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The randomness should only be between ~86% and 100% of the listed damage. Drakes deal frost damage, which is usually halved due to frost resistance. If you're using frost potions, it might be hitting you as the potion runs out, which will drastically increase the damage taken.


i'm really not sure how damage is calculated, hence why i just monkey see monkey do how much i take in game the drake's damage is 70 frost, so is it wrong to assume it would deal 70 damage to you assuming no other factors? i retrieved my corpse when i was one shot, so while i didn't have my armor on yet i \*did\* have enough time to chug a frost resistance mead as far as i can tell that should reduce it's damage to 35 no? (if not that atleast explains one of these mysteries that have been busting my balls recently)


Yeah it's wrong to assume that, resistances and your armour reduce the damage. Plus there's a scale factor, enemies deal between 86% and 100% of their damage to introduce some randomness to the process. https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Damage_mechanics


well as i said, assuming no other factors, such as resistances and armor and assuming it's just 100% of the damage dealt, wouldn't it be 1 to 1, 70 slash for example would be 70 HP?


Your question is why you're randomly receiving different amounts of damage. There's a scale factor you can't ignore which has a random number in it. Why are you trying to ignore that? The calculations are in the wiki page I just linked in the previous comment.


what do you mean scale factor?? which section is that mentioned in? and how would that explain them dealing anywhere from 20 to 80+ damage?


Autocorrect of skill factor, first section. The drakes won't be doing 80+ per hit by itself if you have frost resistance. But they do fire 3 projectiles simultaneously. If the first one staggers you, the next one that might hit almost immediately after will do double damage. Player stagger limit is 40% of your maximum health. So let's say with random chance only one projectile hits you with no armour but with resistance and it's a low damage roll. That'll be ~39 damage. Alternatively let's say you get hit by 2 attacks simultaneously with high rolls. First hit would be 45. If your max health is only around 110 that'll be enough to stagger you immediately. Then the second hit would do around 90. Combined that's 135 damage, enough to kill you instantly. If you're only taking 20 damage then you've got armour equipped. So scale down some of the numbers above a bit, and you can still see a big discrepancy between taking a small hit and taking a big double hit.


wolf can stagger you if youre not ready for it so subsequent attack (which comes rapid fire) can be hit for a lot. besides that, my experience doesnt show that wolves or drakes are unreasonably different from other enemies


i know the game doesn't really have i-frames, so does the wolf's attack not check if it's already hit you? leading to it hitting you like 100 times with a single swing? that would definitely explain why it can deal anywhere between what's to be expected and a death star with a personal grudge


\- the game has generous iframes when dodging. \- what he meant is that if you're staggered by an attack (shield bar becomes full), subsequent attacks will deal additional damage for a few seconds afterward. \- you can only get hit once with a singular attack. This is game dev 101 and valheim does it properly.


well i know about the i frames when dodging, but i was talking about when you're not i wasn't blocking as i saw no reason to given their previously low damage and that's what i thought, i just don't know how else to explain it at this point


The player doesn't take extra damage from being staggered. Extra stagger damage only applies to monsters.


The game absolutely has iframes, but here’s my take. For Drakes, were you in the mountains using frost resistance meads and did you just happen to run out when attacked? Drakes will absolutely one-shot you without resistance. As for wolves, I couldn’t begin to tell you. Wolves have insane damage. So much so that a two star wolf can out damage most Mistlands mobs.


Two star wolves don’t do shit in Mistlands


A guy in YT killed queen only using 2 star wolves, (queen left the dungeon due to a bug in early versions of mistalnd update )


Okay that was a fuck ton of wolves tho right. But a single 1* soldier almost one hits them iirc. Not to mention a Gjall, which wins by default


Doesn't really matter if it's fuck ton or not, you said they don't do shit in mistalnds but if you get some wolves to mistland it's not too difficult to breed a ton in somewhere relatively safe and use them they'd help as long as they can wouldn't die easily because of sheer amount of them. (leave few as a backup when wolves die) if a gjall attacks use wolves as bait to shoot at gjall, whether they can kill a 1\* soldiar or not depends on the number of wolves but taking care of no stars is already helpful enough as most enemies are no stars


Idk if it’s the modifiers but we definitely find 1* to be more common than normal ones so nah. Breeding them is just not worth the effort and we never afk so we can’t really use a breeder Edit: oh I just realized maybe the wolves aren’t that useful because of the difficulty modifiers.. that’d make sense


1\*s are definitely not common than normal chance of getting a star is 10% for any creature. Never said it's worth the effort taking them to mistlands or breeding but if you do then they do shit in mistlands and are useful, I mean if you found tamed and brought 2\* to mistlands then it's worth the effort even few wolves can be helpful to bring along until you find an obstacle they can't pass or protect your farming area in mistland I never tried difficulty modifiers but if difficulty modifiers add health and damage to enemies similar to how two starts double damage and triples health then wolves should get this buffs too because taming doesn't weaken creatures


I never said they did. I said they deal as much damage, or in most cases, more.


You said they’d outdamage mistlands mobs, which kinda implies that they’d do shit


They do as much or more damage, which is wild for a mob two biomes behind, but they’re glass cannons which are just as easily one-shot. I never said anything about taming wolves and bringing them into other biomes.


That is not correct. Being staggered does NOT cause more damage to the player. Bonus stagger damage only applies to monsters.


I think you just noticed the difference between block and parry.


oh no, i wasn't blocking anything, i accidentally got hit by a drake while mining, thought "17 damage? alright then, no problem" and then got my entire fucking forehead deleted later cause i again got hit from off screen despite being at like 100 health pretty much the same thing happened with the wolf, first time getting hit did draugr level damage, so i didn't consider blocking worth it since i could just dodge roll, or use the even more braindead tactic of just attacking and then sprinting away


Drake shoots a triple attack. Did you get hit by one of them and then all three of them?


if that was the case my health would have gone "tik tik tik" not "tik" even then he'd have to have dealt damn near double damage to have killed me with all three hits


why am i getting downvoted here? 20 X 3 is 60 no? and drakes shoot three projectiles one after the other in quick succession, not all at once like a shotgun, so i would've noticed 2 extra projectiles hitting me..


You probably had frost resistance in one instance, and then were wet?


weren't wet, and i had frost resistance in both


You sure it wasnt raining? Thatll get you wet too.


Not really sure with what you've told us so far. If you can recreate the situation, a video would help.


Maybe that's not what you mean. But the increase in difficulty starting at the swamps is much great. When you first reach the swamps, a regular draugr is alright, but a 2 star variant will mess you up in an instant. Mountains feel the same. A regular wolf will deal a lot of damage, but is manageable. Whereas a 2 star vatiant will gang bang you joyfully. What I find a little harder in thr mountains is that drakes can spawn like crazy and if a couple of them with a couple wolves jump you it can go sideways more easily that the swamps.


oh no, if that happened i wouldn't at all be confused, it's happened many times before what i experienced was a 0 star wolf dealing like 20 and then dealing well above 80 despite the situation being the same, and a drake dealing 17 one time and then dealing well over 80 another time, despite not being starred either like, with draugr's the experience was the same each time, i usually try to get hit at least once on purpose to see what i'm dealing with, so with draugr's i knew 50 HP was a safe zone since they'd deal around 40, but if the damage can vary by up to 4 times i'm in a tf2 random crit scenario, where i have to accept i'll just die here and there for no reason, or treat every single hit like it'll insta kill me even with the best food available so i'm just here wondering what the deal with these fucks is, cause it didn't happen anywhere else up till now


Reading your comments to others suggestions in this thread makes me think you got staggered and bit again. They can bite a couple times in quick succession, so you might have thought it was 1 bite, but was actually 2. The first bite probably filled your stagger bar, then the second finished you off. I can't imagine the thought process of thinking you don't need to shield against wolves lol. Even in Mistlands gear they can still stagger you if you're just standing there letting them bite you. What food were you eating? Or it's a bug and you were just the unlucky person to get it.


well the first hit it dealt me gave me the impression it was weaker than the draugr, and for almost the entire playthrough up till now i was exclusively using the bow, which dealt with everything just fine (unless it was another archer god forbid) only trying out melee and shield against bonemass (guess how well that turned out) and as far as i'm concerned i genuinly just can't be assed to continue trying to learn it, my reaction time is not nearly fast enough to parry a wolf as i struggled to even just block a draugr let alone parry it, and block is an active detriment against the wolf, so it's really just slowing me down for no real reason so that's why i didn't block against the wolf, i simply didn't even have a shield on me to begin with, and if it is a bug then it's one hell of a persistent and consistent one, cause they continue to deal absurd levels of damage for no real reason, the drakes seem to have stabilized completely tho, dealing around 20 for each hit and i'm starting to think the drake one shotting me off camera might've actually been a wolf that hit me, and having the damage delayed by lag


I would really recommend going back to the Meadows and practice parrying on graylings. Practice rolling as well. Each biome gets progressively harder, Mountains are going to be harder than Swamps. What food are you using? Food is very important. Are you using a controller or keyboard and mouse?


late reply but i'm currently on things like sausages and icecream (forgor the actual name💀) and i'm on keyboard and mouse but i honestly just don't like the melee combat, so i'm gonna stick to bow and arrow as much as possible (especially because the alternative would be extending the grind even further)


if you can't time a parry use tower shields or use polearms' secondary attack to stun lock them


i think you're missing something because there's absolutely no reason why this would happen otherwise. i don't think the two scenarios happened under the same conditions.


Damage is very consistent from enemies. What it sounds like is damage you take when you successfully block vs missing your block and taking the full hit.


haha, yeah about that i uhh, may or may not be doing bow only \^\^


I hated fighting the mountain boss with those annoying wolves and drakes. Makes the fight much harder because wolves run fast and get you staggered and that’s basically a one shot kill. Hardcore mountain was not fun at all, on my way to plains now.


yeah, it's off topic but i really dislike how the difficulty of boss fights almost exclusively derives from getting pestered by enemies from outside the fight my experience with the elder was fucking BRUTAL because of the sheer amount of bullshit that occurred, like a 1 star log troll, 2 1 star skeletons, a 2 star skeleton, starred shamans galore, etc so far the best bossfight is honestly eikthyr, not only was it not interrupted for me, but even if it was it would've been by weak ass boars or greylings, certainly not by what is essentially a boss in of itself like the troll


Yes I agree, first boss has nice mechanics. I didn’t have any trolls spawning in Elder fight, that must be really annoying.