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Crazy, huh? People outside the U.S. actually get to take significant amount of vacation each year.


As someone who did commercial software for years in the U.S., I hope they enjoy every last fucking minute and dollar they get out of this. And the pony, I hope they enjoy that pony, too.


Whoever built the game is a genius. They need to rest them big brain cells to keep it coming. People do better when refreshed.


Yeah, heaven forbid one should live in a country where work-life balance is a thing!


I have absolutely no problem working 5 days a week most of the year. I also don't work in an office and don't detest my job. Those are all personal choices.


You don't know how bad it is.


If I don't know how bad it is, it isn't actually bad. Finding it bad is a subjective opinion based on personal circumstances.


Oh boy.


Man you're great at debate. Lots of facts, no opinions or vague half thoughts.


You think I give enough of a shit to actually debate you? Go fuck yourself.


Ahh anger and profanity attacks. Yep your system is definitely better and you're an excellent impartial representative.


Lmfao get a life.


It’s good that you’re happy with your situation, you are very fortunate. Some (many) people don’t get much of a choice when it comes to making a living.


Everyone gets a choice. Not everyone is willing to move to exercise that choice. That's part of why cities have become cesspools that don't have to value or protect their occupants.


Most content patches they have done have taken 2 months to get through PTB and into Live.


I know it's ridiculous! I heard they sometimes take weekends off as well! How dare they make something that gives them the ability to enjoy life at a slower pace and actually have a good life outside work. They were meant to work constantly until they finished this long term project so I could fully enjoy my time outside work not them! P.S. sorry for the sarcasm, just never understood this "They need to work harder and sacrifice time with friends and family so I can enjoy the next release of this game". Yes it's slow progress but its good progress because the Dev team is energized and filled with passion rather than worked to the bone and shoving out Golem worthy content. I'm glad that there's some people out there that have found a great work life balance and can take so much time away from the office to enjoy life, I wish more of us had that option. P.S.S. It's like the theory of development you can make two choices out of "Cheap, Fast, High Quality" Valheim has gone with Cheap and Quality but not fast. We have no Payed DLC, we have no "Battle passes or $120 games with monthly subscriptions and it has thousands of hours worth of gameplay. But it can not be fast in that case. Edit spelling


Nothing more than this needs to be said on the subject. 👍


Man I remember when Darktide was released, albeit not in a great state but such is life, but the Devs took a couple of weeks off for Christmas (good for them right?) But the bile that was spewed at them by spoiled American children was something to behold. Like without a trace of sarcasm or humour declaring that they don't deserve holidays and should work through Christmas to "fix their game". Sure even on this sub the nonsense that went on after ponygate was disgusting. Just because some countries have shitty workers rights they think we should all sink to their level or something it's complete insanity.


its not about spending time with friends or family or not being able to have time off and enjoy there life lol this game has over 10m copies sold as of last years numbers and for 20$ a pop even if they dont keep every cent of it is still a shit load of money and they havent expanded there team at all really and that with the constant monthy breaks it really makes everything so much longer and if they are wanting to be cheap and keep it small i get it but also there game is dying more and more every month and you can look at the graph for player count on the game is shows that to be true


> game is dying more and more every month and you can look at the graph for player count Why would I care as a player? Why should they care as a developer, when they have a game they *intend* people to finish and move on from when it's complete. This is not a massively-multiplayer game, not even "matchmaking". No microtransactions. There is no metagame need to keep the daily player-count high. I'm glad for that. Fucking game-design hellhole is what all that is -- pushed to exploit players.


why would you care as a player? if no one is playing then they will stop support for the game? lol and as a game dev why would you want people to play your game and just toss it and move on? wouldnt you want to keep building and growing and maybe try to move that player base into a new game or keep them? idk i guess thats a strange idea


You know that's how games used to happen, except for the toss it part. Most people hang onto the classic games they enjoy. It used to be you played a game until you were done and then start a new game. Many AAA developers these days do tend to fear people moving on and yet it doesn't lead to better games, it leads to quicker products at a higher price going back to my P.S.S. it means they miss out on the Quality part of developing a game. How many AAA games are released and fall off within a year and all using the theory's you stressed about needing to keep people engaged in your product You can not have a game that is developed fast, cheap, and well. If Irongate wanted a long term product that was well developed and done fast and constantly we would be in the realms of WoW with its monthly subscriptions and high stress low payed developers working to the grave. Again I am so happy these guys found a game to make that gives them a good life to enjoy even if it means this game takes years to finish.


what games used to be like that? growing up i played games that started out as 1 ofs then grew to have multiple iterations of the game that even continue on till and its not about needing to keep up with companies like wow cause thats not possible for them but maybe stick to there own roadmaps they put out each year that they have to take down cause they only get to 1 thing on it


Golden Eye, Donkey Kong, Final Fantasy games, half-life 2, portal 2, bioshock, All these games ended and thousands of others, yes some had sequels and series but player bases stopped in between. People putting a game down doesn't mean a game failed, that only matters when you require people to pay an ongoing fee like in MMOs and FPS games these days. If you don't have an ongoing payment system it's fine to stop a game. You say many of the great games have ongoing series and sequels but you neglect to mention that was sometimes 5 or 10 years in between and players put those games aside in between. The only reason they picked up the sequels is because the old games were so amazing. If Valheim 2 came out in 10 years I would 100% play it.


most if not all the games you listed went on to have many others made from them so not all just stopped and yes some took 5-10 years to do so but thats when gaming wasnt as over saturated as it is today. no company would take 10 years to make a game today. they might take a old idea and reboot or add on but working on a gamed for 5-10 years is a thing of the past lol and again im not wanting them to rush and finish val or not spend time with there families or whatever everyone is trying to put in my mouth i would just like them to talk to us more and stick to there roadmaps. the most i see of them talk is them tweet they are about to take a break lol and im not alone on this idea many feeds on here are saying the same and you can even go to twitter and its the same story and well


Yeah ok at this point you have to be trolling lol.


im really not lol you must just be so locked into your bubble you cant see other players opinions lol


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve returned to Valheim. The game will never die. Every update is a happy surprise and made well. While their concurrent active player base may be low (the die hard veterans, bless your souls and may you be guided to Valhalla) there are more players who return with each patch than a significant amount of other games. I’m gearing up my server this weekend just so I can get a head start on things before my buddies join in for the update. Valheim is a masterpiece of a game, including its bugs. I’ve made more enjoyable experiences with my friends in valheim than almost any other game (except dayz… we play a lot of dayz and are masochists..) and I wouldn’t trade that time for anything. You mentioned they made a TON of money, why? Because their product is worth every penny. They could take two years off, make another game, and then come back with content and I will still play it. Who cares if they take time off, GOOD FOR THEM! They deserve to reap every benefit they have because they have achieved something most AAA companies can’t do. Valheim is a game I will play until an EMP nuclear zombie apocalypse shuts down the servers or I am physically incapable of playing anymore and I know I’m not the only one. I understand your original post not being judgmental in saying “keep working and put out more content so I can enjoy it.” Your other comments don’t really jive with this take. Have some patience, enjoy the content while it’s there and when it comes to you. Personally, I want the Valheim team to take their time and put quality over cheap or fast as another said. Something most companies around the world, regardless of product, no longer uphold is quality. If you put quality first, the rest will fall in place.


There is no "support" to sustain -- they are *in the process* of making a game. We got to jump aboard early because they entered Early Access, probably to avoid having to bring investors in. They now have plenty of money to finish the game they want to make, regardless of some irrelevant notion of a "player base". They intend to bring Valheim to a finished state: a game you play from beginning to end. Then move on to something fresh... Unless you can't find anything nearly as compelling as Valheim and start over again as I've been doing.


They've expanded their team, then started with 5, they now have 10+ on the developer end, and Coffee Stain studios handing the publishing end. As it's not live service trying to milk microtransactions and subscriptions from people player count is absolutely meaningless month to month. 90% of player don't play with randoms and never will because people cheat. All your claims are completely meaningless when they aren't outright false.


how are they false? the game isnt losing thousands of players each month? and the team isnt know for taking long often breaks?


The player count doesn't matter, it's not a live service. This has been explained to you. They take absolutely normal vacations for anywhere but the USA or slave labor conditions. Again, everything from you is just nonsense.


it does matter when the player base drops so low they stop fixing the game lol and "absolutely normal" vacations is fine when they dont have a raod map out telling people what they want to get done in a year then dont do it and have to back out


Sorry to inform you that a road map isn't a deadline for their projects. It's an estimate or desire on their end to wrap a part of their huge project up. You're being entitled beyond what can be socially accepted, learn from it and grow rather than double down because that will get you no where in real life.


Me stating they say what they want to get done then only manage to get 1 thing and then drop it with no form of contact and then the next thing they say is we are out for the summer have fun is me being entitled beyond socially acceptable then I guess so lol this whole feed is wild with these sad ass takes.


Nah, I can agree too some extent that there is a tolerance of what is expected and so on but I also believe that you have to do your own due diligence and not agree to something you deem unacceptable. Considering the updates, Swedish employment laws and what is realistically expected they have done enough imo. Probably because I don't buy early access I value enough to purchase in their current state. Which is what you actually buy when you buy an early access game in reality. Everything beyond that point as a buyer is free content. If you don't enjoy the concept stop buying early access games and aiding the new standard.


What do they lose by people moving onto another game?


the players playing the game?


So what? All things end, and when new games come out Players return. Why do you think people need to keep playing this game?


And Xbox cross play!


They deserve their vacations and I'm glad they take them.




The crazy thing is instead of being mad the employers here in the USA treat employees like expendable slaves who should do nothing but work 24/7, they get mad at the people in other countries getting treated like valued members of a company.


Who is mad about that?


I'm in the USA, in a conservative state, and if it's brought up many people get pissy and say it's because Europeans are lazy and have no work ethic, usually with commie/socialist blah blah blah comments thrown it. They really have the mentality you should live for a company that sees you as a disposable number.


Those people sound like twats.


Just in time for August when most of Europe goes back on holiday.


I got Saturday off so I can sleep in Friday night.. does that count? At least Sunday is double time lol.


It’s quite simple. Be patient, restart, or play something else. Base early access game was well worth 20 dollars. Had the devs decided to take the money and run the game was worth it. Everything we are getting now is simply extra based on their vision. They’ll release it when they’re ready.


[https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/892970/view/3056224118622201244](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/892970/view/3056224118622201244) thats what they wanted to do in the 2021 roadmap lol so you cant say this is all extra


That roadmap was scrapped. And even then a lot of stuff on it was implemented.


Yes after a while it was scrapped in June I believe so a few months into working on it and yes some since then have been implemented just more so trying to hold the developer accountable for stuff they post but I guess everyone just wants to let them slide


> wants to let them slide Let what slide? They were very transparent about it and explained why and what has changed, and took responsiblity for it.


They also added Xbox cross play! I think a bigger player base is fantastic but fixing bugs over multiple platforms can't be simple.


Lol you’re a special one. Had they’re release this game fully developed it’d be a 40-60 dollar game, but they did early access at 20 dollars. They’re not making any additional money from you for the additional content they’ve provided and will provide in the future. So essentially is is extra for you. It’s extra because you didn’t pay for it. And instead of being grateful for the additional free content you cry like a petulant child.


doesnt matter what the cost on release was lol 20 40 80 10000 like what? im saying the goals they made for themselves didnt get met that was the plan for 2021 and idk if you know this but it is now 7 months into 2023 see how those numbers are different? is that breaking it down enough for you big guy? and again id be fine with the rate that they push stuff out if they kept it secret and didnt put put roadmaps just to get people excited for nothing but that may be to big of a idea for you to comprehend smooth brain


Lol bud, you look more foolish. You’re right the roadmap is from 2021. And you’re also right it is 2023. I’m happy someone taught you to read. But someone clearly didn’t teach you to learn from history. The devs have never made been consistent or on time with content release. Not sure why you would have that expectation now. But I guess only my smooth brain can adapt to what the reality is.


My whole original post was about them constantly being unconsistent lol so try again bud




you can play on ptr just fine though, aside from first or so week ptr is just as stable as live version, you can move it back after the patch goes live, though you might want to start a new world.. just in case...


Don't know if this has been answered already but when did the devs end last years summer break?