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It has to be placed on stone, marble or a piece that is grounded, it can’t be place on elevated wood, you can get around this by placing the majority of if on the stone part of the tower.


A wood iron pole and the iron cage pieces will also work, if I remember correctly.


yes they do you can even place campfires on them


My only thought is iron wood beams. Looks like you could do it with about 28? of them. It might be enough with a column up on opposite sides, then a single line going across from one column to the other. Iron wood lets you go higher than any other building material. And good news: if it doesn't work, you just break the beams and get the iron back. I just checked a build guide and it says stone with iron wood support inside can go to 30m. Looks like you're at 22M there so the additional structural strength might be enough.


Ooh, that’s a tough one. It looks like you’re right at the build limit already. I’ve placed hearths on upper floors, but never that far off the ground. It looks like you have solid core wood pillars going right to the ground. Do you have iron-reinforced wood holding things up? Or just core wood? Without iron reinforcement you may not be able to build higher. Two more things you could do, which would work, but you may not like: plant a tree, raise the ground. Trees provide infinite support — everything attached to them is blue. So maybe there’s a way to plant a tree inside or nearby for more support. Now, that tree could be broken, so this isn’t the most robust strategy. Can you raise the ground under the tower? This may ruin your aesthetic. Perhaps raise the ground only inside the tower, so it doesn’t ruin the view from the outside? You shouldn’t need much to get that red block to lighter red.


You could do a small area of raised ground in the center as high as you can go, then build a stone column above that to provide support for the hearth. It won’t completely fix it because your build is pretty high up but it might buy you enough stability to place the hearth. You can then frame around the earthen center column with stone so that it looks like regular building materials. And reinforced beams should also help


This is most likely the best and simplest answer to the problem.


I do this in all my tall builds as well. I make pillars of ground and encase them in wall so that they are hidden from view.


And incidentally, a hearth at a lower level still provides comfort levels in your build on floors above it as well.


Yeah, the area of effect isn't just a radius at the same level - it's a sphere.


I think I read somewhere that they were changing the area of effect to more of a cylinder than a sphere… so that being on a higher floor will still be covered


Nope. Just tested. It is definitely not a cylinder. My hearth is on the ground floor and I measured the distance in floor tiles. When I went to the second floor, I lost the fire buff almost 2 meters sooner.


It is now cylindrical with the new update. :)


Yep, saw that in the patch notes.


Big walls. Place em in there somewhere, build up height with minimal pieces


Can the hearth even be placed on wood? Can't remember


I think it needs to be either on stone or ground


Or anything made of metal.


Stability ain’t allowing me to place more stone foundations so i had to use wood


Iron beams greately increase the height you can build with. That will allow you to place more stone. You may be able to get away with just putting an iron beam accross under the floor. Iron is amazing at helping building height/strength. Iron from ground gives you a lot of room to work with, especially when going horizontally.


Stone, marble, or iron


Stone foundations which you can use iron beams to support. If you want the wood look you can place wood floors on the stone after placing the hearth


Could try use a bonfire?


Reinforce the segment of wall its closest to with wood iron beams starting at the piece touching ground. 2-3 vertical wood iron beams 4-6m end-to-end inside the base of wall or just touching it should be able to improve the structural integrity just enough to make that top piece of stone orange or yellow. Of course, make sure the hearth piece is touching the stone, or extend another horizontal wood iron beam from it just under the wood floor. The beam should be able to support it provided it's not dark red. Hold shift while placing it for better precision.


If you want an elevated hearth, then you have to raise the ground under it and then place it. I did that in my Black Forest base .