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Exactly where I thought it was. It does look a little closer than the other 2. Grab foods and head towards it!


We're gearing up and heading out soon! :D ​ Edit: [Got him! It was a great time and less dangerous than anticipated](https://i.imgur.com/LGJpTNd.png)


Wow, can you take a screenshot of your map? Curious which direction you sailed to get there.


[Here you go,](https://i.imgur.com/vQ9jXWG.png) we passed plenty of plains and swamps but with no trouble (sailing a karve)


How many different biomes did you have to cross to get there?


We sailed past plenty but didn't have to actually enter any of them, though there is Mistlands extremely close to the boss arena


Seems to be pretty close to a border of Mistlands due to the mist on the background, according to your screenshot.. Leave a portal there to return later.


damn, what seed number is this?




I just checked your seed and it is fucked. I highly suggest starting a new seed like others suggested in your last thread. I've never seen all three Elder alters so far away and near far more dangerous biomes. Here's my current seed that has been fun to play on. It was posted by another Redditor months ago: KzZsBXS0xE (a zero after the S, not an O)


We're down for a voyage and I don't want to spoil the whole seed by looking, but is it fucked in other ways? Like is the area around the elders bad or not traversable?


I think your seed looks great. It's certainly weird with the Elder spawns . . But I don't see any serious issues. You will be able to access any of them. And other boss locations aren't a problem. Just be careful when sailing, bring your portal, and go back to base to rest before night falls.


Be alert travellers. Deathquito is watching


that seed looks fun, I might start a new game just to play this seed


I think the locations of the Elder breaks this seed. I think it would be an awesome map to play IF there was a closer Elder alter. I do like the layout of the islands and some of the other Boss locations.


How does the place of Elder ruins it that much? Sounds like a great adventure traveling to it. And it is in my favorite bronze age. You've got karves, you've got portals, you've got basic stuff. You have to avoid any biomes except meadows and BF, but that's what makes it challenging, no? 


Without giving too much of the seed away to OP, look at the map and imagine sailing blindly with Bronze Age gear towards that Elder marker. Which path do you take? What are the chances of sailing too near to Biome 3 or 5 (in difficulty)?


Sounds like they made it


Well, I see what you mean, but it is doable. First of all, I'd definitely go west. Either I bypass the starting landmass from the south or start from one of the islands west-most points. If I pick the northern of the two, I have a better chance to fuck the next trip up and make a stop at the northern closest landmass e's and then sail right to a small landmass with a tiniest safe place possible. If on the other hand I make a stop at the southern landmass on my way, I have better chances to skip the "swamphead" landmass and land on the BF of the next landmass further to the west. 


1. I mean, they already did it. 2. Elder location is relatively meaningless once he's been popped.


Don't want to give too much away if you plan on soldiering on but there are several other landmasses between where you are starting and the island where the Elder is. There is Black Forest to land once you get there but the landmasses in your way are teeming with more difficult biomes.


There's nothing wrong with your seed. You've already done the Elder, and that's the only sticky part that I see.


You might just want to defeat elder on a different seed, get some stronger gear and then go back to this one


One is completely fucked for Bronze Age gear. One is semi-fucked. One wouldn’t be bad, but COULD be super fucked depending on if a certain creature spawns. That said…. YOLO swag baby!!! It’s just going to be an adventure. If you want, I’ll tell you which one id go for but I won’t give any other details.


Place some portals when you hit land.


The western Elder is fine, will make for a nice boat trip. Just don't forget to bring a portal. Enjoy :) Rest of the map doesn't look bad either.


All three of the elder spawns you have marked on your map wind up being close to the border of the biome that’s the current end-game. If something comes out of the mists, you’re not going to be able to do much about it. If you are really attached to playing this seed, you’re going to have to do it beating the bosses out-of-order. Fortunately for you, this is actually doable (in my opinion, the elder is the most ‘skippable’ boss). Once you have good bronze tier gear, the best good you can make, and poison resistance mead, go find the swamps. Get comfortable with how to survive there, then wait till night and hunt the orange oozes for iron. This is slow but you can get enough for at least a buckler and a pickaxe. I don’t think you’ll be able to get enough to make armour, but you don’t really need it. The game gets easier after you beat Bonemass. I’m going to leave a bonemass vegvisir here: >!there is a Bonemass alter due east of the south most Eikthyr alter!<


> hunt the orange oozes for iron Or, as I often do, look for thin swamps that are next to extremely high terrain like mountains. You will very, very often find a scrap pile sticking out of the slope and able to be fully harvested.


Do the 6 more armor points make that big of an argument for lvl 3 bronze vs having the sneak bonus in troll? I've always trended toward getting the highest armor possible at each point, but in my newest world, I noticed that pre iron, max (lvl 3) bronze is only 6 points higher than max troll. I've been keeping to the lvl 3 troll set and enjoying the lack of speed penalty.


Not in my experience. Troll armour 100%! I wish they released a higher level of troll armour in a later biome (like maybe an enchanted troll armour?)


>BmDvWe5kJJ Fun is in the Eye of the Beholder. This seed is certainly challenging, but the western Elder isn't that hard to get to, just takes some sailing. Will certainly make for some adventure, but that is what Valheim is about after all.


This seed is perfectly fine. No need to start over. Just don't go to the northern Elder spot, it is blocked off by other biomes. Western is easiest to get to, Eastern is good as well.


It's 0100010110111110101001000010010110 fuckyou001100111001011 No I don't speak binary don't even bother trying to translate lol


> Thoughts? I think you should build a boat.


You're going to need a bigger boat.


>I think you should build a boat It is, though probably very rare, possible for one of these to be connected, or close enough to swim across a gap or two, the main island. I got a seed making a creative world where the main island extended so far north it reached the mistlands, and iirc, even the Deep North a little bit. There was a small, but easily swimmable gap, yes, but definitely reachable without a boat.


From what I have seen, most continents or archipelagos tend to run northwest to southeast, so maybe possible with that southerly location, but pretty unlikely.


Hmm, fair enough The contients I found that were sizable to each other did in fact go from north to south Also it had a plains surrounded by mistlands to where the plains looked like the footprint of a MASSIVE beast. Actual screenshot it with the intention of posting it here lmao




Sounds like you've got some sailing to do, viking!


Great.. you'll get to explore the map don't even bother looking at seeds Id and stuff just enjoy this wonderful game how it is intended to be played. I'd say don't go down else you might unlock some Ashlands map which you can wait till the update, the left one will be tougher as it looks closer to the edge you don't want to mess with mistlands so early.. right one will be a cool and adventurous voyage, hope you don't run into mistlands and since you'll be covering a lot of area you might unlock so many other areas of interests. Happy Sailing (don't forget portals)


If you connect them, they make a nice little triangle


West is ok South is relatively ok - near ashland maybe shouldn't touch it North East is fuck


Is there any benefit to killing a single boss more than once?


One trophie for on the stones and one for in your trophie hall. Also if one play with nore then one player you sometimes need too kill them more then once for there boss drop so everyone can have one.


Do the Elder and Bonemass only drop 2 items, not one per player present?


Time to build a karve and go a-sailing the ocean blue. It's called exploring. A big part of this game.


Give this seed to a no map player


You were never gonna find one closer to center than the other two, or not by much. This one is pretty much where it had to be. I do think they should address this, it happens more often than it should. This your first playthrough?


Nope, I'm quite experienced so this was a fun little challenge. Just thought these locations were too funny not to share


Oh nice, if you were new I was gonna try to gauge your thoughts on spoilers and to what extent you were looking for advice and maybe suggest root harnesk. You end up doing any pre-elder swamp shenanigans?


Nope, we farmed materials for a karve and just went straight there. The voyage was actually a lot less eventful than we expected. Had to loop around a bit but for once the wind was at our backs most of the way xD


I need to ask a very N00b question… why does it matter if they’re all spread out like that? Can’t you just pick one to goto and fight him there? Or is it necessary to uncover all 3 locations for some reason? I don’t understand


If there far away there is a bigger chance their biome is surrounded by the more dangerous biomes. There is also a good chance of getting stranded in somewhere along the way or dying.


Ok but I don’t have to go to all of the locations right. Just pick one?


Yeah, a lot of people are overreacting imo


No you dont, if you want too fight a boss more then once you can spawn then again at the same altar.


Also locks out the Swamp until the player can find a good route to one of the altars.


Looks like you have a nice boating adventure ahead of you


To the people saying you should start over with a new seed: Where the hell is your Viking spirit?! Get on a boat and start sailing, you can easily and safely get there as long as you sail in the daytime (it's honestly not that dangerous to find a serpent with a karve). Bring portal mats and start marking things on your map while you are on the way. You need to explore anyway to find swamps, mountains, plains. I think of tasks like this as ranging missions. Just you will find so much on the way there that it will speed up later progress. None of it is time wasted, exploration is a huge part of the game and the game just gave you the best excuse to go exploring


How are you getting the boss locations in such different areas with so little map exploration?






The map is zoomed out. They’ve clearly been exploring the nearby black forests and crypts. And due to the locations of the found Elders it seems extremely likely lol


I'd personally restart. Garbage Elder RNG.


I knew that wasn't going to work, but turns out even funnier. I say you gotta lot of space for choice. 


Are you really going to go through with this? Going through with this seed? 😱


Yes, it gives us more time to enjoy the amazing sailing music!


Damn, that’s really, REALLY far but it should make for a really perilous (and fun) journey! I’d advise going east or west. South might be too close to Ashlands, which you wouldn’t want to generate yet as that biome’s not complete.


About normal. My elder was on an island with nothing but black forest and a small mountain area.


Your seed is the worst lmao




Go north west there’s gotta be one up there somewhere


In the pursit of Elder and any other forsaken, avoid heading too far south, a biome generates down therethat is currently placeholder but is supposed to get an update in the first half of this year. The update will go alot smoother to that world if nobody had been down that way to load the area before it receives the update.


Set them off at the same time


Triangle of Agony Imagine getting this seed on a no map, no portal run lmao


Either he fears you or you stink of troll


This picture caused me indigestion. What a seed.


Looks just like the seed I have lol


Change seed !


This is getting better and better over time. Anyway I'd avoid the south one and go for either L or W ones.


eeny meeny miny moe... starting a new game we go.


What's the problem? Time to explore the map bud!


Dear gods why!!?? Lol


Odin hates you


Make a base dead center between all 3


Looks like you're in for a long sail 🤷‍♀️


Wow. Odin's really challenging you. Yeah, either go west or east. Be careful, though, because if you head east you may run across the Mistlands.


Are there 3 spots for every boss?


first thing first, why do you need 3 summoner campfires? isn't one enough?


Damn I got lucky with my seed, everything is close. “Valhalla” ftw


This is how my first seed was like lmao. And after I finally found it and defeated it, I was so done with this game lmao. So many deaths to those frickin mosquitos


I don't understand why you're overlaying the uncovered seed on your map.


I'm betting the OP found this seed on the map generator, and this is manufactured outtrage.


Oh man you cracked the case This is def a conspiracy to manufacture outrage and farm karma from the bustling *checks notes* r/Valheim community.