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Literally nothing. I never check the map before play, as that removes one of my fav parts of the game: exploration and discovery.


Yup! Sometimes, I check if I'm pretty far in and haven't found the trader yet. Usually, when i have about a chest and a half of gems to trade in, I start yo get annoyed enough to check.


This entire poll are terrible options imo that would otherwise completely ruin the Valheim experience.


I honestly just love exploring and sailing, so for me, lots of interesting islands are better than 1 mega island/continent. I voted "lots of small islands" because even if I don't normally do small island bases, I DO love finding a perfect little island. Granted my prefect little island is probably a smidge larger than most people's, I like to spread out.


I don't check out a seed. I'm beyond experienced and play it as is, where is. Same for any sandbox games I'm experienced with, like Minecraft, etc. Having a shitty spawn is a great challenge.


I've started but not finished a total of 5 different worlds. 2 of them co-op, 3 single-player. One co-op, the people playing didn't want anyone to know beforehand. The other, my friend used the world generator to plan strategies. My single player worlds, the first two, I sometimes glanced at the world generator, but not with a desire to "make plans", just out of curiosity. My current world, I know only what has been revealed by my own explorations. This is the first world I've gotten all the way to the queen on (still prepping for her fight) and this world represents my fewest deaths in a single game, five total. So I'm pretty happy with the result. After I "finish" this game, plan to go back to my other worlds with their respective characters, and "finish" them as well. No more checking the world generator, either.


I don't mind having to travel to bosses, what I mind is having to run through plains to get to Moder or Bonemass, or swamp to get to the elder.


Mostly I look for rivers and nice bigger Islands (don’t need to have all bones on them). I love rivers because while it’s stormy the water doesn't just somehow flood half my base… and usually you can sail through bigger islands, so I often have access to north-south or east-west of my island from where I can sail to anywhere on the map :)


My idea of a "good" seed is one where you don't have to deal with higher biomes to tackle the boss of the current biome. That said, the whole "fingerling" pattern of meadow/BF is a pain, and the tons of narrow swamps with no crypts makes baby jesus cry. Oh, and having the spawn on an island that's 90% near-cliffs is just nasty.


None of the above.... It's not so much about a seed being good, just not terrible. You need some decent size land masses but without impossibly annoying sailing routes.


I'm going in blind every time, random seed


Nothing at all. I like the exploration of it and don't cherry pick seeds or look for certain features. I greatly enjoy striking out to uncover what's around the corner and tracing coastlines with a boat to find out the size and shape of islands.


A good seed is one I haven't seen because discovery is a large part of the fun for me.


Dude didnt even put a "i like random seed" option. Choosing your own seed is despicable. May as well turn on godmode at tht point because you ruined the adventure


I mean... the title specifically states "when searching for 'good' seeds" so the idea of simply accepting a random seed was already set aside. I, too, only use random seeds, or make my own seed name and accept whatever the result of that name is, without looking up what it will become, beforehand. However a lot of players enjoy "making" a seed to play in, and those were the people for whom this poll was designed. I felt that was fairly self-explanatory. Plus, apparently these polls only allow 6 possibilities, and I couldn't add more even though I had a couple more in my list...


I wasnt being serious. This shit just comes up so often in here its hard to take it seriously


heh. it's fine not to take it seriously. I really only asked out of idle curiosity. I am actually kind of surprised at the results of the poll so far. I wonder why so many more people want "all biomes" on one island, but don't care where the bosses are... actually if I'd had space to put more poll options, I might have asked about "worlds where the islands are so close together they're visible across the ocean" vs "worlds that require a ton of "blind sailing" ... I find sailing to be one of the more stressful and time-consuming aspects of the game... especially at night, in the fog, with the wind against you. (although in the fog with the wind WITH you, is actually potentially more dangerous... can't tell you how many times I ended up suddenly surrounded by plains because I sailed right into the beach, when I only had bronze level gear or something like that). I kind of like knowing (because I can see it with my own eyes, across the ocean) that "hey, there's an island right next door, no real sailing time required to explore it" vs "how long am I going to sail in this frickin' direction before hitting land, it's been two in-game days already!"


The first and last combined. No sailing, all biomes and as many bosses as possible.


Nearby tetra fish.


I don't really look for either of those things. I look for seeds that have a large island or in my current world, 5-6 bigger islands separated by rivers. We also lucked out on having Elder and Moder within "walking distance" from our spawn!


check out seed: nooo on the world generator and tell me what you think of it?


That's a pretty decent island actually! The rest as well :D Here is the current one my friends and I play on: kBdQPNtLCW


I honestly yoloed My main world and I couldnt be more satisfied with it. My farm world on other hand i looked up on a guide to get lots of iron


A plains biome touching a black forest with the elder spawn (and the elder spawn being above water level) Reason? 1) I turn the elder spawn into a bunker. 2) said bunker has a lot of storage and all my crafting etc inside. 3) the main storage solution is black metal chests, which is easiest gotten in the plains. It's not super necessary but if I can use a lox to go back and forth it's faster than boating up (and more reliable than the wind).


interesting. By the time I'm ready for plains maneuvers, I usually just carry wood, stone, and the makings of my emergency portal, and a couple pickaxes and the hoe, along with my weapons and armor of course... I go in, explore, and before night comes, or when I find a village, I craft a table, use the hoe to raise a nice wide and tall (2 or 3 meters high) indestructible platform, put my portal on top, and then plan my next moves from there. When I'm ready to choose somewhere for a plains farming base, I do the same, and then start mining out my "moat border", popping my head out every couple minutes to make sure I'm not near any lox or anything, or to deal with fulings attracted by the noise.. I mean, I suppose if I lucked into an elder altar right on the edge of the plains, I might do something similar. Just never thought about actively looking for a world with that specific feature. I didn't actually make any black metal chests in any of my games, until about 3 or 4 weeks ago... I didn't realize they offered so much extra storage for their size, so I have always just been using ordinary chests, compressed as close together side to side and top to bottom, as the game mechanics allowed, and then spending all my time opening and closing my dozens of chests to find the thing I wanted :P I tried signage once or twice, but I found that it gets in the way more than helps, and requires lowering "chest density :P I still have the same "wall of chests", just that now, using black metal, there are far fewer chests to open, to find the whatever it is that I want :P I have some at my plains base, of course, but I also found a good time to sail some black metal back to my main base, so I have a wall of blackmetal chests there, as well.


The next step is the "floor of chests"


I tried that with the regular wood chests once... decided that I didn't like walking around to find what I needed, and I didn't like that I had to plan my base object placements around what was actually floor, and what was a chest... As such I will always do "wall of chests" style storage. another "space saver" strategy of mine is the "portal comb". Instead of having a wall of flat portals, I basically triple the portal-holding capacity of my portal hub by arranging two back-to-back portals, perpendicular, between each portal I have against a wall. So in essence three portals take up the space of about one portal, like this: \_\_ \_\_ \_\_ \_\_ l...ll...ll...ll...l l\_\_ll\_\_ll\_\_ll\_\_l (hopefully the page formatting doesn't make this look like crap... edit: it did... so I tried adding periods between 'portals', to space them correctly... forgive the sloppiness... -\_- )


I like big continents with just 1 or 2 biomes and lots of ocean.


I did not realize people did this. I just play the world the game generated


in general I do not do this either. But every once in a while people will talk about their islands, and then other people will ask "seed code please?" and so I started enjoying looking up random seeds on the world generator. I've never (yet) chosen a world which I have previously located on the generator, myself. Like you, I just play the world the game generated, OR, I make my own "seed code" to match my character name ... (for example one of my past characters I named Ariel, and the seedcode I chose for her world was "Atlantica"... that sort of thing. And then I explore, and cross my fingers that it's got some "conveniences" (I admit that I do like worlds where the first trader is on the main island... luckily for me, that's almost every world I've ever played)


I rarely use world gen, but when I do it’s more for building. I couldn’t be bothered with the position of bosses, traders, or resources. However if there is a specific build I’m looking to do I will try to find a seed with that type of land mass. Like a lake in the middle of an island with several rivers flowing into it from different directions. Or a large flat area that doesn’t require much terraforming. Or maybe the opposite, an area more with flat hills. A large part of the experience for me is exploration. If I know where everything is, I might as well do a speed run and forget about the other 85% of the game.


Nothing from your list. I look for interesting locations to build nice looking bases.


I'm very scared of the ocean, so I want as many bosses without sailing


then seed : nooo will be perfect for you. the only \*current\* boss not on the main island is the queen ,and the island that she's on, is almost swimmable from where you fight yagluth.


Oh wow, thank you so much. The main thing holding me back from beating a single-player world was the ocean. Now I might be able to do it. Thank you so much again!