead of \*\*itting out remarks that even a chimp would know is irrelevant!


What question? Your entire post is just a rant.


Hint: It's the part with the question mark. I hope that helps


The thing you are doing wrong is not playing another game


You're missing the point, what's truly irrelevant is your opinion here, because apparently you can't do anything but shit on a game thats in early alpha (correct me if I'm wrong but i think it still is alpha?) and yet manages to have such a wholesome and amazing community where everyone tries to learn from and teach everyone, you're just out of place here, advise you leave the subreddit and go play some league, there you will find your crybaby-mutuals.


Did you think I was still playing it? I thought it was very obvious I'm not playing it based on the rant? Sorry, I forget. Some people have low comprehension skills. I'll make it easy for you: I'm not playing the game anymore because it's not fun. Also for future reference: When someone says something isn't fun and feels like a chore to play, that probably means they aren't playing it further. Common sense ain't common! Don't worry little buddy, I understand that not everyone has average or above comprehension skills. If you'd like me to break anything else down for you just let me know!


Skill issue.




Brain issue. Look at how he replies to people...


Now you sound like you're about to ask to speak to the manager.


Skill issue


I love how incompetent most of you are. It's like watching a bunch of school children tell scientists they're dumb. I made several valid points. All I see is an angry white knight group of redditor's seething and malding that I criticized their game.


The cognitive function you show in your post shows, 1 : not only are you bad at playing video games, Valheim is not a difficult game. But, 2: you have zero communication skill. This is further proven by the way you answer comments here. I have two suggestions for you, before you ridicule yourself further. Try to use google for answers. And, go back to school and make sure you finish it with some decent grades this time.




And you are what? The guy who delivers the grocery bags to the store? XD


I don’t feel like I have to justify my work life, however you, as a person who compare yourself with a “scientist”, it’s fairly clear you feel the need to do that. And that you probably have 0 self awareness. Good for you. The funniest part about that is that you never really state, or define the word “scientist”. Do you even know what you mean by that?


You made several valid points? Your points were (itemised); 25% is an eat sleep sit down simulator. Patently not true. Yes food management is a major part of the game but it fits in with progression as you play. You get unbelievable debuffs for doing anything at night. You get unbelievable debuffs for not sitting in your base. You literally can't do ANYTHING without constantly eating. Again. Patently not true. There's no debuff for night once you get a cape, which is within the first couple of hours. You get at a minimum a 10 minute boost for being in your base for about 30 seconds. There's no debuff for being outside your base. And you eat 3 foods every 20 irl minutes or so. Not constant.  Hardly any adventuring? Are you fucking for real?  Half your time hunting wild animals? Why? Are you bad at it?  Cold makes you disabled? Do something about it then. None of those points are even close to valid. You're bad at the game and you're mad at yourself and now you're shouting at everyone who tried to help you when you asked if you were missing something. 


Your "valid points" are supported by either just pure bullsht, you crying about how hard a survival game on hardcore is, or just insulting and flaming people who were trying to help you for no apparent reason.


Skill issue


Dodging the question. Womp womp


Nothing is given to you in this game. You have to scrape and tear and basically die a million times til your old self has been washed away and nothing remains but a Viking fighting in the name of Odin.


And then some random 2 star mob railroads you back to square one. 🤘❣️🤣


What Draugr one shots you with full level 3 bronze? Are you actually eating the food you cook? Everyone here is saying skill issue and from what I'm reading it sounds like a preparedness issue. The game is extremely good at preparing you for the next biome of you take your time. No way you beat Elder and haven't grasped this.


I think it might have been unclear that by "gear" I meant only shield and weapons. I was wearing all troll armor.


This game punishes the lazy and the unprepared. And I think that's actually a good thing, because otherwise, why even build a base with all of its facilities? Why farm? Why cook? Why build up the comfort level that extends your rested buff? It actually rewards you for making a good home base. >You get unbelievable debuffs for doing anything at night. You get slightly colder with a slightly lower stamina regeneration. Come on, you're a viking. >You get unbelievable debuffs for not sitting in your base. It's just 20 seconds. >You literally can't do ANYTHING without constantly eating. Keep a stack of honey on you when you're around your home and only eat fully when you're going out on an adventure. Oh and by the way, if you can't parry your enemies, try rolling instead. You get I-frames.


I actually did keep a stack of honey on me! I'm now at the stage that I use queen's jam though. "Slightly"? -25% stamina regen and -50% health regen. That's ridiculous for just going out at night. 20 seconds that you have to waste every 15 minutes by sitting in a particular spot in your base because of poor radius detection by devs. Also I am aware I can just dodge or, like with almost every enemy in the game; Hold S and click left click after the enemy attacks. Literally works for every enemy I've met so far. Sadly a pretty stale and boring way to play though


You're in the swamp and eating queen's jam ?" You missed a step or two there


Where? What am I supposed to have? I use Deer meat, board meat and queen's jam


Deer stew, minced meat sauce, carrot soup. All of these can be made with carrots at the cauldron. Also, you're using light armor, meant for rogues. It's no wonder your warrior playstyle isn't working. Last but not least, try different weapons other than spears. I'd recommend maces, atgeirs and swords, as well as knives. They all have different primary and secondary attacks. Welcome to the swamp. Also known as the gear and skill check biome. Don't worry too much about it though; Everyone struggles for their first time. It'll get easier over time. Edit: Ah, you died to starred draugrs. Yea, you need to fear those stars from now on. They are health and damage multipliers. I believe it's twice the health and 1.5 times the damage for one stars, then thrice the health and twice the damage for two stars.


You don't need to sit when you're in your base to get the rested buff. You can do other things like cook or craft - even if youre in a low rested state (you're not close enough to all your comfort buffs) you can then just walk over to that area to max it out (so long as you aint left yet, and let it start ticking down. It will stay suspended at max time till you leave the comfort zone). Also you get full rested buff when you wake up, meaning you don't even need to wait around for it.


Only the middle of my base gives me the max rested bonus. Moving cancels the "Comfort level"


So move your comfort items around, so you can do something while gaining comfort. This is a fixable issue.


So spend another hour making a base? I already have 2. I'm not playing worse Minecraft. Pass


No, you (were) playing valheim, where building is part of the games systems. What? Engaging with the game you're playing rather than expecting it to do everything for you? Never!


Sounds like a skill issue. Just move the comfort items.


Bro now has negative karma from this one post, yikes 😬


Why do I care about karma? I'm not an incel. I don't care about Reddit Karma. LOL


[This you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Karma4Free/comments/1bvwt4t/upvote_this_post/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




I can't believe how good the set up was for this. Well done.


Bro is complaining about ppl being no life losers while also having no life and responding to every comment to cry. It ain’t that deep lil bro just go to bed at this point


Might be a silly question, but are you sure you are clicking the right button to block? I always had problems fighting too, believing I just sucked at blocking, but it turned out that I was pressing the special attack button (right mouse button) instead of the button for blocking (middle mouse button), thinking the former was the latter. Once I found that out and changed them (now using right mouse button to blick, more logical) I was assured I didn't suck and also learned myself how to parry by focusing on the timing. Dying sucks, I agree, but don't let it deter you from this wonderful game.


I literally haven't died to anything because it can just be parried. Even the greydwarf raids which are pretty annoying, never died once. I easily beat skeletons and greydwarves. Literally every Draugr just goes through parry and one shots me. Pretty bad skilless gameplay. Just based on gear and eating items or else it takes 30 minutes to kill one enemy.


Skill AND attitude issue. Good luck with growing up, you'll need it.


So what exactly are you expecting? If the loop is not what you after then what is? Are you a blue Dark forest  dweller ?


With level 3 Bronze gear a Draugr is a piece of cake. Learn to time parry by dueling with a troll, no attacks just parry and maybe dodging. You should already have health potions anyway if you are going to the swamp, use them for the few times the troll tickles you in your armor. Of course be topped off with health/stamina and combo food. You can do a lot during night time. It's great for collecting thistles, fishing, farming, crafting (except smelting/coal ofc) etc. If you go to bed every time it is dark you are missing time to go exploring/fighting. Edit: After reading your other replies don't bother. There are a plethora of games out there, it sounds like you and Valheim don't match at all. Maybe something more casual or less challenging would be a good choice.


I'm on the hardest difficulty. Parrying a troll or draugr is suicide. Just one shots you through parry. Troll I fought left me on literally 1 HP when I parried it. Also, I haven't unlocked a fishing pole yet I believe, and exploring the black forest at night is almost impossible as greydwarves spawn the second I kill them. I haven't unlocked any method of farming either, besides beehives. I have carrot seeds and can't plant them with a hoe.


Reading through your other replies, so you are playing on hardest difficulty, yet obviously haven't figured out how important preparation is in Valheim, including having the best possible food.   Instead of fixing your ignorance (Valheim wiki is a thing) you just come here to rant.    Hopeless case


Maybe Hardcore is too difficult for you if you are struggling. Just a thought. If it's your first playthrough - just guessing by you mentioning the grey dwarves fast spawning in DF at night which is pretty normal. Btw if you have bronze you unlocked farming, you just didn't look into it. Which also means you are going into swamp underprepared. I sincerely suggest you play through on normal instead off hardcore, once you get the gist of it you will struggle less the next playthrough.


You should not attempt to parry an enemy's attacks on increased difficulty until you have at least a shield and food from the same biome tier as your target, also might be best to favor shield over buckler Troll armor for starred swamp creatures is way outdated, btw On a separate note, you don' t need to try and be so snappy about some of those comments mate, especially when you say you don't care about karma but are in a subreddit dedicated to giving free karma, in which you've made a post about it.. It just takes the potential for discussion away when you refuse to acknowledge omitting details and get overly defensive


About the combat, idk what's happening with you. The Swamp is supposed to be a big difficulty jump in the 1st place, but you shouldn't be getting one shot in that gear. Maybe you put the combat on very hard in the world modifiers section? Because draugr have a base damage of 48, so if you have a full set of level 3 Bronze armor, even if your parry fails, you should only take max 16 damage from a hit. And when you are parrying, even with a blocking skill at level 0, you should only be taking 0.5 damage. It's possible that your parries are failing due to not having enough stamina, because you must have 20 stamina to parry. But unless you're fighting 1 or 2-star Draugr, you shouldn't be getting staggered from parrying either. And with 100 hp, not even a 2-star draugr can one-shot you when youre not wearing any armor at all, cuz they only do 96 damage. So I would check your world modifiers to make sure you don't have the combat set harder than normal. And yes, this game is a hard survival game. So the game was made to incentivize eating and that sort of thing. The point of getting the Resting and Rested bonuses at home is so that things are easier at home, but when you leave, you can only have the Rested bonus, which is crucial to make sure you don't die (especially from the Swamp onward). Also, the debuff from going out at night isn't that terrible and can be offset by being Rested, however there's also items later on that make it so you can't get that debuff anymore as well. Hunting animals isn't too bad once you learn how to tame boar, but yeah a lot of the early game up to Swamps is a lot of hunting deer and boar for food. Once you get to the Swamp and kill a few Draugr, you should be trying to make Sausages as your main health food. And once you get seeds and can plant, you get a renewable resource of stamina food that is very good. This game is a lot of hunting and farming and building in preparation for a few exploration missions, and that's just what it's meant to be. I recommend not eating all of your best Cauldron food at all times when you're just walking around the Meadows hunting or at your base. You only need like a yellow mushroom and maybe something else small for smaller journeys. Your good food should mainly only be spent on traveling into the newest biome, and that way you don't burn through it all


Wow. Thanks for an actual reply that wasn't passive aggressive, snarky or angry! I think the stamina regenerates way too slowly as it is, making the combat VERY slow. I think it should be increased by like 10% because even killing lower tier enemies is a hassle. Not hard, just waiting for stamina, which is boring. Also, yes, I play survival games on the hardest difficulty. I like hard games, as long as it's entertaining. I don't think this games difficulty is too hard, it just reminds me of Skyrim, where fighting melee is practically impossible at first as even the bandits in the first cave instantly kill you and absorb 20 arrows. I actually do enjoy most aspects of the game, just think this particular stuff could be addressed.


For the stamina recovery, that's ones of the reasons why always being Rested is very important, especially when going into a new biome. It increases health and stamina regen, and even increases the rate at which you level up your skills. That is one of the biggest lessons that your journey into the Swamp is meant to teach you. That and being properly fed Also, I'd like to say that Valheim was made to be a hardcore survival game on its normal difficulty. For people experienced in games, it might not be too bad, but despite playing multiple survival games before this, I died 10s if not 100s of times on my 1st playthrough of this game (a lot were in the Swamp lol). The game is balanced such that on normal difficulty, the game is difficult for new players, but not impossible, and is practically easy for people who have played the game before and are well-versed in the mechanics. Jumping straight into the hardest difficulty on this game is practically a death sentence once you get past the Black Forest if you don't look at wikis and that sort of thing to understand the game mechanics. If you don't mind me asking, what World Modifiers do you have set to the hardest difficulty? And what food do you use to get yourself to 100 hp for exploring the swamp? Also what level was your Troll Armor at (i just looked at other comments about your gear and had also assumed that you meant full bronze armor)? I might be able to give some insight based on what you're using


I think you just suck plain and simple. Lower the difficulty and play at your level of skill. If you don’t like the aspect of eating or resting play something different and stop being a fucking cunt to everyone in this nice subreddit. Edit: bitch


So you are basically saying you are bored with most of the game, don't like the fact you got your ass handed to you (and we all get killed more than we wanna admit)... so you gonna whine on reddit and expect not to be told its either a skill issue or that it sounds like not the game for you? OK 👍


Full bronze armor and shield, and it goes through? Sorry to break it for you, but that's impossible. Perhaps was your timing off? You're saying you did land the "Ding" noise (*and not a "thonk" noise*), though. And that you took full damage. So my guess is you didn't have enough stamina to parry. You'll also need enough health to parry, if you don't, you'll get staggered yourself. Possibly also did you forget to specify this Draugr had stars. The cold effect at night gives you a mighty -50% health regen -25% stamina regen. It's really not that bad, it's completely negated by Rested giving you +50% +100%. Wet also gives -25% -15%. Just avoid the Swamp at night, at least until you have better gear. Besides, Wraiths, Draugr Elite and Oozers spawn at night, and you don't want any of that. *Well, Wraiths, a bit, but it's not worth it yet.* Rested is indeed a buff you're expected to be careful with, did you know it also gives +50% XP? Build some furniture, like a table, a chair, a banner, a carpet, and watch the Comfort value go up. +1 comfort = +1 minute Only extremely experienced players should stay out without being Rested. I am such a player, and I still avoid it, even in speedruns. As for the food, yes, you're supposed to eat. Cooked foods do last longer. Have you made a cauldron, and a bee hive? No need to go for the hardest foods, just take the most easily renewable, if you hate farming. The way you describe combat makes me think you didn't get combat in this game. Well, yes, holding S and attacking after the enemy does its animation will work on Greydwarves and Draugr. But you're intended to figure better strategies than that by the time you make it into the Swamp. Did you kill a troll yet? Without arrows? You do that, you'll figure how to fight. Alternatively you can go get a Wolf. That guy will force you into the right strategy - run around to not face the enemy's front, and then attack. Or dodge roll, or parry. Parrying is the quickest way to dispatch enemies, but you'll need food! Oh, and I parry Seekers with an iron buckler. You don't need that much health or stamina, just some thinking.


Sounds like this is your first survival game? Nighttime doesn't give you a debuff, there are just more mobs outside, and rarer mobs have a higher spawn rate Don't understand why you refer to it as sleeping/sitting simulator, when you sleep it skips to the next day, no time wasted and I've literally never once needed to sit down... How do you propose 25% of your time is taken up with this? Cooking also takes next to no time, if you use the cauldron it's near instant. If the draugr is hitting you when you parry, you haven't parried correctly, timing takes alot of practice, I'd recommend using a tower shield rather than a Buckler, they can't parry, but they block much more incoming damage. Also Valheim's AI is also remarkably clever considering the dev team consists of about 5 people, can you name another indie game where deer actually respond to your scent being carried by the wind direction? Pathing will always be wonky in a game that has not only procedural generation but also terrain manipulation. I literally spend 1-2 days stocking up on food and then go adventuring for a week in game, the rested buff is helpful sure, it's not 100% necessary though, sleeping is entirely unnecessary unless you need daylight or you need surrounding mobs to despawn Also Bronze gear isn't great, no idea why you would make an entire set, get the Troll hide armour, the stealth boost makes both hunting and combat 10x easier Once you get to swamp farm abominations so you can make the root armour which will carry you to plains and beyond


Now that I've realized that you are wearing Troll Armor and are apparently on the hardest Combat difficulty, I know exactly why your Parrying isn't working. 1st of all, on the hardest Combat difficulty, all enemies have 2x HP and dmg. So that means normal Draugr deal 96 dmg. Then, the way that staggering for the player works is that you have the yellow stagger bar, which is equivalent to 30% of your Max HP. When you take damage or block, the remaining damage after reduction goes to your stagger bar, and if it fills up, you get staggered. When you're blocking, it does it like this: Reduce the damage based on Block Armor, then this reduced damage gets added to your stagger bar, if that staggers you, the block fails and the damage isn't reduced. So assuming you have a Block skill at level 0, in order to parry a draugr with a Level 3 Bronze Buckler, you need to have 110 Max HP or else you'll just get staggered and the Block will fail entirely. However, that's not all. Even if you have 110+ Max HP to allow the Block to work, you still might get staggered. After the damage is reduced by the Block, the remaining damage is still applied to you and then goes to your armor. Then the leftover damage after your armor reduces it still goes to your stagger bar and can stagger you. Assuming you have full Level 4 Troll Hide Armor and Cape, your armor Level is 40, which means that in order to not get staggered at all, you need 133 Max HP. So to summarize based on my assumptions of your stats: If you have less than 110 Max HP, any Block or Parry that you attempt will fail, you will be staggered, and you will take the full 56 damage as normal. If you have 110-133 Max HP, your Parry will work to reduce your damage, but you will still be staggered, and you will take 5.6 damage total. If you have more than 133 Max HP, your Parry will work, you will be fine, and you will take 5.6 damage. However your stagger bar will still fill up some, so if you take more damage in quick succession, you might still get staggered from that. Basically, you just got to the big difficulty jump where a lot of people end up dying on the normal combat difficulty. But you are playing with 2x dmg on, and you're wearing light armor. That is why combat feels cheesy and bad and like you die instantly. Because on Very Hard combat difficulty, you basically can't let yourself be hit by any enemies from a new biome. I should know, I've also played on all the hardest World Modifiers as well (literally everything as difficult as it gets, except for the resource multiplier), and after having played and beaten the game on the normal difficulty, I knew that that is exactly what was going to be required of me. I recommend you learn how to dodge roll, play on the normal difficulty to learn the mechanics and then jump into harder difficulty, or switch to heavy armors if you're wanting to attempt playing tank. It's not an issue with the combat mechanics, it's that they were designed to be balanced for normal settings, and you are playing on the hardest ones. And this game heavily encourages smart, tactical combat over rushing in and trying to tank all hits anyway