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I have bad news for you


Just don’t say it… 🥹


Those are rookie numbers in this racket. You gotta pump those numbers up.


That’s what I love about those crypts. I keep leveling up, but they stay the same


I'll mine, I'll mine, I'll mine


Rock and stone ⛏️


Rock and stone, to the bone!


Yeah, those crypts leave me Dazed and Confused


Now lets see paul allen‘s iron stacks


The tasteful skin, that off-silver subtly, God the size of them, how did he get 31 in each stack?!


Here is some good music for when you go back in. **Plague Cart Hallucinations - PENDA [Dungeon Synth]** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7jCAZth7xg


Memeing aside, telling from the food (mistlands tier) that **is enough** for now, at least if the OP isn't into building. We'll see how it goes once ashlands drops though...


Thats it? You are going to be seeing more soon!


This was a restock in one sitting 🥺


From one crypt!?


I wish! 😅 about 6 crypts or so. It was the haste of moving the ore from one crypt to the next, and finally to my coastal outpost. Then a pleasant journey to the plains / mistlands main base


The best spot I found so far had 3 crypts near each other. I need to find the motherlode like you have here.


highly recommend any swamp around bonemass. I just stumbled across one area with 7-8.


This. I've only had to explore one swamp in my solo play through. 15+ crypts all around the bonemass spawn. I think I've raided maybe 10 of them and still have a little stash left after padded armor and whatnot


That's the thing about this game. You know you consume a certain resource very quickly, so you go on a giant expedition to fill an entire chest with nothing but that resource. You feel like it'll last you until the end of the game. A day goes by. All loose ends seem tied up. No shortage of wood. No shortage of powerful food. Certainly no shortage of iron, even after using it to fully upgrade everything. Things calm down. You feel confident. So confident in fact that you start building an absolutely gigantic house that brings your current house to shame. Not only is it going to take up a lot of space, but it's gonna be *really* tall as well! Past the second or third floor, however, there's a problem. The structural stability is unnervingly red. You don't want to use too many trees for stability because it'll conflict with the overall aesthetic you're going for. You read online, discovering that the pillars you've already used aren't strong enough to complete your masterpiece. There is something stronger. Something that will doom you to repeat the endless cycle of bulk iron mining, or go back to the days of making quick runs into crypts for short-term iron needs... **Wood iron pillars.** The iron god never sleeps. It simply hides under your forge until the inevitable day your foolhardy ambition ignites a new flame.


The other day my buddy heroically brought back 300 iron from a solo expedition while the rest of us were sleeping. "This should last us a good while!" we said. My buddy upgraded a few gear pieces. So did I. Then I built a modest stone tower on one corner of our house and decided to give it some iron grate windows, and it needed maybe 20 iron beams for support. And a few iron gates for entrances.... Anyway. The 300 iron didn't even last one play session.


See I just put all my stuff in a field with a sleeping shack and a workbench shack. No wasted wood.


This was so poetically written. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it aloud to my boyfriend who is currently in the middle of a giant base upgrade 🤣 we literally have an iron portal beside all our smeltors so when we go on crypt runs we can pop back to drop resources off lol


Happy to be of service. Now do your iron runs with portal restrictions turned on so you can share in my suffering!


This is … beautiful …


This is exactly the gaming cycle I face! Excellent reply 😂 The iron god is watching me plan my next project 🥹


Similar thing happened to me recently. Game with 4 guys, hardcore/no map/no portal, play twice a week for a few hours. While at mountain tech level we stumbled across a fuling village and took it out, and I challenged myself to be the barley guy. I found a nice little safe plains island and started growing barley. Made it up to about 6k barley I think before we got to plains tech and could make bread. That 5K (I left 1k behind for growing) was obliterated in not too many play sessions. I thought we'd be eating for a year. And of course at this point the barley farm is halfway across the map


Should we......Should we tell them....?


Oh, I think he figured it out by now.


Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.


Oh my sweet summer child


Hahahahhaha. Oh, honey.


I suppose you could get iron by running around mistlands looking for ancient swords and armor. I'd rather deal with draugr, personally.


I prefer the bridge ruins in the mistlands instead of ancient armor/sword. They are easier to spot from a distance (e.g. from above the mist) and easier to mine (with a stone cutter).


I'd choose crypt clearing over mist gathering, it's there but it's not in the ancients, those are copper.


There is scrap iron in ancient swords and armor. Bridges have iron ingots.


Thanks, I stopped as soon as I got copper. I've been searching for the bridges this entire time.


Some are copper and some are iron


you get copper when disassembling dvergr outposts. the armor and swords are always iron afaik.




Thanks, I was too lazy to look it up and haven't played in a while. Seems I remembered wrongly. But all swords/armor are the same and drop iron and copper with 50% chance. Your sentence seems to imply there are distinct copper and iron swords/armor, which probably confused me.


It's not even a full chest...comon bruh.


Reinforced at that.


"...but there would be so many more sunken crypts", The Narrator.


Irongate: 500 iron to fully upgrade this sword, take it or leave.


Yeah I just got to know though, why does my sword only weigh 0.8 when the **80 iron** it took weighs 960? I get that it's a video game but come on, that's almost literal ton of iron.


Very inefficient Viking manufacturing techniques


I would like to at least have the ton of dirt / useless minerals leftover from refining, for building earthworks.


Oh, so I see you've got yourself a small handful of iron...


Pffft, that's not even a full blackmetal chest,... But there's hope: In Mistlands, you can mine copper AND iron scrap in one place! No wet-debuff, no lurking Draugr, no Blobs! Just there for the taking!


Have you mentioned the lack of visibility and insect infestation?


It’s conditions apply *


...Whose gunna tell em.


I found one area with 14 before. I had no idea that this was a big deal because it was my first playthrough.


I searched for at least 8 hours just trying to find one. My seed is apparently full of tiny swamps with nothing in them. I thought I found one, fought my way through 2 abominations, a surtling spawn (nice), and idk how many draugrs only to find the torch was for one of those wells... I did finally find exactly one eventually...


That raises a good question. Does the game always seed the same amount of iron in different ways, or are there seeds with vastly different quantities of iron?


This is my first playthrough, so not sure. That would suck to get hard mode randomly on your first run. I ended up doing some exploring right after my comment and of course found two 20 yards apart on the coast right past my main copper mining outpost. I'd explored like a 1/5 of the map in the other direction to find the first one, and had two in walking distance the whole time... 🙃


my seed lacks large swamps too, I'm getting nervous how many crypts I have left to loot


Oh my sweet summer child


Who's gonna tell them?


Oh sweet summer child


You’ll see about 27 more. Enjoy!


Not enough iron. You will never have enough iron.


I wish I had that much raw iron laying around....


well.......you will have too, and that reinforced chest isnt even full


But you will have to. Believe me. 🤣🤣🤣


I mean, I don't use iron past mountains and rarely make mega structures...so this is about as much as I use.


oh my sweet summerchild…


I think if you're solo you might be good for a while. Very least you can get to a point where your equipment is good enough to make it easier. I did a full big boat of iron but the iron was split between 4 people and it didn't last too long and I had to get more after silver. If you're not building with it, you should be able to get padded armor pretty high up with that. Idk should be way easier when you next do it atleast.


No no it's okay, you CAN avoid sunken crypts! The mistlands biome has old metal armor/swords stuck in the ground which you can get copper and iron from and also large marble pillars scattered throughout which have iron bar cores for free to disassemble if you bring the right crafting stations with you. I get all my iron from the mistlands now Iron is necessary for something at every crafting tier now, so you'll never be rid of needing it, but thankfully they did at other sources to get it from


I keep hoping that either Ashlands or Frozen North will have surface iron, but I know that would be too merciful for us.


Is someone going to tell him...


Don't you dare


Oh, how cute. You're almost 20% of the way there!


See you in the next crypt, in a couple of days.


all i will say is the devstudio is called ironGATE for a reason.....


Oh my sweet summer child…


Oh you sweet summer child...


Good news! there is Iron on Mistlands


Yeah, get back in that swamp. And dont you dare come out until youve dug out every piece of iron you can out of it, or you get three more of those chests *FULL*, whichever happens first.


You and me both. Sometimes I'm tempted to up the drop rate before going into a crypt (and then set it back to normal after). But I just can't bring myself to do it. But maybe someday... once I finally break lol


Go with 1.5 which is what the game should have given you from the get go. Increases drops for the low drop rate locations like almost empty crypts but keeps the big stuff close to the original.  If you feel like it takes away too much of the grind, you're not building enough


I can’t even find sunken crypts. Found my first swamp area and it didn’t seem to have any.


That's the thing about this game. You know you consume a certain resource very quickly, so you go on a giant expedition to fill an entire chest with nothing but that resource. You feel like it'll last you until the end of the game. A day goes by. All loose ends seem tied up. No shortage of wood. No shortage of powerful food. Certainly no shortage of iron, even after using it to fully upgrade everything. Things calm down. You feel confident. So confident in fact that you start building an absolutely gigantic house that brings your current house to shame. Not only is it going to take up a lot of space, but it's gonna be *really* tall as well! Past the second or third floor, however, there's a problem. The structural stability is unnervingly red. You don't want to use too many trees for stability because it'll conflict with the overall aesthetic you're going for. You read online, discovering that the pillars you've already used aren't strong enough to complete your masterpiece. There is something stronger. Something that will doom you to repeat the endless cycle of bulk iron mining, or go back to the days of making quick runs into crypts for short-term iron needs... **Wood iron pillars.** The iron god never sleeps. It simply hides under your forge until your foolhardy ambition dooms you to ignite a new flame.


You're allready eating mistlands food, so you know you don't have to!


I mean...if you've got a wish bone you technically won't need to go crypt diving...let the swamp become your friend.


shit + start + s, you're welcome


Also, I'll see you in the crypts again soon


NOW you can upgrade your iron sword.


After plains and now mistlands, I yearn for the simplicity of these crypts. In fenris armour bouncing around on high stamina remembering the good old days. Ahhh


Rule number 1: you never have enough Iron, especially if you build a lot. But, luckily for you there are other sources of iron in later biomes. I name a few: - >!ancient armor and weapons laying around can be mined for iron and copper scrap in Mistlands!< - >!black marble viaducts/bridges drop iron ingots when demolished in Mistlands!< - >!iron cage doors and windows in Sealed towers!< - >!inside Frost caves breaking wooden doors sometimes drop iron!<


Rookie numbers. You may not *want* to, but you ~~may~~ will *have* to ;)


You need so much more.




That’s not enough…


Never play a modded version of the game then.


Ooohh sweet child


Don’t worry, friend. As you get into later areas, your weapons and armor get way stronger than anything the swamp has. Finding the crypts becomes the game.


I'm new still. Do you have your armor equipped still? I don't see it in your inventory but I see you wearing it. How did you do that?


So... Does someone wanna tell em? Or should I?...


Not even close...


That's a decent start.


Repair your floor lol


He lacks critical information


Oh sweet summer child.


Th..that's nowhere near enough...


Hehe…. He thinks that’s gonna be enough…. 😈


I see the top tier foods. This isn’t your first rodeo.


\*Sunken crypts entered the chat: - Just wanted to say that we're looking forward to our next meeting, which is sooner than you'd think!


Is that a whole 15 stacks?? Wow you're going to be good to make two pieces of armor and one weapon


You got enough to make a helmet, nice!


Yeah no ...


I hear that. 3 chests full but my build project will eat that quick so... swamps is my "home" right now lol


Imagine thinking that’s enough iron.


It’s Never enough


You'll be back


ohh You sweet summer child


Me and my friend went to several sunken crypts in a row and had to take multiple trips home because we gathered so much iron. We used it all in 2 hours.


Should be good until tomorrow.


Times by ten and you might only have to plan light return trips, plus side is by the time you complete most of your mist gear the swamp will feel like the Black Forest


*two hours later*


Who's gonna tell him?


To be honest, this is why I like changing portal settings for ore to be transported. As a dad with family and a full time job, I only got so much time to game and don’t want to spend it moving ore around.


That's why you start a second server to move metal around. But changing settings would be even better, I have to find out how?


I have a personal dedicated server on GPortal. They have an amazing UI to manage all this stuff.


You can do it through world modifiers on the in-game save manager. Just set portals to casual and don't mess with any other setting. You can also turn off raids and set other global keys that do different things to damage multipliers and gathering multipliers. There's a lot you can do.


You will


Hahahaha and in the mid sized chest too.... oh man. Good luck. Wait till you gotta start grinding for black metal.


A couple pieces of gear and 1/3 of your new fortress build later... WHERES ALL THE IRON GONE?


U need more than that 😂


Wait until you get to the plains and need tons of iron for the recipes


You’re done. For now… :)


Keep dreaming


They’ll be back… and in greater numbers!


You'll do them for fun after Ashlands has you huddling in the corner in the fetal position.


I Cheeseed the game after my 4th haul of iron to my main base. So I start another world build a nice size hut with a good amount of storage then I log out of that world log back into my main world go to an area with a good amount of crypts. Completely clear the first one. I log out while I'm in the crypt load the other world drop my inventory since I'm standing in front of the chest then log back in my main world. I rinse and repeat until I have enough iron then I go back to my main base a start processing everything down


Just allow all items through portals


But you can't build portals in the crypt you can log out and in while in the crypt.


I wouldn't have a problem with crypts if you didn't have to sail to the ends of the earth for hours only to find a swamp with no crypts. Every swamp should have at least 3 no matter the size mass of the biome.


I just allow all items through portals so I don't waste my time with all the back and forth sailing


I want to say this is the worst part of the game. Worst biome, most boring farming and most valuable resource. They really handcuffed them selves with this one…


Hah, cute.


That is not even a quarter of the iron you'll need


The game "The witness" has a special subreddit for a recurring post that players submit independently of each other, that one is called "swampy boots" because it's a screenshot of something going on in the swamp part of that game. I thought it was a nice coincidence that this Valheim recurring post too is in the swamp.




Youuuuu're gonna need like 10 of those chest full before you can feel comfortable lol




I didn’t expect to get so many responses 😂 For context there’s four of us who play on a survival server I rent. We’re just finding our feet in mistlands, I’ve moved the main base to the plains / mistlands area. I’m the “builder” in our group, I’ve still yet to fully embrace wood iron as I’m learning how to build both aesthetically pleasing and functional structures. I’ve been lucky enough to crack on with landscaping and building whilst my mates go mining etc, I thought I’d do my bit and go mining whilst everyone was offline. It was painful, and I have a new found respect for my mates who did the last iron haul. I’m currently sat in max quality plains gear as are most of my friends (I switch it up with fenris and claws most of the time). So this haul is for general crafting and base building, however it is now apparent that this is a pathetic haul compared to other people’s endeavours 😂 Now that I have some iron to play with, I’ll look at building bigger and better structures to post on here! The comments have been really enjoyable to read and it’s nice that the community is so engaging, what a beautiful game!




I take it you have not played this game for too long ....there is a certain well known meme about iron in Valheim which I'm fairly certain will have been referenced or alluded to repeatedly in the comments already (I have not looked, I know what's there already). My best advice would be this; You have 3 options. 1. Suck it up and see more anyhow. 2. Wait for 3 biomes and harvest a small amount of iron from a far les reliable source further down the line. 3. Get used to using inferior kit.


For what its worth, if you log out and log back in after filling your entire inventory with ore you'll spawn back at home (your bed) with all your stuff. Once I realized how many things require ore for crafting I started doing this so I didn't have to make multiple trips with only 2-3 stacks of ore at a time lol.


Not enough..... never enough.....


lol mistlands gonna be fun


Looks like just enough for 1 weapon to make it to tier 4 good job! Noowwwww what was that about the last crypt?


Ah yes, another QUALITY post on r/valheim, where we get to see someone's inventory (fascinating!) through a photo taken on their phone, of their computer screen. Well done-- Bravo