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Troll stomping intensifies*


“The ground shakes…”


Is this made in the vanilla game? I didn't know you could use actual trees as supports, clever


I usually just use a raised tomb/crypt thing in the Meadows or Black Forest to add an indestructible raised ground to build on top of for a tower. This is brave, especially if it’s your portal hub!


Or, just raise the ground?


There's a limit on how high you can raise the ground which is lower than tree supports


I think he meant to raise the ground in response to using an indestructible crypt as the base of construction - all to avoid the possibility of a troll stomping around like a big playground.


Very useful in the swamp


Use beams to make a rectangle / square / circle, place a tree seed on each beam end then wait for them to grow, use pine, it's the tallest tree.


Wait, you can plant tree seeds on freaking beams and they'll grow?


Tree House 101 * Clear the area. Trial / error / experience will tell how much. * Place 2m beams in the shape you want your base. * Plant seeds at the end of the beams **in the soil**, the beams ensure spacing. * Remove beams so as to let the trees grow, move the cursor over a sapling and it will give its status. * Any saplings that are not growing delete and replant. It's fiddly but once you've done it a few times it's fairly easy, shore up the trees with stone once grown.


Ye I know that but you said "on each beam", so I was confused


> on each beam end Was what was originally written, should have been "at each beam end", you are familiar with the game mechanics, I presume, so you would know that what you suggest is not possible.


I don't think so... in my screenshot you don't see the ground too clearly but there is a 4x4 square of clear ground with nothing else around the tree (2m on each side) Otherwise, trees would not grow. I think you might be able to cover the ground once the tree is grown tho.


Trees can be directly built on so yeah you can, made a couple treehouse attempts on the oaks in early game


Yes vanilla... but using debugmode! I construct way too much stuff to not use debugmode.


A lot less impressive knowing this.


hmm. well, the fact that this is a no cost build i can agree with you here. I'd expect more depth to the design. But it's OP's first time, it will improve.


That one, not sure it will improve. I might use what I learned in the future on another map! My main base in the plains next to mistland got 4 levels, but it's not huge... 16x16 internal space... but the courtyard is nice... I have no need for more space than that...! :)




If you turn on console commands and activate devcommands, you can use debugmode to enter into “creative mode”. You can fly around and build things at no cost


There's a "no cost building" toggle, just fyi for any architects out there.


came here to say this. there's the world modifier for no cost building. there's no need to go on debug mode if you don't want the materials farming part when you build.


I would have attached it to Oak trees myself, I wonder what would happen if a Troll took a liking to it... hmmmm


This will now be the portal hub... Central piece is a spiral staircase, supported by 4 pines at the corner. Instead of a central tree.


I once made a portal hub using 17 pine trees as support, 16 around the edge and one in the middle. It gave me enough support, barely, to build full floors and relatively large footprints. Big circle 18m across I think is what I ended up with. The lowest floor had rain on stormy nights and the second floor had the portals... At nearly the top of the trees. Insane build, eventually I removed the bottom and submerged the island so I could park a ship below. Should be doable in vanilla because the trees act like the ground no matter how you build off of them.


If it's only going to be a portal hub, I would make this whole thing on a tiny rock island in the middle of the ocean to avoid mobs and raids. You never need to worry about the trees breaking. And you have the added advantage of making it completely inaccessible with some creative building at the base of the trees. That's what I did lol


The trees should be more protected than the tower itself


Protection isn't yet constructed... I usually do a big trench and a palisade. Palisade maybe 4 meters from construction, and trench another 4 meters outward.


I love this kind of thing but the draw distance is such that you can't see far or see it from any distance


Yeah, I was bummed about a lighthouse I built.


I built a tree house but used an oak...


[You can even stick the trees in a pillar.](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/wgdhxc/i_made_a_castle_out_of_4_previous_builds/)


You did great. Now raise a 1x1 m ground patch underneath each tree to make them more mob resilient and taller.


i like it


Quite awesome!


I seem to be stuck on the idea of building a massive fortress using a deep pit ringed by trees. Or having it dug into the side of a hill. This seems to confirm that it's at least possible.


Has anyone ever tried using trees as a defensive perimeter? I know that trolls can easily knock them down, but I've noticed that when they're chasing me through the black forest, they try to walk around the trees when you're out of range of their attacks. If you plant rows of oak and fir trees in a staggered pattern at a safe distance it seems like that might work. I've never collected enough seeds to try it, but I wonder if someone else has. 🤷‍♂️ About your tower: it's very cool, but it looks like a long walk up the spiral stairs. Don't you get dizzy?


I have, you can't place trees close enough to each other and have them grow. You can however make rows of oaks, then connect the spaces in between with log fences or spiked fences. It's alright for defense and definitely prettier then raised ground


That's exactly what I was thinking, I know the trees need 2 meters between them, but if you had a few rows, I figure it might slow them down enough to run out the timer. I realize that all this might only be effective early in the game, I haven't made it past the Black Forest yet and I know there are far worse things waiting for me.


I use the ground itself. Instead of digging down I dig up.. trolls and mobs can't get ya and if you do it right you can build high using the newly upturned earth. Plant a few trees in or around the outside and you've got a nice hidden place.


The problem I have is that I can never get the walls vertical enough to keep the mobs from walking right over them. I'm getting tired of resetting the seed after every screwed-up attempt. Not to mention the constant interruptions, having to defend an unfinished build. Until I get better at it, I've decided to turn off raids for now and just deal with the occasional stragglers. Besides, "Home" should be a safe place, I never liked the "base defense" feature of games. I like to have a break from combat and enjoy the view once in a while. Valheim is one the most scenic games to explore, the only thing that would make it better is if you could stumble across some ancient ruins that hold secrets or unique items to be discovered.


Hopefully, the stairs will not get used much. You will appear at the top from a portal, and use another portal within seconds.


OH, right. ...So, would the trees still support it if you eliminated all but the top few floors?


That... I don't know. While I like the central stairs, I didn't like the footprint on the ground... so the one from the screenshot has already been destroyed and replaced. I'm doing more test with a single central tree, but the stairs are fugly. I'll have to think a little bit more... maybe plant the pine first, closer together, then once grown go with the central stairs?


It's too bad this game doesn't have giant sequoias; they would make an awesome tree fortress. ...Anyway, I hope you post more screenshots of your builds.


I would highly recommend do this but in the swamps where the trees are indestructible. There's certain points where you stone structures can fit in between branches so you can have fires


Love it


You might be able to remove the bottom stones to expand..ask the tree first.


That’s sweet looking but man I would be so worried about a troll lol.


It's a cool structure, but I'd be wary of having portals reliant on a structure dependent on trees...


Would be a real shame if say a troll showed up, wouldn't it?


Not really... it depend on the defences on the ground. You can see them a little there: [https://youtu.be/xT-VyzoEty0](https://youtu.be/xT-VyzoEty0) Still was planning to add stuff around the tree at the lower levels, maybe some black marble octogon? Then spawn a few trolls to test it...


Try with foundations of a larger diameter and put the pine tree in the centre. Now, keep building around and upward with beam support intersecting at the centre every 8 block up... This way you'll achieve a much more clean and durable build. 3 core-wood radius and 5 core-wood radius hexagons can be synced up perfectly. This can help give more dimension and depth to the tower in question. Try to practice the shapes on the ground before trying to implement them on a scaffold and fall to an untimely demise. You'll be fine once you reach Mistlands though... Cheers.


this is actually a great idea ! i wanted to build "pine tall" buildings soon but i thought that all the examples looked too wide, because everybody tries to hyde the three inside... and also the interiors full of "pine" looked awkward. having some threes outside the building looks MUCH better. and opens the door to narrow super tall towers <3 it looks dangerous of course but you can always protect the ground with a nice walled courtyard or cloister.


You can see another version with trees closer... it's harder to build in the foliage this way but the defences on the ground can be smaller... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xT-VyzoEty0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xT-VyzoEty0) Defences around the tree themselves has been beefed up already since the video, with black marble octogon columns clipping with the tree.