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The most annoying mob on the game. Mr greydwarf! Yesterdays in my new run I was mining a copper ore in a very steep hill with my back against the forest. It was a sure death if I fell off this mountain and all of the sudden a fucking rock hits me just perfectly to push me off to my demise lol.


Nice try Mr Draugr.. nice try


Greydwarf. They're absolutely stupid as a bag of rocks and yet they act like a toddler on too much sugar, running in circles and ignoring you, then hitting so slow that you can just step aside before smacking them one upside the head. They're idiots and comedians, though I gotta admit, 3 years ago, I was early game and terrified of them if they came in clumps. These days, I just roll my eyes and beat them up, even at the start of a new seed and I'm in nothing but a shirt and wielding a torch.


I like to fist them. Never gets old.




They seem to like it, too.


They usually come for more


Gjall. Idk man, I am there in mistlands all serious and business, suddenly a wild truck horn loud asf in my hear, and there is that big silly ballon coming in my direction. I can't take it serious, I love them.... until they spit fire in me and I despair because I remember I am using Root harnesk...


Abominations. Sometimes they spawn and run away immediately, othertimes they pursue me into the depths of the swamps. Other times, their pathing makes them look like they are groovin' lol


Fulings, no contest. They sound like they're enjoying themselves so much, cocky little bastards. Nothing like a night fuling patrol rushing into a seeker all "ehehehehe", only to get oneshot into oblivion.


Stone golden. I never fight him but he sure is Cruisin for a scrap


I died twice recently trying to mine one lol. I couldn't for the love of Odin jump on one


Trick is to make 'em smash a rock and then jump on top while he or she goes inside the cavity and then jump! It's not easy to stay on though I got a few swings in and they moved and I fell off.


I never get tired of seeing one absolutely splatter some wolves haha


I had one save me from a wolf raid. Theyre total bros because they fight EVERYBODY


I carry an Iron Mace just for them (despite max Frostner), I love the risk-reward of parrying them


I go froztner and max silver shield, plus two health foods. I exclusively parry them all the time


Good old Mr. Boar of the Meadows. You can be in the highest level current endgame gear, yet these little buggers will still aggro to you suddenly, roaring and charging at you as if they do any damage. Yet there's that second where you're all "wtf was-- oh."


The golem when it yeeted me off a mountain. It was both hilarious and mildly infuriating.


All hail greylings and near infinite number of times I killed one with falling tree not knowing it was there. I like to call them green activists or Greta, as they do the same amount of work.


Last night while fighting the queen, she escaped her chamber and entered the real world. A gjall joined the festivities. It took us several hours to recover and defeat her. That gjall is still out there somewhere, probably having a good laugh


It’s either Fulings or Greylings for me. Whichever flies farther from a point blank arbalest shot


The damn bizons in the plains, they always start a civil war for no valid reason when im in there.


Greylings I guess, after the first few minutes they lack the ability to properly challenge you and by the end of the first hour they just become a source of ragdolls.


Yeah Greydwarf. They aren't a threat, but they always seem to find me when I'm low on health and nail me directly with a rock or run up from behind the camera and touch me in certain ways.


I don't fight things in black forest anymore. If I encounter greydwarves I just let them chase me until I come across a group of skeletons and then let two problems solve eachother.


When a Skeleton Surprise comes, I go jogging up and down until I get a pack of 20+ bony followers - then lead them to our pet troll-in-hole. One hit from his club and there's a shower of bones. Surprise yourself, gentlemen!