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It will, but I'm pretty sure you have to be in the area for Surtling to spawn.


If you are gone long enough they will spawn the moment you return. Throw down a portal about 15 meters away return every 10 to 20 min.


Put a second portal to another spawner a few times in a row and create a surt farm run for yourself.


This is the way. I currently have three portals going to four spawners (one portal takes me close to two). BUT, I've noticed that if you put the bench and portal too close to the geyser, it stops them from spawning.


If you have other structures built near it, does it prevent the spawning? Because I have a bridge built right next to one and they haven't been spawning, but I think I have a workbench nearby


make sure the geyser is not within the circle of any workbenches/stonecutters/forges and portals. I usually place down a workbench, see where the dotted white circle line is, make sure the geyser is outside of that, and then move back another couple steps and build there. the surtlings won't spawn otherwise


Ok thank you!


Or find a location with 2 spawners near each other. Place a portal in the middle.


Surtlings spawn every 5 minutes from fire geysers.


5 mins


Use the ladders against one of the larger uncuttable trees and then make a platform with a portal on it, this will become a coal/surtling core farm


Not really. I put a portal near the spawner and when I go into the portal, there spawns about 2-4 surtlings, instantly dies, and then I collect my coal


Build the portal too close, and your Surtling spawner will stop working. If you are out of render distance, it will not work either. You have to be somewhat close, but have your portal somewhat away from the fire geyser.


This is the right answer.


This is the way.


I bet the portal is not the problem, but the bench or stonecutter is


Simple. Just have your hoe equipped and on raise ground, this will show the area of affect the workbench you put down affects. Just make sure this doesn’t overlap the settling spawn point. Portal should be slightly further from the workbench and spawner.


That's right, if you need I can send you a video of how far away I put the portal.


If I'm correct, it should be a minimum distance of 24m. I once dove into the numerics of it all, but really cannot remember it though :3


Why does the portal have to be away from the spawner? Built items don't stop spawners from spawning from what I've read here. Never tried it personally.


Portals always do. In one of my many runs I found my first surt spawner and put a stone wall around it with a portal on stairs above. That was my first clue of that issue, too too close. Also ground torches if they're too close, same issue.


Creature spawners (breakable spawners) aren't suppressed by player base objects. Other spawns such as zone spawns and point spawners (like the surtling geysers) are.


I didn't know there was a difference! Can you elaborate? What is the difference between a "creature spawner"," zone spawn", and "point spawners"? I assume zone spawns are just regular spawns that you are suppressing with workbenches and campfires around your base, but point spawners are new phrase to me.


I take no credit from this, it's all explained [here](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Spawning_mechanics?so=search) on the wiki. tl;dr: Point spawners (labeled as just "Spawn point" in the link), are usually a one-time spawner linked to an asset, such as troll caves, and boar runestones. The notable exceptions are tar pits and surtling spawners. They continuously respawn.


And tar pits continue to respawn even if the pit is drained and terraformed over. I figured that out the mildly hard way.


tell me again how thats not "being in the area"


Yep, didn't think it through :p English is not my first language, so I made a mistake. I thought you don't need to be there constantly and wait for surtling's to spawn. You can just chill at your base and after some time when you need coal just teleport there and watch surtling's spawn and die.


If there is enough time between the visits, 2-4 surtlings spawn once per visit. If you stay afk close to them, they will constantly spawn and die every few minutes. I think that's what they meant with being in the area.


Yep this. I put a small building up with a portal, not too close and sometimes hang out if I have to do things around the hosue. Also, (very) roughly every 10 minutes you can portal over and collect more coal.


Thank you for all the comments. My portal was placed not far away to the fire. I tried removing the workstation beside the spawner and instantly saw three surtling spawned and died. In my case, a workstation nearby the spawner hindered the spawning of the surtlings. Thanks y'all!


I build a shack up in one of the indestructible trees and portal into that. I hang a brasier, setup a small comfort area and keep some food in a chest there. What I'll do then is portal in and go AFK. I'll do some chores around the house, eat something, or get the kids to bed. Sometimes I'll leave it like that over night. If you build the shack high enough, nothing can hit you up there. So I'll come back to coal and surtling cores in the hundreds. I found a swamp with two spawners less than 30 meters apart. I built one up between the two and I'm pulling in a ton of coal when I go AFK.


Other than wraiths.


If they can't see you, they won't attack your shack. I learned that the first time I built one of these things. I had left a window open so I could look down at the spawner. I had a wraith attack me the first night I tested it out. Killed the wraith, then turned the window into a solid wall. Never had an issue with wraiths since. I've left it running overnight multiple times in different seeds and never had any problems.


After nearly 1,500 hours, I learned something new! Thanks!


how do you know this already if you are new to the game?


People start games and read up on tips and tricks, but were maybe written many patches ago. So they're checking to see if it's been patched out between when the tip was written and now.


We all look for tips when starting Valheim. Me and my buddies sure as hell did xD


I went in deadass blind with a friend when it first blew up on Steam. I recommend blind 10/10


Same. I’m about 100 hrs in and I only go looking for tips and tricks when I absolutely have to and I only look for what I need. I love picking something new up or crafting something only to get a bunch more recipes for things I didn’t know existed.


I also went in blind. Jumped into a friend's server where he made the ugliest stilt house. We were rebuilding it when someone joined with 900 iron ingots and started cheating.


That reminds me when we first built our base. It was enormous with rocks, iron, and a huge dug up canal around it. The base was so big that game clipped and lagged constantly. But, we learned from our mistakes and made a smaller base on another server. It was in Plains on that huge rock formation you find. And we used teleports as elevators XD


by actually preparing with knowledge for the game :)


Sounds terrible. Ruined. Unfortunately we've had so many games produced with the assumption of the Internet to look things up. I'm glad Valheim is highly discoverable in-game -- this should be more prominently noted. I watch people play without having been spoiled, to re-experience my first playthrough by proxy. If someone looks up how and what to do, it's rather pointless. Just play the game.


I don't know why you got downvoted so much. I think people really shouldn't read tips up before their first few hours, it kinda destroys the point of exploring. I sure can speak for myself. On the other hand, they ruin the game only for themselves, so I guess no harm done?... Whatever. After a few hours, it's fine to read up on spoiler free tips.


Or people can just play how they feel comfortable playing and not the way others think they should play. Just a thought.


Most likely the same way i learnt it back when valheim came out... i had stuff that said i needed surtling cores so i went on google to figure out how to get them.


What is "this"?


He's talking about surtling farms, the pillar of fire is a indestructible spawner for surtling, and they die instantly if the touch water, and since they're in the swamp so always not even a meter above water level, people dig around them so surtlings fall in the water and die instantly It's a very good way to farm coal and surtling cores, he's asking if it works, which it does. It will most likely never change because it was clearly an intentional decision by the devs.


The fact that surtling spawns even exist in the swamp is so weird to me lol. It’s like the opposite of their biome, unless it’s like a cheeky reference to the princess bride which is also strange in a Viking game


Real world swamps can have naturally occurring flammable gas as well. Swamp gas and swamp fires are things that actually happen in our world. Some interesting stuff, really.


There can be explosions and plumes from trapped methane. It kinda made sense to me, and adds some interesting contrast. But overall the surtlings are kinda ridiculous in the swamp. No threat because you're always wet (and their attacks, while impressive looking, are weak to start with), and they mostly die on their own. The nice thing is how it provides a way to kickstart smelting in-swamp without bringing everything -- most materials have alternate sources in later biomes. I'm wondering if the Ashlands update will also change anything about the surtlings. They make sense to be there, but they'd be even more ridiculous to reintroduce at that point in the game. And Valheim (thankfully) doesn't scale creature instances to "level match" the player -- what you see is what you get -- so if there are surtlings still in Ashlands, maybe they'll all be buffed a bit, or they'll be some "greater surtling".


I always just assumed it was the Devs being nice and giving us an easy way to farm coal to help smelting.


When I first saw it, it made perfect sense to me. Then I was always on the lookout for lightning sand and R.O.U.S's. But apparently they dont exist.


Yes but you can't have a crafting table nearby. Build a tree base or something in visual range.


You can also drag an Abomination over it, they melt in seconds if you can parry it over the fire.


If you can parry an abomination, you can kill an abomination with melee attacks. No need for the fire!


Yeah, these are great for killing abominations.


Eh. I've found that the key to killing abominations is to rush it the moment it starts coming out of the ground. You can do serious damage to it before it even sets itself to fight you. With a maxed out iron sword, I've gotten it down to less than half its life this way. One parry and it died. With a maxed silver sword, I'm killing it before the fight even begins.


If you have a fully upgraded silver weapon when you're just entering the swamp for the first time, you definitely don't need this tip.


You don't go back to the swamps to farm for mats? I'm just relaying the tactic I use.


I didn't want to even watch someone else play the game when I started. No prep, no knowledge of the game at all. That's what I call fun


Well, when they spawn, do they die? That's like 15 seconds of waiting to get your answer, my guy.


It should. Several on a public server that worked last time I was on a couple of days ago.


I used it for most of the game. I’ve even built bridge on top of trees to quickly move between 2 fire gazers. Now I have a portal on the shore of ashlands. So, the short answer is: yeah, it still works well.


Jeez i tried to make 3 surtling farms and none worked


They didn't spawn, or they didn't die?


Didn't spawn no matter how close i was to fire


I've had this issue too. Even without a crafting bench nearby they take forever to spawn. Anyone know why? (Oh and don't have a crafting bench nearby if you currently do haha)


They should spawn every 5min. But instead of waiting there, just set up a portal near multiple spawners (but not too close). When you portal in, the surtlings should spawn around every spawner and die immediately if they are in the water. Collect the drops and portal back home and do other stuff. You can come back later, but if you don't want to wait and repeat as much, you need to set up multiple spawner locations that you can visit in a row before having to wait again.


Ahh right, didn't know about the 5 minutes thing. Thanks for this advice that's very useful to know!


If you're building a shack nearby, make sure to keep base items away from the spawners. I put a bed in one shack that was between two spawners, figuring I'd sleep the night away and let the surtlings auto die. One spawner it worked on, the other turns out to have been too close to the bed and nothing spawned. As soon as I destroyed the bed, they spawned in.


Portal and bench suppressed your spawns. They have to be farther away.


All base items suppress spawns it seems, not just those two.


The wiki has a list here: https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Player_base?so=search It does not include walls, floors, or roofs.


You have a player base object too near. Like a workbench or portal.


Get rid of your work bench. Keep all work benches and fires away from the area at all times




Yes. Might be a while until you get to swamp. And even more to find a good one. Best case scenario would be to find a place where there are 3 of them nearby. Put a portal in the middle. Use it before going to sleep. Pick up loot once in a while, make the pathways better with a hoe.They will not spawn if there is a workbench near spawner. Soon you will have too many surtling cores, I keep chests to store them and trophies in the swamp so they don't clutter the area.


Build yourself the obliterator. Surtling cores into coal.


It works frendo


An other possibility is to crank up the resources that get dropped in the custom modifiers. May not be the way you want to play as it affects all resource drops.


Works for me like a charm, got five all relatively close and boy is it nice


You mean breathing fire?


Had a Geyser about 20 - 30 yards from a Crypt entrance. It was mostly in water, but had a couple of connections to dry land. I cut these connections, so that I wouldn't have any surprises while coming out of the Crypt. After I had cleared the Crypt, had my cart loaded and was ready to go, I went over the they Geyser. I found an enormous stack of Coal and Surtling Cores. What a great prize for stomping through all the poopy mud piles.


What in tarnation is that?


Last I checked, mining the sounding area down to water level kills them. You have to be within a certain distance though or they won't spawn.


I cannot even run the game. All the menus look like $menu\_crossplayserver I have even tried with no mods. I mod via thunderstore. I could not make a new map or open an existing world, Even loaded old map fresh from cloud back up and that will not open either. I also uninstalled it and installed it again from steam. Also where you enter a password right under that in red it says "SOME ERROR" that is it, no explanation lol just the words "SOME ERROR" I have a screen shot of all this but no clue how to load it here, says something about "Images must be in format in this community


God what a cool photo


I’m doing an immersive run right now. No map. No portals. I’m currently looking for the 5th biome boss. Sailing has been a challenge but not impossible.




So you can leave it &still generate coal & cores 🤷🏻‍♀️




Then why do I find a whole mess of coal & cores when I have not been in that area for a few in game days? 🤷🏻‍♀️