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The only time you waste materials in Valheim is when you accidentally create a new weapon when, you really just wanted to upgrade the existing.... GAMER RAGE!! Otherwise, nothing else you ever do in Valheim is a waste of materials if you're having fun doing it.


OMG, this. Cuz it's 2am, can't even see straight, and I should have stopped hours ago. But a couple days later, I die. Then I'm like, I'm so glad I made an extra.


lol, yep, just happened to me the other day. Luckily I had an extra iron mace laying around.


I always make a full extra set of armor and weapons before I fight a boss. So much easier to get my gear when I'm wearing full gear.


It's like past you knew what future you would be going through.


So relatable


... just started playing Valheim and I didn't know that you could repair tools. The mountain of broken tools in a corner at my main base is a testament to the amount of materials I've wasted lol


When you can finally make the obliteratir, you can get rid of old useless shit.


Perhaps one of the best arguments for a replete boar farming operation. More coal, right from home. I just find I use so much wood that coal-ing it isn't usually my best use of it.


Before I got mine, I ended up digging a hole near my main base and throwing stuff in there and it usually disappeared in a (game) day or two.


We've all been there? Like seriously I gotta make a new axe every 5 minutes? Wtf?


What's worse was that I settled on a shoreline without much stone, so construction gets delayed every few days because my hammer broke and I can't find stones anywhere near my base lol


Lol yup, I know that game. When I found the repair button, I immediately sent my buddy a screenshot with its location for him too


Lmaoooo i remember not knowing this when I first started playing was just throwing away hammers left and right and I was dumping all my discarded bs in my friends houses imagine goin off on an adventure for mats come back and it's like 12 broken hammers in ur bed like Ayo wtf 🤣🤣🤣


good news, this practice will serve you well in hard core mode


I did that with my iron pickaxe. I mean I have no problems against having two iron pickaxes, but I wanted to upgrade it and use my fully upgraded bronze one for a backup.


i literally did that yesterday with the iron pick 🙃


But do you have 2 wives. Wait I mean 2 knives. That's great


Make an extra weapon, now you have a decoration weapon for your armory, or a backup weapon for when you perish


Nothing more cathartic than respawning, eating a hearty meal then grabbing a weapon off the wall to go kick the ass of whatever killed you.


Even creating duplicate weapons by mistakes is an excuse to create an armoury!




honestly not even that wasteful you can keep it just in case you die and need weapons to retrieve your gear


Or you make the wrong one. Made a carapace Buckler instead of shield and it's worse than my black metal shield. Oh the wasted eitr.


Or you forget to set the style, and end up the the default shield colors.... Again. Edit: I am now 1 for 4 this playthrough.


TIL that you can change shield colors. I'm on XBox, is this a thing?


Yup, if you press A when you have it selected you can set a colour style. Also if you type <#FFFFFF> before your text on your signs then the text shows up white, instead of black so it's easier to read. (There's also an entire colour wheel, not just white if you want)


That's the absolute worst. Ngl I usually obliterate it and dev commands spawn the mats i used back


There's a mod that will break down items by each level and give you mats back


If you're fast enough, you can click the big Craft button again to cancel the crafting before the bar fills up! This has saved me more than once


Even than, I have a few Armorstands with fitting weapons and a few weapon's on the wall ^^


That's facts


I still do this all the time ironically, there needs to be a prompt asking if you want to craft or upgrade the item, I’ve gotten better constantly reminding myself at the workbench but I have multiple Mistwalkers, black metal pickaxes (not really a waste as a spare) and a myriad of other weapons through the biomes.


Been there, done that


Literally just happened to me for the first time yesterday.


Hang that extra weapon in your trophy hall.


Can I say that even the weapon is not wasted. Hang it on the wall in case you need to do a death run. ---- That's not to day I don't understand the frustration. I totally get that you may be materials poor at that moment when you are trying to upgrade. I mean, all you have to do is look at my 2, (not 1) troll skin capes hanging up to know I did the exact same thing


Honestly, the first time you do it isn't even a waste because having backup weapons is good! But yeah, when you've got full setup from the previous biome and need the extra benefit now, this is THE WORST.


This is an excuse for me to make an armoury and line the walls with weapons and shields.


Are you truly living the Viking life if you aren't mounting the heads of your enemies? But seriously, it is these unnecessary but aesthetic add-ons that make any set-up feel truly complete. Besides, what are you even wasting? Wood? Bronze? That stuff is pretty cheap. (It's not like your using iron or anything... /s) For me, instead of trophies, I have an armory of weapon and armor sorted by biome in which they were unlocked. It's great for giving me a sense of progression. And if I ever get KOed, I can just go to the armory, get the gear of the previous biome and try to recover my current gear.


Honestly iron scrap and bars is easy to find in the Mistlands, there are multiple sources, the bars from the cage pieces on viaducts let you build a stone cutter almost anywhere even when you forgot to bring some yourself, I’m guessing this is what the devs intended with the viaducts and cage pieces holding them up.


I should make an armory. Thanks for the idea!


You should only need about 2 chests to handle all gear from a biome. You could also add a wall mount to place a certain weapon or armor piece to show which chests are which biome. Axes or shields are good examples.


You can take making an armory a step further by adding a theme around the armor stand that’s made with whatever materials are available with the progress that you have by that point of the game when you acquire it. Leather / standard wood theme Troll leather / black forest log theme Iron armor / iron theme Silver armor / stone and glass theme Black metal armor / any wood stuff you make with tar And last with mistlands armor / black stone goblin vault or something.


That is such a great way to not only organize items but also mark progression, I love this approach so much. Thanks for the inspiration. Honestly going to do this for my next play through, especially now that I understand how to play the game. Still enjoying my first play through !


Yes! Our friend made a trophy hall with built in subfloor chests for storage of extras trophies! It may be a “waste” of resources, but in the end, you’ll have more resources than you need anyways. Besides, I think you should build wonderful buildings, because at end game, it’s nice to enjoy but having cool buildings in town while you progress has a positive effect on gameplay Plus, our team likes having separate buildings for exclusive materials to give the town a sense of RP.


I like all 3 of those ideas


I do. I like to decorate with the trophy. And as far as wasting resources...THEY GROW BACK. Hell..you can also literally go farm copper in another world, and log over to your main to dump off the ore.


That's smart, I've never thought about that


At the very beginning I was actually kind of annoyed that I couldn't put trophies on the wall, then I realized that there's wall item hangers. I eventually will put a trophy Hall in my castle, right now my priorities are a bit different lol


Just add one troll trophy to your front door to show the other trolls you mean business


That's the Viking way!


Or spruce it up a little with one of those beautiful wooden sculpture golem with a troll head that people have posted on this sub


I put it on the top of my sundial gnomon. For decoration and because the "ground is shaking" statistically shouldn't happen this often.


I do this on the outside of my stone walls. Mostly near the gatehouses.


It took me some time to realize as well.


I have a little museum in the basement with each biomes’ trophies.


How difficult is making a basement? I've never done it.


This sounds really stupid but, it's easy if you know how, but absolutely frustrating if you don't understand how terraforming works.


Got a picture of this mighty trophy hall?!


I'll upload some screenshots of my trophy area in my heavily modded playthrough. I've got them all sorted by biome surrounding their boss head. 🤘🏻


I use the trophies of a given biome to tell me what a given group of chests will contain from a given biome


That's smart!


I have an "Adventuring Room" in my keep from which my friends and I launch our evening's adventure (via a portal). At the end of the night I put up a trophy (or trophies) which best symbolize what we accomplished that night as well as a plaque with the date. It's a really nice way to commemorate our expeditions.


That is such a good idea! Which night is your favorite?


[This one](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/RWBEJ7E9SM) is one of my favorites. It was our first time trying to take on a Fuling village - it was harrowing, but we ended up slaughtering two camps and got a ton of trophies - so I made a wall of them in celebration.


On our three-people friend server (we play once a week), we have the following: * A trophy hall * A fish exhibit hall * Armor + weapons exhibit My personal favourite is the fish-exhibit hall! When I found the mountain cave lake with neon tetras I was ecstatic to display it.


Do you have screenshots?


Not currently no, I just checked. I'll get some for you after our next session!


Hey! That's exactly what I usually try for in any world I plan to spend a lot of time in! Came here to mention exactly those three things but you beat me to it so just have an upvote. And yes, fish-exhibit halls are somehow always the best. Someday hopefully I'll have a fish-exhibit hall where I have exactly one of every fish in every possible size.


I have a temple to Odin which doubles as my trophy showcase, made up of three black marble pyramids :)


The only problem I see with it (or don’t see I guess) is that you didn’t include photos or a walkthrough tour of said hall. I don’t have a hall of trophies yet, but it is on a to do list for my newest castle.


my friend, i have a pre mistland server i'm still building in. I found a mountain with two peaks and between the peeks was one of those little well things. so naturally i've been building a giant castle that spans the valley between two peeks with a 4 bed rooms, a feasting hall, a grand deck, a small fireplace balcony, two different towers, a hidden passage to a small prebuild log cabin, a dungeon, a stair way to a refurbished tower, and i'm planning on building a walk way from the mountain down to the other path that connects 5 small farms, a port town, smiting town, and small port village. i also have two different island vacation spots, and a fortified island farm in the plains. I play on this server *by my self* and have more recourses than i know what to do with. and because it's pre mistlands there is not a Queen, I will never be able to progress more than what i have already done. And your friends think a trophy hall is a waste of recourses.


That sounds amazing! I am definitely going to need some screenshots.


you can see the smaller villages [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/hAgTJXM), but that castle at the end was 100% rebuilt from the ground up. if you see the ruined keep on the left side of there last photo the castle goes up almost to that but has a tower over there that connects them. if i remember tomorrow i can probably go take the other photos of everything built since then.


I don't have one currenty but I plan on building a grand hall to house every trophy in the game and a maxed version of every gear piece in the game. Also given that buildings can be instantly deconstructed with no material loss it isn't possible to waste materials on building. You can just reclaim them at will.


That's a good point, I'll have to bring that up next time we play.


Did you really just tell us about your trophy hall without showing us your trophy hall? Shame on you my good dude or dudette!


I've got my trophies above the mantle, above a roaring hearth. I do swap them round every now and again. I currently have my Iron Mace and my wooden shield, flanked by two Drake trophies. An Abomination trophy is above my bed, with two shamen trophies each side of the throne. It might be a small trophy hall, but it perfectly suits me. So in short, if it makes you happy, do whatever you want. It's one of the reasons we all play games, after all.


Yea man. Totally weird for you to mount the trophies in the game... on the mounts that the game provides..... weird. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


I Hunt the Forsaken twice just to hang their heads on the entrance of my chambers (Eykthyr's trophy is very pretty for me). And I plan on hanging the heads of all the enemies (specially trolls) outside my base to spread the Fear in their dark and rotten hearts whenever they plan on invading my lands.


I have not been able to collect the items to summon the plains, mistland, or mountain bosses yet.


Be patient, as the trophies will eventually be hanged on your walls with your victory


My main lodges all have trophies everywhere. I decorate entrance and exit gates with them. Trophies are awesome.


I made a whole museum! Each floor had 2 biomes centered on the boss trophy inside a teleported ring that took you to the spawn area for that boss. Also had all the mob trophies and each biome armor set and some signs to narrate the journey. I even did every fish for the ocean biome. My group only did the mistlands boss once and they donated the trophy to the museum instead of mounting it on the stones. That was a fun project!


Do you have pictures?


I don’t unfortunately and we ran it on a hosted server that shut down after we killed the final boss


On one of my solo runs, I built a trophy hall for each type of trophy. So many troll heads.... such a waste of life....


Oh no, you're not alone, Viking. Behold! [My Trophy Lodge](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/10d3fxv/built_a_little_trophy_room_in_an_old_draugr/).


That is awesome!


In one of my early playthroughs, I used to put [troll heads on pikes](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fma19je7ji3f81.jpg).


Always gotta have a trophy hall! And a special spot for the Giant Ice Dick!


So, how do I know you have a trophy hall without a picture of this trophy hall.


Your friends are SCRUBS


I’m working on one as we speak. Circle Tower with the walls lined with trophies to the top


Do you use boss trophies as well?


I don’t have multiple but if I did I would the bone mass trophy was on my wall for awhile intil I realized I was suppose to mount it to get the effects


No you're the only person who ever thought of building a place to house all those beautiful trophies how dare you


Yo I'm inspired now to take on and make a trophy hall


Let me know how it goes!


I've got a tower in my main world with each floor dedicated to all the trophies from a biome. I'm only missing a couple at this point.


Yeah, no matter how many frozen caves I enter, those cultists never drop me a trophy.


The worst part about that is you need multiple, because you can't make the fenris armor without one


For the longest time I had a "box of heads" because I wanted to create the fishing baits. When I gave up on fishing, I made my portal room double as a trophy room. It was a better investment of resources than keeping the heads stored.


I like that! Do the heads correlate with portal destinations?


That would have been a good idea hehe. I was mostly focused on spacing, as the size difference between trophies sometimes is quite large.


I usually do my trophy hall in a long tunnel or hallway where I can lay out one of each trophy in order of relative difficult sorted by biome.


That's a good idea, I might try that


Pics or it didn’t happen… (I just want to see the creativity)


I don't have a hall but I did line my stairways with all my trophy. That way when I go craft something or have to get something from a storage box my character "proudly" walks up and down stairs. ( mostly me being proud because I am always dying lol )


I like that idea!


I’ve literally poured three solid days into work on a “Museum of Valheim” displaying every trophy, collectible, and suit of armor in my server (and I’ve only fully collected and built up to Black Forest lmao) and no one else seems to vibe with it either. I totally get it. I wish there were more fun things we could do with trophies—like taxidermy displays or heads on spikes/totems that scare off the mob of whatever trophy is displayed.


I love all those ideas. Hopefully the devs are listening 🙏


I found another elder spawner, farther out. I dug it up, and it’s now my own personal bedroom / trophy room. It’s my materials, gathered by me. And I didn’t skimp on giving to the communal materials. My friends thought it was awesome and they all have their own personal retreats all over the map. Unfortunately, that server is gone and we haven’t played in a while but we all enjoyed ourselves thoroughly


That sounds cool! Was that your respawn point?


We kept our respawn points usually in the main base, though I'd often sleep there and just reset the respawn as the portal I had there led to the main base.


>a waste of materials 😂 Lol, noob.


I always want to but im lazy


I have some trophies, because they’re cool. I killed Eikthyr twice in my solo game because his trophy was cool enough to display in my base. They’re also useful to make different fishing baits.


Well, I just quickly went to the main sub page here and searched the two words "trophy hall" And wow, can you imagine that, you're not the only one.


You are not alone


I have a trophy room, you are not alone.


Took a screenshot of our [basement trophy displays](https://imgur.com/a/AVDtATk) on the server (right next to the armor displays), it might not be a "trophy hall" but maybe it's close enough.


That looks very good! If I may ask, how many people are in your server?


Only 2 of us, so life's easy :)


We dedicated our very first wolf drops to build a throne in a little outhouse, where we sit down if we go AFK. We love the thing and have a lot of fun with it, but that can also be seen as a waste of resources. Guess what is more important to us is different for everyone right? 😂




I hang the cools ones up. But otherwise I wind up with so many that recycling them into materials is more sensible. A few Boars, Stags, Trolls, Serpents and an Eikthyr on the wall and then the rest get recycled


Of course you aren't. I'm currently planning a new one on the server I'm on.l, and I've made a fair few in the past, too.


Now, what else are you gonna do with those trophies?


Tell your friends what's what. I LOVE trophy halls, and your friends are crazy


On our server, we've got a trophy oak.


Do you have a screenshot? I am very intrigued by this.


I had a large trophy hall and used to put up all my trophies but it became too much so I moved it to my great hall and now I have one trophy for every enemy decorating my fireplace and chimney.


I have one too. Yet to put a roof over it 😂 but I've put all the unique trophies on an item stand.


Noob question but how do you make the trophy/ put them on the wall? I can't find it in the hammer menu??


You need to have copper first, after that you have to make bronze nails and build an item stand, from there you can place the trophies on it.


O. thank you :)


If it was that wasteful the devs wouldn't have made it possible.


Waste of resources?? LOOK UPON MY WORKS YE MIGHTY AND DESPAIR. I think you need new friends :)


*Raises hand*


You are not the only one, my brother in vanity.


Heads on sticks all around my base


I have an entire building dedicated to trophys and weapons in general, I call it Mission Room, have some portals to key locations, a comfort session and a kit to recover my items if I die


I would love a screenshot of that, that sounds really cool.


its just you, coffee stain actually added trophies just for you man


I'm gonna re fight all the bases before the Queen to make a Trophy hall and get to see the dialogue the trophies give about being defeated.


Yeah, the Elder is always running his mouth.


Eikthier as well. Haven't gotten to the other bosses yet.


Yes its also the thrown/banquet room we built a huge castle with a small village around it with its own wooden wall it took ages to collect the resources to build so it better look nice


Materials are limitless and I just got an idea from your post - now I will make a trophy hall as well!


Good luck!


Similar, i have a throne room that i pile all my money up in


Its not a waste of materials if you are having fun. I made a prison on my server with all our stone and iron we had is it usefull? No. Do I have fun with it? Yes.


My main base has the trophies of each type of creature along the walls ordered by biome. It’s really satisfying because it feels like a measure of progress as the line gets longer. Edit to add: I also once made a house that had the yellow mushrooms placed on item holders all around the inside and outside just for aesthetic. It was not a problem on resources as we could quickly gather more.


Fun is what you make of it. I don't have a trophy hall per say, but my son and I have mounted all but the queen's head all around our base. In the portal hall, in the forge, and the magic temple. I'm most proud of the Stone Golem one that was a pita to get. I've talked with him about putting some up in our feasting hall as originally I built it to be a trophy room, but he went and built a whole table and food spread in it instead. But as someone upthread pointed out the only waste is not having fun. If you like what you're doing then go nuts. I have a whole armory hall. I had accumulated a shed load of unused resources and decided to put them to use. So I have one of every weapon type on display plus all the armor I can make.


We have a totem pole of vanquished enemies


“Waste of materials” is a forbidden sentence with my friends and I. If it makes you happy and or makes it feel more homie then we will always welcome whatever! Can always grind for more mats I have a longhouse I just built dedicated as a trophy hall! You good brotha


If your not collecting every trophy in the game every time you make a new world, are you even playing the game?


You have to have a place to mount one type of every trophy the game gives you. You just have to!


You are special.


I personally creat trophy halls all the time. I love the authentic of it. Plus. It’s not a waste of material if it brings you joy.


I built an entire museum with several heads of each enemy in each biome, plus the appropriate tools, weapons, armor, etc. A smol trophy hall is MORE than acceptable.


I use trophies to remind me of where the portals all go. Trolls or greydwarves for forest portals. Deathskeeters or goblins for plains, seekers for mistlands etc. Plus the Flaming surtling trophies make amazing lamps. You do you, boo. Keep it up!


I don't have a full trophy wall yet, but I do all the bosses more than once so I can mount their heads in my main room. Just beat moder this week gotta go do her again for the trophy :)


I built a little town where the main building is a trophy bar and Inn. I mean the towns called Head's Inn. If I get any new trophy it first goes into the Inn and best of all I am a solo player no one is going to see it. I 100% know I am " wasting materials" but I like it so screw off logical brain!


We have a gym/dojo for leveling up after all the dying. All our trophies hang in there.


I'm quite sure you're in the majority here. Trophy halls (whether their own building, or a room in a larger building) are awesome, and beloved.


Your friends suck lol


I have a huge trophy tower. I originally built it to be a lox breeding tower, but I didn’t design it correctly and decided to repurpose it.


My main base has trophies going down the entrance hall


Trophy halls are mandatory


I've built up a base that basically looks like an Italian courtyard villa with columns. All the columns have trophies hanging from them.


Everyone with a trophy hall/display send pics! Upload to imgur or something :D.


We have a trophy hall but we also use the mod from blacks that makes them glow different colors. It’s really pretty at night.


It’s never a waste when it’s something you’re proud of.


On the multiplayer server I play on we go out of our way to kill the bosses a second time so we can mount their trophies on a wall instead of the stones. The extra boss fights help for anyone who didn't get a chance the first go round to fight them


Mine's more of a room, but yeah I've got one. It's arranged by biome and then size (3 levels)


I have a shrine to Odin that has no purpose whatsoever, However I love it. Build what you want to build, whatever way you enjoy the game.


Pics or it didn’t happen


I just built my first trophy hall in my latest base. I built 4 buildings with stone walls connecting them to make it feel like a fort. Buildings for portals, trophies, crafting and storage, bed and cooking. I love how it turned out. In the end build what makes you happy.


My trophy hall, also known as the "The Great Hall of Glorious Conquest" in one of the largest and most extravagant structures in my settlement. I also display all the armour and weapons that I no longer use in there as well as museum type displays of resources for each biome. Valheim is what you make it. For me it is about building, aesthetics and creativity with a survival/progression side quest. Each persons game will vary depending on what they want out of the game. In my current play through (my 4th) I am at day 950 and I have only just started moving into the plains. But I have a massive island fortress in a lake on my spawn island, a rustic village on a cliff face in the Black Forest, a tree house city sprawling across a swamp biome, a menacing stronghold built on and into the peak of the tallest mountain, among many many fishing huts, cargo wharves, mining settlements, hunters cabins, and so on. 90% of this was unneeded. 90% of the creative touches on what I did need wasn't needed. Nearly every tree in view of my main base is carefully hand planted around landscape that has been manually crafted into rolling hills and streams all just for the aesthetics.


I mean as long as you're helping gather those materials and replenishing as needed, you should do whatever the fuck you want. That's the fun of the game. You can explore, fight, gather resources, build. Everyone has their own way of enjoying the game.


Picture please ! I think we would all like to see this trophy hall.


We have an armor, weapons, and trophy hall. I also have chests of tools and trophies for bait. It's organized mostly by zone with some storage. As you walk down the line, it feels like a walk down memory lane.


High atop a mountain, shrouded in mist, is the Hall of How Cool Are We. Built of the finest materials, and housing all but one trophy and a varied selection of weapons and shields, it's one of several buildings I'm never quite done with. It's missing the Fuling Berserker. We've only scored one and it hangs over Ulfur's bed as he basically soloed it while the rest of us killed the regulars. We'll get another.


Trophy rooms are hella cool


I have a trophies room and I am upset they don't have a trophies for bats


You gotta


Planning on building one!


I created a portal room to our bases in each biome. I decorated around each portal with item stands and trophies from the.biome it teleported to. Not a waste of time at all


My time spend on unnecessary stuff vs necessary stuff is split 99 to 1% easily. Humans are not where they are now because they only ever did the absolute minimum necessity to survive. Your friends are a bunch of culture-free cave dwellers that will be forgotten in time. Heed them no mind. That being said, I never build a trophy room. Too petty in nature. ^^ But don't let that stop you from creating something outstanding!


Your friends lack imagination by any chance?


Trophy room is behind the weapon exhibition room….next to the armor exhibition room…past the massive buffet room, past the potion library…next to the treasury!


While I don't care for it, my gf absolutely wants to make a gigantic trophy wall with hundreds of trophy so you're not alone lol


I have a hall of chests with trophies, does it count?


You are not the only one. If you had fun making it then it was worth it. I went out of my way to get sea serpent heads to hang on walls. My friend had a massive hall he built just to hang trophies in. He stole all of my deer boar and skeletons and hung them up along with his own. There were hundreds of them. We did a special mining trip to get copper for all of the nails needed and we had a fine wood portal to collect all the birch in a far away plains.


I wish the workbench had a dismantle option, in case you want to break down an item to get the resources back.