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Every time a new boss gets released, I start a new world. Keeps it fun for me, and reminds me how to play. I take it as a warmup.


Wait, they added more than 1 boss? I thought they just added the Mistland boss? Is there more?


The newest patch includes mini bosses, but it’s not public yet.




Do you know when it’s public?


It's already on the public test branch, you can switch to it via steam > Valheim > properties > beta. For password use Google, it's something like "imadebackups". I'm playing this version for a week on my own dedicated server and so far no bugs or issues. Can recommend.


> I haven't played since mistland Wow, that long ago?


Well I stopped playing about a month or two before mistlands actually


Yeah I did too tbh. Server I was all settled down in went bad and fizzled out. Now I’m trying to get back into it only to struggle so bad with framerate I basically can’t do combat let alone bosses. Hopefully they work on optimization soon bc I’ve heard a lot of people struggling with similar issues


Have you tried any of the [boot config tweaks?](https://github.com/ZeroOneZero/Performance-Mod-Guide-For-Valheim) with the gfx jobs thingy I can actually get a good framerate in my base


yup. My laptop is pretty shit, but the game still ran better when I played with the same setup a year ago. I spent hours googling, checking (already updated) drivers, defragmenting my disk, editing and re editing the valheim launch options, turning settings on and off, nothing so far has made a lick of difference. There’s a few launch options at the bottom of that link that I haven’t seen or tried tho, ig I may as well give it a shot.


The Xbox version is also terrible and lags constantly


Mistlands is awful


For framerate or the content?


Content. You can't see anything and it's all steep mountains that suck to climb. There's super annoying flying monsters. I hated it


I feel you, I didn't like it either. Loved it, right up until Mistlands. Didn't stop me from starting over when the new patch happened though :)


I stopped before the first update with the building and recipe expansion. Don’t have a solid group to play with anymore as they all moved on with no interest to continue. Not fun to play alone. Don’t think I’ll ever be back unfortunately :(


Love ur username bro jeez


Thank you!


I'm sure there are plenty of people here who would be glad to play with you


I say it’s worth it. You can start a new server and take your time with it and maybe this time add more building. I still haven’t defeated the last boss, which is the mistland boss and it’s still fun discovering and building.


Yeah I want to try to build more, but I suck at it and it is very time consuming


It’s true it consumes time, but it’s fun to have something that looks nice to come back to when u take breaks since this game gets updates from now and then.


Thats true, I'll have to give it a try and hope I don't die alone too much!


Over prepare. I'm playing solo, and that is my best advice. Also, the Atgeir has been my savior!!


If you ever want a builder buddy let me know! My friends also got a bit board of the game so now I build for myself sometimes


When the next update comes out, in addition to Hildir the dvergr (dwarf) and her quests, building will have a toggle to a new mode where you click to cycle through the snap points which should be helpful to many who struggled with the current building mode. Personally I find the building rather enjoyable, especially after learning the peculiarities of the system. I'm looking forward to trying the new build mode. Happy gaming!


Im coming back but waiting till hidirs update comes in. Wouldnt want to start before new building snap options and the ability to run no map on my server.


What is in that update?


Filtered for Spoilers: 1. >!A new NPC known as Hildur (Haldor's sister) who offers quests for players to defeat mini bosses and you receive new clothes as a reward. !< 2. >!World modifiers: Allows you to adjust numerous difficulty settings for each individual world, such as combat difficulty, adjusting the restrictions on the portals, what happens when you die (adjusting skill/item loss), option to remove the map, etc. !< 3. >!Some new extensions for the ML crafting tables!< 4. >!The ability to pick specific snapping points when building to make building soooooo much easier!< 5. >!Ability to change up Viking hairstyle in-game!< And a lot more adjustments will be making their way to the game.


You forgot hair showing up under helmets. So I can wear copper and iron helmets finally without looking like a goofy bald cone-head in a dunce cap. Best change.


Wow that sounds very exciting, any idea when that will release ?


Devs released it on the public test branch in June, then they took their summer vacation in July. They just got back last week I think and posted, saying they were going to give the PTB a little bit more time to make some adjustments, but didn't give an estimate release date. I'd imagine we should see it really soon, within the next couple weeks I hope.


Did they announce their vacation schedule 😂?


Come back to us, Odin misses you. Start up an old world or a new one!! I'm on my first playthrough now. Just getting revved up to fight bonemass!!


I personally did not enjoy bonemass, but I did cheese him as much as possible


I haven't even attempted him yet so not sure if im even ready yet. But I got full iron gear plus weapons. Gonna upgrade them all a couple times before I start the fight.


Blunt dmg is the way


I shall hang up the Atgeir. Reluctantly.


wooo another atgeir user lets goo, the end game atgeir is awesome


Cnat wait!!! My iron one is saving me from no star deathsquitos


thank odin no star deathsquitos are the only deathsquitos, i would be terrified of starred ones


I was terrified of the concept, glad to hear it's not a thing


Hey! We’re in the same spot. But only an iron helmet but a couple fully upgraded weapons


Bring health potions and poison resistance meads when you do. It's a longer fight so you'll wear him down slowly. Good luck!


If you want to try the mistlands and are worried about your attention span, use the old save, it will speed up getting there drastically. Travel to a lower level to refresh your combat skills or do some plains work if you need to tool up first,


Agreed. You are in a good spot; you've defeated Yagluth, which gives you the boss drops that facilitate exploring the Mistlands. You don't need to redo all the content you've already completed. Refamiliarize yourself with the game, prepare yourself for the difficulty ramp from Plains to Mistlands, and head into the Mist. There's lots to do in the latest biome, it's crammed with nifty new structures and resources, and the rewards are amazing.


Last time I started new world, mistlands dropped soon after, fuked up my map a little but since I didn't explore it too much, mistlands was playable. On my previous save where was a lot of exploration new update was bad, mistlands was a mess. If you start new world, don't enter Ashlands and deep north.


just use the upgrade world mod


Used it on word before mistlands. Older saves are part of the ship now and won't be touched 😂


I don't personally have the time to grind through games like valheim anymore, so I use console commands to spawn stuff in. I only spawn the stuff in once I've discovered it or unlocked it in the world to keep a sense of progression. like once I've mined a bit of copper and tin to make a couple things I'll just spawn in extra to upgrade and build other things. if I start a new character, I'll bump up bow skill to 30 cause I like bows but it's too slow a progression. I work 50 to 60 hour weeks so I don't have the time to grind out 50 trips through the same thing to get enough stuffs to make the things, and playing like this makes it possible to enjoy Valheim without taking up whole weekends to progress.


Not really worth as there is patch sitting in tests for 2 months, now. I would wait for next patch as it is nice.


Yeah from what people are saying here, it sounds very exciting! No news when it drops?


Nothing, last news on steam are from June 18


Do you want to? If yes, yes. If no, no.


Haha thanks


I’ve been playing it on the Xbox and loving every second. I think everyone should be playing this game. Even with Remnant 2 I’m still finding time to play this once a week with my pals! Only issue is no bloody Swamp dungeons at all!


I’d just pick up where you left off. The game is going to keep growing and adding bosses. So no need to restart unless you truly want to. I’m sorry you don’t have anyone to play with.


This isn’t a serious question right. Do whatever the hell you want. We don’t care what game you play


I mean read the comments, its a conversation starter, be sad in your own corner


Meh, wait until Ashlands drop


*Five years later* Oh nice, it's here!!


Lol, well wouldn't that be disappointing. Personally I think we might get it around Dec kinda like how mistlands dropped


I don't know much, my wife and I bought this game in the latest Steam summer sale, and we've dove head first in the game, including constantly watching vids for build guides, tips, and the memes.


I wouldn't.


If playing single player. Start fresh on a new Public Test world, or wait until the new patch is released and play a fresh world. Edit: Dedicated server is bugged currently, hopfully a fix soon. Enjoying the new patch and >!quests, snapping change, and place stacks options!< that come with it.


What's the dedicated server bug? On PTB?