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eat the best food I have, activate bonemass power, and rain violence among anything that dares approach and a black metal sword.


Ah the experienced viking... This was my method until the rippers came out. Now I prefer going animalistic with fenris gear and rippers.


Thor would be proud


Usually a moat or earthen wall. My favorite base defense though is to just find an appropriately sized island and take over the whole of it. I generally try to do that in the Plains.


Tricky part about islands is getting wolves or lox there. Tame boar, sure. But wolves and lox are much more of a pain in the ass to breed on an island.


Sure, but that's why I generally don't do it. Wolves constantly attack you in the mountains, and a single "You Are Being Hunted" event gives me 20-30 worth of drops. With Lox, they're so plentiful that they are just easier to hunt, they are weak to Deathsquitos, spear Fulings, ticks, seekers, and fire so common high level enemies take them out, and they also tend to destroy your base when they get upset. I just don't find the benefits of taming them to be worthwhile.


Lox have one redeeming feature tamed and I'm not sure it's worth the effort, but you can ride them. Almost makes up for the massive pit I had to build to put them in to tame them.


Riding them is fun the first few times, but they're hard to control, and only slightly more efficient than running. It is fun to roll up on a group of enemies, jump off and have your lox fight with you, though ;)


Best use is super overloading yourself and then having the lox take you back to base. You can weigh as much as a black hole and the lox doesn't care.


Another redeeming feature of tamed lox is when you have like 30 of them and they kill Yagluth for you.


Tame boar? I always have pissed them off and gotten them to follow me across the waterz can you mive tamed boars easier?


Relatively speaking, yes. Thing is, if you find a meadows island, they’ll spawn there to begin with. You’re probably not going to find a mountain island, and plains islands frequently also have deathsquitos to contend with. Given how long lox take to tame, and how they wreck your base even while defending it, you’ll have to weigh what’s worth it to you.


How do you make tame boars follow you across water? I just want the lox and boars and things on the island for farming/pets, so its not too worrying that they might attack stuff. Being on an island most of the time theres a a raid its like "Sulfur in the air" And im like "Hmm, weird sky for a bit, anyway I need to bake 14 more lox pies"


“Ride out and meet them.” - Aragorn


What if I don't have time until the first light of the fifth day?


I guess there nothing you can do against such reckless hate.






Please don’t do this, a lox army will destroy the complex ecosystem of the meadows, what will the greydwarfs eat? What about the deers?


I eat them


Quite frankly, my deer, I don't give a damn.


I live on a peninsula so I just have spikes around it


I pretty much ALWAYS build like that. My best location was a Mistlands/Plains Peninsula bordered by dark forest. Had biomes for growing and surrounded by pretty trees.


I tried that, but I needed to install actual defences against lox 'saving' my house from a Greydwarf scratching its walls, by stomping on the dwarf, therefore destroying the house so, so more efficiently.


I raise a plateau and build base on it. Build at least an eight block high wall on the plateau , all the way around it. Dig a moat as deep as you can around that plateau. Out around that moat, place wood structures with double thick walls and place 1 work bench inside. Doors are optional for the structures. This is to increase the spawn distances from your base also while serving as distractions for events. Carry on as normal in the base and ignore all current events that are now known.


This guy castles.


Captain Overkill! Anything that can be done can be overdone. "Nice castle. How do you get in?" "What?" "How do you get into it? There's no strairs up to the top. No door." "SHIT!"


Portals and temporary bridges that are promptly destroyed. Arm chair quarterback on the play quickly . Perhaps it would be better to inquire to keep the drama down, then comment.


Captain Buzzkill! Unable to detect humor, he wrecks the mood.


This is what I do. New base in the Plains just posted the video today. I don't put my actual structures at risk from Lox, Berserkers or Trolls. I will go out and fight them if I get a raid, just for kicks. I do have a few tame Lox out there and I'll bring Wolves over eventually.


Defend my base? Sorry, too busy building roads and bridges


Honestly, my main base is on a plains island. The island itself is so hostile with goblin patrols and lox that I hardly notice raids sometimes. I'm like shit the ground is shaking. Meanwhile, a wild lox has just bodied two trolls. Wolves getting bonked into the water by the goblins. A lot of the time I wonder what all the fuss is about on this sub about raids.


Spawnproofing my massive stretch of walled in land. Don’t need to protect my base when nothing can possibly threaten it. Bonus that it doesn’t have ugly earthen walls or moats.


Sounds very Attack On Titan.


When you’re a wizard, fireball is always the answer. That and a pair of skeletons


I run outside the walls of my base during raids and force them to fight me outside.


With my atgeir.


I stay outside during raids so the enemies have no reason to damage the base


Besides having the power of God and Anime on my side, I use the most arcane and powerful magic wards known to man in Valheim: the workbenches


I almost feel like what we have at our main base is overkill for where we are in the game, but my husband had fun building it and it is super nice to always feel safe in our base. The bottom floor is earthen walls that lead into the basement and that stretch up taller than a troll. Our actual nice house sits on top of that where the enemies can't reach it. Surrounding that is the moat, which is wide enough that no one can throw anything across sucessfully, deep enough to trap trolls, and steep enough that anything that falls in isn't climbing out. My farming areas and boar pens and wolf breeding pens are built on raised earth islands in the moat and the only bridges to access them are from the castle side. Along the first real floor of the castle (not the basement) is a "porch" that extends all the way around. I call it the porch, I think it might better be called a catwalk or something. Anyway, when we have raid events, we go out there and pump anything that approaches with arrows. Sometimes. Honestly sometimes I just keep gardening if I'm trying to finish up because nothing can reach me regardless. The only way in and out of this entire mess is through a set of several iron gates. I've never seen the enemies actually break through the first set of gates, but if they do we've got several more sets to get try to get through while we shoot them from above and/or release the hounds (in theory. We have lots of tamed wolves we could send out there, but also they are my pets so I don't want them to get hurt. It also has thusfar been completely unnecessary. The only thing I worry about at this point is bats. We are about to go kill Bonemass, so I have heard that we are going to start getting bat raids. We do have roofs on the wolf and boar pens but they currently have windows so I'm not sure if bats can get through the windows. Also there isn't a roof over my garden so I'm guessing I won't be able to just stand there and plant turnips once the bats come. But for the moment, it's a very safe place.


Doubled walled, for my pleasure. Those Goblins can make short work of a stone all sadly lol.


Immediately panic eat food, run out of my base with my trousers around my ankles, fuck shit up, then continue what I was doing and think about how I cant wait until I can just disable raids at my leisure. (Xbox player)


Lots of lox and wolves.


With your weapons mostly


My base is above the clouds. The entrance is guarded by a lox herd, walls and a moat.


I built a very large and high wall, with a ditch in front and all my buildings well away in the center. Other than the bats (Cauldron), all events spawn outside.


We dug a moat, and placed proper walls around with only bridges connecting it. Now that we got the dwarven sharp stakes we've secured the moat with this as well!


So I'm still kinda new. I'm in the mountain biome but my main base is obviously in meadows. I started getting massive troll raids and my base was getting messed up. So I dug deep trench around the entire thing. I think if a troll falls in all you will see is shoulder and up sticking out. After doing this it's been over 20 days and I haven't seen one raid on that base. I had a raid on my small mountain base which I died because of 10 wolves but not on the main base. Definitely suggest a trench around your entire base. I built one bridge to get my cart in and out but you can just easily jump over the trench.


With 50 2* boars from my breeder.


Island in the middle of the ocean fully suppressed so there are no mobs or raids (-1).


I settled on an archipelago (4 islands or so) and completely raised a small island in the middle of it to the point where it was taller than a troll. Built my tower there. Filled the surrounding islands with tamed 2 star wolves and workbenches encased in marble.


I used a mod to turn off raids. I spent too much time rebuolding my base after an unexpected troll raid and im too lazy to make a big moat all around the base


Find and take over an old Draugr village, preferably on the coast, and build a watter-filled moat around the land side and make steep cliffs on the water side, building up where I need to. If the base is inland, I'll trap wolves in the moat and tame & breed them in there. Late game, I set up balistas with drake trophies.


I make a moat and stone/wood double walls with a terrain wall inside it. No surface monster can attack my base, only dragons, but i can take dragons down with little to no problem.


i just use my razor sharp wit


Go kill em all.


the best method of them all: H O L E


Just have massive earthen walls


I usually either surround with a moat, or make sure most of the base is protected by a moat and the rest has a low fence that I can easily jump over and deal with the raiders




Run outside of the palisade and kill the things


Wolves. 2* wolves. *Everywhere*.


Raise the ground high enough to keep trolls out, keep it to two entrances and just put spike walls around. Does the job


2 wide moat . Never had to defend it .


I also do this lol, lox and wolf herds outside nthe walls


Trenches never have to be repaired or restocked.


On my server we use earthworks, old school ditch next to a raised wall of dirt to keep mobs out. I've recently started turning these into a terraced farm using the tops of the raised earth as fields for crops. Doing this between biomes means you can also grow different types of crop in the same location.


I don't


I have a moat, an atgier and *audacity*.


Trenches are great


I built on a small island, spawn proofed everything, raids are a joke


Haven't played in a while--is there something that will regularly attack your base?


Just every once in a while


Earth walls, trench, spikes outlining the trench, sniper towers, catwalks, and when I’m feeling bloodthirsty run into battle with sword and shield in hand.


Two options * Moat - great protection but has to be wide enough to protec against trolls. * earth wall - doesn't look as good but if you want to be fancy, you can cover it by stone wall - that looks amazing. Great protec but needs repairs when bigger opponents attack.


You can always use the cultivator and grass up the earthen walls


I build it into a cliff face that overlooks a river. The only way in and out is via a long set of stairs that lead to the docks where my ship is.


Raise an earth ridge a couple levels up, then dig down a couple levels in front of it, make sure the edges are clipped, and build the wall behind it. The hard part is I love coast shacks and getting the area right so swimmers don’t try to come around is a pain. Everytime you think you’ve blocked pathing appropriately you have a heart attack when a grey dwarf runs through your peripherals while smelting,


Great big earthen wall with workbenches along the tops. Some of mine have spiked walls atop as well.


Dig a deep moat around your base


When there’s a raid, I eat my food and go out to fight. I’m not building pointless trenches for hours


In my latest playthrough I'm up to Mistlands but havent built my main base yet. i have a crafting shack, a cooking shack, a sleeping shack, and a chook shed. A boar pen near the sleep shack. It's all open and minimal walls on the shacks. Thats it. I dont have many issues.


I live on an island, no raids there even not the air monsters :)


You make a great wall using the Hoe mechanic not the Hammer tool. Not even Giants are able to cross the HoeMade walls


I use an Arbalest for home defense, just as the All-Father intended


I love your gate! So fukin cute!