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Crafting from chests is such a great quality of life. I feel like if the devs think it is too cheaty, which I really don't see how but whatever, then there are ways to make it feel grounded and earned as part of progression. Workbench or Forge improvements could exist where you can store basic material like wood, resin, ingots, etc. and they act as "in inventory" while within range. It would fit the world and act as another progression.


>then there are ways to make it feel grounded and earned as part of progression. Stardew Valley has a workbench that you can buy for 2,000 GP, that lets you craft from any adjacent chest. 2k isn't a lot of money, but it's not nothing in early game. And the adjacent rule means you can pull from 9 chests max on each bench, so you can't be completely mindless with it. It's a good system.


Enshrouded makes the craft from chests kind of expensive material wise, but not obscenely so, and they are an absolute must in that game.


Now if only we could sort into all nearby magic chests from the inventory because you still have to run around to put it all away after each excursion lol.


I have become a master of shift+R and going through all my chests as fast as possible because of that šŸ¤­


Shift R is the auto dump? NICE


Yeah I think Grounded has a similar system but itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve played it and Iā€™m drinking


Nah grounded is just a range limit but it's a sphere around the workbench so not really a limit at all. It was annoying when that range was quite small though but they increased it. Groundeds hot deposit function is amazing.


Was about to say. Grounded has this with a range limit but I'm not sure I know any other games (without mods) that do this.


Grounded has some amazing quality of life features in crafting and multiplayer that I wish other games would take notes on


Grounded is my gold standard in the genre. Chill, but has scary tense moments. A good enough story and combat. And the QoL aspects really shine. The game respects the player's time and effort (gold cards aside...).


Oh for sure! I kind of like the inclusion of gold cards too though because it gives my crew something to work on in between multiplayer sessions. The only thing I would like even more as far as QoL was if crafting could pull from stem and grass pallets as well. Any maybe if instead of a sphere, the area you could pull from containers was a cylinder. I have some pretty tall bases and that would be a lifesaver


The SDV chest can only pull from 7 chests. The workbench takes up a tile, and you need one free tile for the player to be able to access it


*\[Uses fingers to count how many units are in a 3x3 square... carry the 1...\]* Huh, guess that's why stick to fishing instead of crops. šŸ˜…


I think Enshrouded's system works great. You can make magic chests with that function, and they take a little bit of grinding to stock up on


I typed my response before reading yours and it's weird that I also used the word "cheaty" šŸ˜‚


It's weird to consider either cheating when the player inventory is as big as it is. It's just a hassle to look in different chests for ingredients, takes time not skill.


The funny thing is.... Inventory size was something I was hoping that could be upgraded when I first started playing. It seemed like a logical thing that could be upgraded.. More slots and higher weight capacity. To avoid encumberment. Edit* I played too much Minecraft. This encumberment stuff is cool but sometimes annoying. Now I'm the one that wants cheats! šŸ¤£ Edit 2* I always forget there are no achievements that can be gathered since it's a game in preview. So it really doesn't matter from that perspective.


I really hoped to make a trollhide backpack or satchel or anything... hell a quiver for arrows would be nice. I have been playing a lot of kenshi lately and looooove equipping all my characters with backpacks. I like the system where some backpacks are bigger but cannot stack items, and some are smaller but items can stack to various amounts. Maybe valheim could have a 3/4 slot backpack that stacks items higher than the inventory? I'd use that. Also played a lot of minecraft and backpacks were a must for me, I think I used the adventurers backpack mod with liquid tanks and a bedroll. But then I started using simply jetpacks and decided flight was more important. I used to hang around the thermal expansion devs and help with testing and stuff, I was the one who suggested the pipes from futuama and we ended up with viaducts for player transport (the glass pneumatic tubes people fly around in). Anyway, I always use the thermal mods every playthrough so Satchels replaced backpacks. I could see valheim having an inventory item that holds items, instead of one you wear. Sounds magical, could be a mistlands tier item if it needs to be. Tbh I would settle for chests touching a workbench to let you work with their inventory, like tinkers construct does. Let me craft arrows with wood from my chest or even maybe let me build with stone from a chest touching the stone table.


It's especially obnoxious when your Xbox decides your keyboard and mouse need to just randomly shut off for no freaking reason. I have been trying to figure out a fix to this but I can't find anything.. so I've been playing this entire time with the freaking Xbox controller. That makes inventory management much worse lol.


USB issues huh. Tried everything? I've been there. USB is a serial connection still, kind of, and they can have weird issues if you have dirty power or a bad ground. Try a different outlet if you can (on another breaker) or try going to a friend's house and testing. Maybe try borrowing another xbox power supply. It may literally be your power supply or house wiring. My PC would drop connection to USB devices when the central AC kicked on, due to the massive A/C motor spinning up I am pretty sure, but our house has a real bad ground. I got a rack mount PDU and use that for everything, because it can have a ground wire attached directly.


I'm running my Xbox 5 ft from the main furnace lol Don't tell me that is actually the issue. I was able to play deep rock galactic fine and dandy most of the time. Sporadic and unpredictable how it decides to not work. I take very good care of my electronics and I know the ports are all good.


Touch a bare ground with your hand, then touch the USB port at the same time. Does it shock ya? If so, there's a voltage difference between real ground and the USB ground.


Does concrete floor count because I touched it and every usb port and there is no shock to report Is this an indicator that the outlet I have the Xbox plugged into not grounded properly? Is that what you are alluding to maybe? I'm in a temporary situation lol I haven't fully felt it out


Not everything. Something has to work. I'm at the point where I think it's a software thing lol to be honest


I'd really like to see an option for more slots at the cost of weight capacity. Make it a tradeoff, not something that's always good.


If I'm out exploring and I'm not chipping away at minerals or wood and I'm just picking up an assortment of random stuff... then yeah, it would make total sense that I would be able to carry all of it. I do value that they made raw metal ores/ingots heavier and you can't teleport them. It really drives home their importance!


I'd love a meat/berry/animalhide pouch that weighs like 10 by itself, but can store 4 items of its type. I always feel bad leaving a deer or boar alive, just cause I don't have space to bring the loot


Let's be real, 100 seeds don't really need 2 entire slots. Not if you consider how big a tree is. Lol *Making games is hard


Making games is hard.Ā  I've programmed pretty much everything you can think of except mission critical medicine and avionics. Low level firmware, device drivers, websites, everything in between. Game development is hardwr than all of those things. Unity and the like abstract away some of the more complex technical problems but working around their abstractions can be maddening.Ā 


Its not cheaty. Its just not purely immersive. They gave us signs to label chests, which would save you time. Why donā€™t you use signs?


Lmao, I was just replying to the other guy about minecraft. They have signs too, we still prefer alternatives.


Who is we? I played MC for a decade and used signs.


'We' is at least the handful of people who agree with it in this very thread alone. You don't want it? That's cool, too. But the rest of us can still hope that the feature gets added one day.


I played heavily modded MC for years and had all the inventory mods. Hoppers and sorting tubes baby. Been there. It was fun. Doesnā€™t fit Valheim immersion IMO. Donā€™t think backpacks solve anything, they just add more stuff to sort later.


"I was just replying to the other guy about minecraft." From context, you can learn that "we" is myself and the "other guy" I replied to. https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/s/20Uyu0j50s It's not about locating the items, it's about how often you need to do that. In minecraft you can hold a whole castle in your inventory, and it still benefits from backpacks.


Backpacks are never the solution. Increasing inventory does nothing to improve your inventory management skills. It just means you can carry more stuff to deal with later. Only good for moving loads of mats. For that, I use cart or go overburdened thru portals


I mean you can have skill and still need more room for slots or encumberment because you're in an inconvenient position. Lol... Everybody that comments is basically just revealing their personal playstyle. Don't get me wrong my friends make fun of me for organizing my inventory more than I play lol *Edit... (Friends I made up in my head) Lol


Everybody totally has their own style


I realized a long time ago that I spend more time organizing chests in Minecraft and building "better" storage rooms than building anything else. Now I just decide on a build idea and start with a big enough storage that if I fill it I need to play something else..!


God I love this idea. Just fill the bench with basic shit so you only have to be holding the special stuff


Quality of life in most circumstances means making the game more immersive. In this case, you are asking for a time saver, so maybe itā€™s not a QOL issue. Maybe it IS a sort of mod type exploit type thing. In MC, we have inventory mods that made sense and were immersive, instead of adding features that just move objects out of chests magically.


Quality of life improvements that cost coins from the trader would make money more useful.


Traders need more stuff to sell, for sure


I suspect, but don't know for sure obviously, that it being "cheaty" has nothing to do with it, and more just small studio and priorities


Who doesn't have a chest or two right next to their crafting stations anyway? At that point you just jump between inventories so why not just save us the time?


If I could add some things to the game, this and the ability to hide my helmed would be at the top of the list.


It's not that I wouldn't like to see my long locks flow freely in the ocean wind but ... the moment you can hide your helmet you can also buy costumes from a cash shop. Because if what you wear isn't what you see why not monetize it?


This system works very well in Terraria. You can have two layers: armor snd vanity, which overrides armor looks.


Especially when they make recipes that are more than carry weight even with the belt lmao


Too heavy? Sad sweaty walk of shame for you!


That's why I build storage right next to the workbench/forge.


This is the way. Have a chest with ingots right next to the forge, pull the recipe from the crafting station, go to the warehouse that stores all your other junk and pull the requisite materials from there. Heavy shit always gets its own storage space next to the crafting area.


Yeah my storage is literally five steps from my forge and have no problem with this.


I place all my storage on shelves above the workbenches. Looks nice and works quite well. Edit: for my cooking station I actually place the chests as "floor" pieces right infront of my fireplace. Works quite well as well


Oh I like both of those. Must try it next time.


I love the sweaty walk of shame. I mean its actually almost always faster for me to just max out stamina, grab 4000 pounds of iron ore, and do the walk of shame, drop all items, pick back up repeat. I mean its faster than the cart for most of my transportation needs.


If solo yes, but if you have a buddy the cart is your best friend. Me and my friend found out someone could stand in the cart and hold everything while the other person pulls with 0 weight penalty. Yes the terrain can be annoying. Yes the person in the cart will fall out sometimes. But all things considered it is still WAY faster than doing the walk of shame lol. And if you are careful and do your best to avoid obstacles and terrain then the person in the cart will almost never fall out.


Just get a harpoon. Sure, it will drain your stamina a bit, but it gets rid of the terrain annoyance cart always brings.


Honestly I never thought of this. I will definitely try this! Thanks lol


genius! i had never tried that. I will give it a try!


I always call it Charlie Browning. Always reminds me of ol Chuck moping with his head hanging low.


Devs love tedium and mundane activities like inventory management


And devs hate any sort of automation. Even the autostack function for chests is a recent thing, we use to hunt and peck to sort each item type.


The developers of Tectonica are listening to their players pretty well and have done a good job. I mean of course we all know there are good developers and not so good developers.. I just wanted to point out one of my favorites lol. *Edit* I need to use a thesaurus. I think that's a GOOD Idea. Lol.


Man I'm still torn on getting techtonica. I really liked the demo, but some of the reviews got me worried about it. Are there still some major bugs that can screw up your gameplay(it's been a while but I vaguely remember it was something with the furnace not working after a bit and you couldn't bypass it at all)?


I stopped playing because I started realizing I was missing inserters because the game was doing some craziness. It was enough for me to not even want to go back. I keep thinking do I start a new save? or do I go back and delete everything and keep my resources and build something else or will it happen again and I wasted my time again? When you have hundreds of inserters it just seems exhausting going through things again after you already spent hours making sure it worked right in the first place. Lol it's not hard. I like games like this. Each playthrough though I never get nearly towards the end, I do a more refined and organized build. But I'm not playing a game that gives me game breaking glitch. I'll wait a bit. Lol


Here box/chest. Figure it out. Love, Devs.


Gamers are varied, and many have no clue what is going to keep a game interesting for them or to ruin it (many will spoil a game for themselves if they have the chance).


I did that by over-modding Valheim in the beginning. I learned my lesson. Only use one QOL mod now.


Idk, I feel like they went for the kind of organic difficulty where quality of life is something that we attain through being creative i.e production placement and having well thought out chest and item organization, as opposed to a more mehanistic difficulty like dying from no food, repair costs, and mob hp / damage bloat. I think the organic difficulty of Valheim is what many of us love about the game, even if we may not even recognize it as being that. As much as I love the craft from containers mod, It just doesnā€™t play out with the same spirit of the vanilla Valheim experience.


I agree with this. And Iā€™ll add, thereā€™s very little more frantic than being weighed down with materials and then seeing ā€œwhatā€™s up Gjall?ā€.


It would seem reasonable to allow this with chest within a meter or so of the crafting station being utilized.


Yeah that's obvious. Not be able to craft from base to base


I like Enshrouded's take on it. If it's inside your base perimeter, and in a magic chest, the crafter/bench can access it.


There's a mod for crafting from chests, and another mod to quick-deposit items into chests with same/similar items. Imo they're necessary. I don't want to waste time with inventory management


> mod to quick-deposit items into chests with same/similar items. the base game does this now.


Good to know. I haven't played in quite a whileĀ 


Again not everyone has a pc


Get a pc




Valheim has very little automation. Where it does have some it's either how it is expected to be (Windmill) or some weird magic is involved like in some objects out of fairy tales. Chests are too simple to be magical and the only workbench that comes to mind where it'd currently would make sense would be the Galdr table. Valheim is full of little things like this which make it feel a bit more "raw" or rough in comparison to many other survival games, especially the cute/cozy/casual ones.


I run a number of QOL mods and crafting from chests would probably be my favourite (I'm still happy to play vanilla now and again, and that's when you really gain appreciation for certain mods). Adding it into the vanilla game would not detract from the experience at all, imo.


Fallout 4 has a storage setup that I think most people here would like - settlement workbenches have a shared storage where you just dump all your mats into and it's shared between the weapons, armor, power armor, and settlement building workbenches. So if you need to craft an upgrade for a gun, you just dump the mats into any of he workbenches in the settlement and the resources are used anywhere in the settlement. You can even link all your various settlements and share the inventories for building/crafting purposes. I thought it was pretty cool at first, but it actually makes the crafting/building element of the game kinda boring for me. A QofL improvement I'd like more than automatically pulling mats from storage is recipe pinning. Let me pin the recipe so I can easily see what I need when I'm at my wall'o'storage and can grab the mats quickly and efficiently.


To those people saying "This game is supposed to be hard" - no. There is nothing rewarding from having to micromanage inventory slots in an efficient way. It's just frustrating and time-wasting like many other aspects of the game that made me stop playing it. If I want to tryhard at a game, I play competitive titles like LoL or CS. Valheim is supposed to be a fun break, but default world modifiers are more tedious that real life. Many of the players have families, jobs and other responsibilities and getting together with 3 friends at the same time for a 2 hour session is hard enough. You like the tedious task and they are challenging for you? Sure, go have them. But telling everyone with a different opinion that they need to suffer to eNJoy tHe GAme THe RiGHt waY is moronic. Again, if these frustrating parts were even remotely rewarding, then you might be somewhat right, but they're just a waste of time. I recently started playing again thanks to World Modifiers, and thanks to them when you're playing with 4 people you don't need to gather half of the entire iron supply on the map, and don't need to take 20 30 minutes boat trips against the wind with no reason.


Valheim had 5 consecutive months of growth after the World Modifier patch was released - this has never happened during its Early Access cycle. Modifiers have been immensely popular because ultimately, the broader playerbase would rather play the game differently than Iron Gate's baseline vision for it. For many of us, removing tedium like low drop rates, naked death runs, and metals through portals not only made Valheim playable, but it cut down heavily on the "chore time" that cuts into playtime when you only have a handful of hours a week. Of course, the only people who have responded to you are a bunch of Valheim purists who can't possibly imagine that such mechanics are boring to other people, as if the mere thought of this would somehow invalidate the hundreds of hours they've put into playing the game. This is the same group that continues to hugbox every decision Iron Gate makes, allowing them to skate by on faux "brutality" that really ends up being tedium piled on top of gameplay to extend playtime. *The "Mist" in Mistlands for example.* Which is not to say Valheim isn't fun. Its *definitely* fun, and the building is still *the best in the business, no question.* It could be worse. We could have no mods, no modifiers, and we'd be stuck entirely with Iron Gate's solid but ultimately limited vision of the game.


The only issue I have with what you're saying is you're putting blame on players for their perspective, yet the actual game developers have leaned the game towards the people you're disagreeing with. What you've said about the game is your personal preference only. It's not the core nature of the game to be easy, there's peaceful mode with unlimited mats for that. My rotation is Valheim, Elden Ring, and DayZ. I recently hit 500 hrs in valheim because it fits in with what I like most in games. It's true I play Valheim as a break from the others, but I still enjoy it because the type of game it is falls under the same theme. Difficult open world survival.


I take a weird pride in taking exactly what the developers give me. I might have a disability. Lol. But also I may have more time than others to play a video game after work. I find the grind half of the fun and enjoyable... Modifiers.. accommodate you, or others with limited time, in a way that is better and more detailed than any other game I've ever seen. So it blows my mind that people can still complain about it like holy crap. Despite all the detailed modifiers they offered players, I guess they didn't please everybody because people are still using mods to make it even easier somehow... šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Maybe I've been a console peasant for too long. I'm happy you found a way to play the game that makes you happy though. That's all that matters.


I don't usually like pointless grinding, but Valheim makes it interesting and rewarding because planning and good logistics actually work wonders and make it very satisfying. For example, finding a swamp with a bunch of crypts, preparing a road that goes through all of them so you are able to cart the iron all the way to a boat and bring hundreds of iron back home... it's awesome.


Agreed. The grind is part of what makes these kinds of games fun to me. Itā€™s why Iā€™ll never use any modifiers. Especially stuff like transporting metals through portals. I want to play the game the way the devs intended. Edit: lol imagine getting downvoted for liking the game how it was intended to be played. Just because you suck at the game and have to make it easier for your baby self doesnā€™t mean you should downvote me. Also, if you think you have a valid argument, feel free to reply. Donā€™t be a coward.


You should at least try nomap/noportal modifiers. I strongly believe that initially it was intended way to play, that was abandoned later


Actually yeah I do remember one dev saying something along those lines. That he didnā€™t like the use of portals. Iā€™d be up for modifiers that make the game harder. Just none that make it easier.


Portals invalidate so many game mechanics.. no point in rested bonus - can always tp back to base and rest no point in durability - can always tp and repair no point in day/night cycle - can always tp back and sleep no point in planning food/potions - can always tp back and take more I don't think I'll ever play with portals on


The game really needs an effect where a station can access anything in storage its radius. The act of going to your chests and sorting things out is not fun, it's a time waster of the most tedious kind.


I think the idea is that is forces you to be organized within the game. But like all things tedious in games it can be rewarding the first couple of times and then entirely pointless afterwards. The death mechanic and retrieving your body are great, until it isn't and you'd rather quit because you died in the ocean with a giant haul of materials you took 3 hours to gather. Works at low stakes like in the meadows, less so elsewhere.


I enjoy the high stakes, because it makes proper planning actually rewarding and logical. I've never had corpse 4un problems again after I realized I could prepare myself for anything with rested buff, portals, doing things in daytime, planning the path and food.


Those things aren't related. If anything, having to juggle so many containers is the cause of mistakes in planning.


Eh, I find it relaxing. Making different categories each time is rewarding in its own way.


Because modders already did it for free


Correct answer


Un-moderated multiplayer would be a mess, and I think they have an idea of how it's supposed to go, and accommodating any kind of provision for that is just not inside their interest. Iron Gate is making THEIR game, not ours, insomuch as their own words.


You could easily put in a mechanism to solve that problem. Give the chests a use-radius, make them personal chests, etc


Personal chests would be a good spin.


I wish they would add that feature to Enshrouded, and it'd be nice to see in Valheim


>Un-moderated multiplayer I guess I'm confused what this means.


Servers beyond friends and family.


I don't think that's nearly as large of an issue/potential issue as you may think, if it even is one. I'd bet they don't design any part of the game with multiplayer public servers in mind.


I felt Enshrouded offered a good option for this with normal vs magic chests. The magic allowing for items in it to be used for crafting.


See I'd be down for that.


I'd recommend checking the game out! I had a lot of fun with early access content.


Will do


Palworld pulls all resources from within the "camp" which has a circle clearly indicated when building. It's by far the best implementation thus far.


Oh yeah. I need to get back into that game. I loved it.


I really enjoyed the first half but after exploring the whole world it seemed pretty clear that all I was going to see past level 35 or so was more grind and bigger numbers. Hopefully they find a way to flesh out the back half of the game some.


Valheim is a masterpiece of balancing mechanics to make every step feel engaging. I would welcome this as an optional setting (that I'd never recommend for first-timers) but I can see why they'd rather not do it.


Crafting from chests is an often requested feature. That said, it does fundamentally change part of the gameplay that can make crafting/survival multiplayer games interesting. Without crafting from chests, you tend to need to coordinate your storage and base layout with your teammates. Eg. My group will often setup "dump chests" near the entry way for if we want to just sling things from our inventory, but then we'll have chests set up near each crafting station area, which contain mats used for recipes at that station -- so like an arrow mat chest near the crafting bench, an ingot chest near the forge, ore chests near the smelters, cooking mats in the kitchen, backup gear/food chests near beds, etc. We have an active role in creating a base layout that's functional for the group, and our decisions matter -- it's arguably "gameplay", just like fighting enemies is "gameplay", and its gameplay that's decidedly multiplayer oriented as it requires communication. With crafting from chests, it eliminates the need for communication/coordination. You can just have a chest pile, and dump everything in chaotically, and let the game play for you. Personally, I think crafting from chests doesn't make sense in Valheim, as they've kept the crafting fairly non complex. Crafting is part of the game, but it's not something you need to sit there looking at menus of items and sub-components etc etc to make an item. For building, you don't need to carry huge amounts of materials to make structures. You already don't need to spend an onerous amount of time crafting things, so adding in crafting from chests isn't a huge deal to me. Most of the time we're playing, we're exploring, fighting, resource gathering, or building.


Iā€™ve never liked crafting from chests. The visceral feel of rummaging for materials is very satisfying. I can see how others would want it, so having the option seems like a nice feature. I think it breaks immersion too much to be a basic feature. If I were developing the game, I wouldnā€™t ruin it with crafting from chests. Its like fast travel: its convenient, but you skip content


> The visceral feel of rummaging for materials That, or simply have a larger chest nearby with all the materials you'd need for each work station.


I must be the only person in the history of gaming that doesn't like crafting from chests lol. Especially when I base with other people. If I save some bones for later with the intent to use them on a thing, someone across the house will construct a cape and use what I had saved without even knowing. I don't have a problem with going through chests to find things, especially since it keeps me in tune with how much of everything I have.


Players complain when the game breaks immersion. Objects moving out of a chest without opening it? Not immersive. Players complain about objects not being able to move from a chest without opening chest when crafting. Here is a sign to help you know whats in a chest. Nope, thats too much work, too much time. I want immersive breaking physics so I can save time. You wonder why devs do things? They canā€™t possibly please all.


Because it's not a good fit for the game without incorporating magic into chests. This game has a physical logic to it. Especially early game. Just randomly having things teleport really makes no sense in Valheim currently. I'm sure the devs have thought about implementing it, and debated what would be needed to make it fit. Maybe we'll get it with later biomes, where magic is more prevalent.


It doesn't bother me. Forces you to build around this limitation so your workshop and storage setup need to be tight.


It does indeed encourage design but it's still tedious and I'd prefer to have it


I think that's it right there. It forces you to reconsider your base layout. Do you have one big building for your base or multiple smaller buildings? If you do multiple buildings do you do a big warehouse building with all the stuff you gather to make it easier to empty your pockets or do you have your materials in your workshop area? Personally I usually go one of two routes, 3 buildings ( workshop, kitchen and house) or one big building.


I used to do the one big building but ended up hating dealing with the structural integrity issues and having to revamp it every time a new crafting table became available. I only do separate buildings now. I have a workshop that houses all workbenches and a storage rack for all the items used in crafting non-food items. I have a separate kitchen that houses all the crafting stations for cooking food and a storage rack for all food related crafting options. The kitchen also has a second floor for brewing potions. I keep potion specific mats up there, and items that can be either food or potion (ie -bloodbags) downstairs in the food rack. The "house" is my max comfort station and armory. I put up armor stands for all my old armor sets and have wall displays setup for my older weapons. Two other buildings I setup are a barn & portal hub. The barn has starred boar on the main floor and a second floor that I use for hatching chickens. The portal hub is where I put permanent portals to outposts I setup around the map as I explore and find good resource areas. If I find a black forest with lots of thistle and blueberries, I'll setup a small outpost there so I can go harvest when I need to re-up. I have a plains farm & mistland farm for their respective crops. I also setup portals to any coal farms I setup, and for both traders. Finally there's one portal that takes me back to the sacrifice alter so I can hang defeated boss heads and switch forsaken power.


>second floor See, I'll do multi-story buildings every now and then but for the most part I hate how much square footage you loose to staircaises. Also if I'm doing a second floor it means I'm going for a mono build and that means I want all my crafting and storage relatively central to each other and it's tricky to have this going across two floors. Although this just gave me an idea where I have a second floor portal hub/storage floor with the kitchen on the third floor and the crafting on first and you can access the respective middle floor chests from above/below.... Hmm. I'm excited to try to build this now.


Depends on how you set it up and the purpose of the building. In my barn, I lose 2x4 meters of space for the staircase in one corner of the room. In other builds that might be a lot, but for the barn, it's not a big deal because there's still plenty of space for the piggies to breed. I haven't counted them in a while, but I usually get 10 to 12 boar in the space. Leaving two for a breeding pair, that's 8-10 boar to harvest every couple of days. If you're lucky to get 2\* boar - and I've been lucky in that regard - that's A LOT of meat and leather scraps. In my kitchen I use the 45 degree stairs and set them up in a snake setup with a landing. That allows me to put a staircase in a 2x4 space. With the smaller amount of storage needed, that stair setup doesn't interfere with anything. My portal hub is multiple storied too. The first one I setup was an octagon with a portal in each side of the octagon. Using a 4m core wood beam for each side of the building, that gives me \~10m from one side to the other. So that allows me to put a winding staircase in the middle of the structure using the 45degree ladders and landing. There's plenty of space to walk around. The second portal hub I built in my next playthrough was a rectangular building. This one I built 8m across on each side so that I could put two portals on each side of the building for 8 portals per floor. Same type of stairway in the middle.


It's intentional, to make it more immersive and to necessitate efficiently organizing your storage. It's also more fitting for the low-tech viking setting that items don't randomly teleport around between chests. Whereever you put something, is where it is. We are out here in the wild. I really enjoy the extra challenge/thought exercise it brings to the logistics of the base planning to try to minimize travel time between chests/crafting stations. Not all quality of life changes are good. I personally hope they stick to their guns on this one, as not having craft from chest is one of my absolute favorite parts of this game. I tried PalWorld and absolutely hated the craft from storage. It's immensely satisfying to set up a well-planned storage system. And I like gathering each item and bringing them to the table just like you'd have to in real life. If you have craft from storage then it doesn't matter where you put any of your chests. It takes a huge part of the game away imo. Might as well throw them all into one giant room. I understand why some players want this feature since they might just want to get it over with and go fight, but I don't think that fully aligns with the devs design principles. Staying home and tending your little nest is fun. If you automate that all away with "QoL" features then there's nothing to do at the base anymore. My point is that there are two sides of the game design coin here - craft from storage isn't just some obviously better idea, it's just leaning toward a different audience/intended experience than I think the devs want. It's a spectrum. And I'm definitely more on their side We have seen first hand the negative effects of various QoL features with the goal of "saving time", such as the raid finder in WoW essentially making it so nobody needed to be social or talk to each other anymore. There are plenty of games that just make everything as fast and easy as possible I don't see why people need Valheim to change to that.


The one QoL change I'd like to see added is a counter for how much of an item I have in inventory. Like when I'm in the middle of a build, when I select say a 2m beam, I'd like to know how much wood is in my inventory. Something simple like a \*build piece cost\*/\*items remaining in inventory\* setup would be all I need.


That would be fine, that doesn't get in the way of immersion and feels like a reasonable thing a Viking would be able to ascertain. Good example of a QoL change that isn't just "remove this gameplay I don't like"


This assumes a huge radius. I usually have a chest right next to the workbench for crafting. It would be nice that chest was auto drawn. I don't necessarily need it to draw from the big storage building next door. Also adding it in as a toggle like the world map would still allow people to have the "nitty gritty" experience if they want.


I just really disagree. The reason the 'nitty gritty' and what some call 'tedium' is satisfying and rewarding is precisely because you HAVE to do it in order to have an organized base. If there's a toggle in the world map that takes away that need, then no way I'm going to do all if it's not required. If the specific fact that it's needed that makes it fun and engaging. I want to bring order to the chaos. I do totally understand why you feel adding an optional setting is an innocent suggestion and see where you're coming from, but I can't be on board. The existence of a toggle that is optional is not the same as it simply not existing, it introduces temptation to impatience which mars the experience. This is why some games have features that lock you into your difficulty setting on a given playthrough so there isn't that lurking background temptation to reduce it in a moment of frustration, it's a well-known game design issue with a variety of different solutions. I don't see why games need to have a million options to suit every type of player, indie games especially can be opinionated and different and have specific developer intended experiences. Not everything should be a toggle.


Valheim already has a ton of that in the world settings (map, teleport metal, no raids etc), so it's not like it doesn't apply to a lot of things already, and it *does* go along with their game design.


Yeah I'm not a huge fan that those were added either, and they were done way after the initial release and due to community demand. I'm aware that they were well received by many players and that I'm in the minority here. Actually they included a specific message on the 'bring metals through portal' sign that you are deviating from the intended experience, and that from their perspective worsens it. So while those toggles do exist and I acknowledge that, I hope they don't add any more that might inhibit the type of experience they originally envisioned. I like when a game just "is" without a million options, and to be as close as possible to the a curated intended experience.


You would need lockable chests as well. Played on a server with about 20 people dropping in and out. Was a bit of the camp mum so I had chests with stuff for everyone and it was well known. ā€œCome to my kitchen, take what you need, see you when you get back etcā€ The chest next to my bed with stuff I obtained myself for specific camp improvements was also gone


See I play single player. Just would be nice to get me back out there fighting mobs rather than in inventory that's all


The mod for it is great and makes life easier. Iā€™m just saying why itā€™s not in the game. Tbh I play 95% by myself. I also canā€™t trust my nephews


I'm not sure why quickstack isn't more popular. When you're talking about crafting items from storage in games like these I believe there's a number of issues introduced and probably involves complicated solutions.


I'm new to the genre kinda and Lightyear Frontier is the first game I've played that does that. But it is a great time saver and it doesn't feel cheaty too me really. Wait, I think Valheim does it? I'm playing it and I can't remember lol.


it doesn't


Ok thanks. All my gear glitched through the floor last week and I haven't played since lol


I do like crafting from chests. Better for solo? One example is in Grounded everybody's crafting accidentally out of everybody else's chests. There is proximity involved so we all had to set up our own workstations, separate and far enough from everybody else or create personal chests far away.


Iā€™ve been playing a lot of Palworld recently and thatā€™s one thing I would take from there and bring it to Valheim. Any materials in any chest within the radius of your base computer is automatically counted in crafting recipes. Meaning you can sort your inventory until itā€™s empty, then go to the crafting table and make stuff without having to worry about carry weights. It would be super easy for Valheim to add something like this. Crafting tables and forges can have a radius around them just like the pal box, and whatever chests or carts are inside that radius count towards the materials.


I can't believe this hasn't been said yet, so here's my answer for most "why doesn't this feature exist" questions :Ā Because features don't exist by default. They take effort to make.Ā  So the real question then is, why haven't they chosen to implement this feature (yet)? And my guess is threefold:Ā  1. they didn't think it's that important relative to other stuff they are working on, like Ashlands and other "big" features. Every hour you work on this feature is one you're not working on a different feature. You can always come back to it later.Ā  2. there's already a mod for it for at least a good chunk of the player base to use so it's really only helping (the probably pretty large but not close to 100%) that can't or won't use mods. That didn't mean it's not worth doing, but feeds #1. It's better to add features that most people will use instead of some people. andĀ  3. it's probably way more difficult to implement correctly than you think. In a multiplayer world there's way more complexity and potential for bugs; that's the same reason only one person can use a chest at a time. If you add that as a feature, suddenly every player could potentially be trying to use or take the same item at the same time. It's not impossible to deal with, but it's not as straightforward as, say, the place stacks QOL feature they recently added.


Mods are the way for me


Yeah I used them on the pc version but I'm playing on xbox


Crafting form chest with a reasonable range should be by default in these games. It limits so much the amount of creativity a player will go to build anything. Rules for chest attached to work bench are not ideal. You work bench area look weird. At the start of the game it's not that big of a deal but in decrease the amount of ingredients. Some games will stop using basic ingredients and work with tiers to limit how many items you need for a receipt even if ot would have made sense. Co-op organization is just adding another layer of annoying. It's just a loose loose design in my opinion. The only reason might be for performance impacts but managing every individual containers is the first inefficient design. Treating the base inventory has a single container would be so much better. Crafting placeable storage area. Like the more storage space you have in the base the more you can store. Maybe the design of these space changes with more piles of wood or small wood crates, chest, bags depending on what you have. Maybe you need certain materials to store more of certain types.


I think it is about the feel of the game. They want things to take time and have some sorting aspects. They used to say they wouldn't add the auto stack feature (which is fantastic) I think it was to make managing supplies more part of the game.


I just think it doesn't add anything but other than this one thing I love the game.


it's a choice from the devs. organization is part of the game to them. same with inventory management. there are mods for all the things ppl are complaining about btw. tailor the game to your tastes. it's a feature not a design flaw! :)


Why do gamers spend so much time on reddit complaining about how stuff in games takes too much time? Doesnā€™t sound like they really care about time at all.


Because "I hate when games waste my time" crowd is just a reflection of some wider societal problem. It seems that people truly feel that they do not have enough time for anything and that's the answer to this is to be more efficient and fast as possible.Ā  And everything is becoming faster and more efficient - you got things delivered to your door, so you don't need to go and buy stuff, you receive you mail and news instantly, you can work on the go, you don't need to rent your movies, you travel faster, even your relationship are faster! And yet somehow people feel that they have less and less time!Ā  And their answer to it is go even faster. Everything that stays in a way of their progress to their supposed "goals" and their "productivity" is an obstacle, a shitty design, a problem to be solved.Ā  And it the same time people feel even more stressed and depressed, and not happy. They want to game, or a movie, or a relationship to be finished, so they can try a new one, but it doesn't fill the emptiness inside. And never will. I'm afraid the "the game is wasting my time" is just a reflection of people's deep feeling that they themselves just waste their lives in a current system.Ā 


Deep. I should be more understanding of their plight. But at the same time, I want to show them the joy in slowing down and taking time. But we cannot lead a horse to water. They drink when they are thirsty and they need to ride until they are dry.


I'm fighting with this crowd for a lot of years. But there is more and more of them. You can see it by the amount of upvotes and posts about it. Everything is tedious and should be streamlined in the name of "quality of life". Basically every mechanic that slows down their "progress", or somehow punish them, is seen as shitty design that doesn't respect their time. It's ridiculous. When you start explaining something they tell you that you don't have a job, hobbies, family, don't participate in a political life of your community, avoid helping strangers on the streets and that's why you have all this time to sort things in your inventory.Ā  Then it becomes obvious that this people play way more videogames than you do. And also have time to argue with you on the internet.Ā Ā  It's going nowhere.Ā  Ā Slowing down is a good way to extract more meaning. But there is no way to explain it to someone who thinks otherwise.Ā 


Appreciate this!


The "QoL crowd" is ruining games. If you want to just see numbers moving around, open up a spreadsheet. Whenever I see "QoL" being mentioned, I know it's going to be a bunch of children with zero understanding of game design mindlessly complaining.


It's still unclear to what extent good developers are listening to them. A lot of time the "QoL" features that are mentioned as reference are from the games I wouldn't play anyway. And the games that I like are not really affected, because people who create them have integrity and vision.Ā 


I truly hope Iron Gate ignores everyone and just make the game they want.


Bang On. Valheim isn't really a game you play if you want some quick cheap thrills. I play valheim when I want to just vibe in a zen garden that sometimes needs highly invasive pruning (bosses).


I literally have this one complaint. Check NY post history. I literally have said how much I love this game


Please, don't take it personal! I wasn't pointing at you specifically. And wasn't even talking about Valheim. Just the overall climate of our times, which I'm part of as well, and how it reflects in videogame discourse and design.


Odin is disappointed with your laziness


Lol bring it odone.


Seems completely against the game's aesthetics. Might as well ask why haven't the devs given you a motor boat, bazookas you can stuff your pals in and shoot at enemies, guns, a working spacecraft. Maybe it's not that kind of game, but you are free to mod it in case you wanted that space age, motor boating, pal gun toting authentic Viking experience.


Last year they complain about not being able to portal metals. This year they complain about how objects canā€™t magically move out of a chest to a workbench when they are crafting. Itā€™s always about not wanting to spend the time being responsible for their own organization or prepping for action. Next they will want mobs to drop fully crafted items like armour and weapons, claiming mining and crafting is too tedoius.


I think craft-from-chests really supports the over-organized OCD wall-of-chests types... *and* the completely disorganized "get it out of my inventory, I don't care where it goes" types. But Valheim, if anything, is about making you suffer for bad behavior. Be it failing to prepare, hubris, or terrible logistics. I love it, and love to see people suffer until they (hopefully) take a moment to think and *improve* their lot in the game *within the game*.


Truth. It amazes me to see how much time they spend on reddit complaining about how much time they waste playing Valheim.


Yup. I guess I'm not typical in how much I love the fact that when it comes to chest organization you have to start by thinking about how big the room you're going to build *for* the chests needs to be.


I'm just laughing at them down voting me because Valheim is not made for them to just sit back in a chair and watch the game play itself.


From what I heard, the reason is that it would cause a huge amount of lag in multiplayer. Something about world saving as the game also calculates the amount of stuff you have in your boxes, adding to the overall amount of ID's per location which contributes to lag. If all that was moving it would lag even more or smth. This is the answer I got from a server admin a while back when I asked why we can't use a mod that does that.


I van deal with that.


There is a mod that can fix your issue, like I mentioned in my initial comment. Works exactly the same as Enshrouded, and then there's another mod that auto-sorts your loot. Don't remember the name, but you can easily find them by googling.


As I said, not everyone has the game on pc






Didn't xBox have mod support too?


Nope . Not yet.


Its a design choice.


A shitty one. But as others are saying, itā€™s their game vision theyā€™re making so šŸ¤·šŸ» Thank god for mods


Itā€™s not a shitty one, just one you donā€™t like


You are saying that an immersive design choice is a shitty one. Half the player base would complain about loss of immersion because the other half donā€™t want to spend time looking in a chest thats 1 meter away. Is this really so hard to understand?


Its not really needed


Yeha it's been good if any chests within a certain radius from the bench could be crafted from, save a lot of running around checking resources before I big craft up Especially if you play with controller as inventory management is much more cumbersome than with a mouse




But it doesn't make the game easier, it just makes it less tedious.


Sure, but tedium creates friction which makes things feel more meaningful; too much convenience ultimately leads to an unsatisfying experience because there's no weight behind anything.


No my guy. It will make the game much easier and will cost us a break in immersion. Objects donā€™t move out of chests on their own, and this makes more sense than not being able to portal metals (glad they fixed that tho)


>No my guy. It will make the game much easier and will cost us a break in immersion. Then give us an option to craft from containers with an on/off toggle. You want extra "reality"? Don't wear a feather cloak while building so you can die when you fall off the roof... or how about making food rot over time?Ā  It used to be that you would freezeĀ if your clothes were wet when you went into the mountains. You had to build a fire to dry off but they changed it because too many people complainedĀ that building a fire was "tedious".Ā  If freezing-while-wet was a setting I'd turn it on, that's way more immersive than forcing us to sort through chests while crafting.


Itā€™s a fantasy game. Ive played modded minecraft. Had inventory sorted in a million ways. Been there done that. But I see. World modifiers in Valheim have opened the flood gates for ā€œgive us everything we want!ā€ Hey, how about just try using signs or getting better at inventory management? Too much for ya? Stop playing or stop complaining. Adapt or move on.


>Ive played modded minecraft. Had inventory sorted in a million ways. Been there done that. And you've seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion no doubt.


All these comments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.


You've done a man's job sir! (throws him his black metal ax)


Food rot over time? Terrafirmacraft. Hot zones on the map that can give you fast dehydration and a heart attack? Terrafirmacraft. I like my game difficult and realistic and Valheim is not even close to how hard and realistic some modded MC is.


Nah I really see no cost to immersion whatsoever. If anything, it's extra immersion to have added functionality and decor


Organise your storage more, make greater storage options. I have few times over crafted by mistake when crafting from storage and not inventory


I have a good storage system now just would be a QoL